Personal account Eastern Bank. Personal account eastern bank Internet banking eastern entrance


1 Internet - Banking PJSC "BANK VOSTOK" (User Guide) 1

2 Table of Contents List of terms with descriptions.3 1. General provisions Purpose of the System Registration of a new user in the Internet Banking System Authorization in the system Working with the system Section “Main” Section “My Bank” Accounts and cards My accounts and cards Management of cards Application history Payments From your accounts To another recipient Directory of recipients Payment history Section “ Personal account" My data My products My details Change login and password Change password Change login Interface settings Widgets SMS notification/Consultant section.44 2

3 List of terms with descriptions. Questionnaire-application form of the Client about connection and service in the Internet banking remote service system, which is filled out, signed and submitted by the User to the Bank. Authorization is a procedure for obtaining permission to perform certain actions; as well as the process of checking (confirming) these rights when trying to perform these actions in the Internet banking system. Authentication is a procedure for checking the client’s authentication means, after which the Bank recognizes as the Client the person who entered the correct values ​​of the authentication means on the Internet banking system Website; Authentication data is the Client’s username (login) and password or generation technology one-time password by the Bank and subsequently transmitting it via SMS message to the Client’s mobile phone number; Bank PUBLIC JOINT STOCK COMPANY "BANK VOSTOK"; Bank account is an account opened by a bank for a legal entity or individual for their participation in non-cash money turnover and accumulation of non-cash funds in an account for use. Virtual keyboard is a keyboard displayed on a computer screen. The keys are pressed with the mouse cursor, or, for touch screens, with the user's finger or stylus. A widget is a program whose functions are displayed as a small graphic object. Often the word "widget" is used to refer to this graphical element, and not to the program as a whole. Widgets perform following functions: display information (calendar, clock, etc.), allow you to quickly perform any action or expand the capabilities of the screen. Electronic statement bank document, which reflects all transactions on the client’s account for the selected period of time. The holder of a special means of payment is an individual (Client) or the client’s authorized representative who legally uses a special means of payment to transfer funds from an account with the Bank or carry out other operations using a special means of payment. Remote service complex information services on the Client’s accounts and carrying out transactions on them based on the Client’s remote orders; A remote order is an order from a Bank Client to perform a specific operation on the Client’s accounts, which is transmitted by the Client via an agreed access channel with the completion of a certain procedure for transmitting orders. Interface is a set of capabilities, methods and methods of interaction of any systems, devices or programs for the exchange of information between them, determined by their characteristics, connection characteristics, exchange signals, etc. The Client is an individual (resident or non-resident) who legally carries out transactions using a special means of payment and has entered into an Agreement with the Bank for the use of the Internet banking system; 3

4 Transaction password is an additional one-time identifier for the Client in the Internet banking system, which confirms the Client’s execution of a remote order. The password is generated by the Bank and transmitted via SMS message to the Client’s mobile phone number; Personal data - any information relating to a directly or indirectly identified or identifiable individual; Payment card is a special means of payment in the form of an international card issued by the Bank in accordance with the procedure established by law payment system VISA Inc. or Mastercard Worldwide, which is used to carry out transactions from the Client's account. Pseudonym is a name used by a person in one or another public activity instead of the real one (given at birth, recorded in official documents; Registration number is the number in the Internet banking system database with which the Client’s authentication data is associated; Registration in the Internet banking system creation procedure registration number in the system and signing the application form for connecting the Internet banking system; Resident individual, permanently residing in Ukraine for more than half of the past year (183 days or more); Non-resident - individual operating in one state, but permanently registered and residing in another. Internet banking system - a software and hardware complex of the Bank for providing Clients with services of remote servicing of current accounts with the issuance of a special means of payment via the Internet. A special means of payment is a payment card, which serves as a means of identification, with the help of which the holder of this the instrument carries out payment transactions from the payer's account, as well as other permitted transactions. Current account is an account used by the bank to record funds belonging to the client and transactions performed by him. Account is a record in the Internet banking system database containing information that the user provides about himself during registration. (electronic mail) technology and the services it provides for sending and receiving electronic messages (called “letters” or “electronic letters”) over a distributed (including global) computer network. SMS/SMS (Short Message Service) is a technology that allows you to receive and transmit short text messages using a cell phone. 4

