Transfer from maestro card to mastercard. Transfer from card to card without commission. How to do everything right

With development modern technologies the majority now have the opportunity to spend a minimum of time making payments and sending money. To help users, remote payment services that help make payments and transfers, pay for goods and services with minimal time and financial costs. One of these services is Portmone, created in Ukraine back in 2002. Let's look at how to transfer from card to card Portmone.

How to transfer money

Sending funds to friends or relatives is quite simple; for this it is not necessary to go through the registration procedure; for this you just need to go to the official website of the service and find the section “Transfer funds to a card”. You will find the menu at home page. When you click on the link, you will be presented with a form to fill out, then you need to indicate all the details of your plastic card, namely the full number, expiration date, security code. In the adjacent field, enter the recipient's account number.

After entering the data, be sure to check the correctness specified details, and indicate the amount. Then you can notify the recipient using the service that you have sent funds to his account via SMS message or email. You can also leave a message, although this is not required. If the form is filled out completely and correctly, click the submit button.

Please note that the service warns Privat Bank cardholders that to make payments and transfers via the Internet you need to set a limit of personal account on the bank's website.

Tariffs and conditions

All owners can transfer money from card to card Portmone bank cards, issued by Ukrainian banks. The user can register in the system and send transfers through his personal account, save his details and in the future you will spend noticeably less time sending transfers. In addition, the registered user has the opportunity to print payment orders.

There are certain limits set for this operation. You can send no more than 10 transfers per day from one account, and a maximum of 25 per month. Maximum amount one transfer is 25 thousand hryvnia, per day no more than 75 thousand hryvnia, per month more than 150,000 hryvnia.

The transaction fee is charged to the sender in the amount of 1% of the amount plus 5 hryvnia.

Other service features

Using the payment service, you can not only transfer money from card to Portmone card via the Internet, but also pay for other services. In a matter of minutes, you can pay for communication services from your plastic card, public utilities, pay off a credit card payment and much more.

So, using the service, you can transfer money from a card to a Portmone card, and for this you do not need to leave home and fill out paperwork; your operation is carried out using a minimum set of details. Funds are credited to the recipient's account almost instantly, in rare cases, a delay of up to 5 days may occur.

You've probably heard about the possibility of transferring money from card to card (Card2Card), and, most likely, you yourself transferred money in this way, for example, paid for a service or transferred funds to your relatives or friends. This is a very convenient modern method of transfer, since the money usually reaches the recipient almost instantly (albeit with a small commission), and there is no need to find out the full bank account details - just find out the card number of the recipient of the funds. In addition, such an operation can be done on the website of almost any well-known bank (and not only), rather than stomping your feet into a bank branch and wasting time entering details into the appropriate application form for an interbank transfer (by the way, this can also be done from the Internet -a can, which is much cheaper).

In fact, this technology can and should be used much more often, for example, when replenishing deposits, card accounts or to repay loans, and do this without commission. We will tell you how and in which banks you can transfer money from card to card for free, and what points you need to pay attention to so that everything goes smoothly.

What is Card2Card?

Card2Card (similar to Card-to-Card) is a translation technology (service) Money from card to card of any bank by its number (not to be confused with the card account number!), available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The transfer does not go directly between banks, it is mandatory carried out through the IPS (international payment system), for example, Visa, MasterCard, domestic MIR, etc. The payment system is not just an intermediary, but a key link that unites all banks in unified system all over the world, in fact, thanks to this, we can pay with our card in any store in the world (where MPS cards are supported) and also transfer money between cards of different banks.

  • Internet banking – IB;
  • mobile app – MP;
  • interbank – interbank transfer;
  • techover – technical overdraft;
  • donor card – from which money is transferred;
  • recipient card(recipient from the English “recipient”) - to which they are transferred;
  • intermediary card – used as an intermediate link between the donor and the recipient in order to carry out a completely free transfer (or with a minimum commission);
  • pushing (from the English “push” - to push) - a transfer from a donor card to a recipient card, available in IB (or in MP), an ATM, on the official banking website or in ANY Card2Card service;
  • pulling (from the English “pull” - pull) - the peculiarity of this operation is that it can only be performed on the website, in the information bank (or in the MP) of the bank whose recipient card you are replenishing from the donor card of any other bank (more correctly will say: top up your card account). You may also come across a name for this operation such as “pulling” or “pulling towards yourself.”

