Ecology of housing from a hut to a modern apartment. Ecology at home: recommendations for creating environmentally friendly housing. Ecology of the Central Administrative District - without harmful industries, but

Thinking about the deteriorating environmental situation, a person tries to make every effort and opportunity to create a favorable living environment. Each of us spends most of our time in apartments, so the question apartment ecology should become a primary issue when organizing an environmentally friendly home.

Chemical, biological, physical, microclimatic - these are the types of pollution that are inherent in all apartments, without exception; be it a new living space or a secondary property. Stories about environmentally dirty apartments are not the inventions of scientists, but a cruel reality that does not have the best effect on people's health.

Let's consider pollution that violates ecology of the apartment, in details.

Chemical pollution - as a rule, chemical pollution of an apartment is usually understood as pollution of the indoor air.

The main sources are construction and finishing materials, furniture, as well as pollution entering the apartment from the street

(typical for residential developments located in close proximity to highways and industrial zones).

Speaking about construction and finishing materials, one cannot fail to note that pressed boards with synthetic resins and artificial coatings that come into everyday life are very dangerous to health, and are one of the main offenders apartment ecology.

Thus, formaldehyde, recognized as a dangerous substance, is contained in resin, which is used in the manufacture of particle boards (chipboards), fibreboards (fibreboards), plywood (FRP), mastics, plasticizers, putties and lubricants for steel molds.

Phenol, which has no less harmful effects and is contained in varnishes, paints, linoleum and other materials, can exceed the maximum permissible standards by 10 times.

Radon, the source of which is concrete and crushed stone; styrene released from thermal insulation materials and facing plastic; aerosols of heavy metals entering the air from wallpaper and carpeting, as well as many other pollutants, do not have a positive effect on apartment ecology.

We widely use these materials (polymer materials) in repairs and construction, not knowing that they cause irritation of the mucous membranes, kidney and liver damage, asthma, cancer and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Ultimately, apartment ecology depends on the quality of construction and finishing materials. When buying chipboard or other boards, you should pay attention to the presence of protective layers, use laminate or parquet instead of linoleum, and, in general, give preference to natural building and finishing materials, although they are somewhat more expensive.

Biological contamination - pollution of the air mass of the room with mold spores, various bacteria, viruses and, finally, dust.

Molds grow in places with high humidity. As a rule, favorite habitats include apartments above basements, places in apartments with visible leaks, as well as places of repeated flooding (in this case, it is important to talk about flooded rooms by neighbors above).

Being the main cause of allergies, mold fungi do not stop their harmful effects on the human body; in excessive concentration, mold fungi disrupt ecology of the apartment and can cause suppression of the immune system.

Having touched on this aspect of the environmental safety of the home, we should not forget about apartment dust.

Today's scientists consider dust found in all upholstered furniture, carpets and mattresses to be very dangerous, because when entering a dusty room, a person begins to come into contact with it. The result of such interaction is the Czech.

Apartment dust is a set of allergens, the main one of which is a microscopic mite, which belongs to saprophytes (organisms that live off other organisms) and can cause

allergies accompanied by swelling of the throat and respiratory disease.

Ecology of the apartment can be normalized. In the fight against mold fungi, it is necessary to use antifungal agents that prevent the growth and development of microflora; As for dust, regular wet cleaning and timely use of a vacuum cleaner will help in the fight against this pollutant.

Physical pollution - pollution, which refers to the impact on the human body of electromagnetic waves, background radiation, noise and vibration levels.

In cities, the problem of increasing levels of electromagnetic radiation, in Lately, has acquired particular relevance.

Equipping your apartment with all the new products scientific and technological progress(computers, office equipment and various Appliances) we influence ecology of the apartment, and, consequently, on themselves.

By influencing a person for some time, electromagnetic radiation can

cause damage to the heart, nervous system and cause serious illness.

Protect yourself and improve ecology of the apartment it is possible not to connect all devices to the network at the same time; turning off devices located close to the sleeping areas and not placing a charging mobile phone at the head of the bed.

Ecology of the apartment may also be violated by items purchased as souvenirs or gifts, and brought from other countries. They can be sources of radiation.

The level of noise and vibration, which is of no small importance when assessing apartment ecology, it is also necessary to pay sufficient attention. Exceeding the values ​​of these parameters can have an impact on the hearing organs and nervous system, increase fatigue and contribute to motor coordination disorders.

In such cases apartment ecology can be improved by organizing noise and vibration isolation, using special screens that prevent the penetration of sound waves.

Microclimatic pollution .

The main parameters that determine the microclimate of an enclosed space, and, consequently, ecology of the apartment, are temperature, humidity and air speed.

So, widely used plastic windows interfere with natural air exchange, as a result of which humidity either increases or decreases.

It is generally accepted that air conditioners are designed to improve the indoor microclimate. But one can argue with this. The air conditioner disrupts the natural ionization of the room, since, passing through it, the air loses its physical properties; this contributes to the weakening of the immune system and, as a result, the occurrence of various diseases.

The use of wooden windows that provide normal ventilation and ventilation of rooms instead of using air conditioners will only contribute to improvement apartment ecology.

Taking everything said above into account, we can only draw one conclusion:

“I started to get interested in the issue of ecology, check it out ecology of the apartment, because ecology living space determines the state of our health, and therefore our longevity.”

“Where do I live, what do I breathe?

