Photos of houses under construction. House projects. Decoration of facades of beautiful houses

In the company "AbrisBURO - cottage projects" you can choose the one you like House project from our company’s catalog or enter into an Agreement for cottage construction according to the ABRISBURO project. We are also ready to make any changes to ready-made (standard) projects of cottages and country houses. Any of these projects can be made in brick, aerated concrete, or monolithic reinforced concrete. You can order from us only AR (architectural solutions) or KR (design solutions) at a negotiated price.

We present to your attention an illustrated catalog best projects houses and cottages with photos and 3D visualization. Only a small part of the author's cottage projects is presented here. For most of these projects, houses have already been built or construction is underway. For your convenience, the catalog of house projects consists of 6 main sections with a convenient search and navigation system: projects of cottages up to 100 sq.m.; from 100 to 150 sq.m.; from 150 to 200 sq.m.; from 200 to 250 sq.m.; from 250 to 300 sq.m.; over 300 sq.m. The advantages of our catalog “READY-MAKED PROJECTS OF COTTAGES AND COUNTRY HOUSES” include beautiful illustrations of house facades, floor plans, and short description with the main technical characteristics of cottages. When you look through our catalog of projects, you will undoubtedly be able to get a complete impression of each project of a country house, cottage or mansion. Our catalog is constantly updated with new projects of cottages and country houses. We are designing a new type of housing - energy efficient, more comfortable, rational, environmentally friendly, made from new building materials.

Additionally, you can look at sketches of cottages, standard plans and 3D facades, photographs of country houses and cottages, and interiors. Using these ideas, we can according to your Technical Specifications to develop a combined, synthetic house in which the best solutions will be implemented.

Project composition country house or cottage:
- Architectural and construction passport of the house;
- AR (architectural solutions - plans, facades, sections, roofing, list of filling window and door openings, components and details);
- KR (design solutions - foundations, walls, slabs, roof structures, components, reinforcement schemes, specifications and list of parts);
- IS (solutions for home engineering systems - selection of boiler power, heating, ventilation, water supply and sanitation, lightning protection and grounding);
- List of building materials.

The Dom4M company specializes in the design of private housing construction. These are cottages, villas, mansions, dachas, houses with several apartments, so-called townhouses, etc. From diversity finished projects head is spinning. One-story and two-story, with or without an attic, with balconies and bay windows, with terraces and neat courtyards, with one and two garages, wooden and brick... Such an assortment can satisfy even the most sophisticated and whimsical taste. A house project is a set of documents and drawings necessary, first of all, for high-quality control over the progress of construction work and the consumption of building materials. Experienced and competent company employees will help you choose correct project and prepare a complete package of project documentation. It consists of two main sections: architectural and constructive.

The architectural section includes:

  • floor plan;
  • sections along the main axes;
  • roof plan;
  • explication of floors (a list of all types of floors in the house, collected in a table);

The constructive section consists of:

  • general project data;
  • foundation diagrams and calculated data on it;
  • diagrams of frame elements;
  • floor plans and their location;
  • drawings of floor supports on walls and reinforcement units;
  • diagrams of roof elements;
  • expense sheets

It is in this section that all the necessary load calculations are carried out to ensure safe operation of the house. As a rule, they also order the engineering section, because this is the basis for high-quality water supply and sewerage, heating and ventilation, as well as electrification of the house. In addition, each section contains a specification of materials and components necessary for building a house and installing all engineering systems. If necessary, you can order additional packages, such as: adaptation of the foundation, lightning protection, geology, geodesy, heated floors, anti-ice, interior design, landscape design and other packages. The Dom4M company will prepare both an architectural passport and estimate documentation. If anyone needs individual project, then they will help him here too. An individual approach to construction is the most correct. After all, before starting design, specialists conduct an analysis land plot. It is important to take into account the composition of the soil, the depth of water layers, the climatic features of the region, the unevenness of the site, the vegetation on it and in neighboring areas, and other features.