How to make a transfer from card to card?

So, you need to transfer money from one card to another, which you need to do in steps.

Step 1. Search the Internet for a site with the Card2Card service. It is better if it is the site of a well-known bank, payment system or financial portal(for example, Let's use the Tinkoff bank service as an example.

Step 2. Fill in the details of the donor card(number, expiration date and CVC code) and recipient card number. In our case, funds can be transferred according to the agreement number (to the card account that appears in this agreement). After entering the required amount, the transfer fee will be calculated immediately.

Before continuing, it wouldn’t hurt to familiarize yourself with the limits, tariffs and terms of the public offer.

You will find out the cost of the service, terms for crediting funds and other restrictions. The service will also notify you about the possibility of charging an additional commission by the issuing bank (which issued the donor card).

Keep in mind that the issuing bank of the donor card may have its own restrictions, for example, for the Sberbank card used in the example, the maximum transfer amount is 30 thousand rubles.

Step 3. The issuing bank will send an SMS message with a one-time password to your cell phone (which is “linked” to the donor card), which must be entered in the provided field. This is the output of , which is an additional step in cardholder authentication (user authentication).

Step 4. If the issuing bank or payment system did not refuse and everything went well, then you will see a corresponding notification on the screen.

But the operation might not have gone through, and there are many reasons for this on the part of the issuer, the Ministry of Railways and the service itself, for example:

How it works? Features of the technology

To understand the features of technology, you need to have an idea of ​​how it functions. When we see a message on the service website about successful translation, this does not mean at all that the money has appeared in the recipient’s card account. This only means that the authorization was successful, that is, the payment system and the issuing bank gave permission to carry out the operation, as a result of which the balance of the donor card is reduced by the transferred amount and the balance of the recipient card is increased.

At the same time, the state of the card accounts themselves does not change. The money on the recipient card is reserved (located in temporary storage) until the transfer of accounting documentation occurs between the banks participating in the transfer (through the IPS). And only after this the money is “unfrozen” and the actual replenishment is carried out on the recipient’s account and debited from the sender’s account. The actual transfer of money may take several days (and in some cases it may take longer).

As you can see, Card2Card technology does not mean at all that your funds will immediately appear in the recipient card account (it is also called pseudo-instant), despite the fact that you will see them on the card balance, but the account balance will not change (this will happen only after several days, unless you make an intra-bank transfer between your card accounts - there is instant crediting to the account).

Technical overdraft after C2C

The C2C feature described above can play a cruel joke on you. Let’s say 5,000 rubles were transferred to your “empty” debit card, there are still 0 rubles in your account, and you immediately make a purchase for the same amount in the store. Accounting entry payment for goods (transfer of funds from your card account to the account of the acquiring bank that provides the store with the service) may occur earlier than the actual replenishment of the Card2Card transaction occurs, that is, your bank is forced to credit you for the purchase amount (in other words, money, debited for a purchase will be unfrozen faster than funds intended for replenishing your account).

Thus, you get into debt, and the bank, in accordance with its tariffs, may well require you to pay interest on the use of credit funds.

Fortunately, judging by the reviews, well-known banks do not play such jokes on clients, but forewarned is forearmed!

What determines the speed of translation?

In most cases, transferred funds appear on the balance of the recipient card within a few minutes after the transfer - this is the merit of MoneySend and Visa Direct technologies, however, money appears on the card account much later - after 1-5 days (sometimes earlier - within several hours, judging by the reviews). Sometimes it happens that they don’t reach him at all. Why does this happen?

