How to sterilize jars before salting. Sterilization of jars: traditional methods and the help of modern household appliances. What temperature should jars be sterilized at?

Sterilization of jars is an important step in food preservation. Only high-quality and properly prepared containers will ensure the safety and good taste of the blanks. You can sterilize containers in several ways: by steam, in the microwave, in the oven. The main thing is to observe all the nuances and subtleties of the process. There are also methods that allow you to carry out the procedure with an already filled container. How to sterilize canning jars?


Before proceeding with sterilization, prepare containers. Inspect jars for chips and cracks. If there is the slightest damage, do not use such a container: it may burst during filling or pouring with boiling water.

Wash the jars thoroughly. Dishwashing detergent will not work in this case. If there is heavy dirt, use soda or mustard powder and the hard side of the sponge. After washing, rinse the container well and place the neck down on a towel to drain excess liquid.

For a couple

This is the oldest and effective method, which has been actively used by housewives for the past decades. This method, despite its simplicity, requires compliance with a certain sequence of actions.

First of all, prepare a large pot (this will allow you not to monitor the amount of liquid during processing). Fill the container halfway with water and place on the stove. Wait for the boil and place a special grill or stand on the pan. Place jars upside down to allow steam to enter.

The duration of sterilization depends on the volume of the container. So, half a liter and liter cans it is enough to process 4–7 minutes, and three-liter ones should be steamed for at least 12–15 minutes. After the procedure, the walls of the jars should be absolutely transparent, clean and dry. If there are stains or streaks on the surface, then most likely you did something wrong.

Immediately after sterilization, fill the containers with blanks, fill with water and close the lid, which should also be processed by holding it in boiling water for a couple of minutes. If several jars have been steamed at once and it is not possible to fill them at the same time, place them upside down on a dry, clean towel and turn them over just before filling.

In the oven

Using the oven, you can process containers at the same time different sizes which saves a lot of time. In addition, this method allows you to sterilize metal caps. However, you should first stretch the rubber inserts - they deteriorate under the influence of high temperatures.

To sterilize jars in the oven, place clean, dry containers upside down on the wire rack. Close the door and turn on the oven at +150 ⁰С. The duration of processing depends on the volume of the container and its quantity, but on average it is 10-25 minutes.

in the microwave

The modern method of sterilization involves the use microwave oven. The main advantage is the lack of steam in the kitchen and the ability to process several containers at a time.

To sterilize, follow simple steps: pour a little water into clean jars (2 cm from the bottom), place the container (if only one large one fits, lay it on its side), select the mode with a power of 700-800 W and turn on the microwave. The duration of processing depends on the number of containers and their dimensions. It will take 2 minutes to sterilize one small container, and 4-5 minutes to process one 3-liter jar or several small ones.


A fairly simple and effective method of sterilization is boiling. Put the jars in a large bowl and pour water so that they are completely covered with it. To avoid contact and possible impacts, transfer containers with gauze or thin towels. Bring the liquid to a boil and maintain this mode for 15 minutes.

Sterilization with blanks

In the microwave, you can sterilize already filled jars. This method is suitable for preserving whole fruits. Fill a container with vegetables and fill halfway with brine. Close the capron lid and put in the microwave for 2-3 minutes. Then take out the jars, top up with boiling brine and roll up with metal lids.

Sterilization of filled jars is suitable for preserving vegetables.

You can properly sterilize jars with blanks by boiling. To do this, prepare a large container (pot or basin), cover the bottom with a towel and pour some water. Place jars filled with vegetables or berries. Make sure that the temperature of the water in the basin and containers with conservation is approximately the same, otherwise a sharp drop may cause the glass to burst. Bring the liquid to a boil and sterilize for the period indicated in the recipe.

You can also process it in the oven. To do this, warm it up a little, place the containers with the blanks upside down on the grate and bring the temperature to +120 ⁰С. Sterilize the jars for 10-20 minutes and then close the lids.

