Cost, prices for geodetic work, services. Prices for geodetic work Formula for determining the cost of topographic work

The issue of saving money is relevant at any time. When we receive a document for payment, we unconditionally believe what is written. But in every bill or estimate that is correctly drawn up at first glance, there may be a “pitfall” or a process, the need for which is very much in question.

Articles from our “Applied Geodesy” series gave you a general idea of ​​the industry and the work performed. You can do some things yourself, but most processes should be left to specialists. It is a matter of reading and checking estimates for geodetic work and will be covered in this note.

Where to begin

The basis of any work is the technical specification. It is in it that you and the contractor specify not only the deadlines for completing the work and the responsibilities of the parties, but also indicate additional requirements, which will then be included in the estimate. And here we need to decide - why do we need such work?

You need a project to build a residential building and connect it to city communications. In this case, the work is done in state system coordinates and altitudes, going through a series of necessary approvals. Here you cannot do without a licensed specialist or company, and the contract and estimate will become a supporting document when resolving controversial issues.

You want to do a site layout or alignment for the construction of a light structure. You can do this work yourself by studying the articles in our series, or by inviting a specialist directly, bypassing the bureaucratic red tape. Shooting can be carried out in a conventional coordinate system, and the resulting result will meet all legal requirements no worse than official work.

When ordering work, you need to study the pricing in your region. Initial data for drawing up estimates:

  • location
  • Objective
  • shooting area
  • deadline

Let’s take an estimate template as an example and try to figure out what we can save on and what processes we don’t need at all.

for topographic and geodetic work
SBC-2004. Approved and put into effect by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia No. 213 of December 23, 2003
Justification We're standing. Name of works Unit change
p.107, t.81, p.4 Collection of data about the topographic basis 1 object
Production and laying of geodetic signs
v.46, p.10 SS point (survey net - metal pin or tube on concrete) 1 character
v.46, p.11 Working items: metal tubes, pins, dowels, nails, etc. 1 character
Creating a shooting justification
Determining GPS points 1 point
p.74, t.47, p.1 Laying out theodolite traverses 1 km
p.74, t.47, p.3 Technical leveling (travel reference) 1 km
p. 24, vol. 9 Creation of engineering topographic plans M 1:500, cross-section of the relief with horizontal lines every 0.5 m
Update of engineering topographic plans M 1:500, relief cross-section with horizontal lines every 0.5 m
p. 24, vol. 9 undeveloped area 1 ha
built-up area 1 ha
industrial sites 1 ha
Plan-height reference of points
p.75, t.48, p.1 up to 50 m from the shooting point 1 point
p.75, t.48, p.2 over 100 m from the shooting point 1 point
Executive photography engineering communications
p.63, t.37 Surveying the exits of underground structures 1 point
p.63, t.37 Shooting of above-ground structures 1 point
p.63, t.37 Leveling the exits of underground structures 1 point
p.63, t.37 Leveling of above-ground structures 1 point
p.64, t.39 Drawing up a description of underground and above-ground structures 1 well
p.64, t.39 Drawing up a description of underground and above-ground structures exposed by pits 1 point
p.66, t.40 Surveying underground communications using a pipe-cable detector 1 point
Office work
Other costs

1. Collection of data about the topographic basis

Any work begins with getting to know the object. The specialist needs to understand where the survey area is located, which nearest points of the state geodetic network should be used, what is the estimated distance from the enterprise base to the object and other data. If you have several plots, the estimate should accordingly include the required number of objects. In the case when you have two survey sites, the distance between them is 250 meters, and the estimate says “1 object,” this means that the 250 meters between the sites that you don’t need are included in the cost of the work.

The cost of work is influenced by a coefficient that takes into account the density of the soil into which the point will be attached:

  • light soil without coating
  • asphalt, medium hard soil
  • concrete covering

2. Production and laying of geodetic signs

When laying a theodolite traverse, competent specialists secure survey points (SS) and work points. It is likely that after the survey you will need to perform a number of other works on the site, namely, setting out boundaries or executive shooting communications. To do this, the contractor will again have to lay a theodolite traverse, which will undoubtedly be reflected in the final cost of the work.

