Debt repayment at a distance. Effective debt repayment spells will help you get your money back. A strong conspiracy to return money

A conspiracy to repay a debt sometimes becomes the only tool that can awaken the conscience of your neighbor or acquaintance. When a person was in dire need of financial help, you provided it. Now you need to return the money - and the unscrupulous debtor has disappeared from the radar. You can’t reach him by phone, he won’t open the door. It seems gratitude is not one of your friend's virtues. Let's begin the witchcraft.

Most effective method influence on a careless debtor - white magic. Use ancient spells, introduce artifacts into rituals - and soon you will achieve what you want. In some cases, prayers help. The main idea of ​​such manipulations is to direct the energy of the subject (debtor) in the right direction. A person must want to improve, let getting rid of debt become a priority for him. As additional artifacts you can use:

  1. matches;
  2. coins and banknotes;
  3. eggs;
  4. icons;
  5. old chairs.

The correctness of the conspiracy to repay the debt

Household magic does not belong to the category of black rituals, so there is no need to be afraid of the consequences for yourself. The main thing is not to wish harm to the debtor, not to damage him, not to curse him. All you need is to return your own goods. Therefore, reading a conspiracy to pay off a debt - right choice. Before performing the ritual yourself, learn the basic rules:

  • Wait for the waxing moon (money magic works well during this period).
  • Avoid jumping to hasty conclusions (there is a possibility that the debtor is in a difficult situation and is not at all avoiding meeting with you).
  • After the conspiracy is triggered, mentally contact the debtor and thank him for returning the funds.
  • Avoid black rituals (the consequences will certainly affect the sorcerer himself, these are the laws of the universe).

A strong conspiracy to repay the debt quickly

If you want your money returned promptly, you should use an ancient ritual that has been used for several centuries. Break the leg out of an ordinary wooden chair (an important condition is that the furniture must be dilapidated). Do not use tools; use bare hands. The three-legged chair must be taken out onto the landing or into the yard (if you live in a private house). Further procedure:

  1. Take a knife or axe.
  2. Cut some thin slivers from the fourth leg.
  3. Say the spell three times (the second reading, the words should go in reverse order).
  4. Get rid of the stool (you can throw it in the trash).
  5. Collect the wood chips and go to the crossroads at night (make sure that three roads intersect).
  6. Scatter the wood chips from the chair and return home without talking to random passers-by.

The text of a strong conspiracy to pay off a debt: “I asked for money - the devil sent you in my direction, I taught you to pay it back. What the borrower takes for himself, he soon returns. If you don’t show up on time, you will meet with evil spirits. Even if trouble happens to you, the devil will return everything to me in full. My word is strong. Amen".

Debt spell for the waning moon

There is another proven ritual, connected for some reason with the waning moon (this is not in the traditions of money magic). To successfully carry out the ritual, you will need knowledge of the conspiracy and patience, since preparation takes a lot of time. Prepare the following artifacts:

  • coarse table salt (3 tablespoons);
  • three gypsy needles;
  • self-collected bird feathers (3 pieces);
  • scraps of dog hair (also three pieces, but the dogs must be different);
  • scraps of cat hair (same principle);
  • square piece of dark fabric.

There is no need to harm the animals - cut off the fur carefully using scissors. After collecting all the components, spread a black cloth on the table, take the soap and put the name of the debtor on the cloth. Place the rest of the ingredients there, mix them thoroughly with a knife and read the plot for borrowed money. The handle of the knife should be black, and stirring should be done counterclockwise. After the end of the ritual, things are tied in a knot and hidden in a secluded place until the debt is repaid. Then the artifacts need to be thrown away.

Text of the spell: “Hear my call, heavens, stab my debtor, scorch with a hot flame, gnaw and tear. Even if (name) does not know quiet moments, he will repay the debt as soon as possible. Let him suffer, let him not be able to sleep, from now on his conscience will constantly gnaw at him. Don’t wait for good (name) until you pay your bills. As I say, so it will happen. Amen".

White magic spell on a coin

Coin manipulation is considered safe and quite effective. Paper money is not suitable for such rituals. This conspiracy must be used provided that you intend to maintain a warm relationship with the debtor. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Look in your wallet for a shiny coin (the color should be silver, copper is not suitable).
  2. Go to the coniferous forest.
  3. Bury the money under a spruce tree (pine will also work).
  4. Cast a spell.
  5. Mentally wish your relative or friend enrichment.
  6. The place in which the coin is buried must be remembered.
  7. After return sum of money dig up the artifact and hide it in your wallet.

Text of the conspiracy to repay the debt: “I’ll bury the money and wish good things to my loved one (name). Let him give me every penny, then I’ll forgive the offense. Amen".

Plot for matches

If your money is with a stranger, you should use the ritual with matches. You will need a white scarf, a small saucer, a matchbox and a thin church candle. The ritual is carried out late in the evening, in pitch darkness. Sit at the table, place a saucer in front of you, and place a lit candle on it. Then do this:

  • Take one match out of the box, then light it and throw it on a saucer - let it burn out there.
  • While the matches are burning, say the spell.
  • The candle and matches thrown into the saucer should burn out completely.
  • Collect the ashes from the saucer, place them in a white handkerchief and tuck the money amulet into your wallet.
  • When the debt is returned, get rid of the artifact (you can bury it).

