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Medvedev gave the start pension reform

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced an increase in the retirement age. The government proposes to raise the retirement age for men from the current 60 to 65 years, and for women from 55 to 63 years. Thus, the last “transition year” will be 2034, when the retirement age for women reaches a new level. From 2019, the retirement age will be raised by one year every two years - for example, men born in 1959 and women born in 1964 will receive the right to retire in 2020, namely at the ages of 61 and 56 years, respectively.

Pensions will begin to grow faster

The government claims that raising the retirement age is long overdue and all conditions have been created for this. The current retirement age was introduced back in 1956 in the USSR, when the level of medical and social security was at a low level. Raising the retirement age is necessary, according to the Cabinet of Ministers, for faster growth of pensions themselves. At the moment, according to Medvedev’s estimates, pensions are growing by an average of 400-500 rubles per year (in 2016 the increase was 399 rubles, in 2017 - 524 rubles, in 2018 it will be 481 rubles), the reform will increase the growth rate pension provision doubled - by a thousand rubles per year. The average pension at the end of 2017 was 13,620 rubles, so by the time the reform is completed it could increase by at least 10 thousand rubles.

Russia took the example of raising the retirement age from Kazakhstan

The retirement age in Russia is one of the lowest not only in the world, but even in comparison with its closest neighbors and former countries Soviet Union. For example, in Kazakhstan, the retirement age for men is 63 years, and for women - 58 years; this level was established back in 2001. Moreover, since 2018, the second stage of increase has been underway in Kazakhstan - by 2027, the retirement age for women will rise to the level of men. Belarus began raising the retirement age in 2017 and intends to increase it to 63 years for men and 58 years for women; this is planned to be done by 2022. For comparison, the retirement age in Norway, which Russia is often cited as an example, is 67 years for both men and women; in the UK, both sexes retire from 65 years of age.

The government will set European standards for pensions

During the government meeting, the Prime Minister said that the Cabinet intends to raise the issue of ratifying the Convention on Minimum Standards of Social Security. “Its provisions will lead to international standards legislative regulation of the pension sector. It establishes a clear relationship between the average size of pensions and average earnings,” noted Dmitry Medvedev. One of fundamental principles Convention - the pension must be at least 40 percent of lost income, that is, the employee’s salary.

Pension reform is overdue

As of January 1, 2018, the official population of Russia was 146.9 million people. Of these, 46.5 million people were pensioners, that is, 31.7 percent of the total number, while working pensioners, according to official statistics, were 26.4 percent of the total number of pensioners, or 12.3 million people. The authorities insist that upon reaching retirement age, more than 50 percent of citizens remain working. For example, in 2017, 1.45 million people retired, and 0.73 million of them continued to work. The government fears that the share of working pensioners will continue to rise, leaving the other half unable to raise their pensions.

When current pension standards were set for one pensioner, the pension system “paid” (paid pension and insurance premiums V social funds) 3.7 people of working age. Current demographic situation and trends in the labor market will lead to the fact that by 2019 only two able-bodied people will “pay” for one pensioner - the system may not even cope with payments at the current level.

Today's retirees have nothing to fear

Dmitry Medvedev noted during a government meeting that current pensioners have nothing to worry about. “No rules are changing regarding current pensioners,” the prime minister assured. Moreover, retirement age benefits will be maintained. We are talking about citizens who work in harmful and dangerous industries, women with five or more children, disabled people, Chernobyl survivors and others. For workers in the Far North, the retirement age will be set at 60 and 58 years, respectively. For citizens with extensive experience, an additional benefit is provided - they will be able to retire for two years ahead of schedule. We are talking about women with more than 40 years of experience and men with more than 45 years of experience.

