Conversation on economics, living better by buying cheaper. Recommendations on how to live economically and practically. We eat healthy, and most importantly not expensive

I have a file in Excel. In it, each tab is a month. All income and expenses, major expenses are listed. Believe me, it's not that difficult.
We go to Auchan 2 times a month. Buy 1-2 kg of pork, beef and chicken or turkey fillet. 1 kg each of pork and beef equals 2 kg of homemade cutlets, meatballs, and meatballs. I cook everything right away and freeze it - I have a good big freezer - it freezes to stone in 2 hours. The rest of the meat is used according to the mood - some is stewed (can also be frozen in portions), some is cut into portions for frying. The fact is that on weekdays I don’t have any time to cook, so homemade semi-finished products really help me out - in the morning I took cutlets out of the freezer and in the evening I just heat them up in the microwave. The advantages of homemade semi-finished products, I think, do not need to be explained? The main ones are quality and price. So, 5-6 kg of meat - approximately 1,500 rubles. And this is more than 2 weeks. That is, a maximum of about 9-10 kg is actually purchased per month (something is a bit much... I’ll have to clarify). 5-6 packs of Vologda butter - 400 rubles. 3 liters of milk for a child for breakfast with cereal - 100 rubles. 3 packs of cereal - 250 rub. 2 dozen eggs - 100 rubles. 10 kg of potatoes - 250 rub. 5-6 packs of pasta - 250 rub. 2 kg of rice and buckwheat - 150 rubles. Sugar - another 100 rubles. A couple of packs of tea - 100-120 rubles. Coffee beans and instant coffee - another 400, but this is more than 2 weeks. I also buy about half a kilo of cheese for the week. In fact, less is eaten, so it happens that on the next “race” something is bought less or not bought at all. We practically don’t eat sausage. We make dumplings to suit the mood several kilos at once, and it lasts for a month and a half. That's about it. During the week, they buy fermented milk products, bread and something tasty to suit their mood - sweets, wine, beer, shrimp. The Crossroads near the house is quite suitable for this - the prices there are very reasonable.
The fact is that in our family for several generations we have had tea and sandwiches for breakfast. Well, it’s not customary for us to have fried potatoes or pasta with sausages for breakfast. I have lunch at work - we have an excellent canteen for employees - delicious, home-style and affordable (subsidies) - a full lunch costs 65-100 rubles. My husband is doing the same thing somewhere. But he still has dinner at home, and I have at most a glass of wine with a piece of cheese or something like that. My son has breakfast with cereal and milk and has lunch and dinner at home. full program(growing organism). Grandfather too, although he’s not growing :))). Something like this... More than 10 thousand in a normal month is definitely not spent. Of course, I don't take holidays into account. This is a special article and is not discussed here now.
We do not eat store-bought convenience foods (tasteless and expensive). We practically don’t buy sausage - only sometimes, when the mood strikes, a little raw smoked sausage (usually Klin Brunswick), or ham for hot sandwiches (my husband is a master at making them). Sausages - rarely Velkomov dairy (250 rubles/kg), about 6-8 times every 2 weeks. We don’t eat cakes, only my son and I eat apples and bananas, but that’s pennies. I always have meat, homemade prepared foods, and frozen vegetables in the freezer. Under the chair in the hallway there is still a luxurious pumpkin - my mother-in-law grew it :). And a couple of her girlfriends are in the freezer, cut into cubes. I took it out, defrosted it - eat it if you want, sprinkle it with sugar and put it in the microwave, with a piece of butter, or cook porridge with millet if you want. Zucchini is the same. There is always chocolate in the house :). Like whiskey (whisper) :))). Well, there’s also water for the cooler, Novoterskaya (for me), and other garbage - there’s also no point in counting. 25.03.2009 23:52:06,

Each person has a powerful theoretical knowledge base on the everyday subject called “economical housekeeping.”

Practice shows that true masters of rational spending Money not so much.