Text of the plot: “Help, fire, bring my debtor to reason. Let sorrowful thoughts torment him, let his soul reach out to my home. My debtor (name) will suffer and will start looking for me. The payoff is just around the corner. Amen".

Ritual for a personal icon

In Orthodoxy, there is the concept of a “nominal icon” - an image bearing the name of a specific person. Before reading the plot, in order to pay off the debt, you need to get an icon of your debtor. Images with various names are sold everywhere in church shops. You will need two more artifacts - a mirror and a black tablecloth (or scarf). Having spread a tablecloth on the table and placing a mirror on it, place the mined icon on the reflective surface. Without interruption, say the spell words 40 times:

“Everything that has disappeared from my wallet, God’s servant (name) is obliged to return. If he fails to return it, he will lose it a hundredfold, deprived of peace, health and well-being. As I say, so it will happen.”

Prayers for debt repayment and gratitude after return

People whose conscience has awakened deserve respect, so they need to be thanked. Exist different ways, but prayer is considered the most useful.

Let us give as an example one of the variants of a prayer offered to the Lord for the benefit of a debtor who has come to his senses:

“For all the days that have passed and have not yet come, I forgive you, (name of the debtor). The Lord will be our witness, and he is also our judge. It is not given to me to judge, but God has already forgiven you. Good and peace to you. Amen".

Other methods of dealing with a debtor

One of the most powerful spells for borrowed money is considered to be a spell using a chicken egg. You will have to take the ritual seriously and prepare in advance. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Take a couple of raw eggs and pierce them on both sides with a needle.
  2. Place the leaky eggs in boiling water.
  3. Lock the front door.
  4. Place the needle you used to make holes into the pan with the eggs.
  5. Say the words of the conspiracy.
  6. Wait until the eggs are cooked.
  7. Bury the first artifact near the debtor’s home, hide the second one in your place.

Text of the spell: “Like magic words I will make an agreement, I will sentence the negligent debtor to pay. The eggs are boiling, they tell you to repay your debt. If you don’t return it, you will suffer until the end of time. Day and night, summer and winter, you will think about me, you will not find a place for yourself. Your heart will hurt, your teeth will begin to ache, the sores will stop healing - you will have to pay off the debt. Doctors will not save you, healers and sorcerers will not save you from my hand. You will begin to wither, rot alive, and fill the house with groans. Once you get the money back, you will be healed. I lock it with a key, my word is strong. Amen".

As you can see, debt repayment conspiracies are quite varied and effective. The last of the rituals we described is the most powerful. You need to resort to this remedy when as a last resort, when it became clear that other methods of influence did not work. If you use this magic carefully, accompanying your actions with prayer, you can avoid negative karmic consequences.

When we lend something or a certain amount of money to someone, we hope that this person will return everything as agreed. In practice, unfortunately, everything happens differently and you have to reclaim your property or money lent to others with great difficulty or even say goodbye to it forever.

Everyone knows that debts should be repaid and that this is a matter of honor, but when they find themselves in a similar situation, they often act differently. Is there a method to force a person to repay a debt? Yes, of course, it’s true, not all methods of influencing him are acceptable at the legislative level. It also happens that you do not have witnesses to claim the debt in judicial procedure, in addition, the debtor may simply be hiding from you when there is no one to file claims against.

In such a situation, it is worth using the magical power of a conspiracy to recover money from the debtor. Some of them turn out to be quite effective in practice and force the debtor to return everything that was borrowed from you in the shortest possible time. Money magic and a conspiracy against a debtor is a very effective measure of influence, as you will be able to see for yourself one day.

Money magic: properties and features

Any of the rituals or conspiracies used to repay a debt or associated with any material things falls into the category of household magic. Man has been practicing it for many centuries, identifying the features and honing the nuances of each of its rituals. You should familiarize yourself with the most interesting and effective of them in detail.

  • Strong conspiracies should be carried out only during the Waxing Moon, as well as rituals associated with attracting or increasing money capital.
  • Before using strong magical spells/rituals, you should make sure that the person does not repay the debt not because of his difficult financial situation, but simply does not want to give it away at all or is maliciously avoiding his obligation.
  • Even if there is a deliberate desire not to repay the debt, use only White magic rituals against the debtor. Remember that Black magic is not so safe, both for the one against whom it is directed and against the one who uses it.
  • Having received a debt from a debtor through a magical act, always mentally thank him. This simple technique will eliminate all the negative energy that surrounded both of you during the entire process of returning things or money borrowed from you.

By following these recommendations, you can not only quickly repay your debts, but also eliminate the negative consequences that sometimes arise after using magical spells.

Examples of a conspiracy to return money

Ritual spell with a broom

This is one of the most effective rituals with the reading of a conspiracy against a debtor. The effect of fighting the debtor will be especially obvious if he lives close to your home.

What is needed for the ritual:

  • a completely new broom;
  • a used and fairly old broom.