VAT also went up

In addition to raising the retirement age, during the government meeting it was announced that the value added tax (VAT) would be increased from the current 18 to 20 percent. As First Deputy Prime Minister Anton Siluanov noted at the meeting, this measure will allow for an additional 600 billion rubles in tax revenues per year. “These funds, together with additional revenues from the completion of the oil and gas maneuver, will be the main sources for financing the national development goals set in the presidential decree of May current year", Siluanov said. According to the government's plan, the tax increase will allow businesses to also participate in increasing the pensions of Russians, while without the reform it would not have been possible to maintain the current level of insurance premiums paid by businesses - they would have to be increased.

The documents will be sent to the State Duma

According to Medvedev, the law on raising the retirement age and VAT will be sent to the State Duma in the near future. “All bills, all accompanying documents must be sent to the State Duma as soon as possible, so that our fellow deputies can consider them in the first reading before the end of the spring session. Therefore, I ask all relevant ministers and deputy prime ministers, the government apparatus to deal with this as a priority,” the prime minister demanded. Medvedev, in turn, expressed hope that parliament will support the proposed innovations and quickly adopt them. After the State Duma and the Federation Council, the documents will go to the President of Russia for signature.

2019 is one of the landmark years in the Russian pension system. After all, the retirement age is increasing, albeit gradually, but by 5 years. But along with such an increase in age, we should also expect an increase in the amount of pension benefits. Let’s figure out who will be affected by indexation, how many times it will be done, and what kind of legal assistance in Moscow you may need.

Will the pension amount increase? Pension reform in Russia.

In 2018, the media constantly circulated information about pension increases in 2019. Even with numerous clarifications, many pointed specifically to an increase. However, if you analyze all the regulations that relate to pension amounts for 2019, it becomes clear that there will be no increase.

We are talking exclusively about indexing, which is not technically an increase. The fact is that indexation is carried out as planned and from year to year. And there will indeed be an increase in pensions in 2019 through indexation, and not in February, as is usually the case, but from January 1st. And pensioners will receive an additional amount that more than doubles the projected official inflation.

Thus, the January increase coefficient is 1.0705, which is 7.05% of the amount of pension benefits relative to 2018. At the same time, those pensioners who, according to the schedule, receive a pension in the first 10 days of the month received an increased amount already in December 2018.

How many indexations are planned for 2019

Back in the summer of 2018, some officials pointed to double indexation of pensions in 2019. And therefore, many are interested in what month of 2019 pensions will be increased for the second time. To answer this question, let’s break down all the pension increases planned by the authorities.

January 2019 – old-age insurance pensions/service pensions for non-working pensioners. February 2019 – increase in the social support of the Pension Fund, that is, indexation of the daily wage, funeral benefits, NSU. April 2019 – social pensions. August 2019 – recalculation ( correction) of pensions of the working category of pensioners.

As can be seen from the list, there is no talk of double indexing. Let's look at each indexing option in a little more detail.

Pension increase in January 2019.

Pensions are indexed in accordance with the indexation schedule developed for the transition period of increasing the retirement age. Since the transition will take 5 years, indexation will be carried out for all 5 years and, most likely, in January.

It turns out that from January 1, 2019, the amount of pension benefits will increase by 7.05%. But only those who:

received a pension; completed labor activity at least 3 months before indexation (that is, September 30 inclusive); at the time of indexation, the enterprise is not registered in the state (or out of state), does not conduct entrepreneurial activity and is not a self-employed citizen.

Many pensioners decided to take advantage of the “loophole” left by the state. Thus, some Muscovites quit their jobs in early autumn. Having received the required indexation of 7.05% (taking into account past increases), they plan to find a job again. Since the authorities will not be able to cancel indexation, they will be able to receive an increased pension, but at the same time continue to work.

Indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2019.

As in previous years, due to the difficult economic situation in the country, indexation for working pension recipients is not planned in 2019. But this became known in the fall of 2018, but at the same time a rumor appeared that, in principle, there would be no increase.

Moscow working pensioner Fedor Zh. turned to a lawyer for help: his pension was not indexed. The man explained that he fears that indexation will not affect him even if he quits his job. The lawyer explained that his pension would be raised 3 months after his dismissal, and all missed indexations would be taken into account.