So if you have this item in the initial estimate, and after a couple of months it is included in the estimate again, hand the contractor a shovel and offer to find the items for which you have already paid money. The shelf life of wooden stakes is 3 months, and metal tubes or dowels - until the metal is destroyed. As you understand, if the destruction of the items was your fault, they will be bookmarked again, but at your expense.

3. Creating a shooting justification

To survey the territory, the contractor needs to lay a theodolite traverse or use the capabilities of satellite geodesy. And at this stage you need to be very careful, especially in the case of GPS. Unobtrusively ask the performer how old is his instrument this year? If a company owns a modern GPS that allows you to receive the coordinates of points in real time, everything is great. If the instrument is 10 years old, and the survey area is built up and surrounded by tall trees, measurement errors are possible, which can appear at the most inopportune moment after the work has been completed.

The number of starting points according to the regulatory documents from which the survey justification will be created must be at least 3, two GPS points are allowed, one initial, the second - control, but if there are more or less of them in the estimate, it is worth asking the designer a question.

If your site is surrounded by tall buildings, it makes sense to use the methods of “classical” geodesy - ask the contractor to work with an electronic total station from polygonometry points.

Let's look at the most typical cases using examples:

a) “Hanging” theodolite traverse.

The most unreliable method of shooting, in which it is difficult to control the obtained values. Here “PP 1 and 2” are the starting points of polygonometry, “vis.1” is the hanging point, the lines show the measurement directions. It is allowed to lay no more than two such points. If the contractor has included in the estimate the survey of two starting points, ask if he is going to work from a move that is literally “hanging in the air”?

b) Closed theodolite traverse.

As can be seen from the schematic diagram, in this case the contractor controls the obtained values, which allows him to be confident in the quality of the work performed. Another option for a move with control involves the use of four points with known coordinates:

As you understand, ideally the performer should use at least two starting points, and preferably three or four. If the estimate states otherwise, there may be cheating or incompetence of the contractor.

4. Creation/updating of engineering topographic plans

These two processes are interrelated, but you only have to pay for one of them.

Creation is filming a territory from scratch. Suitable for new properties, i.e. those that have been significantly rebuilt, or that were filmed ten years ago. In general, topographic survey is relevant for a year. During this time, changes could have occurred, for which it would be enough to update the engineering topographic plans. The contractor is provided with the original topographic survey from a year ago, onto which he applies the difference in measurements using an instrumental method. If you provided the material, or the contractor has it, and the estimate includes “creation of engineering topographic plans,” it makes sense to suggest that the contractor simply update the existing survey. Accordingly, the price for this type of work will be much lower.

The cost of work is affected by the congestion of the area. The simplest option is an undeveloped plot outside the populated area. From two points determined by GPS observations, all the work can be done. A built-up area implies an increase in the number of filming points, and an industrial site is generally an object of increased danger. Constantly moving machines and mechanisms do not contribute to fruitful work; it is possible to destroy survey points and create obstacles for measurements.

5. Plan-height reference of points

The principle applies here: “the more we rent, the better,” but up to a certain point. The standards determine the number of points per survey area plus places that fall out of the overall picture. This indicator cannot be predicted, but you should know that for an undeveloped area, 8 survey points per square of 50x50 meters plus places where the relief changes are sufficient. This usually serves as a place for "adjustment" estimated cost works according to the customer’s needs, but in any case, it is necessary to know the standards.

6. As-built survey of utilities

This term refers to filming already laid networks. If in initial cost work has already included this indicator, there is no need to order a separate topographic survey to commission the facility.

Here it is necessary to note a number of points that affect the cost of work. Ideally, all communications should have a binding passport, copies of which are deposited with the architectural authority, the customer, and remain with the contractor. In practice, it is not possible to understand where the communication is located without drilling control holes in the ground, called “holes”.