From a wooden hut to a modern apartment"

MAOU "Golyshmanovskaya Secondary School No. 1", 11th grade

Head: Larisa Borisovna Gurova, geography teacher

Tyumen, 2018

“Where I live, what I breathe. From a wooden hut to a modern apartment"

Usoltseva Daria Evgenievna,

Russia, Tyumen region, r.p. Golyshmanovo

MAOU "Golyshmanovskaya Secondary School No. 1", 11 "B" class

Research Article


1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………p. 3

2. Main part

2.1. From a wooden hut to a modern apartment…………………….p. 4

2.2. Why is there filth in our house? Types of residential pollution……p. 5

2.3. My home is my castle?............................................ .......................p. 6

3. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………….p. 10

4. References……………………………………………………….p. eleven

5. Appendix……………………………………………………………......p. 12

1. Introduction.

Environmentally friendly housing, what kind of housing is it - a wooden hut or a modern apartment equipped with the latest technology? It is worth thinking about where we live and how the most important human value is health and safety. We spend most of our time in our favorite house, but, nevertheless, none of us probably suspects how dangerous it can be. The outbreak of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, as well as diseases associated with the respiratory system, makes us involuntarily think about our health and the health of the future generation. It’s probably not for nothing that today many people prefer to move to country houses made of natural wood, give up the TV, get rid of floor coverings, expensive wallpaper and a lot of other super fashionable things. New terms, hitherto unknown to us, have appeared - sick building syndrome, housing ecology, safe home, etc. Indeed, today we all need to look around us and make sure that our home is our fortress!

Hypothesis: If we give up at least part of the benefits of civilization, then we can maintain our health and reduce the risk of developing fatal diseases.

Target: create an environmental passport for your home

Tasks: 1. Get acquainted with the types of environmental pollution in residential premises

2. Identify sources of potential health hazards in the home where I live.

3. Research the conditions of your living environment

4. Develop a methodology for environmental assessment of residential premises

5. Develop a reminder about safe stay in residential premises “Chemical warfare attack”

Object of study : The house I live in

Item: factors that determine the degree of comfort and danger to life.

Research methods : observation, measurement, induction, analysis.

Stages of work: 1- theoretical (working with information: selection, analysis)

2- practical (research of housing for items hazardous to human health)

3 – final (creation of a research product – eco-passport for your home)

Relevance: harsh statistics on the dynamics of population mortality in Russia over the past 10-15 years involuntarily leads to the question “Why?” What's wrong now compared to previous years? It is clear that there is a whole group of factors at work here that influence the mortality rate. These include bad habits, industrial and road accidents, natural disasters. We must also accept the fact that man himself is the cause of these troubles. This means that he becomes the manager of his life. But a person does not come to the ball of fate alone; he is surrounded by other people who want to live, be healthy and spiritually rich. A person needs to think about what he eats, what clothes he wears, what he breathes, and what he builds his home from. You might think, what is the connection between all this and our health? Yes, the most direct! To make it obvious, we will conduct a study of our home and determine the degree of its danger to our health.

Practical significance : research materials can become a kind of algorithm for environmental assessment of residential premises

2. Main part

2.1. From a wooden hut to a modern apartment.

From the point of view of environmental ideals, in modern houses you can't live. A wooden hut has always been considered a symbol of environmental comfort and a healthy spirit. What they used to build their homes in Rus', the younger generation these days can only learn from old films or the stories of their grandparents. The dwellings were warm, bright, and environmentally friendly. But as they show modern research, this is not entirely true. Unfortunately, the negative aspect of using stove heating remains practically unknown in Russia. It has been proven that one stove, which is heated with coal or wood, emits as many harmful substances as five old diesel engines running simultaneously. Substances released during the combustion of solid organic fuels provoke serious diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular, respiratory diseases and, according to the World Health Organization, are included in the top 10 risks to human health. Ordinary household soot, seemingly completely harmless, according to International agency cancer research has classified it as a carcinogen. What about carbon monoxide released when burning solid fuels? It is dangerous not only for the atmosphere, but also for our health. Therefore, what is more environmentally friendly, old houses with stove heating or modern apartments, is a very controversial issue. Today we try to preserve heat in our homes using plastic windows, doors, and oil radiators. We use artificial light. We use materials that are harmful to the body to lay walls, ceilings and floors, and we create comfort by cluttering the house with all sorts of utensils, which sometimes cause headaches, suffocation and drowsiness. All in modern apartment, from walls and ceilings to garbage disposals, releases substances that are deadly to our body. For example, asbestos-cement pipes and panels in the supply ventilation system and garbage chutes increase the risk of developing lung cancer and have long been banned in the West. Not to mention that garbage disposals are a powerful source of pathogenic microorganisms. Where to live and how to breathe? It is difficult for a person today to give up what we have so quickly become accustomed to. We are not ready to dress in bearskins and go live in caves. And our own apartments and houses are no cleaner than the polluted streets. Let's consider the main types of pollution in residential premises.

2.2. Why is there filth in our house? Types of residential pollution.

1. Chemical . The source of such pollution is usually furniture made from assembled chipboard panels and construction and finishing materials, which emit phenol, formaldehyde and radon,as well as styrene and aerosols of heavy metals, which cause irritation of mucous membranes, exacerbation of asthma, and disturbances in the functioning of the liver and kidneys. We ourselves turn the house into a gas chamber. They pasted vinyl wallpaper, laid linoleum, varnished the parquet, and stretched the ceilings. Beautiful! And what smells! We still don’t provide natural ventilation. The first time after purchasing the furniture, the smell may be present, but after three months it should not be there!

2. Microbiological . Our apartments are polluted with dust, which accumulates in upholstered furniture, carpets and home textiles. Dust is home to dozens of species of living creatures, from mites to bacteria. Another common problem is mold and mildew. All this not only spoils the interior, but also threatens health, causing asthma, allergies and weakened immunity.

3. Radiation . Radiation is deadly - it causes cancer. Sources of radiation can be the most unexpected objects: TV, cell phone, computer, dishes made of clay and crystal. Yes, yes, I didn’t make a mistake... Crystal - a ringing transparent material is fraught with the danger of radiation due to the presence of lead in it. Crystal dishes do not emit radon, so they are not harmful as an exhibit, but it is not advisable to store food products in them! Increased background radiation is often inherent in products made of stone and clay. Bathrooms and bathrooms have a luminous effect on the walls and floors lined with ceramic tiles. Objects that glow in the dark (children's and Christmas decorations, dials) are also dangerous to health.

