Active passive account accounting example. What are accounting accounts? Ending balance of an active passive account

In the process of carrying out economic and financial and economic activities of an organization of any of the legally prescribed forms, there is a need for accounting (tax) accounting, the main task of which is to systematize, accumulate and analyze information on current, non-current, Money ah enterprises and their sources.

The completeness and reliability of information of all types of accounting makes it possible to more effective management enterprise. When interacting (scheduled and unscheduled) with fiscal government organizations the level and accuracy of the data provided significantly reduces the possibility of applying sanctions.


Appropriate registers are used to group homogeneous enterprise funds and their sources. They are called bills, movement of every kind tangible assets, calculations, capital is presented in them for a certain time period.

To reflect any (perfect) business transaction it needs to be documented. Accounting accounts serve to summarize information about a particular type of asset (source) for a certain period of time; on their basis, all existing accounting registers are filled in (balance sheet or memorial, chess sheet, balance sheet with applications). Recording of business transactions to the appropriate account is carried out on the basis of primary document. Their processing consists in the formation of the total (balance) or closing the register. After that, information from the accounts is transferred to the balance sheet, subject to its main rule - the correspondence of the values ​​of the active part and liabilities.


Accounts, regardless of purpose, have a standard view. This is a table consisting of two sections: debit and credit. Depending on the balance affiliation account balance (balance at the beginning or end of a certain period) is recorded in its upper corner. This amount appears in all intermediate and final accounting registers.

According to the balance sheet, accounting accounts are divided into active and passive. They have individual number and name. Active-passive accounts constitute a separate group and are not always reflected in the balance sheet.

The purpose of debit and credit depends on the balance sheet of the account. Business transactions that increase the amount are assigned to that part of the table that reflects the account balance. Movements of funds that reduce the asset are recorded in the opposite column. At the end of the period, all debit operations are summed up, the resulting value is the debit turnover, a similar operation is performed with a loan. The account balance is calculated taking into account the initial balance, the turnover of both parts of the table. The order of its calculation depends on the balance sheet. General scheme accounts (in tabular terms) looks like hard copy So:

Active Accounts

Passive Accounts


All accounts are divided according to several characteristics: economic content, structure and in relation to the balance sheet. All types of classifications are relevant and applied regularly.

In relation to balance, there is the following division:

1. Active accounts.
2. Passive accounts.
3. Active-passive accounts.

According to the economic content, the division occurs into accounts:

1. Household funds.
2. Economic processes.
3. Sources of formation household funds.

According to the structure of education, all accounts are classified as follows:

1. Basic.
2. Operating rooms.
3. Effective.
4. Regulatory.
5. Off-balance sheet.

Chart of accounts

Grouping, combining all objects of accounting and tax type accounting according to their characteristics is used at each enterprise. This classification is approved by law and is mandatory for all tax residents in the Russian Federation.

By order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 94n, a new list of accounts was approved and instructions for their use were created. It contains 99 items in total. synthetic accounting, you can open analytical transcripts to them, which give a more accurate picture of the work, functioning of the organization. 60 positions are used, the remaining 39 are a reserve that can be used when changing or optimizing accounting legislation.

The Chart of Accounts has the following main sections:

1. Non-current assets (intangible, fixed).
2. Current assets (raw materials, productive reserves, spare parts, materials, etc.).
3. Production costs (calculation and distribution accounts).
4. Goods, sales (cost and sales).
5. Cash (in cash and non-cash form).
6. Settlements (with various contractors, suppliers, buyers).
7. Economic, financial results (intermediate and final) and the use of profits.
8. Reserves and funds of the enterprise.
9. Financing and loans.
10. Off-balance accounts.

Sections are formed on economic grounds. One can contain active accounting accounts and passive ones. Account numbering is provided from 01 to 99, sometimes used off-balance sheet registers have codes from 001 to 011. Active-passive accounts accounting are also in the plan, their serial number corresponds to the section. Each enterprise, organization has the legally enshrined right to use only the necessary accounts, or to expand the accounting system through analytics. All permitted changes made to the chart of accounts are reflected in accounting policy each enterprise (if necessary, adjustments), which is part of the constituent (statutory) documents.