5 1. General provisions This manual contains a description of the rules for registration in the System " Internet banking» PJSC "BANK VOSTOK", as well as the basic principles of working with Internet Banking. 2. Purpose of the System The Internet Banking system (hereinafter referred to as the System) is a remote banking services, with the help of which individuals - clients of the Bank, have round-the-clock access to their own accounts to carry out various transactions and obtain information on completed transactions. 3. Registration of a new user in the Internet Banking System General rules registering a new user To register, the user must fulfill the following conditions: Registering an account in Web-Banking (by entering user identification data (entering a name (login) and password) to enter the System. As a result of successful registration, the system generates a registration number, which must be reported to the operator hotline Bank (; (044)). Come to any branch of the Bank and present the following documents: Passport of a citizen of Ukraine Taxpayer Identification Number Fill out the Application Form of the established form to connect to the Web Banking service. As a result of successful completion of full registration, the account will be activated within two business days. (* The registration stages can be completed in any order.) Registering a new user account: To register a new user, you need to go to the “New User Registration” tab and fill out the form fields (Figure 3.1). In the registration form, enter the following data: 1. “Last name” is the user’s last name. (IMPORTANT! This field is required!) 5

6 2. “Name” user name. 3. “Middle name” is the user’s middle name. 4. “Login” is the user login that will be used for authorization in the system. Login requirements: The length of the login must be at least 6 characters and must not exceed 9 characters. The login can consist of Latin letters (English alphabet), numbers and special characters. (IMPORTANT! This field is required!) 5. “Password” is the user password that will be used in the future for authorization in the system. The password can be entered using a regular keyboard or using the virtual keyboard. By default, the password must be entered using the virtual keyboard. To enter a password using the virtual keyboard, you need to move the mouse cursor to the corresponding button on the virtual keyboard and wait until the symbol appears in the “Password” field. To enter the next password character, you need to move the mouse again to the corresponding button and wait for the character to appear in the “Password” field. The password is displayed in encrypted form, i.e. The field does not display the letters and numbers that make up the password. To disable the virtual keyboard and enter a password using a regular keyboard, you need to press the button. As a result of disabling the virtual keyboard appearance buttons will change to. Password requirements: The password must be at least 6 characters long. The password can consist of letters (Russian, Ukrainian, English alphabet), numbers and symbols. (IMPORTANT! This field is required!) 6. “Repeat password” repeats the password. The principle of re-entering a password is the same as when entering a password for the first time. (IMPORTANT! This field is required!) 6

7 7. “I authorize the processing of my personal data” permission for the Bank to process the user’s personal data. If he agrees to the processing of his personal data, the user checks this box. (IMPORTANT! This field is required to be filled out!) If you do not confirm consent to the processing of your personal data, after clicking the “Register” button, an information window will be displayed on the screen warning you about the need to check the appropriate box (Figure 3.1). Figure 3.1 Registration of a new user 8. “Code” is a special code that is designed to protect against automatic registration. In the field located next to the picture, you need to enter the code that is displayed in the picture. This code is unique. If the code that is displayed in the picture is difficult to understand for its repetition, the user can click the “Update” button, as a result of which the code will automatically be updated to another one (Figure 3.2). (IMPORTANT! This field is required!) Figure 3.2 Code update 7

8 IMPORTANT! Fields marked with “*” are required! After all fields of the registration form are filled out, you must click the “Register” button (Figure 3.3). Figure 3.3 Registration As a result of successful registration, an information window will be displayed on the screen confirming successful registration, and identification (authorization) data will also be indicated - login and registration number, which is reported to the Bank at the next stage of registration (Figure 3.4). Figure 3.4 Message about successful registration of a new client POSSIBLE ERRORS DURING REGISTRATION: When registering a new user, the following errors are possible: 8