The timing of crediting funds depends on the payment system and the speed of processing of such payments by recipient banks. When we receive a notification about the arrival of money a couple of minutes after replenishment from another card, this is just the result of authorization of the transfer operation by the Ministry of Railways (if the receiving banks support the above technologies, then the balance of your card will be replenished quickly). In principle, you can pay with this card in a store, but it’s better not to withdraw money from an ATM - you’ll definitely end up with a technical overhaul (there’s no money in your account yet).

If you transfer money between cards of the same payment system, the money will arrive much faster than when transferring between cards of different payment systems. Transfers within the bank are almost instantaneous, since there is no MPS involved, but some banks can process payments at a strictly defined time (for various reasons), so crediting to the account can only occur on the next business day. As a rule, banks indicate the time when funds appear in the account for each replenishment method, but the exact transfer speed can be found out experimentally.

How to transfer from card to card for free. Available transfer methods without commission

Now let's talk about using the technology described above to your advantage. There are many ways to transfer from card to card for free. We owe them not only to banks and the corresponding services, but to passionate people who collect information and publish it on the forums of well-known financial sites (the most famous, of course, and on the pages of their own blogs. We will look below at how to withdraw and withdraw money without commission.

Free transfer from C2C ​​to other cards. Pushing

So, if you need to transfer (push) funds from your card to another, then it is better to find an appropriate bank (service) that allows you to do this without a commission. The following services (methods) are available:

1. Bank Tinkoff allows you to transfer money for free to any card up to 20,000 rubles per billing period(per month). The operation is available in IB, MP and on the official website of the bank.

2. Rocketbank by tariff plan"All inclusive" makes it possible to transfer up to 100 thousand rubles per month from your Otkrytie-Rocket debit card to a card of another bank for free.

3. On the payment website MasterCard systems Commission-free transfers between MasterCard cards are available for amounts up to RUB 75,000. (promotion is currently suspended)

4. On the MasterCard MPS website via the link MasterCard cardholders have the opportunity to pay a loan with a 0% commission. This service is provided by LLC NPO "Rapida" (offer on this moment not really).

Despite the fact that this service is intended for online payments for a loan (in the payment purpose it is written: “repayment” of the loan), with its help you can make a free transfer to any card of an amount of up to 15 thousand rubles (tested, it works!). The only caveat! In most cases, you will need to indicate the details of the recipient's account, such as the bank's BIC and account number (you can find out these details in the IB, MP or at a bank branch), although if you select a specific bank (for example, Tinkoff or Russian Standard), a transfer to the number is possible cards or contract number. You will also need to indicate the number of the sending card and its details such as expiration date and CVC code.

5. Social network"In contact with" makes it possible to transfer money between cards. From MasterCard and Maestro cards you can withdraw no more than 75 thousand rubles per month without commission ( minimum translation 100 rub.). In reality, you transfer funds from your card to your “friend’s” account, the owner of which can send the money received to any MIR, Visa or MasterCard card using its number (the offer is valid until 03/31/2019 - has already been extended several times, and, most likely , will be extended).

6. Any Samsung smartphone users, connected to payment service Samsung Pay can now transfer money between cards directly from this system. You can send a transfer from any card added to Samsung Pay (just select the recipient's phone number from the contact list on your smartphone or enter it manually). The recipient himself decides which card to receive the transfer to. (promotion is currently suspended)

See more about the technology.

Free replenishment from any bank card. Contraction

Withdrawing funds from another card is the same Card2Card, with the difference that it must be done in the information bank or MP (sometimes on the official website) of your bank (if such a possibility exists, of course, since not every bank has such functionality, and of those who do, not all can boast of the absence of a commission). Let’s take, for example, the Tinkoff Internet bank, and top up your Black debit card account from a Sberbank card with a C2C transfer. Rate Tinkoff Bank allows you to withdraw up to 300 thousand rubles from other cards for free per billing period.