One solution to the problem is to use a locator. This device structurally consists of two parts: a generator, which is connected to the required cable core or pipe, and a receiver, which picks up the generated signal under the thickness of the earth.

At this stage of work, there is no need to save money - the communication link passport does not always reflect the real situation. Do not forget that damage to the main pipe entails various types of liability, so you should not trust the filming materials previous years. Order instrumental monitoring of underground networks so that you can be sure that you will not leave an entire neighborhood without water or gas.

7. Office work

This tricky term means processing the received values. Plans of the area, underground and above-ground structures are drawn up, profiles are drawn and a catalog of coordinates is generated. It makes sense to pay attention to the end result - what do you get in your hands? The result of the work should be a topoplan on a scale of 1:500 with utility networks. If you need an electronic version of a document, ask what program it was created in. The fact is that standard operating system image editors do not always understand the format of data produced by specialized software used in geodesy.

8. Other costs

Everything that is not included in the estimate will be displayed in this section. The main indicator is transportation costs, travel allowances for performers and the complexity factor of the work. The further the enterprise base is from the work site, the higher the overhead costs will be.

The main nuance is buried in this place - who to entrust the shooting to, local specialists or invited “stars”. There can be one criterion - recommendations, personal communication and knowledge gained after reading our article. Where cheaper is not always better, especially when it comes to geodesy issues. You rarely order this kind of work, so it’s worth paying attention to the estimate that they ask you to sign.

If an organization is ready to survey 20 hectares per day with a theodolite, using two points of polygonometry, it is clearly not worth ordering work from such people. Work processes that you do not need indicate an increase in estimates, or even fraud. So remember: forewarned is forearmed.

An estimate for landscaping courtyard areas is required regardless of whether the yard will be developed apartment building or a private mansion. The estimate is prepared by the contractor and then submitted to the customer for approval. After this, you can proceed directly to completing the order.


Any estimate can be drawn up only after assessing the object, when there is an idea of ​​the required amount of work and its volume. The main cost items that are usually included in any estimate include:

  1. Execution of work. Often this article will be the main one, since the bulk of the work cannot be automated. If the owner performs the bulk of the work himself, then for some complex work the payment is hourly, but in some cases the cost is calculated entirely for the task at hand.
  2. Equipment rental. When landscaping any yard area, it is necessary to use special equipment. Even for simple landscaping, equipment is usually used. Often it is available from contractors specializing in this, but large equipment must be rented. Payment for such services is usually hourly or per day.
  3. Materials. For some types of work, this expense item may become the main expense (for example, if we are talking about installing a slide for a child, the most will have to be spent on purchasing the slide itself and the materials necessary to strengthen it). Materials are calculated based on the required volume of work and area of ​​the site.
  4. Transport. Often it may be necessary to simply clear the area before further landscaping can be carried out. In this case, the costs include renting a car and the help of loaders.

If the customer is state organization or any company whose budget is limited (for example, Management Company), then you need to focus on the price-quality ratio, as well as the available funds. If the estimate is prepared for a private client, then you can often proceed from his preferences (for example, special wishes regarding the design, type of road surface). Sometimes it will be advisable to draw up several options so that you can clearly see the increase in price depending on changes in materials.

Often, owners prefer to carry out the bulk of the work themselves, hiring contractors for each type of work that they cannot do themselves. Here, estimates often have to be drawn up separately for each type of work. But first, the owner can draw up a general invoice on his own in order to have an idea of ​​the upcoming costs.

Design work

Separately, you should draw up an estimate for design work, which must be carried out before starting implementation. This implies costs not only for paying the person who will draw up the project, but also for conducting research.

For example, it may be necessary to study the soil and territory, since the client’s wishes may not always be fulfilled. If you have special wishes regarding landscaping, then you need to understand that not all plants can be planted normally on a certain soil. The same applies to the installation of some structures: massive and heavy structures cannot be placed on sandy soil without first strengthening the site.