Other Methods

There are other, less well-known, but the same effective methods proper sterilization of jars at home.

  • Wash the container well with soapy water, and then with vinegar. Then wash them in clean water and dry them upside down on a clean towel. You can start filling only after the container is completely dry.
  • You can also sterilize jars in the sun. This is the simplest and most economical method. Place clean containers on a windowsill for maximum exposure. sunlight. Leave them for a few hours, and then proceed to preservation. Ultraviolet rays kill most of the bacteria and germs that may be on the walls of jars.
  • If you have a steamer, use it. Put the washed jar on a special grill over the steam and hold it for 10-15 minutes.
  • Cans can be sterilized dishwasher. Fold the container and start the device by selecting the maximum temperature. Do not add any detergents. After the end of the program, take out the prepared jars and fill them with vegetables or fruits.

You can properly sterilize jars at home using various methods. The main thing is to prepare and wash the containers well, as well as observe the required processing time.

How to sterilize jars in a pot of water, many novice housewives do not know, and How many time this procedure must take place. This is discussed in detail in this article. The information provided will be useful to every housewife, as it will allow you to qualitatively prepare jars for various preparations for the winter, including how sterilize jam jars.

Jars preparation

Important! To wash the jars take a new sponge and brush.

  1. Reusable twist caps are inspected for rust and deformation. If there is even a little rust or scratches, it is not recommended to use such covers so as not to spoil the workpiece.
  2. Sterilization is carried out with a gradual increase in temperature, as a sharp change in temperature can cause the jar to crack.

Having selected whole glass containers and washed them thoroughly, proceed to the main sterilization procedure. There are several ways, but most often they sterilize the jars in a pot of water.

Process technology

This sterilization method is convenient to use for small jars with a capacity of up to 1 liter, since during this procedure the jars are placed in a saucepan and kept in boiling water for a certain amount of time (described below).

Having prepared the jars and choosing a suitable pan, proceed to sterilization:

Important! If the glass containers do not fit in the saucepan in height, they can be placed sideways.

This method is very simple and convenient, since it does not require special tools and can be processed immediately. a large number of cans, of course, if there is a large saucepan.

Steam sterilization over the pan

This is one of the most common methods for preparing jars for canning. For this method you need:

  • small saucepan;
  • metal grate;
  • banks.

Important! The wider the pot in which the water will boil, the more cans will be sterilized at the same time.

The steam sterilization process is as follows:

  • Water is poured into the pan, almost to the brim and put on fire.
  • When the water begins to boil, a grid is placed on top of the pan. For this, an oven rack or a stand for hot containers is suitable.
  • Place the jars upside down on the grate.
  • Condensation will appear on the inside of the glass containers, which collects in large drops and flows back into the pan. It is necessary to keep the jars until the condensate washes their entire inner surface.
  • Glass containers are removed from the grate with an oven mitt and placed on a clean towel on the table with the neck down.

Important! Lids can be kept in boiling water for several minutes.

Sterilization of jars is carried out for 6-10 minutes. It all depends on the intensity of boiling water. They stay clean for 2 days.

Watch the video! Sterilization of canning jars

Steam cans can also be sterilized inside the pan:

  • At the bottom of the pan put a grate or metal lids.
  • Glass containers are placed on the grate with the neck down. The main thing is that there is a distance between the bottom of the pan and the neck of the jar.
  • Pour some water and put on fire.
  • When the water begins to boil, the steam will clean the inside of the jars.

The advantage of this method is that the steam does not rise high and does not increase the humidity in the kitchen. For greater effect, the pan can be covered with a lid.

Watch the video! How to sterilize jars before canning and lids

Sterilization with blanks

Sterilization lends itself not only to empty jars, but also with blanks. Usually, this method is resorted to when canning lecho, adjika and vegetable salads in jars small size, which are cooked using cooking.