Of course, many working pensioners fear that when they increase the pensions of non-working pensioners in 2019, they will simply be “forgotten” and they will not have to wait for an increase when they finally retire. But this is not so, and all due amounts will be paid to them 3 months after dismissal, and for the 3 “missed” months too.

Who will receive an increase in pension in February 2019.

The February increase in pensions will not affect all pensioners, but only those who receive EDV and NSU, and the payments themselves do not relate to the amount of pension benefits. To recipients of one-time cash payments include veterans, disabled people, Heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation.

The indexation coefficient is only 1.034, so for disabled people of group I, the increase will be only 123.32 rubles. Some other categories will not have to count on this amount either. For example, disabled people of group III will be “pleased” with only 70.49 rubles.

Will there be an increase in pensions for pensioners in April 2019?

The April increase applies only to recipients of social pensions and pensions, which are based on the basic rate of social pension. Of course, at the end of 2018 there were rumors that there would be no increase. And, alas, it really won’t happen. However, indexation will still take place, so the question of whether pensions will be increased in 2019 for “social workers” can still be answered positively.

Another conversation about the increase factor. It will be only 2.4%, which is lower compared to 2018 (2.9%), but higher compared to 2018 (1.5%). From April 2019, the base rate of social pension will increase to the amount of 5,304.57 rubles. However, taking into account the Constitution of the Russian Federation and other legal acts, a pensioner cannot receive a monthly allowance less than the level living wage pensioner, which at the federal level is set at 8,846 rubles.

How much will the pension increase in August 2019?

The August adjustment applies exclusively to working pensioners and does not affect the rights of non-working pension recipients. This is not a classic increase or even indexation. The maintenance amount is adjusted taking into account:

the cost of pension points, which in 2019 are regarded as 1 point = 87.24 rubles; the number of pension points earned per year, but not more than 3.

Consequently, the maximum possible increase in pension benefits will be only 261.72 rubles. to the pension received.

Are you wondering what pensions will be increased in 2019 and by how much? Ask a question to a site lawyer for free by phone or online.

In the current demographic, economic and institutional conditions, it is impossible to provide pensioners with a decent pension, Liliya Ovcharova, director of social research at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, told RBC. According to her, raising the retirement age in other countries was accompanied by changes in the healthcare system, as well as the implementation of programs to support the employment of older people. “If these measures are not taken, then, of course, there are significant risks associated with the fact that, firstly, unemployment among older people will increase. Secondly, the proportion of people who apply for a pension not for old age, but for disability, may increase quite avalanche-like,” Ovcharova warned.

“63/65” is not the only option that was discussed when deciding on the new retirement age. According to RBC sources, the government also considered other parameters, in particular increasing the retirement age to 65 years for men and 60 for women, as well as to 62 and 60 years, respectively. The “65/63” parameters chosen by the government are an “extreme” scenario and a “proposal for bargaining,” says the vice-rector of the Academy of Labor and social relations Alexander Safonov. First Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Anton Siluanov, at a briefing following the government meeting, refused to consider the adopted option “the most stringent.” The fact is that the government is raising the retirement age in stages, he explained.

For old times' sake

The government did not equalize the retirement age for men and women, although women in Russia, according to statistics, live longer than men (life expectancy is 77 years versus 66.5 years, according to Rosstat (.pdf) for 2017). To maintain the difference in retirement age for men and women, there are no demographic and economic reasons, Ovcharova believes. “But it is an ingrained social norm that women have some kind of social bonus for caring for children and the elderly,” the economist said. “Given that women live longer, the retirement age of both men and women should be the same from an economic point of view,” Ovcharova believes.

Who can retire and when?

When raising the retirement age, a 10- and 16-year transition period is provided. The increase itself will occur at a pace of “plus one year every year,” follows from the statement of Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova. The increase will affect men born in 1959 and younger and women born in 1964 and younger. For example, men born in 1959 and women born in 1964 will be eligible to retire in 2020 at ages 61 and 56 (under current rules they would have retired in 2019). Men born in 1960 and women born in 1965 will be able to retire in 2022, at ages 62 and 57, respectively.