At the request of the client, a designer can be additionally involved, who will help choose the correct placement of objects on the site and select the decor. In this case, payment for his services is included in the estimate as an additional expense item.

Individual cases

Sometimes you may need to involve specialists or calculate the implementation yourself a separate type works In this case, evaluates the involvement of workers, equipment, as well as the purchase of necessary materials for a specific job. Most often it is compiled separately:

  • Estimate for landscaping. This may mean the entire territory or the improvement of a separate area (often this is an area near the house);
  • calculation of installation of irrigation structure. The cost greatly depends on whether water is supplied to the site. In rare cases, it may be necessary to first lay water to the site - the cost in this case will be higher;
  • Estimate for installation of paving slabs. This depends as much as possible on the chosen coating and on the area on which the tiles will need to be laid;
  • lighting. The cost determines the type of lighting, as well as the area of ​​the site and the frequency of placement of lamps (spotlights near the entrance or spot lighting of the entire site);
  • Estimate for road repairs. It all depends on the condition of the road: sometimes it is enough to simply lay a covering, and sometimes it may be necessary to strengthen the soil and level the soil;
  • installation of structures (gazebo, bench, swing, sandbox). If we are not talking about the construction of an object (a playhouse or an enclosure for animals), then the main cost items in the estimate will be: wages for workers and the price of the structure itself. The cost of purchasing materials will be minimal (they are required only to strengthen the structure);
  • Estimate for earthworks. The price most often includes the rental of equipment and hiring of workers.

Any estimate is compiled individually for each project and depends on what list of works and in what volume needs to be performed. The estimate can be drawn up for the entire facility or separately for each stage of work.

Computer programto automate the preparation of cash estimates to determine the cost of planned engineering geodetic surveys.


Program "Polygon: Estimate for geodetic work"- Thisindependent program, which has an intuitive user interface, is simple and convenient, serves For drawing up financial estimates to calculate the cost of planned survey work .

The program was carried out in accordance with the document " Directory base prices on engineering survey for construction. Engineering and geodetic surveys" and is used in determining the cost of engineering surveys (survey work) for construction (reconstruction, expansion, operation and liquidation of buildings and structures) by organizations performing engineering surveys for capital construction.

The program contains the necessary reference data on the cost of all types of work, taking into account additional parameters if necessary. Also, the cost is calculated in accordance with the composition and modern technology production field and desk engineering and geodetic work.

Based on the entered quantitative data and selected types of work, the program calculates the cost separately for each type, as well as in general according to the estimate. The finished estimate can be printed.


  • Creation and maintenance several estimates in one database, copying estimates.
  • Budgeting, based base price directory for engineering surveys for construction.
  • Opportunity adding values both in the directory itself and directly when drawing up estimates.
  • Entering data about the estimate preparer, the name of the survey object, the customer, etc.
  • Using coefficients when working in adverse conditions in accordance with the region of work.
  • Taking into account additional parameters when calculating the cost, for example, the scale of cartographic works, size, quantity, distance from the object to the implementing organization.
  • Setting up an estimate printable template before printing.
  • Print out the estimate(Output document in Excel format) showing the calculation of increasing coefficients.
  • Creation of several databases for storing compiled estimates.

New in version:

Version 3.1.1 from 03/22/2016

    Compliance with standard:

    The program is developed in accordance with regulatory documents:

    • Directory of basic prices for engineering surveys for construction. Engineering and geodetic surveys, approved and put into effect by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia No. 213 of December 23, 2003.

    System requirements:

    • Computer 2004 and newer: Pentium Celeron 1000 MHz / 512 Mb.

      operating system Windows Vista, Windows 7(with service pack 1) / 8 / 8.1 / 10.

      Microsoft Excel any version 2000/ XP/ 2003/ 2007/ 2010/ 2013.

      Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 or higher.