With a new broom, you need to cleanly sweep the threshold of your debtor’s house in the direction from his threshold towards your threshold, repeating the words of the conspiracy:

Good broom! I sweep with you, I sweep with you, I take the money of my debtor (his name) from him!

Old broom! I sweep with you, I sweep with you, I leave you on this threshold, so that my debtor (his name) will not be allowed to sleep or eat, will not be left alone, will annoy me with thoughts of me, so that he will pay me the debt!”

Having completed all the steps and read these conspiracies, you should go home without turning around and without speaking to anyone, without entering into conversations with anyone. The debt will be returned to you within one month.

After receiving a debt from your debtor, for several days try to think positively about him and mentally thank him.

This will help you get rid of the unpleasant aftertaste that forced you to turn to the power of magic.

Ritual with a box of matches

Work while mentally imagining the debtor in front of you

What is needed for the ritual:

  • church candle (thin) – 1 pc.;
  • new matchbox.

Every night, starting from the day you purchased these items, you should light a candle and light one match from it, place it on a saucer and watch it burn. At the same time (while the match is burning) you must pronounce the following spell on the debtor:

My friend, my brother, Fire! Make God's Servant (his name) pay back my debts. Torment his conscience, burn his soul so that he cannot sleep or eat until he returns his debt to me!

It is better if you pronounce this conspiracy several times, from the beginning of the ritual to its completion.

Place the ashes from each match in another (empty) matchbox or leave it on a saucer without removing it until your debts are repaid. After this, it should be dispelled at the intersection with the words:

Wind friend, Wind brother! Unlock the locks from the four gates, spread the good news in all directions that the debt has been returned to me, that there is truth!

Also, return home along a different road without engaging in conversation with anyone. Don't forget to thank the person who repaid your debts.

Ritual with a coin

This ritual belongs to the category of light magical rituals and is intended to influence those people with whom you would like to maintain friendly relations. Such a ritual does not cause any harm to the person, but only slightly pushes him to quickly return his debts to you.

What is needed for the ritual:

  • medium denomination coin made of white metal – 1 pc.;
  • spruce or fir tree that grows outdoors (outside your home or yard).

A charmed coin will get rid of debts

Having previously chosen a suitable tree, early in the morning you should symbolically bury a coin under it, saying:

“Take, Mother Earth, a coin for a while!
Let the Servant of God (his name) wander around the Light!
Let your feet hit the Earth aimlessly,
Until my debt is paid back to me!
How does this spruce guard the coin?
So let my image hang over him!
Let him know neither peace nor sleep,
Until he pays me back in full!”

This conspiracy should be pronounced three times and go home without turning around, without entering into conversation with anyone and without answering questions from passers-by. It is advisable to call the debtor in a few days to remind him of himself at a time when he will no longer have peace of mind.

This technique will make him fuss with repaying the debt. Under no circumstances think anything bad about him or wish him harm, otherwise he will not be able to repay the debt. After you get the desired result, go to the place where the coin is buried, dig it up with the following words:

“Hello, Mother Earth!
I came with gratitude!
God's Servant (his name) returned my debt in full,
I don't hold it against him."

Having taken the coin, you can store it in a wallet or box, as a talisman against losing money or to increase it. After the debt has been returned to you for the enchanted coin, it acquires twice the magical properties to preserve and increase your capital.

Ritual with a burning green candle

If all leverage and methods of influencing the debtor have already been used, use the following magical ritual to return what belongs to you.

What is needed for the ritual:

  • Green candle – 1 pc.

A decorative candle from a regular store will not work, nor will a green scented one. A candle for this ritual must be found in a specialized store of esoteric goods.

Green is the color of money, and a candle is an indispensable attribute of magical actions. Together with the conspiracy, this will become a powerful message to the debtor to return the debt to you.

Every day before going to bed, you need to light a candle and read this plot in front of it once:

“My money, I command you to return to my house!
From someone else's pocket, from someone else's threshold
Return to your master!
Let my debtor be God’s Servant (his name),
Does not solve important matters, knows no peace,
Lives the life of an outcast
Until he gives me back what’s mine!

Ritual with a church candle

For this ritual, you should purchase a wax candle from the church (without bargaining or change!).

When the sun begins to set, holding a burning candle with your left hand and looking at the burning flame, say the words of the conspiracy 13 times in a row:

“You, God’s Servant (his name), are my old debtor,
You don't want to pay me back,
How will this candle melt?
While this candle will burn for a long time,
your life will slowly decay.
If you pay me back, you will live well!
My words are sealed with fire. Amen!"

The next afternoon, go to the nearest church, where you light a candle stub for the health of your debtor with the words:

"Almighty, be my witness,
That I forgive my debtor - the Servant of God (his name),
tomorrow afternoon
And so - for all the days of his life.
I won’t judge myself, I’ll pray to God,
To punish him with his Court,
I was obliged to repay the debts.
I am the Servant of God (your name), baptized and praying,
For his debtor
I pray before our Lord.

This ritual and conspiracy against the debtor is initially somewhat reminiscent of a ritual from Black Magic, but in fact it belongs to the category of White rituals.