4. Electromagnetic . Do you suffer from headaches, insomnia, irritability and a constant feeling of fatigue? Perhaps the reason is the increased electromagnetic background. There are sources of electromagnetic radiation in every home - these are mobile and landline phones, televisions, microwaves, electrical wiring.

5. Noise. The impact of noise levels is difficult to overestimate. Over time, we cease to perceive noise, but our body reacts to it with disorders of the nervous system and coordination of movements, hearing loss and increased fatigue. In the house, sources of noise include loud music, the roar of a child, the squeaking of animals, loudly operating household appliances that cause vibration.

2.3. My home is my castle?

You can’t help but remember the old saying: “my home is my castle.” Indeed, the house, to some extent, performs a protective function for humans. In your home you feel confident, calm and comfortable. But does this apply to the environmental component of our homes? We will find out during the research. To assess the environmental hazards of residential premises, my manager and I developed a methodology for drawing up an environmental passport for an apartment or house(Annex 1 ), based on which I conducted a study of my home.

1. The house is located in the south-eastern part of the workers' village near the railway and a complex of apartment buildings. Also nearby are private houses and a church. The house is located 2.5 km from the main entrance to the village. The house is private and has a large area on which shrubs grow: honeysuckle, raspberries, currants, apple trees, sea buckthorn. The house is removed from the forest. At a distance of 2-3 meters from the house there are electric poles and communication lines. There are no businesses located near the house.

2. Date of construction – 2006. Two-storey house, area – 112 sq.m.(Appendix 2). 4 people live in the house. Construction and finishing materials from which the house is built - timber, concrete, metal siding, plastic structures, lumber, drywall, paint, vinyl wallpaper. Local gas heat supply. The lighting in the house during the day is natural. Two windows face north, four windows face east and three windows face south. In the dark, fluorescent lamps are used. Radiation background was measured using a dosimeter installed in an application on a smartphone(Appendix 3). The measurement results at a rate of 15-20 μR/h are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Radiation background of a living space, (μ/R/h)

The main source of noise is Railway. Cars during the daytime. The congestion of the one-way road is shown in Table 2. The flow of cars is not large; on weekends and at night there is a sharp decline. The street where I live is central: access to schools, kindergartens, stadium, park.

Table 2. Road congestion, (pieces/day)

The noise level was measured using a sound level meterSplendAppsto the app on your smartphone(Appendix 4). During the daytime, the average noise level is 45-80 dB, at night – 40-45 dB, which is completely safe for human health, but background noise during the day with prolonged exposure can affect our well-being(Appendix 5).

The indoor air temperature in the heating season is +23̊ C, in the summer +18-20̊ C. Relative humidity in the cold season is 55%, which corresponds to the norm. In summer it is much higher, and the house becomes damp. Sources of dust: laminate flooring, leather inserts on upholstered furniture and beds, electrical appliances, curtains, books. There are indoor plants in the house - the main source of aesthetics and oxygen. Flowers are located on window sills in the bedrooms and large outdoor plants in the living room. In summer, natural ventilation is used, in winter - air ionizers. The rooms are ventilated once a day for 10-15 minutes, the kitchen is ventilated 2-3 times for 30 minutes during the day. The kitchen is equipped with an extractor hood.The stove is electric, more environmentally friendly than gas stoves, since as a result of using gas stoves, a combustion product is released - formaldehyde, the concentration of which in apartments exceeds the content of the same substance on the street.

The house has electrical appliances such as: a computer, two TVs, a stereo system, a refrigerator, an electric stove, a dishwasher and a washing machine, a kettle, and a microwave oven. About the computer: the main harmful component of the computer is the monitor, mine is liquid crystal, it creates an electromagnetic field, but not as strong and harmful as that of cathode ray monitors. Complies with the TCO - 99 standard. Such monitors have built-in protection against electromagnetic radiation, and are therefore almost safe.
One TV is located two meters from the sofa in the living room, which does not harm the eyesight, the other is in my bedroom at approximately the same distance from the bed.

Among the pets in the house, there is a cat, which is also a source of noise, but to a greater extent, it is, of course, an object of good mood; it has a positive effect on the psyche and emotional state.So, let's summarize. Having studied the sources of pollution in residential premises, standard indicators of the main characteristics (noise level, radiation, relative humidity, temperature conditions), we can conclude about the presence or absence of environmental hazards for the residents of our house. I believe that the ecological atmosphere in the house is satisfactory. The main danger is noise pollution in the daytime (proximity to the railway, motor vehicles), increased background radiation in the kitchen (large accumulation of electrical appliances, presence of crystal and ceramic dishes) and high relative humidity in the warm season. To solve this problem, we have developed several practical advice:

1. Replace double-glazed windows with new ones with high sound insulation properties.

2. Hang thick curtains in the bedrooms, which can reduce the level of street noise.

3. Use creative ways to insulate, such as wall decoration.

4. Refuse a number of electrical appliances in the kitchen and replace their use with natural methods of cooking and heating food.

5. Replace crystal and ceramic dishes with more environmentally friendly ones.

6. Green plants can be taken outside in the summer to avoid an increase in relative air humidity.

7. You can lower the relative humidity in your home by placing silica gel salt in your home.

8. Increase the frequency of airing rooms per day.

9. Avoid drying clothes in the house.

10. You can minimize the accumulation of dust by replacing regular curtains with roller curtains in some rooms. They collect less dust and are easier to clean.

11. Replace bookshelves by placing books and magazines in closed cabinets.

12. Get rid of carpets and do wet cleaning daily.

13. In bedrooms and living rooms you can place plants with a sedative effect - these are coffee tree, rosemary, lavender, ficus. But you need to remember that plants with large leaf blades (ficus) increase the humidity in the room.

Today, of course, it will not be possible to do everything to make life safe in the house. We are so accustomed to the delights of civilization that it will not be easy to give up harmful items in the house, but it is possible to reduce the risk of diseases from your “shelter”!