Programs for processing photos of house projects

It is very difficult for a person who has nothing to do with construction to figure out what kind of house the house will turn out from based on drawings alone. To visualize the picture, photos of house designs are taken. They clearly show what the house will be like. Modern computer programs, such as: AutoCAD, ArCon, K3-Cottage, AutoDesk, Archisketch and others, allow you to make a photo of a house three-dimensional and “alive” even before construction begins. Such photographs are also accompanied by drawings of the floor plan of the house. Today, house projects can be seen not only in the form of pictures, but also as a video presentation, which makes the perception even better. The Dom4M company website is no exception. For the convenience of working with clients, each house is shown in a real environment. Near the house there is a garden or courtyard, fences, swings, gazebos and sunbeds. In general, everything that can happen in real life. This approach makes the process of choosing and purchasing a project no more difficult than buying clothes or bed linen in a regular online store. The company also provides the opportunity to purchase any project in mirror projection. It's convenient and fast. However, despite all the technical simplicity of placing an order on the website, it will not be possible to choose a project for your future home, guided only by your own emotions, views and preferences. Do not ignore the advice and consultations of specialists. They will tell you what is suitable for each specific site, and if it is not suitable, then why. Also, an experienced and conscientious specialist will point out to the client all the positive and negative points this or that house. After all, the same characteristics and features of houses, in different conditions and regions, can be both pros and cons. Catalog of free house designs at this link: free house designs.

Don't expect that one photo will be enough for construction. It is unlikely that it will be possible to build a house based only on information obtained from such pictures and videos. By downloading photos of house projects, a person receives only a beautiful drawing that has nothing to do with the real working project.

It is from the project that all information is drawn. How to build, where to build and what materials to do it with, what is the thickness of the floor, where is the load-bearing wall, how to properly mount and insulate the roof and much more. The comfort and safety of future housing depends on all these nuances. Taking into account all the points without a project is an unrealistic and impossible task for anyone. As a rule, such amateur activity results in additional expenses to correct errors. This option is more based on trials and attempts, and each new attempt means additional costs for building materials. If we are talking about repainting the wrong color of the walls or returning the wrong furniture, then this is not so bad. What to do if the foundation is laid incorrectly or the roof is built incorrectly? There is no way around this without dismantling. And it’s unlikely that anyone will take on the job without a quality project. Even fewer are willing to take on the task of correcting other people’s mistakes. The customer, for his part, is unlikely to be able to check the construction contractor, since there is nothing to compare the actual work performed with.

House projects photos - results:

So, a working draft is the basis for successful construction, a document that contains complete information about the future home. Its presence reduces the costs of unforeseen work and materials, because if there is a project, then nothing unexpected exists. And photos of house projects simply visualize the house, putting all the diagrams and drawings into a beautiful picture, which makes the project understandable to the average person who does not have a construction or architectural education.

Before building houses, it is necessary to develop a design for the future building. Without these works it is impossible to build even a small building. IN last years many companies offer standard projects one-story houses absolutely free. When constructing a building, you can take advantage of this by adding a little something of your own.

When drawing up design documentation, the architect carefully draws individual plans for each floor of the future cottage. Among other things, he creates a three-dimensional model of a typical private house project with a foundation, draws up a diagram of engineering systems and gasification, and also calculates the square footage of each individual room.

In addition to architects, constructors are involved in designing a house. They eliminate possible erroneous details made by the architect and bring the designs to life. Before laying the foundation, you should:

  • study the composition of the soil in the area allocated for construction;
  • calculate how much materials are needed;
  • choose a safe and effective design;
  • study what kind of roofing and ceilings will be needed in this situation;
  • create a drawing of a future building.

Advantages of standard projects

Typical layout individual houses is distinguished by meaningfulness, thanks to which the most comfortable conditions are created for the owners. If the customer wishes, a standard project documentation make various changes depending on the characteristics of the land plot on which construction will take place.

If you purchase a ready-made design project for a private house, this saves time and material costs. And adjustments, linking the standard project to the specific conditions in which the site is located, are carried out quickly.

The cost of the projects is comparatively economical. Each section of the project documentation clearly describes the object; here you can also familiarize yourself with drawings, sections, plans and specifications of the raw materials necessary for construction.

At the same time, the documentation specifies all the necessary design and architectural solutions with a description of the necessary heating, water supply, sewerage, and ventilation systems. The power supply project is contained in a special section.