It is imperative to observe the condition of working according to the phase of the moon
An ancient conspiracy “To get the money back”

This ritual has come down to this day from antiquity; it is performed on the Waxing Moon after the order of the Sun. With its help you can not only return monetary debt, but also speed up the process of paying off wage arrears.

What is needed for the ritual:

  • candle (green) – 1 pc.;
  • honey – 1 tsp;
  • saucer - 1 pc.;
  • paper;
  • a simple pencil;
  • Matchbox.

Before performing the ceremony, you must close all doors in the house and windows/windows, turn off the lights in the room where you will perform the ceremony. Next, you should coat the candle with honey, place it on the table and light it with a match (do not use a lighter!).

The next step is to warm your hands over the hot flame of a candle and say:

“How much honey sticks on a candle,
How very sweet the sugar is in it,
So let it come to my hands
The money always stuck
never came off!”

Now, after reading the plot the prescribed number of times, take a piece of paper and with a simple pencil write on it the amount of money that is owed to you. Below, under the numbers you should add:

“What is mine, hurry to me,
Don't be afraid of anything or anyone,
Don't linger anywhere!

After completing this magical ritual, the ashes from the burnt paper should be poured under the mat on the debtor's vice or scattered in his yard. Very soon your debtor will show up and inform you of his intention to repay his debt. As soon as you receive your debt from him, go to church. You need to light a candle for his health by reading one of the prayers you know for such an occasion (reading the “Our Father” prayer is allowed).

If you have not received a debt or a borrowed item back for a very long time, use this wonderful spell. He will not allow your debtor to rest until he returns to you what he took from you. N.I. Stepanova shares with us her valuable spells for the debtor. His words are:

On the island on Buyan, in a hollow clearing,
A black raven sits under a mokretsky oak tree
And he looks at (debtor's name).
At my word the raven will fly,
He will sit on (debtor's name) chest,
Looks into his eyes
It will pinch his heart with its beak,
His scarlet blood, his warm flesh to swallow,
Torture day and night
And so that (the name of the debtor) suffers from those tortures,
Until he decides to pay me his debt.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

If your debt is not returned

Go to the house where your debtor lives, step on your right foot with your left foot and say:

So you (name) can’t
I can't repay my debt,
Let my concern crush you,
Your conscience, melancholy, sadness
He will force me to pay back my debts.
The key is in the mouth, the castle is in the sand.
Return, servant of God (name),
All debts are to me, God's servant.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Another slander on how to repay a debt

How Khan Buslat collected tribute,
Without listening to any tears or swearing.
As the wolf takes the lambs, so do I,
God's servant (name),
I will take the debt from the slave (name). Amen.
He will burn in the fire, be sick from morning to night,
From now until now, until he pays off his debts.

Who should not borrow money

  • A left-handed person does not borrow money.
    A deaf person to a deaf person.
    Blind to blind.
    Widow to widow. Widower to widower.
    Do not borrow money from a drunk person, since it is believed that if it falls into drunk hands, the money will not find its way back and the one who borrowed it will always be without money.
    They don’t borrow money for the fortieth commemoration.
    Don't borrow money from someone who has the same name as you.
    Do not borrow money after sunset or on Sunday.
    They don’t give you money for your hangover, otherwise your family will start drinking.
    They do not borrow or exchange money at the cemetery.

How to get back what was taken from you

Buy a candle in the temple and light it at sunset. Look above the candle flame and say 13 times:

I don’t swear, I don’t judge,
And I ask the holy powers for help.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
As a candle melts, so for me (so-and-so) let him suffer,
My goodness bothers her,
Reminds her of me.
You (so-and-so) give me back what I have,
Don’t forget me (so-and-so).
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

To repay the debt

“My case, at first glance, is everyday and happens to many people. But I was not only deceived and deceived, but also severely punished for my kind heart. One person approached me, whom I trusted as myself. In order to help this man out, I went into debt under high interest. I was promised to repay both the debt and the interest in a short time. As a result, I sold everything I could and paid off these debts myself. My soul cannot come to terms with this, I eat myself both night and day. How could I do this without thinking about my family? Is it possible to punish the offender for his crime?”

People complain that they gave money on loan or at interest, and “in the end.” They ask what methods of witchcraft are there to get the money back. There are many ways. They differ in complexity and in work. These methods also work differently, depending on the guardian angels of the debtor and the victim.

It is not difficult to influence someone else, you just need to unleash three forces on him: melancholy, remorse of the soul (conscience) and fear. But sometimes you need to act tough. This is more difficult to do, and the debtor gets sick and suffers. But care must be taken not to cause the death of the culprit. You need to start with a weak remedy. If the debtor is a man, they start doing it on men’s day, that is, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. For women - on Women's Day, that is, on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. N.I.Stepanova

In former times, knowledgeable people rejoiced when their debts were not repaid. They got up at three o'clock in the morning and, looking towards the east, said three times:

Keep (so-and-so) mine,
Give your health in return!

Essentially, in other words, you are acquiring, buying or, if you want, exchanging your money for the health of the debtor. This is very profitable investment, since in fact there is nothing more expensive than health - whoever is healthy lives long!

