Why does a family, a person, a company, or a state need a budget? Is budget important for a family? Why does a family need a budget?

Does the state need a family?

There is a fundamental work on this topic by F. Engels*. From it we know that the state needed the family. In conditions of confrontation with other states, the family solved many problems necessary for the state. It was an economic and social unit. It was a source of human and material resources, both for the economy and, first of all, for the war. The family had a nurturing and educational function. The family fulfilled a man’s natural need for control. In any case, not everyone could rule the state, but almost everyone had to rule their family.

The state is, first of all, a governing “elite” that governed the people in its own interests.

She needed workers, soldiers. At the same time, she did not want to bear the responsibility for their maintenance, upbringing and initial training. Over time, the state still had to take on these functions, as competition between the elites of different states increased and the requirements for the qualifications of soldiers and workers also increased.

What happened to the state now? By the 21st century everything has changed. NTP ( scientific and technical progress) has led to the fact that labor productivity has reached such a level that to maintain a relatively small number of managers (elite) the previous number of workers and soldiers is not required, there are reliable and more effective means production and weapons. Moreover, the more soldiers and workers, the higher the government costs and the lower the competitiveness of the ruling clan in relation to other clans. Besides, a large number of population leads to instability with significant stratification. All these problems can be solved in one way - by reducing the population.

This is the first and main conclusion The state does not have an objective need to support a high population. The state does not need the family as a source of human resources in its previous form. Therefore, when you hear government officials talk about the measures they are taking to demographic growth- spit in their eyes. They just say what you want to hear, nothing more. In fact, if we take a closer look, all their measures have a completely different goal.

Does a woman need a family?

If we remember, the main function of the traditional family is the reproduction of the human resource necessary for the survival of the community - the people who have created their own state. The obligation to bear children was caused by the woman's need for maintenance and protection. She received all this in exchange for reproductive function. It was not for nothing that society considered a woman’s childlessness a punishment for sins and condemned childless women, as well as women who, through their behavior, destroyed the stability of family ties (for example, the activities of the Spanish Inquisition). However, by the 21st century, the state provided women with all the conditions for a comfortable and safe existence. By eliminating all obstacles to women's social activities (lack of military service, easier access to education compared to men, work requirements more characteristic of women than men, equal rights to occupy positions in government, kindergartens, legalization of abortion, lowered requirements for qualifications and responsibility, etc.), the state completely removed from women both the need and the responsibility to bear the reproductive function. And therefore, the need for a family as a voluntary union with a man for the birth, raising of children and joint housekeeping for women has disappeared. It should be emphasized that these conditions are not objective, but were created artificially by the state under the influence of the changed requirements of competition with other state and suprastate elites. For the state, a greater number of women in management is also beneficial due to the psychological characteristics of women: they are more efficient in the case of setting controversial tasks, they are easier to inspire, they are better adapted to performing monotonous and meticulous work, they have less need for creativity and strategic vision, women adapt more easily to changed requirements and are less demanding of the moral aspects of social activity, etc.

Does a man need a traditional family?

Personally, I would like to answer yes, definitely. But when I look at the arguments logically, to be honest, there are few arguments in favor of the family. After all, same-sex marriage is being popularized all over the world, and Kirkorov is an example of how to become a father without getting married. Maybe someone knows better than me why a man needs a family?


*F. Engels “On the origin of the family, private property and the state”

Welcome to the magazine about business and finance “Rabota-Tam”.

Every family spends a lot of money every day on purchases, utility bills, vacations, and so on. These expenses are managed by either the wife or the husband, less often together, but often none of them can say exactly how much was spent, for example, on food, or answer the question “Why do you have to constantly borrow the missing money from relatives or friends?”

The answer is simple - this all happens because almost no one modern family does not keep a “budget”, some – because of their ignorance, others – they are simply lazy, others consider it a useless task, while others are suited to living on “borrow”.

First, let's understand the concept of a budget for a family. This phrase should be understood as a monthly plan, which includes the amount of all family income that will be spent only on family needs minus personal money, as well as a list of all expense items.

Why does a family need a budget?

Based on the definition of the budget, we can conclude that it is needed:

  1. To determine the final amount that can be spent in the future. Here, many can say that they already know how much money is at their disposal, but this amount is needed mostly in order to compare it with the necessary costs and draw appropriate conclusions.
  2. To correctly assess cost items, identify unnecessary expenses and in the future buy only the things you need. Very often people, without thinking, spend significant amounts of money on “just wanted” or “it’s not that expensive”, which ultimately ruins family budget several times over. If you record all unplanned expenses for at least one month, you can see that for this money the family could buy some new household appliance, or partially update your wardrobe, or not borrow money, or pay off the loan faster, or, or, or...
  3. To understand whether you have enough money for an expensive purchase, or whether you need to postpone it for a certain period, or take an installment plan
  4. To start saving money to do something that the family couldn’t afford for a long time. If you start managing all your family’s money correctly through budgeting, then free funds will definitely appear.