Overall, the transition period will last until 2028 for men and until 2034 for women (see infographic). From now on, all men and women who do not belong to preferential categories will retire at the age of 65 and 63, regardless of the year of birth.

Retirement age and for some categories who have the right to retire early. For example, citizens working in the Far North and equivalent areas will be able to retire at 60 and 58 years of age (for men and women, respectively). Now their retirement age is 55 and 50 years. 2.9 million people receive pensions on this basis, it was noted in materials for deputies and senators. Transition period for them it will be the same as for retirement on general grounds.

The age for early retirement (for the same five and eight years) is also for teaching, medical and creative workers. Social old-age pension, which is received by citizens who do not have the required work experience, also - from 65/60 years for men and women to 70/68 years. And people with extensive work experience—40 years for women and 45 years for men—will be able to retire two years earlier (this opportunity still exists).

The current amendments do not provide for changes to the length of service required by the military upon retirement (currently 20 years), but the Ministry of Finance, according to Siluanov, believes that it “should also be adjusted.” “We have similar studies with the Ministry of Defense, this will be one of the elements of our proposals,” said the First Deputy Prime Minister.

Who will not be affected by raising the retirement age?

The government has identified categories of citizens who will be able to retire on the same conditions as now, Medvedev said. Among them are those working in harmful and dangerous industries; women who have five or more children; visually impaired people of the first group and military trauma; one of the parents or guardians of people with disabilities since childhood; citizens injured in the Chernobyl accident.

How does this relate to life expectancy?

Since the approval of the current boundaries of the retirement age (some of them were adopted in the 1930s, and the basic rules were approved in the 1950s-1960s), “life expectancy has increased by more than 30 years, in addition, both living conditions and working conditions,” Medvedev said. Now this figure is almost 73 years, and by 2030, according to President Vladimir Putin, it should reach 80 years.

But at the current retirement age for men (60 years), the probability of 20-year-old men surviving to retirement age is 68%, RANEPA economists Yuri Gorlin, Viktor Lyashok and Tatyana Maleva. With the retirement age increasing to 63 years, the probability of surviving to this age and living a long retirement for Russian men becomes one of the lowest among developed countries(below the level of Ukraine, Bulgaria, Lithuania and Belarus), they emphasized.

Dmitry Medvedev and Anton Siluanov (Photo: Mikhail Japaridze / TASS)

The authorities “have radically changed the situation in terms of life expectancy since 2000; the situation has changed even more dynamically since 2007, when various national projects in the field of healthcare and demography,” Labor Minister Maxim Topilin said on Thursday.

Not the last stage

The pension age bill has yet to pass through parliament and the presidential administration. The document will be submitted to the State Duma “in the very near future” so that deputies can consider it in the first reading before the end of the spring session, Medvedev said (thus, the main discussion of the reform will take place in the fall). Vladimir Putin, who must put the final signature on the bill, has not previously spoken out clearly about raising the retirement age.

“As for the retirement age, you know my position; I have always treated and treat this today with the utmost caution and accuracy. What would you like to pay attention to? One of the key tasks that I have formulated for the government is to increase the incomes of pensioners, and significantly increase their incomes,” he said during the annual direct line in June.

What will citizens and the state get?

After increasing the retirement age, pensions for current pensioners will increase by 1 thousand rubles. per year, Medvedev said. Now insurance pensions are indexed to last year’s inflation level - so, in 2018, the average pension will increase by 481 rubles, in the past two years it also grew by 400-500 rubles. The growth of pensions above inflation is prescribed in May decree Putin. Thanks to the change in the retirement age, pensions will be indexed not only on February 1 according to inflation, as before, but then on April 1 (due to additional income), Tatyana Golikova said. But the government does not yet plan to return the indexation of pensions for working pensioners, which was suspended in 2016. Golikova told reporters on Thursday that there is no such measure in the current package of amendments.