If they borrowed money from you, but they don’t want to pay you back

There is a proverb: “When they ask for a loan, they follow, but when it comes to repaying, you have to look for the debtor.” If you no longer hope that the debt will be repaid to you honorably, you need to do this with a special conspiracy. Light a candle, go to the window with it and read three times:

I send a message to slave (name).
Let this be done to slave (name)
It burns and bakes,
Drives around corners, breaks bones,
Doesn't eat, doesn't sleep, doesn't drink,
Until (name) repays the debt.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Make him pay back the debt

If you have lost all hope of repaying your debt, boil three knives in holy water, and when the water begins to boil, say:

Boil, soul, boil, brain of the Servant of God (name).
Heart, aching and pain,
Name-in-law's liver, burn until that hour, until that time,
Until he returns his debt to me,
Your hand won't take my money.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

For the debtor to return the money

Take two eggs, pierce them with a needle on both sides, and place them in boiling water. Then they close the lock with the key, and throw the key into water with boiling eggs and say three times:

How the Khan's army collected tribute,
People were killed for money
Sparing neither the gray nor the young,
So I closed the lock,
I buried the key in the graves,
She collected the debt or killed her.
The angel was there, he forgot the debtor,
The guard will leave, the spell will be found.
The debtor will repay the debt or die.

They take boiled eggs and a lock to the grave with the name of the debtor, and the key is placed on the grave with the name of the one to whom the money is not given.

A good way to get yours back

You need to break off a leg from an old chair. The chair is placed outside the threshold of the house (those who live in an apartment - in the entrance; those in a private house - behind the gate). From a broken leg, they pinch wood chips with a knife, place them in a hut and read the spell, once correctly, once backwards:

The devil brings the one who asks.
I gave, the debtor took.
The debtor will not pay the debt,
The devil will take the debtor.
At night everything is thrown away at the intersection.


Take three spoons of salt, three needles, three pinches of ash, three feathers of any bird, three scraps of wool from different dogs, three scraps of wool from three cats, cut out a square of black fabric the size of your hand (pentacle), draw the name of the debtor with dry soap, put in the middle of the pentacle and very slowly, counterclockwise, mix all the above items with a knife, saying:

Rip, splinter, prick, pain,
Itch, gnaw, burn
All day long,
All night long.
And an hour, and a half hour,
And a minute, and half a minute,
And all the time, in the heart,
In the crown, in the liver, in the stomach.
It won't go away, it won't heal
Neither from a doctor nor from a healer,
Neither from a sorcerer, nor from a pagan,
Not from a whisperer.
The slave (name) will be sick,
Rot and wither from hour to hour,
Don't eat, don't sleep,
Moan, suffer,
The white world cannot see.
The evil side will not let go,
Until (name) pays off his debt.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

The lining is made where the debtor lives.

So that the debtor does not forget about his debt

They find forget-me-not grass in the field, step on it with bare feet and say:

What do people call you?
So let them not forget their debts
Servants of God (such and such). Amen.

Force the debtor to repay the debt

Take 12 coals from the ash pit or from the treasured box where you previously placed the coals taken on the church holiday. They are placed on a scarf (the scarf should be plain and dark) and the dishes are placed next to them: a cup, a spoon, a glass. They let their hair down, put on their dress backwards, sit in front of the dishes and light a candle. After this, read three times:

I call slave (name) for lunch,
And under my table there live a hundred troubles.
Eat, enemy, my lunch
And take away a hundred troubles for yourself.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Many have found themselves in a situation where someone borrowed a certain amount of money from you or borrowed an item, but is in no hurry to return it. Persuasion and threats do not help; the debtor only shrugs or avoids you. Even if everything has already been tried, there are several magical ways to get yours. The most effective are conspiracies for debt repayment.

Select what you are interested in:

How do such conspiracies work?

In such rituals, the main force is some pressure on the conscience and subconscious of the debtor. If there is even a drop of this feeling in him, then, undoubtedly, even a mild conspiracy will bring success. In the opposite situation, when you are sure that he has no conscience, then choose a more effective method. A conspiracy to repay a debt will cause a person to fear punishment and desire to return the money to you.

Many people have a question: do such manipulations belong to white magic? The answer is yes. The fact is that you are not trying to harm, but only want to force the person to return what rightfully belongs to you.

If the debtor is a friend or family member

Often in life there are situations when the borrower is a relative or close friend. It is difficult to refuse in this case, but it will be much more difficult when he does not want to repay the monetary debt. Thought about judicial collection It's frightening from someone close to you; the method of threats disappears by itself. How to force a person to return what he took, while maintaining a good relationship with him?

Many people are afraid of the power of magic; in such cases, softer rituals can be used. Although such readings for refunds are more of a domestic nature and , Despite their power, they are harmless.

  • Order a prayer service for the health of the one who offended you, mentally imagining how he returns the debt to you.
  • On the full moon, sit in a circle of lighted candles purchased in a church shop, there should be an odd number of them. Place a vessel of water in front of each candle and read the following prayer:

    “Lord Almighty, You take care of your slaves here on earth, so give the opportunity to the slave (name of the one who owes) a house full of wealth, like vessels full of water. Lord, you light the way for us, so help Your servant (name) find his way to me and repay his debt in the near future, decorate his path with bright light.”

