Examination of space-planning solutions for a building. Space-planning solution of the building (SPD) Location (layout) of premises Space-planning solutions, what do they include

Technical conclusion based on the results of inspection of buildings and structures

Based on accumulated experience, the EcoPetroBalt-Project company presents to your attention the sections that are part of the technical report based on the results of an inspection of a building or structure.

It should be noted that the scope of the survey work is determined depending on the goals and objectives set. In each individual case, the scope of work is selected individually.

The technical report is developed in accordance with

    GOST 31937-2011 “Buildings and structures. Rules for examination and monitoring technical condition».

    SP13-102-2003 “Rules for inspection of load-bearing building structures of buildings and structures.”

    TSN 50-302-2004 “Design of foundations of buildings and structures in St. Petersburg.”

    VSN 57-88 (r) “Regulations on technical inspection of residential buildings.”

    VSN 53-86 (r) “Rules of assessment physical wear and tear residential buildings."

Composition of the technical report

1. Title page contact information the organization that developed the technical report.

2. Composition technical documentation (when developing documentation in several volumes).

3. List of performers indicating the full name and position.

4. Contents.

5. Introduction. The Introduction section includes:

    Designation of the object of inspection - individual building structures or the building (structure) as a whole.

    Time frames for performing a set of works on visual and instrumental examination.

    Reasons for the inspection - carrying out reconstruction work, major repairs, etc.

    The purpose of the inspection is to assess the actual technical condition of the building structures of the building (structure) with the issuance of a conclusion on the technical inspection.

    Inspection objectives - indicate the types of work necessary to achieve the specified goals and solve the assigned tasks during the implementation of a set of works for a visual and instrumental inspection of a building (structure).

    List of submitted and reviewed documentation for the building (structure). The initial data on the technical condition of the facility is requested and systematized (data from the BTI, municipalities, management companies, etc.). Previously received instructions from supervisory and regulatory authorities (housing, fire inspections, etc.) are studied. Design and estimate documentation, logs of hidden and completed work, certificates, technical passports, etc. are considered.

6. General information. The General Information section includes:

    Location and characteristics of the survey object. Situational plan object location.

    Architectural and volumetric planning solutions. Year of construction of the building. Last year overhaul, building reconstruction. Description of space-planning and architectural solutions building. Historical reference. Dimensions of the building (height, width, length). General views of the facades and plan of the first floor of the building.

    Constructive decisions. Description of the structural design and spatial rigidity of the building. Short description building structures and utility networks.

    Information about the engineering and geological conditions of the site. Performed on the basis of archival geology, geological surveys, laboratory soil analysis, etc.

    Work program (survey methodology). Designed in accordance with terms of reference, local conditions, goals and timing of visual and instrumental inspection of the building (structure).

Fig. 1 Information about the engineering and geological conditions of the site (archival geology)

7. Survey results. The “Survey Results” section includes:

    Inspection of foundations and subsoil.

    Inspection of the building frame (columns, beams, trusses, etc.)

    Inspection of walls and partitions.

    Inspection of floors and coverings.

    Roof and roof inspection.

    Inspection of window and door fillings.

    Survey flights of stairs and sites.

    Inspection of engineering networks and equipment.

8. Conclusions and recommendations based on the results of the inspection of buildings and structures. Determination of the physical wear and tear of individual building structures and the building as a whole based on a survey (compilation of a table of physical wear and tear in accordance with VSN 53-86 (r) “Rules for assessing the physical wear and tear of residential buildings”). Assignment of a category of technical condition in accordance with GOST 31937-2011 “Buildings and structures. Rules for inspection and monitoring of technical condition.” Filling out the table for examining the technical condition of the building (inspection report) in accordance with Appendix “B” of GOST 31937-2011. Drawing up a building passport in accordance with Appendix “D” GOST 31937-2011.

9. List of normative, technical and methodological documentation. List of literature used in the development of a technical report based on the results of an inspection of a building or structure.

10. Applications.

    Technical task. Download

    Certificate of permission to work. Download

    Photographic materials. Photographic recording of defects and general views of facades, premises, openings, pits. Download

    Graphic materials. List of drawings. Results of measurement work necessary to develop a technical report. Floor plans of the building, facades, longitudinal and cross sections. Sections from openings, pits, etc. Testing of structures and building materials. Protocols for testing materials using non-destructive methods. Laboratory soil analysis. Dynamic soil probing. Laboratory testing of bricks, concrete, etc. Mycological studies of wood. Instrument verification certificates. Certification, laboratory accreditation. Download

    Verification calculations. Verification calculations of floor beams, trusses, brick walls, foundations, etc. Thermal engineering calculation of walls, ceilings, roofs, etc. Download

    Archival materials. Title documents, materials technical reports previous years, technical passport of the building, archival materials of engineering and geological surveys, etc. Download

  • Nechaev Eduard Aleksandovich, student
  • Northern Arctic Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov

The article discusses the requirements and recommendations for choosing a space-planning solution when designing an individual residential building. The article also describes the importance of the design process, both for the individual client and for the architectural plan and general view of the settlement as a whole.