During the practical stage of the research, based on the analysis of information sources on the topic, observations and measurement studies, I compiled an environmental passport of my house, which allowed me to objectively assess the degree of environmental hazard for its inhabitants(Attached 6). It turned out to be minimal. Today, more than ever, we understand that our health depends not only on what we wear, eat, drink, but also where we live. The need for comfortable housing is a natural human need. The main thing is that it is safe. In addition to the internal environment, another positive factor is that we live in rural areas where there are no industrial enterprises, there is not such air pollution as in the city, which is very important for health! In order not to release a deadly “cocktail” into our clean environment and breathe healthy air, we have developed a memo “Chemical Warfare Attack”(Appendix 7). Toxins affect the human body imperceptibly, gradually, and as a result of such constant influence, poisoning of the body occurs. This is why cleaning the air in your apartment is vital and necessary.


1. Alekseev S.V., Gruzdeva N.V., Muravyov A.G., Gushchina E.V. Workshop on ecology. Tutorial. Ed. S.V. Alekseeva. M.: JSC MDS, 1996;

2. Dubov D.P.. Home ecology and human health. Ufa: Slovo, 1995;

3. Internet resources:

Annex 1.

Plan for drawing up an environmental passport for residential premises

1. General information about residential premises (in which part of the village the house or apartment is located, the immediate surroundings: houses, businesses, playgrounds, parks, railways, highways)

- characteristics of green spaces

- convenience of the transport network

2. Technical data of the home

- date of construction of the house, area

- number of floors, number of residents

- types of building materials used in construction

- heat supply (gas, electric)

- illumination characteristics (natural, artificial light)

- background radiation in different parts of the building

- noise sources

- traffic congestion

- temperature and humidity in the room

- sources of dust

- characteristics of furniture (description of the material from which the furniture is made

- presence of indoor plants

- characteristics of electrical appliances

- presence of pets

Appendix 2.

The house I live in!

Appendix 3.

Measuring radiation with a dosimeter Atom Simle

Appendix 4.

Measuring the noise level in a residential area using a sound level meter Splend Apps

Appendix 5.

Table of noise intensity and its effect on human health

Appendix 6.

Ecological passport of the house

1. Floor plan of the building (total area – 112 sq.m.)

2. Entourage : dirt road – 8 meters from the house

enterprises – none; railway road – 500 meters; church, residential buildings- a stone's throw; electric poles and communication lines – 2-3 meters.

3. Specifications :

- Construction and finishing materials – sleepers, concrete, slate, metal siding, plastic structures, lumber, drywall, paint, vinyl wallpaper.

- Heat supply - a gas boiler

- Lighting – in the daytime – natural (most of the windows face south), in the dark – fluorescent lamps

- Radiation background – 10-30 µR/h. at a norm of 15-20 µR/h.

- Background noise . Sources of noise - railways, cars. The noise level is 45-80 dB, at night - 40-45 dB. (Norm – up to 80dB.)

- Temperature and humidity. In the heated season +23̊ C, in summer +18-20̊ C. Relative humidity in the cold season is 55%, which corresponds to the norm. Summer – up to 80%

- Characteristics of furniture : cabinet furniture is made of chipboard and natural wood, upholstered furniture - leatherette inserts, fabric, chipboard.

- Availability of green spaces – there are indoor plants.

- Availability of pets - cat

- Electrical appliances: electric stove, two TVs, computer, refrigerator, microwave, kettle, dishwasher, washing machine, music. center.

Appendix 7.

Chemical Warfare Attack Memo

Hasn’t time brought closer to us the most acute problem generated by our invasion of Nature?.. Efim Chestnyakov foresaw this problem. Back at the beginning of the 20th century, the Kologriv artist wrote: “You cannot treat all nature thoughtlessly. It must be cognized intelligently and protected, and not destroyed senselessly. If you thoughtlessly cut down a tree, you destroyed it. They say: “The forest is enough!” So we can reach an agreement about the people: enough is enough!.. But everyone wants to live!

The first huts appeared on the edge of the forest and remained its cozy continuation. The Slavs used wood to make not only the walls and roofs of their homes, but also almost all household items.

A typical Kostroma hut with utensils. Museum of Wooden Architecture.

When talking about housing that is comfortable and safe for human health, we often use the term “ecology of a residential building,” meaning the relationship between the resident and the living space around him.

By natural cleanliness in ecological terms, people understand the unique microclimate that the living walls of the house preserve; everything here is wonderful for your mood and well-being. When a person spends a long part of his life in a confined space of an apartment, maintaining a favorable climate in the house is especially important to him. A log house can be important for children, pregnant women and people whose health is weakened or prone to allergies. For this reason, people want to have their own home outside the city, where they can go. Dangerous ecological situation cities and the presence of stone walls significantly affect health and psyche, causing poor health and background stress.

Firstly, phytoncides.
Natural smells are important to us. A person living in a wooden house inhales air filled with resins and phytoncides, which affects viruses and bacteria. Phytoncides in the air ionize and disinfect oxygen, increasing its biological activity.

Secondly, optimal air humidity is naturally maintained in a wooden structure.
The tree absorbs excess moisture from the air, and when the house is dry, it releases moisture. Wooden house as a natural air conditioner – maintains normal humidity between indoor spaces and the environment. Wood does not emit toxic substances or radioactive gases, in comparison with, say, synthetic building materials or reinforced concrete. Wood does not accumulate sources of electromagnetic radiation.

Thirdly, the naturalness of the materials.
For humans, the harmlessness of wood was originally laid down by nature. Wooden walls help remove anthropotoxins – toxic substances caused by human activity. Despite their low concentration, anthropotoxins contribute to the deterioration of human well-being and reduce performance and mental activity and, ultimately, lead to accelerated aging of the body.

Fourthly, wood is a heat insulator. In Russia, houses were built from wood, and this despite the fact that Russia was not famous for its warm climate. A wooden house retains and accumulates heat. To create a microclimate in the house, the objects surrounding a person play an important role. Future generations will be able to return to construction wooden houses, if the forest remains on the planet.