It is enough to fill in the fields from where and where (in our case, the Sberbank card was remembered in the IB, so it is enough to select it from the list, and not fill in its number completely). After entering the password from the SMS message, the card will be topped up with the required amount.

A reverse operation on the part of Sberbank (i.e., pushing) would already be subject to a commission, since Sber does not allow pushing money out of its cards for free.

Let us draw your attention to the presence of limits on the donor card; exceeding the one-time limit (remember that for Sber it is 30 thousand rubles) will lead to the refusal of the operation.

Below you can find a list of banks that allow you to withdraw money from cards of any bank for free. The list was taken from the forum of the banking portal, where we recommend that you check it periodically.

Note! A number of banks will charge a commission for an outgoing transfer (from a donor card), and some will not allow it at all. In this case, you will find out the size of the commission only after the operation - in an SMS message from the bank issuing the donor card (if the SMS informing service is activated) or in the information security of this bank.

If the commission for tightening by others credit institutions is not explicitly stated in the tariffs, then focus on the commission for cash withdrawals from ATMs of other banks or for outgoing C2C transfers. If you are not sure that there is no commission, then you can check this by trying to withdraw the entire amount in its account from the donor card. If there is a commission, the donor bank will refuse the transaction.

Keep in mind that when pulling from credit card the commission will be very significant (banks specifically set barrier commissions so that credit cards are used for their intended purpose and not for cashing out), and be prepared to fly out of grace period– the transferred money will immediately begin to accrue the interest rate on the loan provided for by the tariff.

Also, a number of banks charge a commission for incoming transfers (if the replenishment amount limit is exceeded).

Linking cards

In some cases, to carry out the withdrawal, it is necessary to “link” (register) the donor card, in other words, the bank must make sure that it is your card. You need to link cards, for example, when topping up from other cards in your personal accounts with Kukuruza or Beeline cards (the issuers of these cards are RNKO Payment Center). The binding procedure is quick and simple - the card you specified will be debited small amount(usually up to 10 rubles), which will need to be entered in a special field. You will need to enter all the card details in the appropriate fields and one-time password from an SMS message received from the bank. If the amounts match, the card is considered linked. The money written off will be returned to your account in a few days.

Subsequently, to top up from the linked plastic card, you will need to enter the required amount, secret code(CVC2/CVV2) and a one-time password (the service will “remember” all other details).

The linking operation is not required in many banks - replenishment of the required amount occurs immediately after entering the card details and going through the identification procedure with entering a one-time password.

Why do you need an intermediary card (spacer)?

Let's say you have a Sberbank salary card, and you got a new bank card that can’t charge money from other cards or charges a commission for it. Of course, you can withdraw money from Sber ATMs and top up your new card account at terminals (ATMs with cash-in functionality) or at bank cash desks, but this is not always convenient.

The problem is solved by introducing an intermediary card (with free annual service, of course), which will be able to withdraw money from your Sberbank salary card for free, and without commission, push it out of your account to your new recipient card (either by card number or interbank). Such cards are also called transit or spacers.

An excellent candidate for a transit card is the Black Tinkoff Bank debit card (it can be made completely free by connecting to tariff 6.2 after receiving it). It is well suited for this role, since it can pull in and push out funds free of charge using C2C technology, and also allows for free interbanking using the bank account details of any card.

Sometimes you need to withdraw money from cards that do not support the 3D-Secure function (this happens, but is very rare). In this case, you can use Kukuruza or Beeline spacer cards, which can pull from such cards that do not support this additional identification protocol.

1. Use the services of well-known banks and banking portals. Using third-party services is fraught with the loss of all the money in your account. In addition, third-party services can charge a hefty commission for their services.

2. Find out in advance the limits and commissions for making transfers, whether pulling or pushing.

3. If the donor card bank refused you once, then you should not try to perform a similar operation again (even through another service). The bank may decide that they want to withdraw money from the card account and block the card. It is better to repeat the same operation after 24 hours.

4. Do not transfer money from credit cards, so as not to be subject to a large commission and not to fall out of the grace period.