Standard project price one-story house has minor differences from standard projects two-story houses. The construction of two-story houses becomes economically profitable, since it is necessary to use a foundation similar to one-story buildings. And the roof used is the same.

Reliable and comfortable houses made from timber according to a standard design

Practicality and reliability are an undoubted advantage of standard projects wooden house made from timber. Such designs have been tested by time. They have been used in construction for several decades. If the customer wishes to make any changes, then the designers will quickly, within a few days, make the necessary changes to the design documentation.

It is especially convenient that the company involved in the development of standard designs for private houses has catalogs with a large number of photos. Having considered everything, you can choose an option that will suit the customer, depending on the specific conditions.

The choice of project is influenced by what features exist on the land plot allocated for construction work, how many people will live in the building, and others.

In addition, you can select a design for a staircase in a private house, if necessary. The staircase should be selected depending on the design concept of the building. After all, if this is not done, then you may encounter a number of problems. For example, they may involve high costs of material and labor.

Amazing diversity

Construction country houses based on a ready-made standard project, depending on the wishes of the customers, has a number of advantages. Verified standard design documentation will help make it accessible simple layout ensuring comfortable operation. In addition, the choice can be made depending on what the customer needs. Both economically profitable buildings and luxury buildings that perform a large number of functions are selected.

Usually, construction requires the purchase of exclusively high-quality timber. To make it, you need to take coniferous trees. The preparation of such material is carried out in winter.

The highest quality timber on site Russian Federation made from trees growing in harsh climates. It has a lot of advantages. The timber is strong, reliable and can be used for long term(designers say that operation can last more than a hundred years).

The development of standard designs for country and cottage houses is carried out in large quantities variations. The customer can choose a spacious two-story building or an attractive guest house. Depending on the functionality of a private house, a heating project is selected.

IN mandatory when designing a small-sized building, attention should be paid to design ergonomics. Such buildings provide all the conditions necessary to fully relax and live throughout the year.

It is possible to partially reconstruct the project, while expanding the construction area without attracting additional money and labor costs.

Designs of attic houses - optimal selection of materials

The construction of a structure with the construction of an attic according to a standard design is an effective solution that involves the rational use of the area of ​​land allocated for construction work. If you insulate the attic, this allows you to live indoors even in winter.

The attic room is a full second floor. The advantage also lies in less pressure on the foundation compared to two-story buildings, that is cottage with the construction of an attic it costs less than a two-story building.

There are several options for standard designs of houses with an attic:

  • There is a sloping roof over the attic. The place where the roof slope angle changes is the design of the side girders. The attic room can be installed on a log house with a length of less than 6 meters.
  • They build an attic in a structure where the angle of inclination of the slope remains unchanged with a gable straight roof with an area exceeding 36 square meters according to plan.

It's hard to give up advantageous offer standard projects of cottage and country house type.

Photos of typical private house projects

House design and basic materials

Each material has its own specifications, which the architect takes into account during planning. For example, a tiled roof looks very beautiful, but is heavy. This means that the walls and foundation must be especially strong.

That is why the project always indicates what material each element is made of.

So, for example, the data aerated block house projects can only be made from this material.

But these projects of houses made of brick are made only of brick.

Projects of two-story houses and cottages for free: drawings and photos

Two-storey house- a great way to increase usable area without expanding the area. In some cases, this is the only option to get a spacious home. But there are also owners of plots who want to fit a residential building into a limited area. A two-story house requires special treatment and, accordingly, a separate project.

Many owners of one-story houses think that the second floor will help them expand usable space. But the fact is that the foundation and walls of the building should have been initially designed for such a load. That's why projects for two-story houses provide for the weight of the second floor and the furniture that will be located there.

There are also projects houses with attic, garage or basement. The final result depends on the wishes of the customer. Of course, it is necessary to take into account not only the wishes of the owner, but also technical features plot. The easiest way to build a house is to turn to a ready-made and implemented project. On the one hand, you can be sure that this house will truly be durable and beautiful. On the other hand, it may not look like your “dream home.”

Since drawings and There are a lot of photos of house and cottage projects, then we recommend that you consider options that can be placed on your site. So, for example, for small and narrow areas there are special projects.

