Projects of one-story houses with a veranda up to 100. Projects of private houses and cottages in Krasnodar. Projects of houses made of foam blocks

When deciding to build your own country cottage, we take everything into account existing conditions. There is not always a plot of land that allows you to locate a large house, or there is simply no point in building a huge mansion. Many simply prefer compact and economical housing, in return receiving a large area for personal farming. The dimensions of the house depend not only on the number of guests, but also on its purpose, because there is absolutely no point in building a luxurious family estate as a seasonal country house.

For a married couple with one child, a house project of up to 100 square meters would be an excellent and least expensive solution. m. Not far from Moscow or St. Petersburg, it is quite possible to get a small land plot and build a cozy and compact country mansion, which will be excellent housing close to civilization, in an ecologically clean area outside the boundaries of megacities.

Advantages of houses up to 100 sq. m.

“Small, but remote” - this saying perfectly suits the description of house projects up to 100 square meters. m. Such a cottage will perfectly accommodate all the necessary premises, and original architectural techniques will help to significantly expand the area of ​​the mansion. One of the most popular projects of houses up to 100 sq. m became two-story or attic layouts. The price of such a house will be higher than that of an ordinary one-story house, but it will reduce the use of the garden area and expand the usable area of ​​the housing by one and a half to two times. In addition, zoning the cottage with a second floor leaves space for original design solutions.

The first floor most often serves for a comfortable and fairly spacious living room, kitchen (sometimes the kitchen and living room are combined), a bathroom, and a storage room. You can expand the first floor using a covered terrace, veranda or bay window. The second floor is intended for bedrooms and lounges. Here you can arrange a small office or library, a children's playroom or a guest room. On the second floor, you can increase the usable area using a balcony or loggia.

House project up to 100 sq. m will have a small perimeter, which allows you to save on the use of the site. You can arrange the area around the house to suit your taste. A small vineyard, a garden with fruit trees and bushes, a vegetable garden or even a small greenhouse complex will make your home truly environmentally friendly. Another option for arranging the area around a small mansion is the construction of a bathhouse or sauna, a small swimming pool and a gazebo with a barbecue. Leisure will be provided even in a small area.

Exists a large number of ready-made house projects up to 100 sq. m, among which there will certainly be one that you like. If you want the cottage of your dreams to become exclusive, in addition to its compactness and comfort, then it is better to contact an architect to draw up an original design for the building and other extensions. Such a small mansion will be a wonderful home for your family, where you will feel real happiness.

Projects one-story houses 100 - 150 sq. m are very diverse in design and planning decision. In order to choose and buy the most suitable project, you need to take into account the following factors:

  • Building size
  • Composition of premises
  • Zoning method
  • Availability of a terrace
  • Configuration of the roof and building frame

If you need a cottage with 2-3 bedrooms and no additional premises, such as a gym, office, second living room, etc., you should consider projects of one-story houses up to 120 sq. m. But if you wish, you can order the development of a home with an expanded composition premises, which, however, will take up a little more space on the site.

Every project of a 1-storey building up to 150 sq m involves dividing the internal space into a guest and sleeping area. The sleeping area can occupy a separate wing of the building, can be located in the far part of the house, can be separated by a hall or technical rooms. The type of zoning in the one-story house project you choose should match your lifestyle.

You can order or buy a turnkey project from us

It should be taken into account that houses with complex shapes are more expensive to build. In addition, cottages with broken lines of facades retain heat less well and therefore require higher heating costs. But buildings with a non-standard configuration look more impressive.

An open terrace attached to the cottage is convenient and beautiful. But on a small plot it is better to build a house not with a terrace, but with a wide porch that can accommodate a table and several chairs, or a couple of garden chairs.

The geology of the site includes checking and studying the soil, this allows you to optimize the cost of the foundation.

What happens if you don't do geology?

If you ignore this stage, then you can choose the wrong foundation and lose from 1,000,000 rubles on alterations.

10 year warranty on foundation, walls, ceilings and roofing.

Ask an engineer a question

What is included in the Engineering Solution?

Documentation on the location and equipment of all technical rooms, electrical points, water supply, ventilation, gas and sewerage.

What is included in a design solution?

A detailed plan and instructions for the foreman, which displays all the necessary stages and technologies in the construction of the foundation, walls and roof.