5. Always look for ways to transfer (replenish) funds without commission. At your service are banking forums, financial blogs and, in fact, the Finance for People website.

Finally, I would like to wish you to make translations conveniently and free of charge, and to improve the level of your financial literacy– this will allow you to save significantly on banking transactions!

Do you need to quickly transfer from card to card from different banks? Your bank's online service will help you with this. You can transfer a certain amount to a card of another bank at any time of the day at a minimum interest rate. Your personal data will be in reliable protection, since everything is confidential and responsible.

Variety of money transfer options

Nowadays, everyone uses bank cards, which are easy to use and functional. These products significantly save time and carry out operations such as transferring money to another bank card. If you are wondering whether it is possible to send a certain amount to another card? It's possible! There are three translation methods.

  • These are banking institutions. This option is suitable for those who want to transfer a large amount of money. In this case, you must have a passport, the recipient’s card number and funds.
  • Self-service terminals. The interface of these devices allows the payer to quickly and easily understand the transfer of funds. The advantage of this self-service is that you will not have to wait in long lines.
  • Online banking. Each bank has its own Internet resource, where you can use its services without leaving your home, including online translation from card to card from different banks. If the money is transferred to a card of the same bank, no commission is charged. Setting up Internet banking is easy and simple; all you need is a card and the Internet.


When making a transfer between cards of different banks, the user may encounter issues such as the bank taking commissions in the form of a percentage of 1 to 5 of the total amount. Payment transfers are only possible in one currency. It is not always possible to transfer money from card to card, because sometimes there are glitches in the systems.

If, however, for many reasons you need urgent translation money abroad or to relatives? Will you repay the loan? Then interbank transfer is what you need. Alfa Bank provides services instant transfer funds to any bank card. To make a transfer you need to indicate the amount in rubles. The service fee will be automatically deducted. You just have to confirm the action and you're done.

You can make payments from card to card in the amount of 100,000 thousand rubles or with an amount in foreign currency at the current bank rate. Transfers can be made no more than 50 times per month from one card.

How to do everything right?

If you want to top up a card from another bank online, then you should go to banking application, where it will be written: personal account, transfers, cards between which the transfer will be made, transfer amount.

Everything is quite simple. The main thing is to adhere to this sequence.

To transfer money from card to card at ATMs you should: insert the card, enter the PIN code and enter the transfers section, where you can enter necessary funds for translate.

Also, no matter where you are, the mobile application will help you send the required amount to another bank card. Send a request to *212#. Then, enter your password, insert the card and send the transfer.

Transferring money via the Internet is a minimum cost and saves your own time. Simply, while sitting at home, you can make a payment from your bank to another. The use of modern technologies protects your funds when transferring them to another card. A special check and confirmation of the identity of the client who makes a payment from card to card of different banks is carried out.

If you want to transfer the maximum amount of money, a confirmation password automatically pops up and is sent to your phone, because all registered cards are linked to a mobile number. The timing of transferring money to a card of another bank is set individually.

Funds transfers are often instantaneous. Only in special cases you need to wait 1 to 3 days after replenishment. If you are unable to transfer money to the recipient’s card, then contact the technical support service, which will give all the answers to your questions.

Making payments online is an absolutely safe action, because the system has all the security standards regulating the procedure for card operations and processing.

The required level of security will provide protection against internal and external threats in the system. Now, send own funds on the map will not be difficult. Everything is at hand, a laptop, the Internet and an Internet banking login system. Carry out various payments to cards of other banks by minimum interest today. All these money transfer processes are safe, practical and economical.

To transfer money from one Sberbank card to another using a phone number or card, you must use one of the available instructions given in the article. Transfer can be done via Mobile bank by number 900, in your personal account or through any self-service device (ATM or terminal).

To transfer money to another Sberbank client using a phone number, you must use the following instructions:

  • Send the command to the short number 900: TRANSFER 9XX1234567 500.
  • After the word “TRANSFER”, sequentially enter the recipient’s phone number and the transaction amount.
  • Wait for a response SMS with payment details and a combination of numbers that must be used to confirm the operation.