How reliable and compatible with Russian realities publicly available global trends in ideal planning and execution? And are there any secrets, subtleties and even pitfalls of vigilant control over the balance of income and expenses?

Evgeniy: “All advice on the wise use of finances and, in general, living within your means can be reduced to just a couple of main points: spend less than you earn and invest the rest. These two truths seem obvious to most people, but few actually apply them in life.

Recording in writing all your income and expenses;

Reducing daily unnecessary expenses;

Search for an additional source of income - active (in the form of wages) or passive (in the form of income from leased property or bank interest on deposits);

Creating a so-called financial airbag in case of unexpected expenses.

The main thing is not to be lazy and strictly follow the instructions of specialists - financial consultants, through whose efforts these recommendations were developed and brought to public attention.”

Anna: “I myself am a financial worker by education, or more precisely, an economist-planner. And from university, I remember very well the very definition of finance, not as money or some assets, but precisely as a relationship regarding the expenditure of funds. That is, relationships with and about money are at the forefront, and these relationships can be just as confusing, beautiful or amazing as relationships with people. There are no clear rules or standards here, much is built on mutual interest and respect, intuition, experience and instinct are important here.

The advice to save has always seemed wrong to me. What kind of savings can we talk about in principle if inflation eats up any savings? Yes, there are official statistics on the level of inflation, but for some reason no one ever thinks that average figures are given - inflation for all groups of goods, including those whose prices you will never worry about - from men's suspenders to kerosene lamps?

And prices for essential items will always rise by leaps and bounds. Therefore, I am convinced that he is reasonable targeted loan– a great way to live economically. For example, a loan for an apartment.

The rise in prices on the real estate market in our country will never give way to anyone.. Plus annual indexation wages. Plus rental income mortgage apartment. In total, this will still be more than any bet. And finally, the thought of having to repay the loan will be a small thorn in your head and will not allow you to be distracted by absolutely unnecessary little things in your household, like the fifth pair of shoes or the third set of winter curtains for the living room. So there are clear savings!”

Inna: “ I really like one piece of advice for poor people - don’t buy cheap things. Sometimes the temptation to do so is very great, but I, having already made similar mistakes several times, do not allow myself to chase the low price of a product, especially when it comes to buying shoes.

To really live economically, you need to buy things of high quality, and not low cost, which will not last half a season. And a first-class branded item can last two or three seasons, or even more.

Second-hand stores are a good help for those who want to live economically. Actually, I don’t really like used things themselves, but the stock departments in these stores, where they sell completely new things, are a great find.

While getting my child ready for school, I bought three pairs of new denim trousers for him at a store for six dollars a pair.”

Katya: “When you think about how to live economically, you are immediately puzzled by how to pay less for housing and communal services, because it is housing and communal services that eat up the lion’s share of my salary. This summer I installed meters for cold and hot water and was literally shocked when I received the first receipt from the management company.

It turned out that if you pay not according to the standards, but according to the meter readings, then the amount presented for payment is reduced exactly three times! That is, before we overpaid a lot of money for water that we did not use. But I don’t like energy-saving lamps. Although they are considered to be more durable and economical, they are bad for vision. And saving on health is the worst idea possible.”

Natalya: “The ability to live economically is not so much following trends or a tribute to necessity, but rather a special character trait. There are people who live frugally, seemingly without making any visible effort, and their relationship with money is always excellent. And there are those who write down every expense, and still end up broke at the end of the month.

Although the habit of recording all income and expenses is a very useful thing not only for those who dream of learning to live economically, but also for everyone who thinks at all about their relationship with finances. I once read that the Russian Empress Catherine the Second very scrupulously throughout her reign kept meticulous written records of not only business expenses, but also gifts presented to all his beloved ones.

Nowadays, writing down expenses and income by hand in a barn book or a thin school notebook, lined with many columns, can hardly seem like an exciting activity. However, there are many special computer programs for maintaining family accounting, simple and accessible to any user."