9 1. If any of the required fields are not filled in, then after clicking the “Register” button, an error message will be displayed at the top of the window indicating the empty field (Figure 3.5). Figure 3.5 The required “Last Name” field is not filled in 2. If the entered login is already occupied by another user, then after clicking the “Register” button, an error message will be displayed at the top of the window. (Figure 3.6). 9

10 Figure 3.6 The entered login is already taken 3. If the entered login is less than 6 characters, then after clicking the “Register” button, an error message will be displayed at the top of the window. (Figure 3.7). Figure 3.7 Login length is less than 6 characters 4. If the entered password is less than 6 characters, after clicking the “Register” button, an error message will be displayed at the top of the window (Figure 3.8). Figure 3.8 Password length is less than 6 characters 10

11 5. If the entered fields “Password” and “Repeat password” do not match, for example, when entering the repeated password one character was missed, after clicking the “Register” button, an error message will be displayed at the top of the window. (Figure 3.9). Figure 3.9 The entered passwords do not match 6. If the code indicated in the picture is entered incorrectly, after clicking the “Register” button, an error message will be displayed at the top of the window (Figure 3.10). Figure 3.10 Error message if the code is entered incorrectly 4. Authorization in the system The process of authorization in the system is carried out in two stages. Stage I: On the “Authorization in the system” tab, enter your login and password and click the “Login” button (Figure 4.1). eleven

12 Figure 4.1 Authorization in the system Note: The password can be entered using a regular keyboard or a virtual one. The virtual keyboard is always open by default. To hide the virtual keyboard and enter a password using a regular keyboard, you need to press a button. Stage II: Enter a one-time password in the appropriate field, which will be received as an SMS to the mobile phone number specified during registration (Figure 4.2). After entering the one-time password, you must click the “Login” button to enter the System. Pressing the “Back” button returns the user to the first stage of authorization. Figure 4.2 Entering one-time password 12

13 5. Working with the system Successful authorization provides access to working with the System (Figure 5.1). Figure 5.1 Start page when working with the system When entering the System, by default you go to the start page of “Internet Banking” (Figure 5.1). The top of the window displays general information, which is available when working with any section of the system: “Time and date” displays the current date and time of login. “Change language” system interface can be presented in Russian, Ukrainian or English language. By default, the system interface is displayed in Ukrainian. To change the language, just click once with the left mouse button on the icon displaying the required language. “Help” When you select the “Help” menu item, you go to the help section for working with the System. More details about working with the help section for working with the system are described in section 7. “Consultant”. “Contacts”, when selecting this item, a page of the Bank’s website additionally opens, displaying detailed information about the Bank’s branches. “Exit” The “Exit” button is intended to exit the System. 13

14 5.1. Section “Main” The section “Main” is the starting page for working with the Internet Banking system (Figure 5.2). The start page of the workspace displays widgets that are designed to quickly obtain any information. Widgets perform various useful functions, for example, showing exchange rates, account transactions, current balances, etc. Widgets can be placed anywhere in the workspace. In order to move a widget, you need to move the mouse cursor to the desired widget, press the left mouse button, and while holding down the left mouse button, move the widget to any other place in the workspace. The widget can be closed by pressing the button (Figure 5.2). Widgets are managed (adding/removing) in the “Personal Account” > “Interface Settings” > “Widgets” section. More details about managing widgets are described in the “Widgets” section. Figure 5.2 Data update 5.2. “My Bank” Section Accounts and Cards To go to work with the “Accounts and Cards” section, you must select the menu item “My Bank” > “Accounts and Cards” (Figure 5.3). 14

15 Figure 5.3 Section “Accounts and Cards” The section “Accounts and Cards” is intended for managing bank accounts and payment cards connected to the System. The “Accounts and Cards” section consists of three items: “My Accounts and Cards”, “Card Management” and “Application History”. My Accounts and Cards When working with the “My Accounts and Cards” tab, the following services are provided: Editing the account/card name This functionality simplifies work in the System, allowing the user to quickly and accurately navigate the list of linked bank accounts and payment cards. To edit the name, you must click the edit button (Figure 5.4). Figure 5.4 Entering/editing the account name As a result of the completed actions, the field for editing the account/card name will be available (Figure 5.5). 15