How to to sterilize:

  • The hot billet is laid out in washed jars and covered with a lid.
  • A cloth is placed on the bottom of the pan and glass containers are placed.
  • Warm water is poured so that it covers the jars to the neck, but does not get into the interior when boiling.
  • Put the pot on the fire and bring the water to a boil.
  • From this moment, 15-30 minutes are recorded.

Important! How much to sterilize jars depends on the volume of the container. For 0.5 l - 15 minutes, for 1 l - 25-30 minutes.

  • After the specified time, the container is taken out of the hot water with special tongs and rolled up with lids.

Many salad recipes for the winter provide for this type of sterilization, since the preparation undergoes additional heat treatment in the process.

There are many ways to sterilize jars that rely on high temperatures and other electrical devices. You can find out more about in the microwave and in the double boiler on our website.


The shelf life of blanks for the winter depends on the quality sterilization of cans. Therefore, this process should be given Special attention. Improperly prepared containers can damage the cans and spoil the blanks.

Watch the video! Sterilization of jars with cucumbers - an original way of sterilization

In summer and autumn, housewives are engaged in home-made preparations. Needless to say, how tedious this process is, so many are interested in at least somehow simplifying it. IN Lately on the Web, it is suggested that jars be sterilized in the dishwasher. When we first learned about this, we thought that such a proposal was nothing but stupidity, but having studied the issue well, we revised our position.

Process description

After considering different points of view, we decided to try this method ourselves. There is nothing complicated here, the main thing is that during washing all the microorganisms that live in glass jars die. Well, of course, you can not use detergents, since even their insignificant residues can ruin all the work. What are we doing?

  1. We prepare jars for sterilization. If the jars are very dirty, they need to be washed. If a little dust has settled on them, you don’t have to bother, the dishwasher will wash everything away. Also check the dishes for chips.
  2. We clean the cuvette from the remnants of detergents so that they do not fall on the sterilized dishes.
  3. We put the jars in baskets denser necks down.

If there is salt in the dishwasher tank, you do not need to remove it from there. In salt water, microorganisms will die faster and at a lower temperature.

  1. We close the dishwasher door, select the program that provides for washing at the highest temperature, and start the process.
  2. At the end of the program, we take out sterilized jars and begin to deal with blanks.

What dishwashers are suitable?

Everything seems to sound simple. However, it must be understood that the success of the sterilization process will depend on the capabilities of the dishwasher. Some are able to wash dishes at a temperature of 70-80 0 C. This technique is quite suitable not only for washing dishes, but also for sterilizing jars. But not all machines have such capabilities. Machines Electrolux, Leran, Flavia, Indesit and others, for the most part, are capable of heating water to a temperature of 60 0 C, and this is clearly not enough for sterilization.

We open the instructions for our dishwasher and find out if it is possible to sterilize in it. If she washes on intensive or any other mode at least at 70 0 C, feel free to place the cans in baskets. If the washing temperature is 10 degrees or more lower, use the old proven methods to sterilize the jars.

There are also dishwashers with a sterilization function. Their instructions explicitly state that this technique can sterilize jars, baby glass bottles and dishes for allergy sufferers. But I would like to note that such dishwashers on Russian market a rarity, so you have to do with the usual ones.

Pros and cons of this method

We have already mentioned that this method of sterilizing jars was tested by us, and we found it to be quite good. Maybe not perfect, but not bad. This innovative sterilization method has a number of advantages.

  1. The effect of sterilization is amazing. Banks managed to be completely disinfected, so that the blanks in them survived the winter well. Of the 40 jars of cucumbers, for unknown reasons, only 3 became cloudy.
  2. The sterilization process proceeds automatically without the involvement of manual labor. While the jars are being sterilized, you can do something else.
  3. High performance. A whole mountain of cans and jars fit into the dishwasher. All of them are sterilized at the same time.
  4. Careful handling of utensils. When you sterilize with your hands at least one jar, yes, you will split it while “juggling” over a boiling pot. The dishwasher sterilizes without a fight, and this is some kind of savings.