Julia: “Questions economical management households are largely solved by preparing their own food, rather than buying ready-made supermarket meals or frozen semi-finished products. The seemingly small difference in price between a store-bought dinner and a home-cooked dinner or lunch actually results in significant savings.

Of course, sometimes it’s a pity to spend the entire weekend at the stove stuffing peppers, chopping vegetables or baking muffins. But it really warms the soul to realize that with the money you save you can buy yourself some new clothes. And homemade food tastes better than store-bought or even restaurant food.”

Svetlana: “Saving just for the sake of saving does not bring joy. You need to solve the question “how to live economically” not in order to save a couple of hundred by refusing unplanned and unnecessary purchases and hide them in a box for a rainy day.

If you dream of living wisely and economically, you need to cultivate a culture of consumption, which can ultimately give us a very important quality that cannot be bought for any money - this is internal freedom, independence from other people’s opinions or examples in purchases and payments, the ability to go one’s way through life only with an eye on the landmarks that have been built.

The desire to live frugally can result in the opening of unexpected horizons, the existence of which we did not even suspect in the pursuit of achieving generally accepted heights. I remember how my husband and I had been planning a trip to Europe for a long time. I spent all my evenings on the Internet, studying hotel reviews, routes and excursions. Barcelona, ​​Paris, Glasgow - even the names of the cities sounded like divine music in me and filled my soul with sweet, dreamy bliss.

And then a certain financial collapse occurred in our family, and instead we went on vacation to the village, to my grandmother’s old house. Of course, I was worried and considered such a vacation a waste of time and even an offensive waste of time. But only at first, because already in the second week of village life I realized what a pleasure it is to live away from the city, from the hassle and noise.

We picked blueberries and wild strawberries, fried chanterelles and swam in a small forest lake. For the first time in my life I planted a flower garden personal plot. That month turned out to be the happiest for me.

And this happiness was something new, unusual - cautious, apprehensive, fragile, but at the same time surprisingly whole and bestowing peace and tranquility.”

Do you know how to live economically?

And what does this saving mean for you - a forced renunciation of everything you want and need, or a conscious choice?

Economy and practicality are the companions of a rich person, no matter how strange it may sound. Even if you are a wealthy heir, wastefulness will soon lead to bankruptcy. Most people do not want to live, denying themselves pleasures, believing that they are the joy of life. After all, saving forces you to cut down on entertainment expenses.

In fact, the ability to properly allocate resources in a family is a talent. All wealthy people know how to save. They were able to achieve a certain level of material well-being not only because of their solid earnings. It’s just that some people have the skills to rationally use and distribute money. Every family should remember that a lack of funds occurs due to improper spending. family budget. In this article we will look at how to live economically and practically.

Recommendations for a practical and economical life

First of all, remember that saving money is a means to achieving wealth, not an end. You can easily save money and cut expenses without feeling greedy or deprived. Let's look at the general rules.

  • Add up your total family income. Find out how practical it is to replenish the family budget every month.
  • Calculate how economically resources are used. Count all the expenses that may occur during the month. At this stage, you can cut some items if you can eliminate others. For example, if you hardly watch TV, you can turn off cable TV. In addition, utility bills can also be reduced if you use gas, water, and electricity sparingly.
  • Now the planned expenses need to be subtracted from the total family income. You will receive an amount that you can use at your discretion. This includes spending on transport, beauty salons, food, etc. It is best to write down each item in order to know how much money will be allocated for each planned budget item.
  • Always try to find rational ways to manage money, discuss this at family councils. Some old items can be repaired to wear at home. In addition, many Appliances are not always needed on the farm. So consider how important a multicooker, the latest phone model, a coffee maker are to you.
  • Excessive spending occurs due to our impulsive desires. Avoid spontaneous purchases, giving preference only to planned ones. You can practically save money even if you spend a lot of money. Discounts in supermarkets or purchases in wholesale stores help with this.