    Budgeting programs:

    1. Landfill: Estimate for cadastral works
    2. Polygon: Survey estimate
    Presentation slides about the programs of the "POLYGON" series .

    Software package

The surface of the earth changes every year - this is known for certain to our experienced surveyors, who have been engaged in geodetic research and drawing up cartographic plans for a long time. Due to the activation economic activity people, virgin plots of land are turning into populated areas with roads and communications. Not to mention the capital/suburbs - the number of construction projects in Moscow and the Moscow region is growing non-stop. Accordingly, the boundaries change land plots, new buildings and structures are being erected, communications are being installed, and this perfectly explains the demand for the services of experienced geodetic engineers of GeoGIS LLC. But the most popular service remains topographic survey on a scale of 1:500 - the so-called universal “five hundred”, which is an important part survey documentation, which is indispensable when drawing up any project and further construction of the facility.

Today, a well-executed 1:500 topographic survey will be needed at the start of any construction, as well as during land management work. Owners of individual land plots need to research:

  • when drawing up a gasification project;
  • to obtain technical conditions;
  • preparation of an electrification project;
  • preparation for connecting centralized water supply/sewage.

We place orders for the creation of a geo-base required to obtain permission to begin construction work. For this purpose, topographic surveys are carried out on a scale of 1:500, reflecting the study area in detail and with high accuracy. We are also shooting on this scale over large areas.

Topographic survey 1:500: what is the service?

According to the standards, a 1:500 topographic survey carried out by our specialists is a detailed plan map of the area. The document reflects the current situation and shows all buildings and structures, underground and above-ground communication networks located on the site. Also, on the drawing our experts indicate:

  • all trees whose trunk diameter exceeds 15 cm;
  • water bodies, entrances and roads;
  • record elevation changes;
  • reflect other features of a particular land plot.

All this data is extremely important for the construction of a new property, reconstruction work, installation of communications, extension of the lease agreement for allotment and privatization of the site.

Topographic survey on a scale of 1:500: the cost of services of professionals from GeoGIS LLC

When planning to enter into an agreement for the provision of a popular geodetic service, a person is primarily interested in the cost of topographic survey 1:500 and the pricing conditions. Perhaps this is the most frequently asked question, which potential customers ask our managers. So, what factors influence the price of this service? First of all, this is the area of ​​the land plot - for example, if the specialists of GeoGIS LLC have to explore a vast territory (field, forest), then, accordingly, the cost of topographic survey 1:500 will be significantly higher than the price of the same service for a small private plot.

In addition to the scale of the site, the price directly depends on:

    complexity of the terrain - with strong differences in elevation, the volume of work will be greater;

    presence of hydrographic objects, auto- or railways;

    forest cover of the territory;

    the number of communication networks passing through the site (including underground);

    the customer’s wishes for the assistance of our company’s specialists in conducting examinations in regulatory organizations, as well as approval of the resulting topographic plan in operating organizations.

To find out as accurately as possible how quickly a 1:500 topographic survey was completed and how much you will have to pay for the service, you need to provide surveyors with a technical specification. The document must indicate the approximate area, building density of the site, its location and the desired completion time. Also, if you need topographic surveying on a scale of 1:500, the cost of which will be acceptable, regular customers can count on a flexible system of discounts.

Topographic survey 1:500: conditions for implementation

In accordance with established standards, topographic survey 1:500 is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Preparatory stage: GeoGIS surveyors study stock documentation (if available) and technical specifications, draw up a work program and make preliminary calculations estimate documentation, which must be approved by the customer.
  2. Field activities: measurements are taken on the earth's surface (using innovative geodetic equipment that allows you to obtain the most accurate information about the site).
  3. Desk stage - all information received is subject to multiple checks, after which special calculations are performed.

Based on the results of a topographic survey of 1:500 m, our specialists create a special document - a working geobasis or a digital model of the territory where the survey was carried out. All outgoing documents are transferred to the client in two versions - on paper and digital media.