Sometimes there is more than one Sberbank card available, in which case, for convenience, it is possible to select the preferred card for the transfer. To do this, send the following command to service number 900: TRANSLATION 1234 9XX1234567 500, where 1234 is the last four digits of the desired card.

The procedure for sending money using a card number is simple; let’s denote the algorithm of actions:

  • You need to type a text message in the format TRANSLATION 1234567891234567 5000 and send it to number 900.
  • After the word “TRANSFER” you must indicate the recipient’s card number and the transaction amount.
  • You will receive an SMS with payment details and a unique code to confirm the transaction.

Sometimes you need to indicate from which card the transfer will be made to another Sberbank client. To do this on your mobile device you need to write an SMS in the format TRANSFER 1234 4321 5000 and send it to the short number 900.

Using the command from the example, you can transfer the amount of 5 thousand rubles between cards with numbers ending in 1234 and 4321. Note that the first one needs to indicate the card from which the transfer is made, and the second one - to which the payment will be received.

USSD commands for quickly sending money

A transfer service via USSD request is available for subscribers of Beeline, Megafon and Tele2.

To transfer funds between Sberbank cards, enter the command:
* 900 * 11 * X * Y * Z #, where X is the last 4 digits of the sender’s plastic number, Y is the last 4 digits of the recipient’s card number, and Z is the transaction amount.

If you need to transfer funds by phone number, enter the USSD request:
* 900 * 12 * X * Y #, where X is the phone number to which the recipient’s card is linked (without 8), and Y is the payment amount.

Restrictions and tariffs

Sberbank imposes the following restrictions on such operations: you can make no more than 10 transactions per day, while total amount payments for the sender and recipient should not exceed 8 thousand rubles.

No commission is charged provided that the transfer is made to the client’s debit card within the same city, otherwise the commission is 1% (maximum 1000 rubles). Current rates are available here.

Transfer funds to Sberbank Online

Sberbank allows you to send money from one user to another without leaving your home or office. To do this, it is enough to have access to the Internet and be registered in the Sberbank Online system.

Transfer another client to a Sberbank card

To quickly make a transfer to another person, just follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Sberbank Online via the link and go to the “Transfers and Payments” section.
  2. Since the transfer is being made to another user, you need to click “Transfer to Sberbank client”.
  3. Now you need to enter the card number or phone number of the recipient. Then indicate the account to be debited and the payment amount. Then click the “Translate” button.
  4. In the new window, you need to check the payment details and click the “Confirm via SMS” button.
  5. All that remains is to enter the code received via SMS and click on the “Confirm” button to complete the transaction.
  6. The operation is completed, the sender and recipient will receive SMS notifications about the successful transaction.

  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Step 4
  • Step 5
  • Step 6

You can transfer any amounts; Sberbank does not set restrictions for its users; moreover, sending funds to debit cards, opened in the same Sberbank branch, passes without commission, but if the recipient’s card is opened in another bank branch, the commission will still be 1% (maximum 1000 rubles).

Transfer balance between your cards

Considering the fact that the operation takes place between personal cards the same user, no commission will be charged for the operation, and the time it takes is reduced to a few seconds. The transaction is executed as follows:

  1. The user must log into the system’s personal account and then open the “Transfers and Payments” page.
  2. Then give preference to the “Transfer between your accounts and cards” button.
  3. In the window that appears, indicate the card from which funds will be withdrawn and the card to which they will be received, as well as the amount of funds. Then you need to click the “Translate” button.
  4. After completing all the steps, you need to check the details and click on the “Confirm” button.
  5. The operation will be completed instantly, and if necessary, you can print a receipt.

How to transfer money from card to card for free? No commission. Without paying a penny to the bank for the transfer.

Do you still pay for regular card-to-card transfers? You don’t understand what pulling, pushing, donor cards, transit cards are. You don’t know how C2C differs from interbank transfers (what is that anyway?).