What is included in the architectural solution?

Creation of a sketch and its 3D image, which shows the location and size of rooms, walls, roofing, furniture, windows and doors.

What will you get after this stage?

All technical and visual documentation. Author's supervision of the construction progress. Our architect and designer will visit the site weekly.

Still have questions? Ask them to an engineer.

Ask an engineer a question

What determines the timing?

The timing depends on the chosen project and material (houses made of logs and timber require time to shrink).

What is "house shrinkage"?

This is a natural process of changing the volume of wooden walls and other parts due to drying of the wood.

Who will build my house?

We have our own staff of certified workers and foremen with at least 5 years of specialized experience. A fleet of construction equipment has been put into operation since 2015. Contracting organizations We don't attract.

Still have questions? Ask them to an engineer.

Ask an engineer a question

I want it like in this picture. You can?

Yes! You can send us any image and we will design and build what you want.

Do you have a designer on your staff?

Currently there are 5 interior designers on staff with a total of 74 years of specialized experience.

What is included in an interior design project?

Drawing up a 3D project by a designer, as well as support and implementation of all finishing works.
We will also produce and supply furniture that suits your lifestyle and taste.

Compact housing is a trend recent years. No one is surprised anymore financial opportunities parts of society have expensive cars and large private houses with several floors. The main customer for new projects and houses - the middle class - is abandoning pompous palace-type buildings. Among them, projects of one-story houses up to 100 sq.m. are becoming increasingly popular. with a set of conditions for urban comfort and coziness.

The appeal of a small home

Residential real estate, which 20-30 years ago seemed like a large house, today belongs to the small-sized segment with a small usable area. However, with rational planning of the internal space in the building, up to 100 square meters you can accommodate all the necessary premises for a small family of 2-3 people:

  • guest room up to 20 square meters;
  • 2-3 bedrooms of 12-15 sq.m.;
  • kitchen 12-15 sq. meters;
  • 2 shower rooms of 5 sq.m. each;
  • 2 toilets, 2 square meters each;
  • spacious corridors;
  • pantry;
  • hallway

Economic advantages of small residential buildings:

  • relatively cheap construction;
  • minimum cost building materials;
  • low costs for repairs and maintaining the building in good physical condition;
  • significant savings on heating from a gas boiler or electrical appliances;
  • filling the rooms with only necessary furniture and household appliances like air conditioners, air recuperators without the extra costs of uninhabited rooms, like in a huge building.

A small house also means saving usable space on the site by allocating space for lawns, flower beds, garden paths, a gazebo, a decorative pond with a fountain and vegetable beds. On 6 acres of land, every square meter should be used rationally. Reducing the size of the first floor along the length of the walls is possible by moving 2-3 rooms to the second floor - under the roof, in the attic. In this case, the length of the walls can be reduced to 7-8 meters. Full two-story cottage with total area It is not customary to build up to 100 square meters, since the architectural appearance of the object may look unnatural and even strange. In a compact one-story house, all rooms are functional, there are no empty rooms, and there is no need to heat an empty space where no one lives or appears.

Ready-made and individual projects for thrifty customers

The company's website presents a collection of projects of small houses for permanent and country residence. The photo shows the architectural features of the buildings. It's not easy to choose from so many options beautiful houses. A consultation with a specialist helps you navigate the world of architectural aesthetics and choose convenient layout for your future home. In communication with the manager you can find out the price standard project, and the cost of design modifications and changes. We are ready to satisfy any customer’s fantasies regarding the appearance, floor plan, and external decor.

An individual project to order costs more, but the difference is not so great as to deny yourself the opportunity to have a unique architectural masterpiece on your own site. Therefore, we invite you to discussion and choice. We’ll wait in the office or we’ll explain everything over the phone.

Do you think that only a two-story or three-story cottage can be spacious? This is a misconception. Modern houses, built according to a project created by an experienced specialist, regardless of their number of floors, can be spacious, comfortable and functional in terms of layout. In this article we will look at how and where you can find successful projects up to 100 sq m, as well as the subtleties that need to be taken into account during its implementation.