There are also disadvantages to this method, and we, of course, will mention them. First, the cost of time. If you need to sterilize 7-10 jars, then it is better to do it manually. Spend less time. But if you need to sterilize large volumes of glass containers, then it is better to give the “palm” to the dishwasher.

Secondly, this method is not implemented on every machine. We have already talked about this and this is an absolute minus. And thirdly, how to sterilize in a dishwasher if you are doing homework in the country? Of course, you can drag equipment to the dacha, but in the absence of water supply, it will be problematic to connect it.

So what do we conclude from this story? Sterilization in the dishwasher, although not in all cases, is possible, and it can really make life easier for the hostess. To master the process, you need no more than 10 minutes, and you can save from 40 minutes to 1 hour in a good scenario. So try it boldly and share your impressions in the comments. Good luck!

The time of conservation lasts from June to October, and during this time, many housewives manage to acquire a couple of burns and a mop of gray hair. How to protect yourself from damage in the kitchen during the sterilization of jars and spend less time on kitchen "entertainment" read below.

Why sterilize jars

Sterilization of jars plays an important role in the safety of the products stored in them:

  • First, steam sterilization kills the odors of food stored there before preservation;
  • Secondly, sterilization kills microbes in the dishes;
  • Thirdly, sterilization contributes to a longer storage of preservation due to practically sterile conditions;
  • Fourthly, sterilization (when working correctly and quickly with jars) creates a vacuum inside the jar, preserving the freshness and quality of the products.

How to sterilize jars in a saucepan on the stove

One of the most common ways to sterilize jars is on the stovetop.

Make sure that the jars are thoroughly washed and not damaged (no chips, cracks, air bubbles, etc.), fill with water to 1/3 of the height of the pan, put the jars into it with their necks down.

Boil jars for 15-20 minutes. 2-3 minutes before turning off, put the lids in the pot (preferably with a margin) and boil them together for the remaining time. It is impossible to boil the lids for more than 2-3 minutes, as there is a risk of damage and deformation of the rubber sealing ring.

Dry the jars from the outside with paper napkins, immediately cover with lids and roll the preservation into them immediately after cooking, without waiting for the jars to cool.

How to sterilize jars in the oven

In order to sterilize the jars in the oven, heat it to 100 degrees (at higher temperatures, the jars may burst).

Place dry jars on the wire rack with their necks down, freshly washed or wet jars with their necks up. After 15-20 minutes of heating, the jars are sterilized.

Leave them to cool in the oven, previously covered with sterilized lids.

How to sterilize jars in the microwave

To sterilize jars in a microwave oven, pour 40-50 ml of water into the bottom of each jar and set the timer for 3 minutes (for stoves with power from 6000 to 8000 W - 5 minutes). When water boils, it releases steam, which sterilizes jars.

Immediately after sterilization, cover the jars with sterile lids and put the prepared preservation in them.

How to sterilize jars with blanks

If it so happened that you forgot to sterilize the jars before placing the preservation in them or are not sure of the quality of sterilization, there is a way to sterilize the jars along with the blanks inside. To do this, put a soft towel on the bottom of the pan. Place jars with blanks without lids on top of a towel and pour water to 1/3 of the height of the pan. Boil the contents of the pan for 10-15 minutes, then tighten the lids and turn the jars with the lids upside down, placing them “upside down” on a dry and clean towel in a cool place.

The tradition of preserving fruits and vegetables for the winter remains popular in many families. This allows not only enjoying the summer gifts of nature, but also saving the family budget. At the time when housewives start canning, they need to make some preparations, in particular, subject the jars to mandatory sterilization . Sterilization is a heat treatment that kills germs.