16 Figure 5.5 Entering a new account name As a result of successful editing, the name of the bank account will be changed to a new one (Figure 5.6). Figure 5.6 Displaying the new account name Statement of accounts/cards is intended to obtain information about the flow of funds on bank accounts/cards for a specified period of time. 5.7). To receive an extract, you must click on the link “Get an extract” (Figure 16

17 Figure 5.7 Receiving a statement As a result of the completed actions, you will be taken to the statement generation window (Figure 5.8). When generating a statement, you can set the following parameters: 1. Period for generating the statement. 2. Transaction filter: select from the drop-down list the card number for which you want to generate an extract. When you select the “All” menu item, a statement will be generated for all existing cards. To confirm the generation of the statement in accordance with the established parameters, you need to click the “OK” button (Figure 5.8). 17

18 Figure 5.8 Generating a statement Viewing information about the current account To view information about the current card account, you need to click on the link with the account number (Figure 5.9). Figure 5.9 List of accounts and cards As a result of the completed actions, a window will open displaying detailed information about the current card account (Figure 5.10). 18

19 In the window for viewing information about the current card account, you can perform the following actions: 1. Edit the name of the account; to do this, click on the edit button, which is located next to the display of the account name 5.10). (Figure 2. Receive a statement to generate a statement, click on the “Get statement” link (Figure 5.10). 3. Block cards; temporary or permanent suspension of transactions using the card. To block a card, click on the “Blocking” link (Figure 5.10). Process card blocking is described in detail in the "Manage Cards" section. When you click the "Back" button, you return to the previous window (Figure 5.10). Figure 5.10 Information about the current account Card Management The "Card Management" section is designed to manage linked cards. 19

20 Using this section, you can perform the following actions: 1. Blocking the card - suspending operations on the user’s card. 2. Unblocking the card and resuming operations on the user’s blocked card. Blocking a card Application for blocking a card is intended for prompt blocking payment card in case of its loss, theft or if there is a suspicion that the card is compromised (voluntary blocking) voluntary blocking. First step. The sequence of filling out the form to block a card: 1. From the list of the “Please block a card” field, select the card that needs to be blocked. 2. From the list of the field “Open to card account", select the account number to which the card is opened. 3. From the list of the “Reason for blocking” field, select the reason why the card is blocked. After the form fields are filled out, click the “Next” button to proceed to the next stage of working with the application (Figure 5.11). Figure 5.11 Entering data to block a card At the 2nd step of filling out an application to block a card, the data is checked and confirmed. As a result of successful data verification, data confirmation is performed. 20

21 For this purpose on mobile phone, an SMS message will be delivered with a one-time password, which must be entered in the “One-time password” field and click the “Send” button to send an application to block the card to the Bank (Figure 5.12). When you click the “Back” button, you return to the previous stage of completing an application to block the card. Figure 5.12 Entering a one-time password to confirm card blocking IMPORTANT! If an error was made when entering the one-time password received via SMS message, after clicking the “Submit” button, a corresponding error message will be displayed on the screen. You must re-enter your password. When you click the “Send password again” button, a new one-time password will be sent to your mobile phone. 21

22 Figure 5.13 Error when entering a password At the 3rd step, the final stage of sending the application, the result of the actions performed will be displayed (Figure 5.14). Figure 5.14 Result of sending an application to block a card Application History The “Application History” section displays the history of applications submitted to the Bank. 22

23 To view a statement in more detail, you must click the “Management” link in the corresponding line (Figure 5.15). Figure 5.15 Order history The result of the actions performed will be displayed detailed information about the application (Figure 5.16). Clicking the “Back” button will return you to viewing the order history. Clicking the “Copy” button copies the application data to a new application. Figure 5.16 Viewing information about a document When copying data from an application to block a card, the new form to submit an application to block the card, which will automatically display the data that was copied (Figure 5.17). 23