Of course, such savings must pursue a specific goal. For example, to raise capital to open your own business. It's best if the business brings you passive income. Today there are many options for forming personal savings, which will become a good insurance, especially during a crisis.

Saving in the kitchen

Simple ingredients will not affect the cooking process, but will provide healthy nutrition. Plus it's practical. In order to save money, refuse to buy ready-made food, and give preference to fruits, vegetables, meat, and cereals. No need to be lazy, cook your own meals. As you can see, there are no particular difficulties.

Abuse of eating out, especially fast food, has a negative impact on the family budget. A balanced diet promotes healthy weight loss and will also make it easier for you to start exercising.

Leftover food should not be thrown away. This is comparable to throwing money away. After all, you can cook less, and simply freeze uneaten dishes or invent new dishes with them. Most of the money goes to food. But we spend even more on going to restaurants and cafes, where we leave a lot of money. For lunch, it is better to take home-cooked food with you rather than run to the nearest bistro, as this is not economical.

Public utilities

Probably, it is the costs of housing and communal services that take second place after the personal needs of family members. In the era of electronic technology, gadgets have become an integral part of life. modern man. Moreover, we all love to take hot baths and live in warmth, which leads to increased costs for electricity, heat and water. Better think about what you are missing by constantly spending time watching TV? Read books, go for walks. This will expand your horizons and save money. Well, or turn off the computer if you watch TV.

Few people know: some devices are powered by current while remaining plugged in, which is not at all practical. Firstly, it is dangerous - small children can touch the device or pull it out of the socket. Secondly, there is passive consumption of electricity, which will come back to haunt you at the end of the month in your electricity bill.

Other expenses

It is almost impossible to live without additional costs. For example, transport costs. If you do not use a personal car, then give preference to public transport.

If you want to update your wardrobe, take a kind of inventory of the things you already have. Clearly define your shopping plans and make exactly the planned purchases. It is practical to choose clothes that you are comfortable in and that you will wear for more than one season. Try to select such decoration elements so that they are combined with each other and with the entire wardrobe as a whole.

It is planning the family budget that will help rationally distribute incoming income and outgoing expenses. The right approach will allow you to live by reducing unnecessary expenses. After some time, you will understand where your funds are flowing and when you need to stop spending. You can live frugally, you won’t even feel how it affects your life, although you will feel an influx of money into your family. Spending your finances economically does not mean denying yourself rest and entertainment, you just have to reconsider old habits.

Many of us know in theory how to save money and use it wisely. But a theory always remains a theory, and in practice everything is usually more complicated; very often there is not enough person to give advice, hints and share their tricks. In our article we will tell you how to save money correctly and run a household more practically and expediently, even with a small salary.

Basic rules for frugal living

First you need to know a few basic rules that are suitable for anyone who has embarked on the path of saving.

  1. Spend less than you earn - you need to live within your means.
  2. Save extra money - be practical and economical in everything.
  3. Make the deferred funds work and bring in new money - and again, reasonable practicality that will not allow the deferred money to become cheaper.

These are the three basic rules, but again, this is just a theory. How to apply them? In practice they are used as follows:

  • Record all your income and expenses. If you don’t trust your memory, then take a notebook where you will write everything down. You should know that there are currently special computer programs, which allow you to properly conduct home accounting.
  • Cut down on unnecessary spending. Always buy only what you need, this applies to everything: products, things. Excesses take up a significant part of your capital and are not always beneficial. In the lifestyle of each of us there are things that we regularly pay for, but they do not bring us any benefit, and perhaps even harm us. For example, alcohol, coffee, fast food, chips, sweets, subscriptions to unnecessary newspapers or magazines.
  • Try to find additional income. Ask your boss to give you extra work, give rides to fellow travelers if you have a lot of free time, look for part-time work on the Internet and among friends.
  • Set aside money for a so-called rainy day. We recommend that you hide the extra money not under the mattress, but invest it in various pension or savings funds. Firstly, you won’t be able to spend them quickly, and secondly, there is a nice bonus in the form of growing interest.