What explains the cost of topographic survey 1:500: features of the resulting document

The quality of construction and the safety of the people carrying out the work depend on the correct execution of the “five hundred”. Therefore, this geodetic survey can only be entrusted to professionals. For example, even before signing the contract, the manager of our company will provide you with complete information about the work of our company:

  • license and other permits confirming the right to perform the above services;
  • documents on equipment verifications carried out;
  • certificates of surveying engineers, indicating the high qualifications of full-time employees.

Why is all this needed? The fact is that in order to competently produce a geobase map, you must have certain skills, abilities and extensive experience. After all, a document obtained as a result of 1:500 is difficult to draw up. It has such basic characteristics as scale, section height and coordinate system. Thus, the height of the relief section for a given scale is 500 cm. And the scale accuracy for a topoplan at a scale of 1:500 is as follows:

  • 1 cm in the diagram - 500 cm in the territory;
  • in 1 mm – 50 cm on the ground;
  • in 0.1 mm – 5 cm.
  • In accordance with the above, the accuracy of measurements for a cartographic plan with a scale of 1:500 will be 5 cm. For comparison: the accuracy of topographic survey 1:500 is 0.5 m.

Important: to avoid inaccuracies in the plan and subsequent troubles associated with errors in the drawing, you should not save. Please note that topographic surveys on a scale of 1:500, the cost of which is lower than the market price, are unlikely to be performed with high quality.

Why is it worth ordering a topographic survey of a land plot of 1:500 from our company?

Having worked in the field of geodetic services for many years, we know exactly how to obtain the most reliable data in the shortest time. We value our reputation, so we only use modern devices and proven methods, which allows you to create detailed topographic plans, which subsequently become good advisers and assistants for the customer.

Each final plan must be accompanied by a certificate from the surveyor who conducted the survey. The document is certified by the personal seal and stamp of GeoGIS LLC. We also provide a report on the research carried out with a description of the area.

With all this, we guarantee affordable prices for topographic surveys 1:500 for individuals and legal entities.

Services for preparing estimates for geodetic work

Estimate for geodetic work (estimate for topographic and geodetic surveys)
1% of the estimated cost of geodetic work, but not less than 7,500 rubles. Paid services for preparing estimates for geodetic surveys in order to determine the maximum initial contract price: for government and commercial enterprises; to justify the cost of geodetic surveys carried out by surveying companies and individual entrepreneurs, engaged in topographic and geodetic work. Indices of the estimated cost of design and survey work: indices of the Ministry of Regional Development.
For customers of our geodetic works Estimating service is free.

All prices are inclusive of VAT, include the cost of field and office work and the cost of external transport up to 100 km, without harmful factors in production.

Prices for geodetic work in construction

Topographic survey of the site and drawing up a topographic plan of the area
from 4,990 to 85,500 rub. per hectare. The cost of coordinating topographic surveys is paid separately on invoices issued by the balance holders of underground utilities. For detailed pricing for topographic survey, see the “topographic survey” service page.

Geodetic survey of building facades, construction of facade models and facade drawings
from 17 to 213 rubles per sq. meter total area facade, depending on the type of building. For detailed prices, see the page for the “geodetic survey of facades” service.

Geodetic support of construction, reconstruction and expansion of facilities
from 25,000 rub. for a one-time team visit, from 250,000 rubles. for geodetic support for the construction of a facility with an area of ​​up to 2,500 sq. m for one calendar month.

Engineering and geodetic surveys for construction and reconstruction of facilities
The price of engineering and geodetic surveys is determined in accordance with estimates
for geodetic work, depending on the scope of work and local site conditions.

Geodetic control - control surveying of object points, complete or selective
from 30,000 rubles, the exact cost of geodetic work is determined by the customer’s instructions
for filming, the shooting mode, the specifics of the construction site and its distance from Moscow.

Geodetic monitoring of foundation settlement - observations of building deformations
from 1,590 to 4,360 rubles for 1 double-stroke tripod when measuring the settlement of building foundations. Precision leveling of 2nd and 1st accuracy classes according to deformation marks.