24 Figure 5.17 Copying data Payments In the “Payments” section, you can make various Money transfers between linked accounts and cards, as well as in favor of other recipients. To make a payment, you need to go to the “My Bank” > “Payments” section (Figure 5.18). Figure 5.18 “Payments” section According to your accounts First step. To transfer money between linked accounts, you must provide the following information: 1. “From account” from the drop-down list, select the account number from which the funds will be transferred. 2. “Amount” manually or using the virtual keyboard, indicate the amount of transfer to another account. 3. “To account” from the drop-down list, select the account number to which the funds are transferred. 24

25 After all the form parameters have been filled out, you must click the “Next” button to proceed to the next stage of the payment (Figure 5.19). Figure 5.19 Entering data to create a payment for your accounts At the 2nd step of creating a payment, the data is checked and confirmed. As a result of successful data verification, data confirmation is performed. To do this, an SMS message with a one-time password will be delivered to your mobile phone, which must be entered in the “One-time password” field and click the “Send” button to send the payment (Figure 5.20). When you click the “Back” button, you return to the previous stage of creating a payment. 25

26 Figure 5.20 Entering a one-time password to confirm sending the payment At the 3rd step, the final stage of sending the payment for processing to the Bank, the result of the actions performed will be displayed (Figure 5.21). The status of document processing in the bank can be viewed in the “Payment History” section. For quick access, click the “Payment History” link (Figure 5.21). When you click the “Create another payment” button, a form for creating a new payment opens. Figure 5.21 Result of sending a payment to another recipient The process of making a payment to another recipient consists of three steps. First step. To make a payment to another recipient, you need to go to the “Other recipient” tab and fill in the following data in the form: 1. “From account” from the drop-down list, select the account number from which the funds will be transferred. 2. “To account” from the drop-down list, select the account number to which the funds will be transferred. IMPORTANT! If the counterparty to whose account the transfer will be made has not previously been added to the recipient directory, you must click the button to open the window for creating a new recipient (Figure 5.23). After the fields of the form for creating a new recipient are filled in, you need to click the “Save” button to save the details of the new recipient in the directory. When you click the “Cancel” button, the creation of a new recipient is canceled (Figure 5.22). 26

27 More details about the process of adding a new recipient to the directory are described in the “Directory of Recipients” section. Figure 5.22 Creating a new recipient 3. “Payment purpose”, use the keyboard to enter the payment purpose. 4. “Amount” using the keyboard, enter the transfer amount to another recipient. 5. “Translation is not related to entrepreneurial activity“You must tick this box. After all the form parameters are filled out, click the “Next” button to proceed to the next stage of making a payment to another recipient (Figure 5.23). 27

28 Figure 5.23 Data entry At the 2nd step of creating a payment, the data is checked and confirmed. As a result of successful data verification, data confirmation is performed. To do this, an SMS message with a one-time password will be delivered to your mobile phone, which must be entered in the “One-time password” field and click the “Send” button to send the payment (Figure 5.24). When you click the “Back” button, you return to the previous stage of creating a payment. 28

29 Figure 5.24 Entering a one-time password to send a payment to the bank At the 3rd step, the final stage of sending the payment for processing to the Bank, the result of the actions performed will be displayed (Figure 5.25). The status of document processing in the Bank can be viewed in the “Payment History” section. For quick access, click the “Payment History” link (Figure 5.25). When you click the “Create another payment” button, a form for creating a new payment opens. 29

30 Figure 5.25 Result Recipients Directory The Recipients Directory has been implemented for the convenience of making payments to other recipients. In the directory, you can create and save data for the most frequently used recipients. From the recipient directory, a quick transition to creating a new payment to the required recipient has been implemented. To do this, you need to click the “Send payment” link in the line displaying the data of the recipient to whom the payment is made (Figure 5.26). Figure 5.26 Recipients Directory To create a new recipient in the directory, you must click the “Create a new recipient” button (Figure 5.26). As a result of the completed actions, a form for creating a new recipient will open, in which you must specify the following data: 1. “Alias” is the recipient’s alias. This field is used for ease of use, for example, if many recipients have been created in the directory. By specifying an alias, it will be easier to navigate the list of recipients. 2. “Full name” – last name, first name, patronymic of the recipient. 3. “INN/EGRPOU” TIN or EDRPOU of the recipient. IMPORTANT! If the recipient is a client of PJSC BANK VOSTOK, you must enter the TIN or EDRPOU code. thirty