What can you save on?

In fact, you can save more than 10% of your current income, since living frugally and practically is not difficult at all. You can save on everything, you just need to move away from the usual stereotypes that make us spend extra.

Housing. If you don’t have your own property and are renting a house, then choose a more budget option, not necessarily in the center and with a luxurious renovation. You can live in a good residential area and a clean, tidy apartment.

Public utilities– one of the main expense items. Save all types of consumed services, install all meters, eliminate leaks and see how much you will no longer spend on these services.

Be economical - turn off the lights and water if you don't need them.

Install economical lighting in all rooms, yes, it is more expensive than the usual Ilyich light bulbs, but in the long term it is an excellent solution for saving.

Do not use heaters or air conditioning without much need. Try to take a shower rather than a bath - it's more practical. If installed indoors plastic windows, then you will avoid drafts and save on heating costs.

Transport. If you are used to taking a taxi, then remember public transport. Traveling by metro, buses and minibuses is much cheaper. If you live close to work, then walk, bike or scooter. It's absolutely free and will benefit your health. If you have a personal car, you can earn extra money by giving rides to fellow travelers.

Food. You can save a lot of money on food. First of all, you need to stop going to restaurants, cafes and fast foods. After all, you have to spend a lot of money on this. Cook at home, buying food in stores or markets. Give preference to products in large packages, it will be much cheaper. Try to buy seasonal fruits and vegetables. You can pickle mushrooms, fruits, and vegetables. Canned, dried and frozen. Then you won’t have to buy unreasonably expensive jams and pickles in stores. Do not buy products that offer various prizes and gifts, because the cost of the product is already included in the “promotion” budget.

Cloth. The main rule is to buy things that are high quality and practical. Each item should work with most of your wardrobe, be wearable, and be versatile enough to be worn on multiple occasions. Always be aware of seasonal sales and discounts.

Get yourself discount card, on which discounts will increase.

Buy only the most necessary things. Don't be shy about second-hand stores. For those who don't know, there are special stock departments that sell brand new items. Learn how to repair clothes yourself and use them carefully. If possible, sell items you no longer need.

Rates. Review your phone, TV and Internet plans. New, more favorable rates appear almost every day, and you can find something suitable for yourself.

Entertainment. Give up bad habits, because a lot of money is spent on alcohol and cigarettes. It is not at all necessary to go to bars and clubs every day. Movies, music and new books can be downloaded on the Internet.

Household little things. You may want to reconsider your arsenal of cleaning products and detergents. Choose a universal product for all surfaces and do not forget about the usual soda, vinegar and ammonia. They can clean any surface in your home, but are several times cheaper than even the most affordable types of cleaning products.

Health. They say that health is an expense item on which you cannot save. But that's not true. There's only one thing to follow here simple rule: Don’t forget about disease prevention. Visit all doctors twice a year, this will help prevent all diseases. After all, it is easier to pay attention to caries than to treat the entire oral cavity later. Play sports, toughen up and lead healthy image life, then most diseases will bypass you, and this will save money on medicines.

How to live economically, practically and well. Tricks

Guide with photos - learn to live economically!

Maria Alexandrovna Getz

© Maria Alexandrovna Getz, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4485-2084-6

Created in the intellectual publishing system Ridero


A manual with photographs for people who want to learn how to live economically. Personal experience. Today, not only those who are retired or with a small income, but also quite wealthy middle-class people strive to save. For many, saving on everything is like a hobby, gambling, or sport. Is there an art of saving in Russia? Yes, sure. You won’t believe it, living by the principle of “not paying for anything” or “how to live almost for free and not paying for anything” is very easy! It is better to wear cheap clothes but drive a good car than vice versa.

Why do you need to learn to live economically?

People want to learn how to save for two main reasons:

– not to work, but to have enough money for life and household needs, and spend free time on creativity, hobbies, etc.