Calmly. There is nothing complicated about it. Just scary words.

I remember with a smile myself a few years ago. I had a mortgage with one bank. A wages received on a card from another bank. I had to first go and withdraw my salary money. Then stomp in mortgage bank and make your next mortgage payment.

Sometimes, when I was too lazy to wander between banks, I made transfers from card to card. Paying something like 1.5-2% of the payment amount for the transfer. And I was constantly tempted to give away extra money. Therefore, I mostly spent my time going to banks.

Now everything is much simpler. There are 1000 and 1 way to transfer money between cards. Almost in one click. Without leaving home. And most importantly it's free. In “particularly severe” cases, pay 10 rubles per operation.

We read, put it into practice and save our money. Which are never superfluous.

Always free inside the bank

As a rule, the service of transferring funds from card to card between clients of the same bank is free.

We only need to know the recipient's card number. And nothing more. Some banks offer transfers by phone number (if the card is linked to this number) and even by full name.

We will need access to mobile or online banking. Although different banks have differences in the functionality of mobile banks, the principle is the same and intuitive.

Of all my bank cards, only Sberbank charges a commission for C2C transfers - 1% of the transaction amount. It’s good that at least among cards issued in the same region, no fee is charged.

From an interview with German Gref: “Sberbank does not plan to abolish commissions for card transfers. This brings good income to the bank.” And turning to face the client is very expensive for him (both for Sber and Gref).”

If you need to make a transfer: top up the card the desired bank and carry out the operation. If you don’t have such a card (the required bank), it doesn’t matter. There are other ways in stock free translations.

Pulling from card to card

What does this strange term “constriction” mean?

Let's say we need to transfer money from card A to card B. No, not like that.

Let's take a look at specific banks as an example. You need to make a transfer from a Sberbank card to an Alfa Bank card. Or simply, to steal money from Sberbank to Alpha.

In our case, the card (Sberbank) from which the money will be transferred will be called a donor card.

All actions will be performed at Alfa Bank. In your personal account, look for the word (button) “Replenishment”

We enter the details of the donor card, in our case Sberbank, and the transfer amount.

An SMS code is received to confirm the operation (using a Sber card). That's all. The money has been transferred.

The “pulling” procedure is reminiscent of online shopping. Only the money does not go to the seller of the goods, but to the card you need.

Important! Usually the contraction is free of charge. But as always, there are exceptions to the rules. Some banks either do not allow you to withdraw money from them. Or they take a small bribe. It is usually less than a simple transfer to someone else's bank directly.

How to find out if a bank allows you to withdraw money from itself? And the size of the possible commission (paid or free)?

There are two ways: first and second.))))

  1. We look at the information in the tariffs.
  2. Try to withdraw every last penny from the card. Required for one operation. For example, if you have 8 thousand 543 rubles 43 kopecks on your donor card, “withdraw the entire amount at once.” If the bank charges a fee for the drawdown, the transaction will be rejected due to “insufficient funds in the account.”

List of free donor banks.

  • Sberbank;
  • ALPHA;
  • Tinkoff;
  • Home Credit;
  • Sovcombank;

By the way, Sberbank distinguished itself here too. You can't waste money on it. There is simply no such button))))


A regular transfer from your card to a card of another bank. Here the procedure is the reverse of tightening.

Usually, for this pleasure, most banks want to charge a commission from the client. 0.5-1.5% of the transfer amount, but not less than 30-50 rubles per transaction.

For example, if you push money from a VTB card to someone else’s plastic card (not to a bank client), then the service wants to charge 125 rubles for a transfer of 10,000 rubles.

There are several banks that carry out such operations free of charge, that is, for nothing.

Of course, they won’t let you roam. There is always a limit on the maximum amount of such transfers per month. Usually 10-20-30 thousand rubles.