How to sterilize jars at home

Sterilizing jars and lids is not difficult, but there are rules that must not be broken. Before proceeding with the sterilization process, you need to thoroughly rinse the glass container under running water using baking soda, soap or any suitable detergent, and then rinse it thoroughly with water. Check jars for cracks and chips.

How to sterilize jars in a pot of water

There are several methods for sterilizing glass containers. The easiest way is steam sterilization. To do this, pour water into a large saucepan and place the jars upside down in it. Place the pot on the fire and wait until the water boils. The process time depends on the volume of the container to be sterilized.

  • 0.5 liters - 10 minutes;
  • 1 liter - 15 minutes.

Then for each added liter, another 5 minutes are added.

How long to sterilize jars in the oven

Another way is sterilization in the oven. Place the container in the oven. Then turn it on 50 degrees. After 10 minutes, at intervals of five to seven minutes, raise the temperature in the kitchen apparatus by 10-20 degrees until it reaches 150 degrees.

Objects should not be placed close to each other, otherwise they will burst. When sterilizing lids in the oven, be sure to remove the rubber seals. A gas oven for sterilization is not suitable because its temperature is usually uneven and it takes a long time to heat up.

After sterilization, put on gloves and carefully remove the jars. Gloves must be dry, otherwise, when you pull glass items out of the oven, they may burst right in your hands. Remember that the temperature of the water or air in the pot or oven should be approximately the same as the temperature of the jar. If you place cold glass in boiling water or in the heat of an oven, it may break.

Benefits of Microwave Sterilization

Jars can be sterilized in the microwave. This is a very effective way, the fastest and most convenient. Rinse your jars thoroughly with water. It is best to use ordinary baking soda for this purpose, which is a natural product and does not contain any unnecessary chemical additives. Pour some boiled water into a glass container. Place it in the microwave. In the next step, bring the water to a boil or set a timer for five minutes. The power of the microwave oven can be set to the highest setting.

After the end of the microwave, do not rush to take the jar with your bare hands. Use dry gloves or a towel. Turn the container upside down and let it dry a little. This method will not only help save time, but also protect your jars from unnecessary microorganisms one hundred percent.

If we take into account the advantages of this type of sterilization, we can note three important and main advantages:

What you should pay attention to:

  • The jar may burst if the water in it evaporates. You must always control the water level.
  • Glass containers can be placed horizontally, but do not forget about the water level.
  • Never put metal lids in the microwave. This will damage the operation of the oven.
  • The heating time is 2 minutes. If you place multiple glass objects, you will have to wait until the 3 minutes are up.

In the dishwasher

Strictly speaking, this method is difficult to classify as heat sterilization, since the maximum water temperature in the dishwasher is 70 degrees. But in fact, if you trust the experience of many housewives, after such processing there are no problems.

Place baking soda in the machine and set the maximum temperature. Detergent is not required.

in manganese

The following method will be appreciated by those who do not have the opportunity or do not want to boil water. In this case, objects can be washed in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Dry way

One of the oldest methods that saves gas or electricity and is very simple. Place clean jars on a clean towel in the sunniest spot in your yard or balcony. The ultraviolet rays of the sun will heat the air in the glass and destroy all bacteria.

How to sterilize jars with blanks

Many recipes call for sterilization with contents. In this case, you must place a rag or wooden circle on the bottom of the pan. The jar needs to be covered with a lid and placed in a saucepan. Then the pan is filled with water, the temperature of which is approximately equal to the temperature of the workpiece. The water level should be slightly below the neck level.

Then the water in the pan is brought to a boil. The amount of time this process takes depends on the content. As a rule, housewives determine the readiness of the product because it changes color to a lighter one.

If you use an oven, then the containers with blanks are placed in an electric oven and loosely covered with lids without rubber bands. The duration of the process again depends on the content. But if pasteurization is carried out, then in this case the process (in which the contents must heat up to 60 degrees at an oven temperature of 70-80 degrees) takes half an hour.

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