“The decision to raise the retirement age is one of the steps to increase the resources of the Pension Fund, which will certainly be used to increase pensions for pensioners,” Siluanov said, without specifying specific figures on the economic effect.

The financial effect of increasing the retirement age will increase from year to year and will exceed 1% of GDP by the early 2030s, Vladimir Nazarov, director of the Research Financial Institute of the Ministry of Finance, told RBC. “In the first year [of raising the retirement age], it will be about 150 billion rubles, then the figure will increase and reach over 1% by the beginning of the 2030s,” Nazarov said. According to him, part of the funds will most likely be used to increase pensions. “At current prices, this will be approximately an increase of 1 thousand rubles. By the beginning of 2030, we will be able to at current prices (that is, adjusted for inflation. - RBC) bring the pension to 20 thousand rubles,” the economist noted. If the retirement age increases, GDP may grow by an additional 0.5 percentage points. per year from 2019 to 2028, Kuzmin calculated.

Raising the retirement age could reduce the Pension Fund deficit by “several hundred billion rubles, but will create social and macroeconomic problems,” believes Sergei Suverov, director of the analytical department of BKS Savings Management Company. “In particular, there may be pressure on wages, and consumer demand is also likely to decline,” he said.

Will there be unemployment?

The economic effect of raising the retirement age in the proposed scenario does not justify the social risks, Safonov believes. The authorities will be faced with the need additional expenses to bring the income of unemployed citizens to the subsistence level, he emphasized. “At the same time, a decision was made to increase VAT (it was increased from 18 to 20%). — RBC), which will affect the income of the population. The real incomes of citizens will fall, and accordingly this will worsen the employment situation,” the expert said. According to him, the likelihood of unemployment rising is “very high.”

“Considering that we are now in unique demographic conditions, when a very small generation of the 1990s is entering the labor market, and a huge generation of post-war baby boomers are leaving the labor market, then purely statistically there can be no increase in unemployment,” argues Nazarov . Moreover, it will decline, “because raising the retirement age, even at the stated pace, closes the deficit [ work force] only half,” said Nazarov.

Siluanov assured on Thursday that the government is not giving up on “building an insurance pension system” and is also creating “voluntary systems pension insurance" He recalled the concept - a system developed by the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank and providing for the automatic subscription of citizens to pension contributions, which will increase from 1 to 6% of salary over five years.

Remember the noise about raising the retirement age? In addition, there are other features of the pension reform that are important to know about. The retirement age itself will not be raised immediately, but over the course of 10 years, so we will start with those amendments that will affect pensioners in a few days.

We will talk about an increase in pension. Does this increase really exist and how much will the state add after January 1? Here we analyze only the laws and current regulations, without rumors and speculation.

Ekaterina Miroshkina


The main thing about increasing pensions

Here are the main conditions for pension indexation:

  1. Insurance pensions in 2019 will increase by 7.05%. One point now costs 87.24 rubles, the fixed part will be 5334 rubles.
  2. The average pension in Russia will increase by one thousand rubles per month and amount to 15,400 rubles. But everyone will have their own increase. The increase depends on the previous pension amount.
  3. Every year the pension will increase by about a thousand rubles. Again, average. Indexation is approved for five years in advance.
  4. The 7.05% increase in pensions applies only to non-working pensioners. For workers, indexation is subject to different conditions and at different times.
  5. We took all this from federal law No. 350-FZ, and not from the media and public statements of officials.
  6. Pension increases occur every year. Previously, the increase amount was approximately half as much.

What kind of increase are we talking about?

We are talking about indexation of pensions. The state centrally increases payments to all pensioners by a certain percentage. This is how inflation is compensated: food, utilities, travel and medicines become more expensive, and many older people have no other sources of income.