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The full version of the work is available in the "Work Files" tab in PDF format

1. Introduction.

Environmentally friendly housing, what kind of housing is it - a wooden hut or a modern apartment equipped with the latest technology? It is worth thinking about where we live and how the most important human value is health and safety. We spend most of our time in our favorite house, but, nevertheless, none of us probably suspects how dangerous it can be. The outbreak of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, as well as diseases associated with the respiratory system, makes us involuntarily think about our health and the health of the future generation. It’s probably not for nothing that today many people prefer to move to country houses made of natural wood, give up the TV, get rid of floor coverings, expensive wallpaper and a host of other super-fashionable things. New terms, hitherto unknown to us, have appeared - sick building syndrome, housing ecology, safe home, etc. Indeed, today we all need to look around us and make sure that our home is our fortress!

Hypothesis: If we give up at least part of the benefits of civilization, then we can maintain our health and reduce the risk of developing fatal diseases.

Target: create an environmental passport for your home

Tasks: 1. Get acquainted with the types of environmental pollution in residential premises

2. Identify sources of potential health hazards in the home where I live.

3. Research the conditions of your living environment

4. Develop a methodology for environmental assessment of residential premises

5. Develop a reminder about safe stay in residential premises “Chemical warfare attack”

Object of study: The house I live in

Item: factors that determine the degree of comfort and danger to life.

Research methods: observation, measurement, induction, analysis.

Stages of work: 1- theoretical (working with information: selection, analysis)

2- practical (research of housing for items hazardous to human health)

3 - final (creation of a research product - eco-passport for your home)

Relevance: harsh statistics on the dynamics of population mortality in Russia over the past 10-15 years involuntarily leads to the question “Why?” What is different now compared to previous years? It is clear that there is a whole group of factors at work here that influence the mortality rate. These include bad habits, industrial and road accidents, and natural disasters. We must also accept the fact that man himself is the cause of these troubles. This means that he becomes the manager of his life. But a person does not come to the ball of fate alone; he is surrounded by other people who want to live, be healthy and spiritually rich. A person needs to think about what he eats, what clothes he wears, what he breathes, and what he builds his home from. You might think, what is the connection between all this and our health? Yes, the most direct! To make it obvious, we will conduct a study of our home and determine the degree of its danger to our health.

Practical significance: research materials can become a kind of algorithm for environmental assessment of residential premises

2. Main part

2.1. From a wooden hut to a modern apartment.

From the point of view of environmental ideals, it is impossible to live in modern houses. A wooden hut has always been considered a symbol of environmental comfort and a healthy spirit. What they used to build their homes in Rus', the younger generation these days can only learn from old films or the stories of their grandparents. The dwellings were warm, bright, and environmentally friendly. But as modern research shows, this is not entirely true. Unfortunately, the negative aspect of using stove heating remains practically unknown in Russia. It has been proven that one stove, which is heated with coal or wood, emits as many harmful substances as five old diesel engines running simultaneously. Substances released during the combustion of solid organic fuels provoke serious diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular, respiratory diseases and, according to the World Health Organization, are included in the top 10 risks to human health. Ordinary household soot, seemingly completely harmless, is classified as a carcinogen, according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer. 1 What about carbon monoxide released when burning solid fuels? It is dangerous not only for the atmosphere, but also for our health. Therefore, what is more environmentally friendly, old houses with stove heating or modern apartments, is a very controversial issue. Today we try to preserve heat in our homes using plastic windows, doors, and oil radiators. We use artificial light. We use materials that are harmful to the body to lay walls, ceilings and floors, and we create comfort by cluttering the house with all sorts of utensils, which sometimes cause headaches, suffocation and drowsiness. Everything in a modern apartment, from the walls and ceilings to the garbage disposal, emits substances that are deadly to our body. For example, asbestos-cement pipes and panels in the supply ventilation system and garbage chutes increase the risk of developing lung cancer and have long been banned in the West. Not to mention that garbage disposals are a powerful source of pathogenic microorganisms. Where to live and how to breathe? It is difficult for a person today to give up what we have so quickly become accustomed to. We are not ready to dress in bearskins and go live in caves. And our own apartments and houses are no cleaner than the polluted streets. Let's consider the main types of pollution in residential premises.

2.2. Why is there filth in our house? Types of residential pollution.

1. Chemical. The source of such pollution is usually furniture made from assembled chipboard panels and construction and finishing materials, which emit phenol, formaldehyde and radon, as well as styrene and aerosols of heavy metals, causing irritation of the mucous membranes, exacerbation of asthma, and disorders of the liver and kidneys. We ourselves turn the house into a gas chamber. They pasted vinyl wallpaper, laid linoleum, varnished the parquet, and stretched the ceilings. Beautiful! And what smells! Moreover, we do not provide natural ventilation. The first time after purchasing the furniture, the smell may be present, but after three months it should not be there!

2. Microbiological. Our apartments are polluted with dust, which accumulates in upholstered furniture, carpets and home textiles. Dust is home to dozens of species of living creatures, from mites to bacteria. Another common problem is mold and mildew. All this not only spoils the interior, but also threatens health, causing asthma, allergies and weakened immunity.

3. Radiation. Radiation is deadly - it causes cancer. Sources of radiation can be the most unexpected objects: television, cell phone, computer, dishes made of clay and crystal. Yes, yes, I didn’t make a mistake... Crystal, a ringing transparent material, is fraught with the danger of radiation due to the presence of lead in it. Crystal glassware does not emit radon, so it is not harmful as an exhibit, but it is not advisable to store food products in it! Increased background radiation is often inherent in products made of stone and clay. Bathrooms and bathrooms have a luminous effect on the walls and floors lined with ceramic tiles. Objects that glow in the dark (children's and Christmas decorations, dials) are also dangerous to health.

4. Electromagnetic. Do you suffer from headaches, insomnia, irritability and a constant feeling of fatigue? Perhaps the reason is an increased electromagnetic background. There are sources of electromagnetic radiation in every home - these are mobile and landline phones, televisions , microwaves, wiring.