  • Light a candle for health in the church and pray that the welfare of the one who forgot to return his dog to you will increase.

To quickly repay the debt

There are many rituals dedicated to this topic, but none, even the most powerful, will be effective if it is not supported by faith.

Ritual with the debtor's thing

In order for the debtor to return the borrowed amount to your family, you should take his thing, sprinkle it with holy water, and dry it. And also banknotes, better large size, put it in a red, new wallet, wrap everything in an envelope in a little thing and hide it in the south-eastern part of your house, while saying:

“As this wallet is rich, so will my debtor be rich. And when it is fulfilled, let him not hesitate to repay the debt. My words have enormous power!”

Ritual with ordinary brooms

For this purpose, you should buy one small broom, sprinkle it with holy water and say:

“I give you magical power so that money will return to my house. My speeches are strong!” The second one will be shabby and used.

With the purchased, new “tool”, at early dawn one should sweep towards the entrance in front of the borrower’s threshold, saying:

“I sweep with a broom, I get my money back from you.”

Pull a couple of twigs from a decrepit broom and throw them unnoticeably under the door:

“I use an old broom to disturb your sleep and instruct your conscience. So that she torments you until you repay my debt to the last ruble. Let other people's money go from this yard to the yard of the one who borrowed it for you. My words are as hard as stone.”

The most powerful spell for the new moon

The incantation is pronounced on the waning moon. IN last days month, you need to, looking at the leaving moon over your left shoulder, say the following words:

“The white moon leaves and returns back to the sky. Let mine (name the amount of money, or the thing that was taken from you) return to me.”

Repeat three times, then immediately go to bed. After the thin crescent of the waxing moon (new moon) appears, you need to perform the second part of the ritual. Looking over your left shoulder again, say these words:

“The glorious month already returned, and that means (debtor’s name) will definitely return the money to me.”

Spell on a photo card and a green candle

To return your property, you need to buy a scarf, an aluminum cross and a string from the church shop. You will also need large bills and a green candle, which symbolizes prosperity. Take a photo of the person who borrowed it and light a candle. In the photo he should be in a great mood. Place the photograph under the moonlight falling through the window, after placing a scarf under it. Place the cross on the bill, carefully place the bill across the photo, the cross will be straight.

“As the new moon grows, so would the servant of God (name) grow richer from day to day. Let riches flow to him, like moonlight through my window, from all sides. So that he would not have any more debts to me, but would return everything within the next time. As she said, so be it forever!”

Verbal conspiracy to return money

Without any attributes, personal items or photographs, you can simply read the following plot while biting your tongue.

“Just as I rejoice and rejoice at the thought that the debt will be returned to me, so the servant of God (name) would rejoice and rejoice when it is returned to me. May there be strength in my words. Amen".

“Those who owe me money (names), may they have the strength to earn it. Let money always be in their home. My words are hard as stone! Amen!".

Here is a positive affirmation aimed at your employers in case... Mentally read to yourself while looking at the manual or those who issue it.

“Our company is constantly making good money. Our directors are always kind and generous to their subordinates. Accountants are happy to give us our salaries on time! I always receive my salary on time. Let it be so". You can do a conspiracy with a photograph of the director.

Any oral conspiracy is read several times a day, on the road, at work. It is also recommended to do this at home with a lit green candle. In general, it is advised to always have it at home and use magical power more often.

If you want to quickly repay your debt, you need to believe as much as possible in what you are doing. Surrender to the ritual with all your heart. But it should be remembered that the one who borrows may return the loan with a negative mood or, even worse, wishes. You need to take it carefully, mentally repeating the following words:

“I love you with all my heart. You are dear to me and you can always rely on me! You are kind, you are good, you are rich, you have done a good deed. You easily part with money because you have a lot of it! You only want the best for me."

After leaving, wash your face with water and walk around the perimeter of the apartment with a candle, “burning out” all the negative energy.

Consequences of debt conspiracies

The rituals given here will not have any consequences for you and the one who borrowed from you (except that he will have to give back what he took). After all, you take yours, you wish the borrower only goodness and prosperity, how else will he be able to return the money? There is another ritual that is performed with the help of a black wax doll and, but it should only be used by professionals, as it can greatly harm both parties. If you think that you cannot correctly and accurately carry out the rituals described above yourself, you should contact specialists.

In conclusion about the consequences

Often people do not know which moon to read conspiracies to repay a debt. All rituals are best performed on a waxing or full moon; it signifies profit. A decreasing one takes away funds, even borrowed money, you may not get what you want back.

Money lent without a receipt can be difficult to return, but perhaps the main thing is to believe in the power of your words. You can use this method as often as needed. The rituals given here will not have bad consequences, since they relate to white magic. If you think that you are doing something bad, wish more good to the one who offended you and then only positive energy will return to you.