When the law on pension reform was discussed, there was talk of an increase for current pensioners. They were promised an increase in their pension by about a thousand rubles. With a payout amount of 13-14 thousand rubles, the increase is quite significant for many. The promotion clause actually appeared in the law.

As it was before?

Typically, insurance pensions were indexed by a percentage that was slightly higher official inflation. For example, with inflation of 2.5%, the indexation of labor pensions was 3.7%. In terms of the average pension in Russia, this is 500 rubles per month.

For example, last year indexation was after February 1 and amounted to 3.7%. This means that pensioner Ivan Ivanovich received 14 thousand rubles of pension until February 1, but began to receive 14,500.

In fact, the increase was symbolic: it simply went to compensate for the price increase.

The increase in rubles depends on the size of the pension. If Ivan Ivanovich receives 14 thousand rubles, in 2018 he was given 500 rubles, and Pyotr Petrovich with a pension of 10 thousand received only 370 rubles.

What will it be like in 2019?

In 2019, insurance pensions will be indexed by 7.05%. That's nearly double what it was a year ago, much higher than usual, and twice the rate of estimated official inflation. During the entire period of indexation under the new rules, there has never really been such an increase. And this increase is no longer just a promise from officials, but a norm of federal law.

Finding her is not so easy. In the laws on pensions you will not find mention of 7.05% and thousands of rubles. Therefore, we tell you where the indexing condition is hidden:

  1. Eat the federal law about changes regarding pensions. It was signed on October 3, 2018 and will go into effect on January 1, 2019.
  2. This law outlines the main budget items of the Pension Fund. Clause 7 of Article 10 specifies the fixed value of a pension point. The number of points that each pensioner has accumulated is multiplied by this value. This is how pensions are considered in Russia.
  3. In 2018, one point costs 81.49 rubles, and in 2019 it will cost 87.24 rubles. Thus, the price of one point for an insurance pension increased by 7.05%.
  4. The cost of points when calculating the labor pension is added to the fixed payment. She was also increased by about 7%. In 2018 it is 4982 rubles, and from 2019 it will be 5334 rubles - this is discussed in paragraph 8 of Article 10 of the same law.
  5. The fixed payment will increase equally for everyone. total cost points depends on how many you managed to accumulate during your work. But in general, the insurance pension will increase by 7%.

How much will pensions increase?

The increase depends on what pension a particular person is currently paid. When they talk about a thousand ruble increase, they mean the average insurance pension in Russia - 14,414 rubles. If such a pension is increased by 7.05%, then the increase will be exactly one thousand. And a pensioner in 2019 will already receive 15,400 rubles.

If the pension is 12 thousand rubles, 850 rubles will be added, but to a pension of 20 thousand they will add 1400.

How much will the insurance pension increase in 2019, R

Pension in 2018Pension in 2019How much will they add?
10 000 10 705 + 705
11 000 11 775 + 775
12 000 12 846 + 846
13 000 13 916 + 916
14 414 15 430 + 1016
15 000 16 057 + 1057
16 000 17 128 + 1128
17 000 18 198 + 1198
18 000 19 269 + 1269
19 000 20 339 + 1339
20 000 21 410 + 1410

Pension in 2018

Pension in 2019

How much will they add?

Does this generally apply to all pensioners who have already been granted a pension?

No, this only applies to non-working pensioners. If a pensioner works, his pension is not indexed during this period. It is recalculated once a year, taking into account the insurance premiums accumulated during work, and that’s it.

But when the pensioner quits, the payments will be recalculated taking into account indexations for the entire period of work. And they will immediately pay an increased pension.

Who is considered a working pensioner?

A working pensioner is someone who officially works and is an insured person. That is, mandatory insurance premiums are paid for it.

Here are examples when a pensioner is considered working:

  1. Him employment contract. Mandatory insurance contributions are paid by the employer.
  2. He entered into a service or contract agreement. That is, civil law. Then the customer must pay the fees.
  3. The pensioner is registered as an individual entrepreneur in any taxation system, Mandatory contributions he pays for himself.