5. Noise. The impact of noise levels is difficult to overestimate. Over time, we cease to perceive noise, but our body reacts to it with disorders of the nervous system and coordination of movements, hearing loss and increased fatigue. In the house, sources of noise include loud music, the roar of a child, the squeaking of animals, loudly operating household appliances that cause vibration.

2.3. My home is my castle?

You can’t help but remember the old saying: “my home is my castle.” Indeed, the house, to some extent, performs a protective function for humans. In your home you feel confident, calm and comfortable. But does this relate to the environmental component of our homes? We will find out during the research. To assess the environmental hazards of residential premises, my manager and I developed a methodology for drawing up an environmental passport for an apartment or house (Annex 1), based on which I conducted a study of my home.

1. The house is located in the south-eastern part of the workers' village near the railway and a complex of apartment buildings. Also nearby are private houses and a church. The house is located 2.5 km from the main entrance to the village. The house is private and has a large area on which shrubs grow: honeysuckle, raspberries, currants, apple trees, sea buckthorn. The house is removed from the forest. At a distance of 2-3 meters from the house there are electric poles and communication lines. There are no businesses located near the house.

2. Date of construction - 2006. Two-storey house with an area of ​​112 sq.m. (Appendix 2). 4 people live in the house. Construction and finishing materials from which the house is built - timber, concrete, metal siding, plastic structures, lumber, drywall, paint, vinyl wallpaper. Local gas heat supply. The lighting in the house during the day is natural. Two windows face north, four windows face east and three windows face south. In the dark, fluorescent lamps are used. Radiation background was measured using a dosimeter installed in an application on a smartphone (Appendix 3). The measurement results at a rate of 15-20 μR/h are shown in Table 1.

Table 1.Radiation background of a living space, (μ/R/h)

The main source of noise is the railway. Cars during the daytime. The congestion of the one-way road is shown in Table 2. The flow of cars is not large; on weekends and at night there is a sharp decline. The street where I live is central: access to schools, kindergartens, stadium, park.

Table 2. Road congestion, (pieces/day)

The noise level was measured using a Splend Apps sound level meter in the smartphone application. (Appendix 4). During the daytime, the average noise level is 45-80 dB, at night - 40-45 dB, which is completely safe for human health, but background noise during the day with prolonged exposure can affect our well-being (Appendix 5).

The room temperature in the heating season is +23°C, in the summer +18-20°C. Relative humidity in the cold season is 55%, which corresponds to the norm. In summer it is much higher, and the house becomes damp. Sources of dust: laminate flooring, leather inserts on upholstered furniture and beds, electrical appliances, curtains, books. There are indoor plants in the house - the main source of aesthetics and oxygen. Flowers are located on window sills in the bedrooms and large outdoor plants in the living room. In summer, natural ventilation is used, in winter - air ionizers. The rooms are ventilated once a day for 10-15 minutes, the kitchen is ventilated 2-3 times for 30 minutes during the day. The kitchen is equipped with an extractor hood. Electric stove, environmentally cleaner than gas stoves, since as a result of the use of gas stoves, a combustion product is released - formaldehyde, the concentration of which in apartments exceeds the content of the same substance on the street.

The house has electrical appliances such as: a computer, two TVs, a stereo system, a refrigerator, an electric stove, a dishwasher and a washing machine, a kettle, and a microwave oven. About the computer: the main harmful component of the computer is the monitor, mine is liquid crystal, it creates an electromagnetic field, but not as strong and harmful as that of cathode ray monitors. Complies with the TCO - 99 standard. Such monitors have built-in protection against electromagnetic radiation, and are therefore almost safe.
One TV is located two meters from the sofa in the living room, which does not harm vision, the other is in my bedroom at approximately the same distance from the bed.

Among the pets in the house, there is a cat, which is also a source of noise, but to a greater extent, it is, of course, an object of good mood; it has a positive effect on the psyche and emotional state.
So, let's summarize. Having studied the sources of pollution in residential premises, standard indicators of the main characteristics (noise level, radiation, relative humidity, temperature conditions), we can conclude about the presence or absence of environmental hazards for the residents of our house. I believe that the ecological atmosphere in the house is satisfactory. The main danger is noise pollution in the daytime (proximity to the railway, vehicles), increased background radiation in the kitchen (large accumulation of electrical appliances, the presence of crystal and ceramic dishes) and high relative humidity in the warm season. To solve this problem, we have developed several practical tips:

1. Replace double-glazed windows with new ones with high sound insulation properties.

2.Hang thick curtains in the bedrooms, which can reduce the level of street noise.

3.Use creative ways to insulate, such as wall decoration.

4. Refuse a number of electrical appliances in the kitchen and replace their use with natural methods of cooking and heating food.

5. Replace glassware and ceramics with more environmentally friendly ones.

6. Green plants can be taken outside in the summer to avoid an increase in relative air humidity.

7. You can lower the relative humidity in your home by placing silica gel salt in your home.

8. Increase the frequency of airing rooms per day.

9. Avoid drying clothes in the house.

10. You can minimize the accumulation of dust by replacing conventional curtains with roller curtains in some rooms. They collect less dust and are easier to clean.

11. Replace bookshelves by placing books and magazines in closed cabinets.

12. Get rid of carpets and do wet cleaning daily.

13. In bedrooms and living rooms you can place plants with a sedative effect - these are coffee tree, rosemary, lavender, ficus. But you need to remember that plants with large leaf blades (ficus) increase the humidity in the room.

Today, of course, it will not be possible to do everything to make life safe in the house. We are so accustomed to the delights of civilization that it will not be easy to give up harmful items in the house, but it is possible to reduce the risk of diseases from your “shelter”!