31 In this case, the fields “Passport Series” and “Pass number.” will be inactive for input. If the user is not a client of the Bank (does not have an account with this bank), then 9 or 10 zeros must be entered in the field. At the same time, the “Passport Series” fields become active for data entry. and “Passport number.” During the formation of an electronic payment document of the electronic payment system National Bank Ukraine, 10 zeros () are placed in the details if an individual, because of his religious beliefs, refused to accept the registration number of a tax payer card and officially reported this to the relevant government authority and has a mark in his passport. According to the legislation of Ukraine, an identification code is not assigned to a non-resident, therefore it is necessary to set 9 zeros (). 4. “Passp Series.” passport Series. 5. “Passport number.” passport ID. IMPORTANT! Fields "Passport Series" and “Pass number.” become active for entry only if 9 or 10 zeros are entered in the “TIN/EGRPOU” field. 6. “MFO bank” MFO bank of the recipient. 7. “Bank name” is the name of the recipient’s bank. IMPORTANT! When you enter a bank's microfinance organization, the name of the bank is automatically added. 8. “Account” is the recipient’s account number. 9. “Payment purpose” using the keyboard, indicate the purpose of payment. To save the details of the new recipient in the directory, click the “Save” button (Figure 5.27). Clicking the Cancel button will cancel the creation of the new recipient. 31

32 Figure 5.27 Creating a new recipient As a result of successful creation, the new recipient will be added to the directory. The recipient list displays the recipient's nickname (Figure 5.28). Figure 5.28 Displaying a new recipient in the directory When you click on the link with the recipient’s name, a window will open displaying the recipient’s details. 32

33 When you click on the button (Figure 5.29): “Back” you return to the recipient directory. “Delete” removes the recipient from the directory. “Edit” goes to the window for editing the recipient’s details. Editing is performed in the same way as creating a new recipient. “Payment” goes to the window for making a back payment to this recipient. Figure 5.29 Editing window Payment history In the "Payment History" section, you can view the payment history of payments (Figure 5.30). When you move the mouse cursor to the payment information sign (Figure 5.30), a pop-up window with 33

34 Figure 5.30 Payment history When you click on the “Management” link (Figure 5.30), a document opens that displays payment data. When you click the “Back” button, you go to view your payment history. When you click the “Copy” button, you proceed to create a new payment to this recipient, into which all the data of the already completed payment will be copied (Figure 5.31). 34

35 Figure 5.31 Viewing a document 6. “Personal Account” section The “Personal Account” section is intended for viewing information about available accounts, cards, details, as well as for setting up work with the My Data System To work with the “My Data” section, you must select the menu item “Personal Account” > “My Data” (Figure 6.1). In the “My Data” section you can view information about available products (accounts, cards), as well as details. Figure 6.1 “My data” section 35

36 My Products In the “My Products” section, information about available card accounts is displayed. The following actions are available: 1. Edit the account name by clicking on the edit button, which is located next to the account name display (Figure 6.2). 2. View information about the current account by clicking on the link with the account number (Figure 6.2). 3. Get an extract by clicking the “Get extract” link (Figure 6.2). Figure 6.2 Viewing accounts and cards My details The “My details” section displays information about the client’s details (Figure 6.3). 36

37 Figure 6.3 Viewing details 6.2. Changing login and password To go to the functionality of changing login and password to enter the System, you must select the menu item “Personal Account” > “Changing login and password” (Figure 6.4). Figure 6.4 Section “Changing login and password” Changing the password The process of changing the password is carried out in 3 stages. At the 1st stage, you need to enter the current password, a new password in the specially designated fields and repeat the new password (Figure 6.5). IMPORTANT! Data can be entered either using the virtual keyboard or using a regular keyboard. After the necessary data has been entered, you need to click the “Next” button to proceed to the next stage of the password change process (Figure 6.5). Figure 6.5 Entering data to change the password 37