A one-story house is the choice of a modern person

Life outside the city is becoming more and more attractive more people. A large metropolis, of course, has a lot of advantages, offering a huge number of places for entertainment and active recreation, but at the same time it is not able to give its inhabitants peace and quiet at least from time to time. Poor ecology, traffic jams and noisy neighbors behind the wall are what makes people choose a private home. Many of us think that not everyone can afford to build a cottage today, and therefore it is much cheaper to buy an apartment in one of the many high-rise buildings. But, as practice shows, if a really successful project is selected or developed for the construction of a house, which will make it possible to calculate and determine the timing and quantity of necessary materials as accurately as possible, then the final cost of the work will not differ much from the cost of purchasing an apartment from the developer.

But with all this, you will get a lot of advantages, since a one-story house has such positive characteristics as:

    • spaciousness. You yourself can determine how much area of ​​your site to allocate for development. In a house with an area of ​​80-100 sq. meters, you can equip three large rooms, also leaving space for creating additional rooms (kitchen, bathrooms, storage room, etc.).
    • originality. Since you prefer independent construction rather than purchasing a ready-made structure, at the planning stage you can bring to life even your most daring decisions and ideas.
    • safety. Unlike two or three-story capital buildings, one-story houses do not need to create stairs. This is especially true if you plan to move with small children or elderly relatives, for whom the presence of stairs may create some discomfort and inconvenience. Additionally, remember that if installed incorrectly or loosely secured, this design element may result in increased injury rates.
    • availability. As already mentioned, if at the design stage all work is carried out efficiently, responsibly and professionally, you will eliminate the possibility of purchasing unnecessary and unnecessary consumables, which will significantly reduce the cost of the entire structure.

Of course, it is also worth noting the practicality of such buildings. Due to the presence of only one floor, the load on the foundation along the entire perimeter will be uniform. Therefore, if you decide to choose wood as the main material for construction, then in this case the structure will need much less time to shrink.

House project: order or choose a ready-made one?

When you think about building a house, you, of course, immediately begin to imagine what the final appearance of the building will be. But in order to determine which idea can be implemented, and for which area of ​​your particular site is considered not the most favorable, it is best to contact a professional designer. It is he who will be able to carry out complex calculations of the load, the required amount of materials, and also show you appearance finished house. All this can only be done if there is appropriate software, as well as considerable experience. You can try to independently draw designs for one-story houses up to 100 m, and even if the utility provides visualization on its own, it is far from certain that the information received will be accurate and reliable. Thus, we can conclude that the best option is to contact a specialist in his field who knows all the features and nuances of his work.

He will not only do everything efficiently, but also provide a guarantee of results. But the services of such masters cost quite a lot, so not everyone can afford individual project. In this case, do not despair, because today there are a huge number of ready-made drawings on the Internet that are completely ready for implementation. All of them differ in the specific layout of the premises, the number of floors, the size of the plot, as well as various non-standard solutions that will distinguish your house from all other buildings.

One-story house with an area of ​​100 sq. m. with garage

If you have personal vehicles, then at the stage of developing the plan for the main structure you should consider the need for a garage. A garage is an excellent solution that will allow you to organize a covered parking space for one car at a low cost of space. In addition, here you can store all the unnecessary things that you don’t want to throw away, but you can’t find a place for them in the house. The most optimal solution is to create a garage as an extension to the house. This will reduce the required amount of time for construction work, as well as reduce the cost of purchasing all necessary consumables. On the Internet today you can find ready-made diagrams and drawings, which can be implemented without much effort in the conditions of your site.

Houses with an attic

Despite the fact that projects of one-story houses of 100 sq. m are distinguished by their ability and ability to accommodate a large number of residents at the same time, many people want to increase the amount of usable space. You don't have to build one to do this. two-story houses, because thanks to the arrangement of the attic, you can add an additional spacious room. An attic is a kind of attic space that can be used usefully. As a rule, people try not to allocate this room as a bedroom or children's room, because due to design features of the building it will be located under the roof itself.

Finally, it is worth saying that one-story houses today are built from absolutely any material that suits you in terms of its characteristics, as well as price. Cottages made of LMK (light metal structures) are especially popular. Since this material is lightweight, and the elements are quite large in size, the construction process is carried out quickly and without any particular difficulties. In addition, this material has an affordable price, but ready-made structures will need insulation, as well as finishing.

In this article, we examined the intricacies of creating projects for spacious houses up to 100 square meters, and also touched on some aspects related to construction work.