Hello, my Students and readers who accidentally ended up in my school. Today I will give several good rituals for a debtor, it can be very disappointing that our kindness often turns against ourselves. Most of the methods below to repay your debt are black. I did all of them and there were results, so if you have any questions, write, I’ll explain.

The ritual in the photo

Debt repayment conspiracies must be done according to all the rules; approach your work responsibly, otherwise you may harm yourself.

You will need:

  • A printed photo of the debtor or his name icon

Photos in any rituals can be replaced with a personalized icon and vice versa.

  • Gypsy needle (new)
  • Charcoal taken per day corresponding to your gender.

Any moon except the new moon. Time of day - night

“On the sea, on Okiyan, on the island on Buyan,

there is a cast-iron chest, and in that chest there are damask swords.

Bring you, damask swords, to the thief NAME,

chop his body, stab his heart,

so that he, the thief, returns all the theft to the slave YOUR NAME,

so that he brings everything, everything and does not hide even blue gunpowder.

Be you, thief, cursed by my strong word, righteous conspiracy.

If you don’t turn back, thief, YOUR NAME has been stolen,

then I will send you, damned one, across the blue sea, to utter hell,

into boiling resin, into hot ashes, into stinking fire,

into the mire of a swamp, into a bottomless pool, into an uninhabited house.

I'll nail you to the high ceiling, with your malicious head down,

high with my wicked feet, I will beat you with a bitter aspen stake,

I will dry you up like a thin blade of grass, I will freeze you with Epiphany ice,

and you will perish like a worthless worm.

It’s neither for you to mingle with people, nor for you to live well,

and you, like the eternal Jew, will wander around the world.”

Advice - visualize the torment of this person, his screams and moans, etc...

After you have spoken, take a good photo of the object. Do this after each time - 7 times in total.

At the end: “Gods, you have seen my work, give it strength!”

When the object returns the money or punishment happens to him, bury his photo in the ground or put it under sea salt from a new pack (or coarse salt) for a week and the negative will go away.

Another photo conspiracy

“I am taking back what belongs only to me (name).

I pull it back.

Let it come back to me

I don't need anything more from you.

I must get what I gave.

That is my word.

Repayment of debt for smoke

Burn aspen splinters three evenings in a row and say into the smoke:

“As a torch burns, so do you, slave (name),

You will smolder and burn.

You can't fill holy water with water,

Until you give me back what I have.

Conspiracy to repay a debt on a stone

Throw a stone into the water against a wave or wind, then read the following plot:

77 waves, 77 fish, 77 roots.

You drown the cameos, you drown the roots, wash them away in waves,

with the thoughts of a slave () play, throw from the shore into the depths.

Like water doesn't stand still,

So there is no place of rest for the servant of God ().

I would think and wonder, my heart would hurt and suffer,

So far he hasn’t paid off the debt (to me).

Melancholy would crush him like a stone tablet.

His conscience would eat him, his soul would sing with lamentations.

He wouldn’t leave the thought until he found (me).

Until he repaid the debt (to me), he would suffer and suffer.

I conjure him with longing, a heavy stone board.

A stone in the river, a grain of sand in the sand.

Water, water, take what I gave.

Give back what I cursed the slave with.

May my words be black, spoken, strong and molding.

Sharper than a sharp knife, stronger than strong work.

Now and forever and ever to the generation of the last man.

For debt repayment. White.

First, say the phrase out loud:

“For all time it is the will of God, and for this hour it is MINE.” Further

read the text:

“I will remember the servant () who walks the earth, thinking in thought, with a soul of this world.

I will remember the slave () lying in the ground, his whole body at rest, his soul from the afterlife.

If the servant of God (), who walks the earth, does not repay the debt, does not repent of sin,

then he will meet a slave () lying in the ground, turn to dust, and burn in a fiery hyena.

Be according to my word."

After which you go to church and light three candles for the debtor: 1 - for health, 2 - for peace, 3 - again for health.

I didn’t like the result of this conspiracy; it won’t help everyone.

Conspiracy for trash

Another sure way to wait for the debtor. If your house has old furniture that looks like junk, then this plot is for you.

Break off the leg of any piece of old furniture (preferably a table). Remove the “legless” object from your apartment or house in the evening. It is better to place the item where it can be taken away. That same night, cut the broken leg into chips, and use them to build a kind of hut. This hut needs to be spoken. Read the plot without interruption 12 times in a row:

The devils carry the debtor,

They will ask the debtor.

If the debtor is a fool, he will receive a cap.

The cap will bring reprisals,

The debtor will be discharged in three days.

In order not to go away, repay the debt.

Money home on the doorstep

The devil with the cap ran away. Amen.

If the broken thing has not yet been taken away, then take it along with the wood chips and take it to the intersection, while no one should see you.

Ritual with an egg and a castle

Using a sharp needle, poke several holes in the egg - an even number, and set the egg to boil. The lock is closed with a key. The key is boiled together with the egg. In this case, you need to say the spell three times:

The troops of Ivan the Terrible went for quitrents,

Neither peasants nor children were spared.

When I took the money, I didn’t give it back.

I'll kill him and take away what's mine.

I can’t give him pity, he won’t see any help.