How to get a pension increase in 2019?

To do this, two conditions must match:

  1. You have been assigned an insurance pension. That is, you have earned the minimum length of service and points and have reached retirement age.
  2. You do not work and mandatory insurance premiums are not paid for you. Voluntary does not count.

There is no need to do anything special. The pension fund itself will calculate the bonus and pay it with the next pension for 2019.

Typically, the pension fund learns about the work of a pensioner from information provided by employers. But if something is not taken into account, you can write a statement that the pensioner is no longer working - the pension will be indexed and an increase will be paid.

What will happen to pensions after 2019?

How pensions will be increased until 2024

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
How much does a pension point cost?87.24 R93.00 R98.86 R104.69 R110.55 R116.63 R
Promotion 7,05% 6,6% 6,3% 5,9% 5,2% 5,5%
Fixed part of pension5334 R5686 R6044 R6401 R6759 R7131 R
Average pensionRUB 15,430RUB 16,448RUB 17,484RUB 18,516RUB 19,478RUB 20,550
Average increase1000 R1000 R1000 R1000 R960 R1000 R


How much does a pension point cost?

87.24 R


Fixed part of pension

5334 R

Average pension

RUB 15,430

Average increase

1000 R


How much does a pension point cost?

93.00 R


Fixed part of pension

5686 R

Average pension

RUB 16,448

Average increase

1000 R


How much does a pension point cost?

98.86 R


Fixed part of pension

6044 R

Average pension

RUB 17,484

Average increase

Increase in pension for non-working pensioners in 2019, last news: the Pension Fund of Russia told how to count new size pensions.

Pension increase in 2019 for non-working pensioners: how much will it be increased and when?

Journalists talked about the exact amount of the increase in pensions for non-working pensioners in 2019. Pension Fund specialists have published instructions on their website on how you can now calculate your new pension.

Thus, the indexation of pensions for non-working pensioners from January 1, 2019 in Russia is 7.05%. In order to find out the size of the increase, you need to multiply the current pension amount itskhshuurz by 0.0705.

To illustrate, the FIU provides two examples. Thus, a non-working citizen receives a disability insurance pension in the amount of 9,137 rubles. After indexation, it will increase by 644.16 rubles and amount to 9781.16 rubles. In the second case, the increase for a non-working pensioner receiving 13,817 rubles in old age will be 974.1 rubles. As a result, in 2019 his pension will be 14,791.1 rubles.

Pension for non-working pensioners in 2019: how much will it be increased, indexation percentage

In means mass media actively discussed information that pensioners were promised to raise pensions by a thousand rubles starting in 2019. However, is this true? As it turned out, yes, but only partly. Since January 1, payments have been indexed by a certain percentage - 7.05, to be precise. For good measure, you can simply count seven percent. According to the government, this is much higher than the planned inflation, so pensioners should not be offended.

However, only those elderly people whose monthly payments exceed fourteen and a half thousand rubles. If a pensioner has a pension of, say, ten thousand, then he received an increase of seven hundred rubles - exactly seven percent of the amount.

If we look back at the results of last year, the inflation rate this year, 2019, should be approximately four percent, and pensions should have been raised by exactly the same four percent. But an increase of seven percent will provide not only compensation by depreciating payments, but also growth real income pensioners. Meanwhile, as skeptics say, you can’t count on an increase of a thousand rubles annually - everything will depend on what percentage of pensions will be raised in 2020.

In turn, working pensioners say that they, too, would like to receive indexation of payments, and they do not work because they have a good life, but because they “want to eat.” But for now, pensions for working pensioners in Russia remain “frozen” and are not subject to indexation - there are not enough funds for this.

Supplement to pension of 5000: who is entitled to it

Also, rumors about an increase in pensions of 5 thousand rubles were actively discussed in the media, but not everyone understands what this means and who is entitled to this amount. Pensioners who are already eighty years old can receive five thousand rubles as a supplement to their pension payment. This is not a one-time payment, but an increase on an ongoing basis. Detailed information can be found on the PFR website.