Also worth considering total area received home. So, there are options up to 100 sq. m, and there are also those that exceed 300 sq. m.

Choosing the best one for yourself suitable option, you can find a specialist who will make some adjustments to it for a reasonable fee. For example, it will be possible to change the size of some rooms, "move" or remove some walls(unless they are load-bearing). But no professional can seriously change the external or internal appearance of the house, because in this case the result will be a completely different project.

Construction and design issues beautiful houses

Modern low-rise buildings in Russia are represented by both standard architectural solutions, popular due to the availability of materials and speed of construction, and exclusive projects, where individuality, aesthetics and personal comfort are valued above all. Beautiful a private house- it is always a combination of a spectacular facade, an attractive interior and a landscaped landscape. And, of course, high quality implementation.

Characteristics of a beautiful and luxurious country house

For a cottage design to be called magnificent, it must embody the basic principles:

  • The uniqueness of the project. This is a way to stand out from the background of standard, similar buildings in the neighborhood, to emphasize your independence and architectural taste.
  • Comfort. The inside should be light, cozy and warm, whatever the style.
  • Space. Today, the trend is to maximize interior space; panoramic glazing helps expand the boundaries of the interior.
  • Harmony. Form and content (facade decoration, interior design, site design) are consistent with a single stylistic concept.
  • Long term operation, reliability, safety. All this is ensured by expensive construction and finishing materials, the quality of preparatory, installation and engineering work.

How to build a beautiful house: choosing a site

A well-selected plot for development is a guarantee of a reliable foundation, no problems with operation and the ability to implement architectural project in the right form.

What are the determining factors here?

  • Groundwater should be located as low as possible, otherwise the water will wash away the foundation of the building. If the land for the construction of a large beautiful house is chosen next to a picturesque lake or river, you will have to spend money on a monolithic slab foundation and give up ground floor and basements.

Common types of foundations and their applications:

  • solid monolithic - a reliable and durable foundation for any home;
  • strip - lightweight concrete construction with minimal consumption of building materials;
  • columnar - suitable for places with wet, sandy, peat, swampy soil when constructing wooden and frame buildings;
  • pile - used at elevated groundwater levels on soft soils, during construction on slopes.

If the soil allows, it is better to arrange a deep basement. Then technical and auxiliary premises can be placed here, and there will be more free space upstairs. But you need to take into account that when equipping a quality basement total cost construction will increase significantly.

  • Before building a magnificent private house, it is important to study the wind rose on the site. Strong air currents in bad weather will take heat away from the home, so the cottage is placed with its back side facing the windy direction. When choosing a territory, it is worth taking into account the proximity to industrial and agricultural facilities. The constant presence of extraneous noises and odors will make even the most beautiful mansion uncomfortable.
  • A square-shaped area is considered optimal. Here you can implement the most successful architectural solutions and landscape design. In the case of a rectangular plot, it is better to prefer a shape that is elongated in width (this is more favorable for the design of the building and the entrance to it). There is no point in giving up a place with complex terrain - an experienced architect will adequately play with the natural features.

Number of storeys

The choice of the number of floors of future housing is influenced by factors: the composition and size of the family, the size of the land plot, and personal preferences in layout.

Features of beautiful one-story houses

Landscape design - part of the exterior

The beauty of a private home depends not only on successful architectural solutions, but also from the surrounding landscape. Large windows, transparent partitions, and open terraces become a logical connection between the interior space and the site.

Options for arranging the yard area:

  • plants (lawns, flower beds, ornamental shrubs, hedges, trees);
  • reservoirs (artificial ponds, street fountains, waterfalls);
  • landscape design elements (stone bowls, steps, paved paths);
  • the buildings small size(arches, gazebos, patios);
  • garden furniture (benches, dining groups, sun loungers);
  • lamps (garlands along paths, hanging lanterns).

A well-kept yard absolutely contributes to a favorable overall impression of the exterior.

The most beautiful houses in the world - photo selection

Architectural project with individual design, smart selection of construction and finishing materials, conscientious implementation - this is the secret of the amazing beauty of large and small private houses around the world. Photos of the finished exteriors confirm this.