Thus, maintaining a family budget will help every conscious family not only not to borrow anymore, but also to leave money for their previously unrealistic purchases or travel.

“Money comes and goes, goes, goes...”
X. Peric

“Wealth is not in the possession of treasures, but in the ability to use them”
Napoleon I

A budget is a reasonable allocation of financial resources.

The state budget is drawn up for one year. Enterprises - at least for a quarter.

But personal financial plan is drawn up for one month.

How do rich people differ from poor people? Exactly the budget!

The former plan every financial step, the latter find excuses not to do this.

The former take seriously any little things related to finances, while the latter do not pay attention to even the most serious things. How can we get anything if we haven't even planned for it?

If you want to create a fortune, then you should learn it from those people who have it. It's stupid to ask rich people if they keep a budget, because if they didn't, they would either get nothing or quickly lose everything.

I never play the lottery, but I know for sure that most people who received a big win were back to square one a year later, still having nothing.

Conversely, a millionaire who for some reason lost his fortune, having skills, will very quickly regain his lost positions.

One of the key success skills of rich people is planning.

When playing chess, the grandmaster calculates the combination 7-8 moves ahead.

If you imagine that chess is a small life, then, of course, those who live without even planning their next step lose.

The battle for your future goes on every day, and turning a blind eye to the main part of the foundation of the future is stupid.

I am a creative person, and at first I had to experience internal discomfort because once a week I had to sum up financial results.

Do you know what made me do this? Framed picture on my desk. It was depicted showing financial condition, which I will come to in 10 years by investing my money monthly.

Time passed, and making a plan became a habit for me. Now I can’t imagine a month without a plan or a week without results.

Pay yourself first

The first budget item is .

A minimum of 10%, and preferably 20% of your income should be included in this article. But you can count on the remaining 80% when drawing up your financial plan. Imagine that your income this month is 10-20% less, make a plan based on this. I know this will be very difficult for many.

It is sometimes almost impossible to resist the temptation and not spend this money, so I recommend putting the money to work as quickly as possible.

What to do with the money that remains at the end of the month? I propose to create a special fund in which cash will be stored. In my case, about twice a year the situation develops in such a way that this money comes in very handy. And you will feel much more confident knowing that there is money that you can count on.

Determine expense items

Just as it is impossible to find two identical people, it is impossible to create two identical financial plans.

A personal financial plan has three main parts.

The first is income, the second is investment and the third is expenses.

And if there are never any problems in drawing up the first and second parts of the plan, you just need to transfer the amount of your income to a piece of paper in the first case, and in the second, allocate 10-20% of this amount, then you have to tinker with determining the articles of the third part of the plan.

In turn, the expenditure part is divided into two parts - mandatory payments and optional expenses.

TO mandatory payments may include: food, necessary clothing and hygiene items, utility payments, housekeeping expenses, loan payments, apartment rent, transportation costs.

As already mentioned, there are mandatory expenses that are unique to a given family, for example: payment for one’s own education or education for children, payment for the services of a nanny or housekeeper, expenses for visiting a fitness club, alimony, assistance to parents and much more.

Most often, the amount we spend on mandatory expenses does not change from month to month. And therefore, I recommend including these items in the budget, setting aside a certain amount each month.

But optional expenses almost always consist of our desires and depend on unexpected circumstances. And despite the fact that it is impossible to include unexpected circumstances in the plan, we create an item - other expenses.

We are created to live, not to exist. And it would be stupid not to include an item in your budget that will allow you to go to the cinema, visit theaters, clubs, exhibitions, buy books - in general, do everything that gives pleasure.

You ask me: “What should you save on? You listed all my expenses?”

And I will answer - nothing! I suggest ! Yes, yes, it’s smart to treat every purchase, making it at the right time and in the right place.

Of course, the more unbridled desires you have related to the fact that you want to look fashionable, like that guy on the cover or that girl from the poster, the less likely you are to achieve financial freedom.

First of all, because you are no longer free, but depend on those people who drove you into slavery in consuming their goods.

A financial plan is your sword in the fight for your financial freedom!

Make a plan

Money loves counting, says a well-known saying. It’s best to keep count regularly. This will help not only to identify all expense items and understand where the money is going, but also to avoid mistakes when drawing up a plan for the next month.