During the practical stage of the research, based on the analysis of information sources on the topic, observations and measurement studies, I compiled an environmental passport of my house, which allowed me to objectively assess the degree of environmental hazard for its inhabitants(Attached 6).It turned out to be minimal. Today, more than ever, we understand that our health depends not only on what we wear, eat, drink, but also where we live. The need for comfortable housing is a natural human need. The main thing is that it is safe. In addition to the internal environment, another positive factor is that we live in rural areas, where there are no industrial enterprises, and there is not such air pollution as in the city, which is very important for health! In order not to release a deadly “cocktail” into our clean environment and breathe healthy air, we have developed a memo “Chemical Warfare Attack”(Appendix 7). Toxins affect the human body imperceptibly, gradually, and as a result of such constant influence, poisoning of the body occurs. This is why cleaning the air in your apartment is vital and necessary.


1. Alekseev S.V., Gruzdeva N.V., Muravyov A.G., Gushchina E.V. Workshop on ecology. Tutorial. Ed. S.V. Alekseeva. M.: JSC MDS, 1996;

2. Dubov D.P. . Home ecology and human health. Ufa: Slovo, 1995;

3. Internet resources:

Annex 1.

Plan for drawing up an environmental passport for residential premises

1. General information about the residential premises (in which part of the village the house or apartment is located, the immediate surroundings: houses, businesses, sites, parks, railways, highways)

- characteristics of green spaces

- convenience of the transport network

2. Technical data of the home

- date of construction of the house, area

- number of floors, number of residents

- types of building materials used in construction

- heat supply (gas, electric)

- illumination characteristics (natural, artificial light)

- background radiation in different parts of the building

- noise sources

- traffic congestion

- temperature and humidity in the room

- sources of dust

- characteristics of furniture (description of the material from which the furniture is made

- presence of indoor plants

- characteristics of electrical appliances

- presence of pets

Appendix 2.

The house I live in!

Appendix 3.

Measuring radiation with a dosimeterAtom Simle

Appendix 4.

Measuring the noise level in a residential area using a sound level meterSplend Apps

Appendix 5.

Table of noise intensity and its effect on human health

Appendix 6.

Ecological passport of the house

1. Floor plan of the building (total area - 112 sq.m.)


1st floor

2. Entourage : dirt road - 8 meters from the house

enterprises - none; railway road - 500 meters; church, residential buildings - within walking distance; electric poles and communication lines - 2-3 meters.

3. Specifications :

- Construction and finishing materials - sleepers, concrete, slate, metal siding, plastic structures, lumber, drywall, paint, vinyl wallpaper.

- Heat supply - a gas boiler

- Lighting - in the daytime - natural (most of the windows face south), in the dark - fluorescent lamps

- Radiation background - 10-30 microR/h. at a norm of 15-20 µR/h.

- Background noise . Sources of noise - railways, cars. The noise level is 45-80 dB, at night - 40-45 dB. (Norm - up to 80dB.)

- Temperature and humidity. In the heated season +23̊ C, in summer +18-20̊ C. Relative humidity in the cold season is 55%, which corresponds to the norm. Summer - up to 80%

- Characteristics of furniture : cabinet furniture is made of chipboard and natural wood, upholstered furniture - leatherette inserts, fabric, chipboard.

- Availability of green spaces - there are indoor plants.

- Availability of pets - cat

- Electrical appliances: electric stove, two TVs, computer, refrigerator, microwave, kettle, dishwasher, washing machine, music. center.

Appendix 7.

Chemical Warfare Attack Memo

♦ Ensuring circulation in the apartment by opening the window is not quite the right solution. From the street we let not-so-clean air into the house. Using a useful air purifying device breather, will help solve the problem, but nevertheless, airing 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes is necessary.

♦ No smoking! The smoke contains deadly substances: hydrogen cyanide, methane, acetone, benzene and other toxic, mutagenic compounds.

♦. Buy only high-quality furniture, remember that some emit a substance hazardous to health - formaldehyde

♦ Avoid high levels of humidity in your home. This promotes the appearance of dust mites and mold, which release toxic substances. A good ventilation system is needed daily cleaning and of course, get rid of all unnecessary junk in the house.

♦ Pet hair is dangerous! Therefore, we recommend washing your hands after contact with them and combing them periodically.

♦ Purifying flowers are natural air purifiers that kill harmful germs. Phytoncides released by indoor plants have an antibacterial effect, increase humidity, and deal with toxic substances produced by household chemicals. Recommended plants are ficus, Chinese rose, violet, cyclamen, myrtle, fern, dieffenbachia.

♦ If the air in your home is dry, you should use a humidifier. It will also perform a preventive function against colds.

You can use essential oils to improve the climate in your room.


From the point of view of environmental ideals, it is impossible to live in modern houses. These are reinforced concrete frames in which harmful substances are released from almost everything - from walls, floors and coatings to the garbage chute. For example, asbestos-cement pipes and panels in the supply ventilation system and garbage chutes increase the risk of developing lung cancer and are already prohibited in the West.

Not to mention the fact that
Garbage chutes are a powerful source of pathogenic microorganisms. More
environmentally friendly materials - glass and plastic. Concrete on granite crushed stone is often
radioactive (oncological diseases). Expanded polystyrene blocks, dry
plaster, lining emit styrene (irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes,
headache, nausea). The desire to use special construction materials
materials to insulate buildings as effectively as possible to save energy,
leads to complete blockage.
Poor housing ecology is a problem for all residents of the metropolis. We can't refuse
from the benefits of civilization, dress in skins and go live in caves. So that at least somehow-
then to bring housing in big cities closer to environmentally acceptable, we need to change
house building standards. But this is a long process. We'll have to wait until construction
firms will start building differently. Or build it yourself. It would be nice to have
a house made from natural materials somewhere outside the city, in an environmentally friendly
area. A wooden hut is considered a symbol of environmental comfort.
Have you noticed how little dust there is in country houses and villages? And the dust that
we inhale in our city apartments almost with spoons, provokes development
allergic and bronchopulmonary diseases. But Vacation home Not everyone can afford it.
Most city dwellers have to put up with more than just living
in an industrial area, but also with an apartment in a house not of his first youth. But we can
By at least, do not aggravate the harmful effects. True, it turns out just
vice versa.