– so as not to throw money away on “everyday waste”, but to save up for something important – moving to another country or city, new car or housing.

You won’t believe (is it possible?) how much you can save, not only on everyday expenses, but also on cars, real estate, and so on. I hope this guide will help you save a lot of money and spend it usefully - on truly important and valuable things: travel, education, your business. After all, you must admit that it is better to eat modestly and dress poorly, but have several apartments and your own business, than to spend a lot of money on restaurants and brand-name clothes and live in misery in a communal apartment. Let's start with simple savings every day (food, clothing, essential goods) and end with saving on real estate (buying cheap housing).

Questions and points that we will consider with you:

How much money can you save in 1 month?

Saving on clothes and household items. Lifehacks. Gifts.

We save on services. A training model is required.

Saving on travel. Competitions.

Savings on photo sessions. Beautiful photos for free.

Saving on food. Tricks. Nettle, mint and other herbs. The shops. Tea and porridge as a gift.

Saving on entertainment. Correct advice. Good friends. Dating websites.

Saving on utility bills. Poor people. We cheat the counters. What's the most expensive item on your utility bills?

How to save money on a car and then save on gas. Draining diesel fuel and gasoline into in the right places. Go for a ride with a friend.

How to save for an apartment with a salary of 20,000 rubles without a mortgage.

How much money can you save in a month or year?

Let’s calculate how much money you can save in your budget if you don’t buy clothes, don’t spend money on entertainment (but this doesn’t mean “don’t have fun”), get cosmetics and equipment for free, get a free haircut, spend the minimum on groceries.

So, it’s quite possible to save on clothes per month for one person in the family:

2,000 rubles. According to statistics, this is approximately the average amount spent on an adult or child per month. You won't be able to save money on socks and underpants. But on clothes, outerwear and shoes it’s very easy.

On services per month per person in the family:

1,000 rubles. These include haircuts, coloring, manicures, eyebrows, etc.

On trips per year for two:

50,000 rubles. If you're lucky, it's about that much. Maybe a little less, or maybe much more - up to 200,000 rubles.

On furniture, household appliances, household goods per month for the whole family:

2,000 rubles. This is a new kettle to replace the old one, a sofa, curtains or a set of cosmetics.

At photo sessions for the whole family:

8,000 rubles. If you take a lot of photographs, the savings are impressive.

On food per month per person in the family:

5,000 rubles. E saving on food is the hardest thing, but it is possible.

On entertainment per month per person in the family:

2,000 rubles. This is a trip to the cinema, to a cafe, to an amusement park every weekend.

On utility bills per month per person in a family:

1,500 rubles. Saving on payments is also not easy, but it is possible.

On gasoline per month per person in the family:

1,000 rubles.

Bottom line. If you are alone in the family, you can save about 30,000 rubles per month or 360,000 rubles per year. The savings are simply colossal! If you don’t even earn that much, then you will end up “spending more” on various amenities without spending a penny. If the family has children and other relatives, then add another 12,000 rubles in savings for each person per month or 144,000 per year.

Savings on clothing, furniture and household goods

It’s very simple - save not on sales and discounts, but look for clothes, equipment, cosmetics, toys for children, etc. for free, as a gift.

Yes, these are used items, but many look like new, there are even branded and very expensive ones. The clothes are so expensive to begin with that you couldn’t/couldn’t buy a new one for yourself. Many items come well-groomed and washed; they do not need to be rewashed.

They give away beautiful evening dresses, shoes, men's jackets, down jackets, steamers, irons, any children's clothing with shoes, toys, dishes, TVs, DVD players, printers, telephones and much more. other. Paints, women's and men's bags, laptop bags, ironing boards, jewelry, towels and bed linen, optical mice for computers, vacuum cleaners, shoe dryers, electric kettles, perfumes, coffee machines, e-books, routers, you name it!

End of introductory fragment.

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