Geodetic reference network points - geodetic alignment basis for construction
from 100,000 rub. for the installation of 3 points of a geodetic alignment basis for a construction and installation contractor. The act of transferring the geodetic basis to the general contractor.

As-built geodetic survey and as-built documentation for construction
from 1,000 rub. for 1 structural element (columns, foundations, pylons, beams, trusses
and frames) - horizontal and vertical survey. Preparation of as-built diagrams of structures.

Independent geodetic examination of the quality of construction of the facility and the accuracy of installation
Based on an individual technical specification, an estimate of geodetic work is calculated to check the geometric characteristics of constructed buildings, structures, and their complexes.

Measurement work - production of floor plans of buildings, plans of parts of structures
from 17 to 88 rubles per sq.m. meter - field geodetic work and drawing up measuring drawings of the roof, floor plan, plan of walls, floors, partitions and landscaping plan.

Leveling for installation of construction benchmarks, leveling of floors and surfaces
from 2,330 to 43,600 rubles per kilometer of double travel. Transfer of elevation marks from state unitary enterprise “Mosgorgeotrest” to the construction site. Leveling I-IV accuracy classes.

Land surveying of completed surveys and precise installation of boundary markers
from 6,020 to 13,440 rubles for 1 boundary mark, depending on the location of the disputed areas, their areas and the method of securing the border between the areas under study.

Layout of building axes - setting out the main axes and contours of buildings and structures
from 10,133 to 84,024 rubles per circuit. Detailed breakdown of axles from 3,040 rubles per piece. If necessary, the installation of leading signs is paid separately (2,000 rubles per piece)

Prices for geodetic work in industry

Engineering and geodetic surveys for the development and binding of project documentation
The price of geodetic surveys is determined by local estimate depending on the type of engineering and geodetic survey, time of year and distance of the object from Moscow.

Geodetic support for the installation of industrial equipment and unit parts
from 30,000 rub. for a one-time visit by our team of surveyors, from RUB 250,000. for daily geodetic support of equipment installation by our employees for a month.

Geodetic survey to check horizontality, alignment, relative position
from 30,000 rub., full cost geodetic survey is determined terms of reference And local conditions. Geodetic control of geometric parameters of structures.

Determination of roll: building roll, foundation roll - measuring the roll of a pipe, tower, mast
from 50,000 rub. for an object height of up to 25 meters, from RUB 75,000. at higher altitudes. The settlement of the pipe foundation, if necessary, is measured by leveling and is paid separately.

Engineering-topographical plan, production of the geo-base of the industrial site
from 100,000 rub. per hectare. Coordination of the plan for underground communications and “red lines” is paid to the balance holder separately. Geodetic survey for special purposes.

Calculation of area, measurement of the area of ​​a real estate property by geodetic survey
from 50 rubles per 1 sq. m of plot, premises or territory. An official conclusion on checking the area of ​​a property to resolve controversial issues regarding its rental.

Geodetic monitoring of foundation settlement by precise geometric leveling
from 1,590 to 4,360 rubles for a double-stroke precision leveling tripod for monitoring the settlement of foundations of machine tools, towers, tanks, furnaces and factory workshops.

Geodetic research and observation of deformations - organization of monitoring
from 1,590 to 4,360 rubles for 1 deformation sign for height and plan-height assessment of changes in the spatial position of structures of industrial facilities.

Leveling the path of bridge, gantry and tower cranes when monitoring the geometry of the paths
from 264 to 1,944 rubles per linear meter of crane span, regardless of the span width. Leveling, checking track width and other geometric parameters of tracks.

Geodetic layout of the axes of structures - transferring projects and red lines to nature
from 2,096 to 5,442 rubles per point, depending on linear dimensions and the configuration of the structure, the length of the urban planning regulation lines and the number of turning points.