List of banks:

  • Tinkoff gives its clients the opportunity to push out a maximum of 20 thousand rubles per month. Everything above is taxed at 1.5% (but not less than 30 rubles).
  • — gives a monthly limit of 30 thousand for withdrawals to cards of other banks. Plastic is completely free. Delivered to the client's home.
  • . Transfer to “other people’s” cards is paid. But when spending on Multicard from 5 thousand per the reporting month, all transfer fees are returned in the following.
  • Your cashback from PSB. — Again, the limit is 20 thousand per month for pushing. The minimum amount of one transaction must be at least 3,000 rubles.

VKontakte and Odnoklassniki

Social network VKontakte together with payment system Mastercard for all registered users makes it possible to make payments within the network. It is not necessary to know the recipient's card number. Just select the account of the person you want to transfer money to.

But as far as I remember, the promotion is extended every time for 1-2 months over and over again. And so it has been for probably 2 years now.

Terms of transfer:

Transfers between Maestro and Mastercard cards are free. The monthly limit is 75,000 rubles. Further 0.6% + 20 rubles.

It's sadder with Visa. All transfers are paid - 1%, but not less than 50 rubles.

How to transfer money to VKontakte?

On the page of the friend to whom we want to transfer money, click on the three dots. And select “Send money”

If this is your first time, the system will request your card details. From which money will be debited. Plastic number, expiration date, CVC code and owner's full name.

Write the amount and click “send money”.

The recipient will receive a notification about the transfer. If his card is not linked, you need to indicate the details of the plastic card to which the transfer will be credited.

In the future, everything happens automatically. Sent - received. No plastic data entry.

What does this give us?

You can transfer money to different cards within the limit (75 thousand) from one account.

Advice! If you need to transfer money between your cards, create a second “fake” account. And send transfers to yourself without commissions. If necessary, change the sender's or recipient's cards.

Odnoklassniki has a similar thing. But it became paid. With Mastercard and Maestro cards you will be asked for 0.6%, but not less than 20 rubles per transfer. Cards from other payment systems are more expensive.

Transfer through special services and banks

The method is not permanent. But it’s better to know about it and keep it in mind.

Sometimes there are promotions when you can make transfers between any cards absolutely free.

True, they are not durable, like VKontakte.

We see all the necessary data. Copy the details. Some banks already have a “Send account details by mail” button.

If you need to send money free of charge by interbank transfer. We are looking for the word “Translation”. And fill in all the fields.

To avoid entering all the details again each time, save the operation to templates (or favorites). Next time, only change the transfer amount if necessary.

How much does it cost?

The issue of price again depends on the bank. The same Sberbank takes the standard 1% of the transfer amount. The multicard from VTB will compensate for the costs of transfers (1% commission) in the next month, when spending more than 5 thousand rubles.

We need free or cheap interbank transfers.

Among the popular cards, there is Tinkoff Black with free interbank transfers.

How to put this into practice?

If you can’t transfer money directly from card to card. We use an intermediary card (or transit).

For example, let’s take money from Tinkoff. Then we carry out a push or interbank transfer to the card of the final recipient.

Need to know

Transaction limits. All banks, without exception, impose restrictions on transfer operations. Maximum amount per time, per day, per month. The size depends on your tariff and card status. Gold and platinum have a higher limit compared to regular plastics.

For the majority, the presented limits are more than enough. Usually they give 100-300 thousand per month.

Replenishment fee. You will be surprised. But there are banks (or cards) that charge a commission for replenishment, no matter how idiotic it may sound. We deposit our own money onto our own card. And...we pay for it. Nonsense. True, this only applies to C2C transfers. Therefore, we carefully study the tariffs.

Here are 2 examples from my experience.

I received a free card from Otkritie Bank. The main thing for me was the lack of service fees. I needed it to replenish my brokerage account from it.

They gave me a MIR card. Almost without looking he signed the documents. I looked only at the main conditions (no service fee). And only at home, I became more thoroughly familiar with the tariffs around the World and was a little taken aback.

Replenishment fee is 0.5% but not less than 30 rubles.