38 As a result of successful completion of the first stage of the password change process, an SMS message with a one-time password will be delivered to your mobile phone, which must be entered to confirm the password change at the 2nd stage of the password change process (Figure 6.6). To confirm the entered one-time password and proceed to the next stage, click the “Next” button (Figure 6.6). When you click the “Back” button, you return to the previous stage of the password change process (Figure 6.6). Figure 6.6 Entering a one-time password to confirm data At the 3rd stage of the password change process, the result of the actions performed is displayed (Figure 6.7). Figure 6.7 Result of changing the password Changing the login The process of changing the login is carried out in 3 steps. 38

39 At the 1st step, the current login, new login and current password to enter the System are entered in the specially designated fields (Figure 6.8). IMPORTANT! Data can be entered either using the virtual keyboard or using a regular keyboard. After the necessary data has been entered, click the “Next” button to proceed to the next stage of the login change process (Figure 6.8). Figure 6.8 Entering data to change the login As a result of successfully completing the first stage of the login change process, an SMS message with a one-time password will be delivered to your mobile phone, which must be entered to confirm the login change at the 2nd step of the login change process (Figure 6.9). To confirm the entered one-time password and proceed to the next stage, click the “Next” button (Figure 6.9). When you click the “Back” button, you return to the previous stage of the login change process (Figure 6.9). 39

40 Figure 6.9 Entering a one-time password to confirm the login change At the 3rd step of the login change process, the result of the actions performed is displayed (Figure 6.10). Figure 6.10 Result of changing login 6.3. Interface settings To go to the interface settings, you need to select the menu item “Personal Account” > “Interface Settings” (Figure 6.11). Using the interface customization functionality, you can customize your greeting and widgets. 40

41 Figure 6.11 Section “Interface settings” Widgets To configure event notifications on the start page, you need to check/uncheck the item with the name of the corresponding event (Figure 6.13). To save the changes you have made, click the “Save Changes” button (Figure 6.13). Figure 6.13 Configuring widgets 6.4. Notification via sms/ To configure notifications, you must select the menu item “Personal Account” > “Notifications via sms/” (Figure 6.14). The “Notifications by sms/” section is intended for viewing and managing previously created notification rules. With its help, you can receive SMS or notifications about various events. Figure 6.14 Section “Notifications via sms/” 41

42 The “Notifications via sms/” section is conventionally divided into 2 areas: the contacts display area and the notification display area (Figure 6.15). To add a new contact/notification, click the “Add” button (Figure 6.15). Figure 6.15 Viewing contacts and notifications Creating contacts To create a new contact, in the contact list display area, click the “Add” button (Figure 6.15). In the window for creating contacts to receive notifications, you must enter the phone number and email address to which notifications will be sent (Figure 6.16). To save the data, click the “Save” button. When you click the “To notification list” button, you go to the notification list (Figure 6.16). 42

43 Figure 6.16 Creating contacts The process of creating a new notification consists of 4 stages. At the 1st stage: from the list of proposed events, select the one about which you want to receive notification. For example, as shown in Figure 6.17, select the “About login” event and click the “Next” button to move to the next step (Figure 6.17). Figure 6.17 Selecting an event about which you want to receive a notification At the 2nd stage: from the drop-down list in the “Contact” field, select the contact (email address or mobile phone number) to which the notification will be sent. Once the desired contact to receive notifications is selected, you must click the “Next” button to proceed to the next stage of creating a notification (Figure 6.18). 43

44 Figure 6.18 Selecting the contact to which notifications will be sent At the 3rd stage: data confirmation is performed. It is necessary to check the correctness of the specified data and click the “Submit” button to add and activate a new notification (Figure 6.19). If an error was made when checking the data, click the “Back” button to return to the previous stage and make adjustments to the data in which there was an inaccuracy (Figure 6.19). Figure 6.19 Confirmation of adding a new notification At the 4th stage: the result of the actions performed is displayed (Figure 6.20). As shown in the Example in Figure 6.20, a new notification has been successfully added and activated. When you click on the “To the list of notifications” link, you go to the list of notifications. 44