Geodetic alignment basis for reconstruction and overhaul of industrial facilities
from 100,000 rub. for installation of 3 points of a geodetic support network at an industrial site or construction site by the customer for a construction and installation contractor.

Calculating the volume of excavation work and determining the volume of bulk material in warehouses
from 5 rubles per 1 cubic meter. m of measured soil in embankments or excavations or when determining stockpiles building materials(sand, crushed stone, sand-gravel mixture).

As-built geodetic survey with preparation of as-built diagrams and drawings
The cost of as-built survey is calculated depending on the type of structures and the type of required deviations (plan, elevations), and the location of the construction site.

Instructions on the procedure for maintaining and organizing traffic on the railway track
40,000 rub. per piece with agreement with the involved services of JSC Russian Railways. This is carried out in the presence of a valid agreed technical passport for a non-public route.

Technical passport of the track - technical passport of a non-public railway track
from 15,150 to 18,940 rubles per 100 linear meters. m in coordination with the necessary services of JSC Russian Railways. For tracks longer than 1 km, the cost is calculated individually.

Geodetic survey of the longitudinal profile and plan of the railway access track
from 30,530 to 75,680 rubles per 1 km of extended length. Shooting the plan and profile of the railway. ways. Leveling tracks and drawing up a large-scale track diagram - a track management plan.

Facade photography - accurate measurements of facades for the production of drawings of building facades
from 17 rubles per sq. m - for an industrial building, from 34 rubles per sq. m - for a residential building, from 51 rubles per sq. m - for a public building. Processing of façade photography.

The cost of geodetic work on transport

Geodetic surveys for the design of major repairs and modernization
The cost of geodetic surveys is calculated upon request depending on regional coefficients, the period of the year and the volume of topographic and geodetic surveys.

Geodetic support for the reconstruction of roads and railways
from 30,000 rub. for one-time services of a team of surveyors, from 250,000 rubles. for monthly support overhaul object by our geodetic engineers.

Executive plan and executive profile of a linear construction facility
Prices for as-built survey work are determined individually and depend on the intensity of road and rail traffic on the site.

Special reference system for monitoring the railway track in profile and plan
Inventory, repair and reconstruction of geodetic support networks and workers
networks of benchmarks is calculated individually based on the number of points in the network.

Inventory, repair and reconstruction of geodetic monitoring network points
The price for restoring geodetic signs of geodetic support networks is determined individually depending on the design of points and measurement accuracy classes.

Topographic survey - plan and elevation survey, contour survey, vertical survey
from 4,990 to 85,500 rub. per hectare - updating the geobase and making a new one, adjusting existing topographic and geodetic plans of the object by detailed survey.

Instructions for shunting work on a non-public railway track
from 40,000 rub. per piece with agreement with the involved services of JSC Russian Railways. Includes track profile, track plan, calculation of the norm for securing cars on the access railway. ways.

Track passport - technical passport of a non-public railway track
from 15,150 to 18,940 rubles. for 0.1 km. If the length is long, the cost of the technical passport is determined by an individual estimate. We will coordinate with the involved services of JSC Russian Railways.

Tree survey, drawing up an inventory plan of green spaces
from 22,210 to 231,910 rubles. per 1 hectare, depending on the type of land and the number of trees. We enclose an explication of trees and green spaces to create a dendroplan.

Land management work to restore the site boundary and boundary markers
from 6,020 to 13,440 rubles. for 1 boundary sign (turning point) of the site boundary. At
large quantities signs we will make a significant discount on land management.

Instrumental geodetic survey of plans and longitudinal profiles of railways. ways
from 30,530 to 75,680 rubles per 1 kilometer of track development on the railway. stations and nodes
with drawing up a large-scale diagram and longitudinal profile of the railway tracks.

Geodetic alignment of the route - setting out the axes of the routes of linear structures
from 28,404 to 126,936 rubles per 1 kilometer of route, depending on the breakdown conditions.
If several routes are located in one “corridor”, a discount is provided.