What is a payment of five thousand rubles? This is a 100% increase in the fixed part funded pension, and this “surcharge”, by the way, is also subject to indexation. Accordingly, if previously it was almost five thousand rubles, then after indexation in 2019 it will be five thousand three hundred thirty-four rubles.

Every pensioner who has reached the age threshold of eighty years will be able to receive such a bonus “automatically”. The surcharge will be calculated without any additional statements, and will arrive to the pensioner the next month after his birthday.

Let us note once again that an increase of five thousand after eighty is paid on a regular basis, and if, for example, a pensioner had a pension of fourteen thousand rubles, then after eighty years he will receive five thousand more (nineteen thousand) every month.

Terms of double indexation of pension payments

In total, the correction of pension payments will amount to the promised 7% after two indexations, which will make it possible to achieve an increase in pension in the amount of 1,000 rubles.

2 stages of indexation are planned for 2019:

As of February 1– the size of the increase will depend on the actual level of inflation for 2018. Indexation will take place according to the traditional scheme, that is, the insurance pension will increase in relative terms by the percentage of inflation. According to forecasts, at the end of the year this figure should not exceed 3%. This means that payments to working pensioners will increase by the projected 3%.
On April 1– additional indexation to the planned 7%. Indexation according to the traditional scheme should have been carried out if there were funds available for such an increase in Pension Fund. But in practice, pensioners did not receive such additional payment. Re-indexation by another 4% is planned for April 2019.
Taken together, such bonuses will ensure an increase in the pension provision of Russians by 1,000 rubles.

Note! The actual distribution of the increase will depend on the resulting inflation figure. But in any case, it will total 7%.

However, the procedure for indexing after the second reading of the bill may be changed. According to Tatyana Golikova’s statement at the TRC meeting, approaches were agreed upon for postponing the recalculation to January 1. If the project is approved, pensioners will receive an increase in their pensions in January 2019.

How much will pensions increase in 2019?

Due to the planned increase in the retirement age and reducing the burden on the pension system, additional funds are freed up, which will be used to increase payments by 7%.

As a result, the average insurance pension will increase by 1,000 rubles. , compared to payments in 2018, and will amount to 15,400 rubles. Eventually total income pensioners will increase by 12,000 rubles. in year.

In practice, in absolute terms, indexing will look like this:

In February pensions will increase by 3%, which corresponds to the forecast inflation values. That is, payments will increase by an average of 432 rubles, and the average pension will be 14,846 rubles.
In April Another indexation will be carried out in order to ensure an increase in the income of pensioners to the promised 1,000 rubles. That is, another 568 rubles will be added to the payments, and the average size pension provision will be 15,400 rubles.
However, the forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development regarding the level of final inflation may not come true. This figure may be affected by the planned increase in VAT to 20% and other factors.

If inflation nevertheless reaches 4.5%, as Finance Minister Anton Siluanov predicts, the increase at the first stage will be 640 rubles. But the second increase will be much smaller - about 360 rubles.

Conclusion! Regardless of the level of inflation, pensions for non-working pensioners will be increased in 2019 by the planned 1,000 rubles. or 7%.
It should be taken into account that the announced increase is not a one-time action from the Government, but a real indexation. The size of payments will remain at this level in subsequent months. To estimate the real size of the increase, you need an increase of 1,000 rubles. multiply by 12 months, which will ultimately increase the income of pensioners by 12,000 rubles. in a year.

In addition, it must be remembered that when calculating increases officials operate with average numbers. In practice, the amount of additional payments may be larger or smaller, depending on the actual size of the pension.

To independently determine how much it will increase pension provision, it is necessary to multiply the amount of payments for December 2018 by 0.07. The resulting figure will indicate what additional payment will be accrued to the pensioner in 2019 after indexation.

Note! All non-working pensioners will receive the bonus, regardless of the actual amount of pension payments.