  • Comparative analysis of the physical, mechanical and thermal insulation characteristics of laminated veneer lumber and rounded logs when choosing materials for the construction of individual residential buildings
  • Unsteady motion of a plate on the surface of a non-Newtonian fluid
  • Prospects for the use of non-traditional sealing devices in fire fighting equipment units
  • On conducting research on the strength characteristics of wooden structures when solving problems of applied mechanics
  • New technical solutions in restoring the performance of hose systems in a fire

Construction of individual low-rise buildings is developing dynamically and is a promising construction sector in Russian Federation. 65-75% of the housing stock of low-rise buildings consists of wooden houses, which are distinguished by high environmental performance and price.

Low-rise wooden individual residential buildings are characterized by a very broad typology, which takes into account national and regional characteristics, the possibility of conducting economic activities on the site, as well as the necessity or, conversely, optionality large area for accommodation.

A space-planning solution when designing a residential building allows at the project stage to significantly individualize the future home in accordance with the tastes of the customer, in addition, it allows you to more rationally design the house in order to reduce construction costs, as well as correctly arrange the premises in accordance with functional processes in the house .

The process of choosing a space-planning solution itself consists of several stages.

  1. Architectural or design proposals from the customer. At this stage, it is based on the customer’s proposals and requirements that the general character of the future home will be determined. Often this stage comes down to several drawings made by hand.
  2. Dividing the entire building into several parts, preliminary design. Typically, this stage includes: floor plan of the house, roof plan, facades, color schemes, orientation to the cardinal directions, size of rooms, breakdown of areas, location of doors, stairs, sanitary rooms and rooms for engineering equipment, in addition, the main Construction Materials. Also at this stage it is determined how the interior will be decorated.
  3. Project. At this stage, work is being done to develop a more detailed project for an individual residential building with the coordination of all details with the customer: foundation design, design options for external and internal walls, solutions for engineering equipment (heating, gas, electricity, water supply, sewerage). Additionally, non-standard products are being worked on: elements of facades, roofing, carpentry.

The number of stages, as well as their content, may vary depending on the requirements and needs of the customer.

When designing any house, separate zones are identified in advance:

  1. Public. This is an area to which not only the living family has access, but also visitors. IN this category includes: living room, dining room, bathroom, guest bedroom (if there is one).
  2. Rest zone. This is an area hidden from visitors; this includes the master bedrooms, bathrooms, and dressing rooms.
  3. Economic. The allocation of this zone depends on whether economic activity Location on. This zone includes utility and technical premises: storerooms, boiler rooms, premises for livestock and poultry, and the like. A distinctive feature of this zone is that there must be a separate exit from it leading directly to personal plot.

When designing individual housing, it is worth taking care of rational connections between these zones. Optimal layout reduces transit between rooms. For example, the kitchen and dining room must have an adjacent wall, or must be combined into one room. If the house has two floors, then there should be a bathroom on each floor, and both should be located strictly above each other and relatively close to the kitchen, as this reduces communication costs and reduces the risk of damage to the main premises in the event of leaks.

Living rooms are the main part of the house. They have different purposes and are divided into the front (hallway), common (living room) and bedrooms. The most comfortable living rooms have a width-to-depth ratio from 1:1 to 1:1.5. The depth (length from the window) of living rooms must be no less than 3 m and no more than 6 m, width - no less than 2.4 m.

The front room should provide a comfortable entrance and connection to the rooms of the house. The width of the front door must be at least 1.4 m, the minimum area is 3 m 2. Intra-house corridors connecting the entrance hall with the living rooms of the house are assumed to be at least 1.1 m wide, with utility rooms - 0.85 m, height in the presence of mezzanines - 2 m. The hallway can be connected to the living rooms directly, as well as through the hall.

The common room is the largest in area and serves as a place for relaxation and various activities for family members, and for receiving guests. The dimensions of the common room are assigned to be at least 16 m2, the width is at least 3 m. As a rule, it is advisable to locate the common room next to the front room or kitchen. A common room can be spatially combined with doors with wide openings or sliding partitions with a hall, dining room or kitchen.

  • communication and relaxation (listening to music, watching videos, reading books and magazines);
  • household work and placement of household items common use(vacuum cleaner, etc.);
  • occasional meals (small coffee table or small table for 4-5 people).

The area of ​​the common room (living room) is determined taking into account the possibility of placing the zones listed above, as well as the arrangement of the minimum necessary furniture and the arrangement of passages.

The bedroom is intended for sleeping, studying, storing clothes, books, and for children to play. The bedroom area is assigned 10-12 m2 for two people and 8 m2 for one. It is advisable that the bedrooms should be impenetrable. In this case, entry from these premises is allowed:

  • in a pantry or wardrobe;
  • in the kitchen and restroom in houses where disabled people live;
  • sleep, storage of clothes and linen, household items;
  • individual, professional and amateur activities of family members.

For each family member, a sleeping place with dimensions of at least 2x0.8 m is provided. In the bedrooms, except for the matrimonial one, no more than two sleeping places can be placed. In the spouses' bedroom it is allowed to provide a sleeping place for a child under three years of age.