Right now, no need to wait for payday, Monday or the start of a new month.

Why does a family, a company, a state need a budget?

  1. A budget is a calculation/listing of expected income and expenses for a certain period.... it allows you to plan certain actions, control expenses.... for the state, the budget is approved by law, since it takes into account incoming taxes and controls expenses at all levels executive power.... the consumer budget is the balance of income and expenses of a family or individual. It characterizes their standard of living, allows them to determine their expenses and compare them with their income in order to avoid debt. For an enterprise/organization, a budget is also necessary to ensure a balance of its income and expenses and prevent bankruptcy
  2. 1) The budget is needed to meet human needs
    2) The family budget allows you to control the expenditure of funds depending on the income of the person and family
    3) A family budget allows you to plan unnecessary, arbitrary expenses (which you can do without)
  3. The need to maintain a family (personal, state, etc.) budget is the basis for competent management of personal money and allows you to control the movement of your own money with maximum accuracy.
  4. To manage money wisely.
  5. I'll say I'm smart
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Almost every married couple faces the problem of lack of money, sometimes there is not even enough money to survive until salary. Why is this happening? There is only one reason - there is no family budget planning. Many people do not take this into account, which is why they face a number of unpleasant problems. It is very important to be able to correctly calculate your income and expenses - this will help you save on unnecessary purchases and collect a certain amount of money, for example, for a vacation abroad or to purchase your own home or car.

Why do you need to plan a family budget and what does it give?

Every family can achieve financial freedom and independence if they learn to spend money wisely. Planning a family budget has a number of significant advantages.

  • Control. The husband and wife will always know exactly when and what the money was spent on. There will be no more questions about where the entire salary disappeared a week after the payday.
  • Conscious Actions. By planning a budget for several months, a clear picture of income and expenses emerges. In this way, it will be possible to identify unnecessary waste and reduce it to a minimum.
  • No debt. Avoiding loans and other debt obligations is not difficult.
  • Planning significant purchases. Planning a budget and saving on unnecessary expenses will help you save some money to go on holiday during your holiday. It is possible that taking into account income and expenses will lead to larger acquisitions - a car or your own home.
  • "Black day". Nobody knows at what turn troubles will await. It is possible that you will have to quit your job, with money saved up, you will not have to worry about living until a new job.
  • Discipline. Planning a family budget brings discipline. This applies not only to unnecessary costs, but also to life situations that a person faces every day.

Important! You shouldn’t turn family budget planning into saving on everything. You need to allocate funds for entertainment and pleasant little things, otherwise life will turn into a routine that is not at all pleasing.

Basic rules for planning a family budget

Following simple rules You can very quickly learn to increase the difference between income and expenses by saving this money for more important needs.

Step-by-step planning

  1. It is necessary to write down the general monthly family income. Everything needs to be included here - salary, additional income.
  2. After the total amount has been calculated cash receipts, you must record all obligatory costs. This includes paying utility bills, kindergarten (school), buying food, car maintenance, a small amount Don't forget to set aside some leisure time.
  3. Now you need to subtract from the amount of income total amount necessary expenses received.
  4. Next you need to think about what to do with the remainder. You can't spend everything at once. It would be best to divide the remainder into two parts. It is advisable to put one aside for a “rainy day”, and put the other somewhere else for unexpected expenses.

Mistakes couples make when planning a budget

Many married couples make simple mistakes when planning their budget, which is why they face financial difficulties long before their next paycheck.

  1. You cannot solve problems “as they arise.” If you are planning expenses, you need to save money little by little in advance.
  2. It is impossible for financial solutions Only one person took it.
  3. You can’t radically cut expenses or cut down on your leisure time.
  4. You can't keep silent about financial problems, they need to be discussed and find a way out of the situation together with your spouse.

How to reduce your expenses

There is a simple way to help reduce family expenses.

If a couple has set a clear goal - to collect a certain amount of money for a major purchase, they need to follow the plan. Every month you can set aside 10% of the amount from your salary, the same percentage is set aside from any cash receipts, even if they are insignificant. It seems like a small thing, but over time it accumulates an impressive budget.

  1. You need to keep records of expenses and income every month, taking into account all the little things, this is the only way to get a complete picture of the budget and identify unnecessary expenses.
  2. Let go of “dreams.” You don’t need to promise yourself to raise a million; goals should be achievable.
  3. It is important that both spouses contribute to budget planning, otherwise it will not be possible to reduce expenses.
  4. You can open a savings account at a bank and put all the money you save there.

Planning a family budget is not saving, but a real chance to reduce the list of “empty” expenses, learn how to properly use the funds received and direct them in the right direction.