Why is there filth in our house?
ACCORDING TO ecologists, home air is 4–6 times dirtier and 8–10 times more toxic
street At the same time, we ourselves often turn our apartment into a gas chamber.
The family made renovations. We hung vinyl wallpaper, laid linoleum, and varnished it
parquet flooring, oil painted window frames, finished ceiling
polystyrene foam panels. We bought new furniture. Beautiful. And the smells - be
healthy It’s time to put on a gas mask or sit out with your neighbors for a couple of weeks until
will not fade.

Pollution is mainly associated with man-made work. One of the sources of danger is finishing
materials that emit phenol, formaldehyde, carboxylic acid esters,
aromatics. These are linoleum, vinyl wallpaper, synthetic ceiling tiles, varnishes.
People often buy whatever they find - in markets, without a certificate. The main thing is to buy
cheaper. As a result, they save on their health. For example, it is often used
indoor paints that say “exterior use only” - they
release toxins. Or parquet varnish. Well, it is written - “wear-resistant, only for
offices." No, you need to buy it - it's cheap and durable. And the fact that he “gasss”
Doesn't stop me from buying. Assembly furniture from chipboard panels without laminating
coatings release phenol and formaldehyde in elevated concentrations (damage
kidneys, liver, changes in blood composition). The first time after buying new furniture
There may be an odor in the apartment. In three months it shouldn't be there!
And in a healthy person, the “aroma” of fresh paints, varnishes or furniture can cause
discomfort, headache. But it is especially dangerous for allergy sufferers.
- We often see exacerbations of allergic diseases upon contact with a patient
with toxic substances entering environment with some
construction and finishing materials,” says the allergist,
Head of the Department of Clinical Allergology at the Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine named after. I.I.
Mechnikova, Doctor of Medical Sciences Marina Adolfovna MOKRONOSOVA. -
If a person has a chronic disease of the lungs, bronchi or nose, then
effects on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, for example, phenolic
compounds released from the surface of building and furniture materials,
an irritating toxic effect occurs. In patients with bronchial asthma
it may cause suffocation. The fact is that the respiratory organs of such people are already
weakened. They cannot resist the attack of toxins. And it requires very serious
treatment to relieve attacks of allergies or bronchial asthma.
And in an apartment where people constantly smoke or use a gas stove for other purposes,
for example, as a heater, nothing to talk about ecology or health at all
no need to.
In a home where at least one person smokes, children are five times more likely to suffer from allergies.
infectious respiratory diseases, including pneumonia and bronchitis,
than in non-smoking families,” says Marina Adolfovna. - Due to the decline
their immunity, any illnesses, especially colds, are more severe. Myself
Tobacco smoke itself does not cause an allergic reaction. But its components
in particular, nicotine, carbon monoxide and benzopyrene, make the airways easier
permeable to allergens - pollen, house dust mites, wool
animals, mold. As a result, all allergic diseases worsen.
Don't miss the first signs that tell you to stay where you are.
smoking, it is not only unpleasant for you, but also dangerous: watery eyes, stuffiness or
clear nasal discharge, difficulty breathing or wheezing. Gas
The stove is also a strong source of indoor air pollution. At the hourly
When gas burns in an apartment, the concentration of carbon monoxide increases many times,
benzene, formaldehyde and nitric oxide. These substances irritate the mucous membrane
respiratory tract, facilitate the penetration of allergens into the body and also
cause exacerbation of the disease.

Tap water
Things are better with HOME water than with air. Tap water
You can drink in Moscow, environmentalists say.
- Centralized tap water in Moscow meets almost everything
requirements that are placed on it,” says Alexander Ivanov. -
Pollution does happen. They are mainly related to the condition of pipes and boilers. Water,
which comes out of treatment systems is ideal. Passing through the pipes, she captures
scale The farther the houses are from the treatment plant, the greater the likelihood
exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations of iron content. This kind of water
usually cloudy, yellowish in color. There are excesses of organic standards
connections. They are partially destroyed by chlorination. But if the water lasts for a long time
stagnates in basements, boiler rooms (which still exist), a violent
the growth of microorganisms - iron bacteria, sulfur bacteria, etc. They themselves are harmless,
but they release metabolites. And this is the notorious organic matter that is in the water
normalize. Tap water may be contaminated with fecal waste when
some accidents, pipe ruptures. Our biggest problem is the water coming
not from a centralized water supply, but from wells. There are few such areas in Moscow.

In some areas, even organic pollution standards have been exceeded.
Nevertheless, a filter for purifying drinking water will not hurt anyone. In spring many
sewage treatment plants are addicted to overdosing on chlorine. The water appears unpleasant
The smell and chlorine itself are not good for the body. In this regard, carbon filters are very
help. Unfortunately, there are no filters that would purify water from all contaminants.
immediately - iron, hardness, organic matter, bacteria - no. Therefore, before you buy
filter, it is advisable to find out what contaminants are more in your water. In a rustic
at home, in the country, especially if there is a bathhouse, electric heating devices, it is better
install a large water purification system.

What you need to know
IS there any danger from your walls? To check this, you can order
environmental assessment. Now there are many similar organizations.
Experts will analyze the quality of air and water and make recommendations. Is it true,
Their services are not cheap - on average from three to ten thousand and more. It all depends
from the set of measurements that the client wants to carry out. Plus elimination costs
pollution factors.

In order not to create chemical conditions in your own home

Use natural ones whenever possible Construction Materials- tree
and brick.
Do not cover walls with vinyl or washable wallpaper, self-adhesive
films, do not paint with waterproof oil paints. They are not
breathe" and, in addition, can release toxins.
When buying varnishes or paints for repairs, always pay attention to the labels
“for external work only” or “for internal work”.
Don't use a gas stove as a cheap fireplace. It's better to buy
electric heater.
In the war against cockroaches, use “Combat” type traps. About aerosols
forget it.
Do not smoke (and do not allow others to smoke) in your home, including “out the window”
on the balcony or in the toilet. You can’t insist on your own, regularly
ventilate rooms at any time of the year and wipe dust daily, more often
wash curtains and whitewash ceilings.