The kitchen is intended for preparing and eating food. One of the popular types of kitchens for individual house is a kitchen-dining room.

In the kitchen-dining room, in addition to working kitchen equipment, there is a dining table and chairs (dining area). The area of ​​such a kitchen is taken depending on the size of the house and the number of family members within the range of 8-20 m2.

The bathroom includes rooms where there is a bath, shower, washbasin and toilet. IN modern houses It is recommended to use a separate bathroom, while organizing bathrooms on each floor of the house.

Entry into a room equipped with a toilet directly from the kitchen and living quarters (except for residential premises intended for families with disabled people) is not allowed.

It is not allowed to place a restroom and bath (or shower) directly above living rooms and kitchens. It is not allowed to attach devices and pipelines directly to the partitions enclosing living rooms.

According to the design assignment, as part of the additional equipment of sanitary and hygienic premises, it is allowed to provide for the installation of bidets, drying machines, hydromassage baths, shower cabins and other equipment, as well as to provide a shower room equipped with a shower tray or shower cabin.

In addition to the mandatory equipment of sanitary and hygienic premises at home, it is recommended to provide space in the bathroom for a washing machine.

It is allowed to open doors into the bathroom if the depth of the room or the distance from the doorway to the sanitary equipment located opposite is at least 1.2 m (clean). In all other cases, it is necessary to install a door opening outward from the bathroom.

Right choice number of floors of residential buildings and their space-planning structure has important, both in economic, construction and architectural terms, and for solving socially significant problems, providing the necessary favorable living conditions and activities of the population.


  1. SNiP 2.07.01-89*.
  2. SNiP 2.08.01-89 Residential buildings.
  3. SP 30-102-99 Planning and development of the territory.
  4. M.O. Barshch, M.V. Lisitsian, S.P. Turgenev. Architectural design of residential buildings. – M.: Architecture-S, 2006. - 488 p.

The space-planning scheme of a building is the type of combination of working, service, auxiliary and communication premises into a single composition. Based on the location and interrelation of premises, the following types of space-planning schemes of buildings are distinguished - enfilade, with horizontal communications, with vertical communications (sectional), hall, combined and atrium (Fig. 3.9).

Enfilade system

The enfilade system provides for direct transition from one room to another through openings in their walls or partitions. This system allows the building to be designed very compact due to the absence (or minimal volume) of communication rooms. Since the main rooms in the enfilade scheme are walk-through, it is fully used in a limited number of types of buildings, mainly of an exhibition nature (museums, exhibitions). More often it is used partially in individual elements buildings, for example, between the front rooms of a mansion (cottage) or between the rooms of one educational group of a kindergarten.

System with horizontal communications

A system with horizontal communications provides connections between the main rooms through communications (corridors, galleries), due to which the main rooms become impenetrable. The main premises in relation to horizontal communications can be located on one or two sides. The planning compactness and cost-effectiveness of the building design solution is achieved to the greatest extent in schemes with two parallel or circular corridors. The planning system with horizontal communication rooms is widely used in the design of civil buildings for a wide variety of purposes - dormitories, hotels, schools, hospitals, administrative buildings, etc.

Sectional system

The sectional system provides for the layout of a building from one or several single-character fragments (sections) with repeating floor plans. At the same time, the premises of all floors of each section are connected by common vertical communications - stairs or stairs and elevators. The sectional system is the main one in the design of urban apartment buildings of medium and high rises, and is also fragmentarily included in the space-planning structure of buildings of dormitories, hospitals, schools, etc.

Hall system

The hall system is based on the subordination of a relatively small number of auxiliary premises to the main hall, which determines functional purpose buildings in general. The hall system is most widespread in the design of industrial and public, entertainment, sports, and exhibition buildings.

The hall system is used for buildings with single and multiple hall structures.

Atrium system

The atrium system - with an open or covered courtyard around which the main premises are located, connected directly to it or through open (galleries) or closed (side corridors) communication spaces, has a variety of applications.

In addition to traditional use in southern housing, in recent decades it has been used in the design of low-rise buildings with large halls - indoor markets, museums, exhibitions, as well as in high-rise hotel and office buildings. The advantages of the system in open courtyards are the close connection between the necessary technological scheme open and closed spaces (in the market building - between stationary trading floors and space for seasonal trade, in the museum building - between closed and open exhibitions, etc.). With covered atriums, the advantages are the presence of year-round functioning public spaces and increased thermal efficiency of the building. The compositional and functional advantages of using atriums in multi-storey administrative and hotel buildings are the presence of a large public space and the possibility of improving the insolation of working premises.

Combined system

Combined (mixed) system combining elements various systems, used mainly in multifunctional buildings. So, for example, in a youth club there is a hall system of entertainment and gyms combined with the corridor layout of the premises for club offices.

In addition to the functional diagram, the choice of space-planning structure and number of storeys of a building is greatly influenced by climate conditions, topography, and architectural surroundings. In harsh climatic conditions, buildings almost inevitably acquire a compact shape and closed character, while in a favorable climate, in buildings of the same purpose, another version of functional connections arises, providing for a close connection with the natural environment, and the composition of the building loses its compactness.