45 When you click the “Create another notification” link, you proceed to creating a new notification (Figure 6.20). Figure 6.20 Result of creating a new notification The new notification is displayed in the list of active notifications when you go to the list of notifications (Figure 6.21). Figure 6.21 Viewing the list of notifications 7. Section “Consultant” 45

46 To get help with working with the System, you must go to the “Consultant” menu item (Figure 7.1). To get help, select the section you are interested in from the list of help sections (Figure 7.1). Figure 7.1 “Consultant” section For example, when you select the “Technical Assistance” section, information with contacts is displayed information center(Figure 7.2). Figure 7.2 Viewing information by section 46

47 47

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Bank "Vostochny" - large private bank, providing services to individuals and small and medium-sized businesses. As a leader in the banking segment in the Far East, Vostochny Bank is distinguished by a wide regional network and the presence of branches in other regions.

Clients are also given the opportunity to make transactions with in cash the most convenient way - remotely, using your personal account at Vostochny Bank.

Personal account features

A modern remote service allows you to receive all the necessary services online without visiting offices, around the clock and in a convenient location. Most of the bank's clients have already appreciated the benefits of such work. The personal account of Vostochny Internet Bank allows you to carry out the following types of operations:

  • Obtaining information on cards, accounts, controlling expenses.
  • Obtaining information on current loans and debts.
  • Payment of loans, including from third-party banks.
  • Payment for services without commission: housing and communal services, mobile communications, government, traffic police fines and others.
  • Opening and managing deposits.
  • Intrabank and interbank transfers, including in favor of organizations.
  • Transfer from card to card.
  • Replenishment of electronic wallets.

Registration and login to your personal account

Registration of a personal account Eastern Bank available to clients by card or account number, as well as by passport. The procedure will not take much time, since this can be done online by following the link and clicking the “Register” button.

In the window that opens, select the most convenient registration method. Depending on it, your full name, passport data, the last four digits of the card number or personal account number are entered. Next, you need to come up with and indicate the desired login and confirmation code sent to the phone number specified when signing the contract.

After clicking the “Confirm” button, a message with a temporary password will be sent to your phone. With its help, you can log into the Internet bank for the first time, after which the system will offer to create a permanent one. You can also recover your password without visiting a bank branch by calling the support hotline or repeating the registration procedure.

If you are a client of Oriental Express Bank (OGRN: 1022800000112 INN: 2801015394 General license of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 1460 dated October 24, 2014), you can use the bank’s services without visiting its offices and branches. You can log into your personal account at Vostochny Express Bank on the page To do this, you will need to enter your username and password received during registration.

Connecting your personal online banking account

You can connect your personal account at Orient Express Bank in several ways, but with any of them you must be a client of the bank, that is, have an open personal account.

  • Connect using your bank card number: on the registration page, enter the last four digits of the card, your full name and follow the system prompts.
  • Connect using an identification document: passport, enter the series and number of the passport, indicate your full name.
  • Connect by personal account: Enter your full name and personal account number.
  • Upon completion, you will receive a password to log into your personal online banking account.


« Eastern Express Bank" constantly cares about the safety of its service, however, some precautions still need to be observed.

  1. Install an anti-virus program on your personal computer or laptop, constantly update the anti-virus database.
  2. Please note that the service page protocol begins with the secure https:// protocol.
  3. Orient Express Bank never asks you to enter personal data, bank card details, phone number - only the login and password received during registration.
  4. If they call you or send you an SMS asking you to call back, posing as bank employees, these are scammers. Do not answer or call back. Orient Express Bank never calls on its own initiative and asks its clients to provide their personal information or card details.
  5. Download applications to your mobile phone only from App Store and Google Play. Do not download or install cracked software.
  6. If you receive an SMS message with a code to confirm a payment that you did not make, immediately notify the bank.
  7. If you have lost the mobile phone linked to your bank card– block the SIM card. If you have changed your phone number, you should also inform us about this.
  8. If you receive a message about your SIM card being blocked, immediately notify the Orient Express Bank customer service.

Hotline number