Without money, without debt, you don’t have long to live.

I've waited a long time, my time has come! Amen.

After that, go to the cemetery, find the grave of a person with the name of your debtor. Leave an egg and a lock on this grave, then find a grave with a name like yours - leave the key to the lock on it. In less than a week, your debtor will show up with all the debts.

Rituals and conspiracies for debt repayment

If, after contacting the debtor three times, he still does not repay the debt, then try the following.

Buy, without haggling or taking change, one wax candle, you can do it in church.

At sunset, light it, holding it in your left hand, let it burn. Whisper the following plot into the candle flame 13 or 26 times:

“You (debtor’s name) are melting, you are not repaying the debt,

If you don’t return it, you’ll completely melt away.

Repay the debt, don’t do it again!

May you be so my trusted word!

Sealed (his full name) with fire, in the evening, not during the day.”

The next day in the afternoon, be sure to go on foot (on foot, of course) to church and light the stub of this candle for the health of your debtor with the words:

“I forgive you for today, for tomorrow, forever.

God is my witness. Now and from now on, the Lord is your (debtor’s name) judge.

I myself do not judge - I ask for help, baptized, prayerful, God (my name). Amen".

Debt repayment. Conspiracy for the black moon

Carry out this ritual on the black moon (that is, before the new moon). At sunrise, light a wax candle, go to the window located on the eastern side of the house (apartment), and exhale and read the following spell three times:

“I am sending a note to the slave (full name of the debtor).

Let this account of the slave (name) burn and bake,

She chases him (her) around the corners, breaks his (her) bones.

He doesn’t eat, doesn’t sleep, doesn’t drink until (name) repays the debt!

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Amen!"

Conspiracy for the debtor's personal icon.

Lay a black scarf on the table, place the mirror face down on it,

and place the debtor’s name icon on it.

Hold your hands over the icon as if you were warming them over a fire. Read forty times. Nothing should interfere with the spell. Don't be distracted by calls or knocking. After this, go to church and light three candles for health, then three for repose and again three candles for health.

“Bread, blood, salt. Amen.

On Friday I got up, stood up without crossing myself, without praying to the Lord.

I perform the matins service, eat mass with kutya, and lower the evening service into the coffin,

now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

On the Okiyan Sea there is a house of fire: it is not washed away by water, nor blown away by the wind.

And an invisible man sits in it, he has no arms, no legs, no strength.

So I (name) take the strength out of the slave (name), squeeze the blood out of him,

I drink my heart out and close my eyes. I'm doing the funeral service! I'm doing the funeral service! I'm doing the funeral service!

If you, enemy (name), do not repay me,

then you will consign your body to the grave. I do the funeral service, I do the funeral service, I do the funeral service.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

No one can lift my spell, no one can reprimand me in any church.

My words cannot be washed away with holy water.

As I swore, so be it.

Take two eggs, pierce them with a needle on both sides, and place them in boiling water.

Then they close the lock with a key, and the key is thrown into water with boiling eggs.

and they say three times

“How the Khan’s army collected tribute,

People were killed for money

Sparing neither the gray nor the young,

So I closed the lock, buried the key in the graves,

She collected the debt or killed her.

The angel was there, he forgot the debtor,

The guard will leave, the spell will be found.

The debtor will repay the debt or die.

Conspiracy on the lining

They cut out a square of black fabric the size of your hand (pentacle), and draw the name of the debtor with dry soap.

Place in the middle of the pentacle three spoons of salt, three needles, three pinches of ash, three feathers of any bird, three scraps of wool from different dogs, three scraps of wool from three cats.

Very slowly, counterclockwise, mix all the above items with a knife, saying:

“Tear, splinter, prick, pain, itch, gnaw, burn;

day all day, night all night.

And an hour and half an hour, and minutes, and half a minute,

and all the time, in the heart, in the crown, in the liver, in the stomach.

It won't go away, it won't heal.

Not from a doctor, not from a healer,

not from a sorcerer, not from a pagan, not from a Whisperer.

The slave (name) will be sick, rot and wither from hour to hour.

Don't eat, don't sleep, moan, suffer, the world will never see you.

He will not let go of the evil side until he pays (name) his debt.

Amen. Amen. Amen."

They make the lining where the debtor lives.

To the aspen

A spell that is read on the third long aspen branch plucked from the bottom can help.

“Jesus the Lord arose in the morning

I prayed to my father,

He crossed himself three times with his finger.

I began to wash myself with spring water,

Yes, he has nothing to wipe himself with.

Mother Maria soon came to him,

I brought a towel to Christ.

So would my debtors (names)

brought me to God's servant (name),

the debt is all down to the last penny.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Find a stump among the aspen trees and tie it with this branch. Leave without looking back. Don't forget to give alms.

Alms, like ransom, are part of any ritual; if you don’t give them out, the plot won’t work.

These conspiracies against debtors are of course not the most powerful, but if you do everything correctly they are quite workable. If it doesn’t work, write. Of course, I won’t post serious ones here, they are for Masters.

Good luck to you and fewer ungrateful people along the way.

Sincerely yours Svetlana Vasilyeva