Principle double entry is fundamental to any accounting operation. This means that any movement of funds, assets, settlements or capital is reflected twice, on the debit of a certain account (it is possible to use sub-accounts) and on the credit of another, while the amount must be the same. Account correspondence or posting can be complex. In this case, the amount remains the same, but the credit or debit contains multiple accounts. Accordingly, balance is maintained between the sides of the balance sheet: assets and liabilities.

Active accounting accounts

Structured accounting of the property of the enterprise, its funds, current assets requires a large number of registers. This is due to the fact that the balance sheet asset has a rather complex structure. In most cases, not only synthetic, but also a large number of analytical accounting registers are used.

By type, the following active accounts are distinguished:

1. Inventory, taking into account the property of the enterprise (01, 04).
2. Cash, reflecting the company's cash and non-cash form (50, 51, 55, 57).
3. Collective-distributive, open for the formation of costs that are not related to the main production process, but included in the cost by distribution in proportion to any attribute (25, 23, 26).
4. Cost or costing, designed to form the cost of the finished product.
5. Settlement, designed to work with various debtors on advances received and making claims to counterparties.


Active accounting accounts have a balance (balance) at the beginning of the period or its end only in debit. Operations related to the consumption of material (circulating) stocks of the enterprise, cash or a decrease in the value of non-current assets are reflected in the credit of the account. On the debit, they increase. The balance of active accounts can only be debit. It is calculated by the formula: Balance at the beginning + Turnover on debit - Turnover on credit = Balance at the end of the period. The balance is reflected in the balance sheet, its active part, and indicates the actual availability material resource in terms of money.

Active-passive accounting accounts

The enterprise in the course of its economic activities interacts with a number of counterparties, settlements with which for a certain period of time may have ambiguous indicators. The largest number active-passive accounts are settlement or form the result of the work of an enterprise, organization. The balance in such cases can be both debit and credit of the register. In some cases, an active-passive account has two balances, which are reflected in the balance sheet as a difference in amounts, or are, respectively, debit - in an asset, credit - in a liability. Typical examples of such accounts are 60, 71, 62, 76, 75, 99.


Debit balance (balance) for active passive account reflects the amount of advance payments of various counterparties, or the balance of assets. During a certain reporting period, this amount will be adjusted in a positive direction due to the receipt of new assets or a decrease in settlement balances. The credit balance indicates the balance of the sources of formation of all (current, cash, non-current) funds.

Loan turnover reduces the amount of remaining tangible assets and increases the existing amount of debt. For objective control of settlements on active-passive accounts, it is necessary to apply analytical accounting, the data of which will form an overall picture of the register at the end of the reporting (final or intermediate) period. The amounts received will be reflected in the balance sheet of the enterprise.

Active accounting accounts



Account 01 "Fixed assets"


Account 03 "Profitable investments in material assets"


Account 04 "Intangible assets"


Account 08 "Investments in fixed assets"


Account 09 "Deferred tax assets"


Account 10 "Materials"


Account 19 "VAT on acquired values"


Account 20 "Main production"


Account 23 "Auxiliary production"


Account 25 "General production costs"


Score 26" General running costs"


Score 29" Service industries and farms"


Account 41 "Goods"


Score 43" Finished products"


Account 44 "Sales costs"


Account 45 "Goods shipped"


Account 50 "Cashier"


Score 51" Settlement accounts"


Score 52" Currency accounts"


Score 58" Financial investments"


Account 97 "Deferred expenses"





Account 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets"


Account 05 "Depreciation intangible assets"


Account 42 "Trade margin"


Account 66 "Settlements on short-term loans and borrowings"


Account 67 "Settlements on long-term loans and borrowings"


Account 70 "Settlements with personnel for wages"


Account 77 "Delayed tax liabilities"


Score 80" Authorized capital"


Account 98 "Deferred income"





Account 40 "Output of products (works, services)"


Account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors"


Account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers"


Account 68 "Calculations on taxes and fees"


Account 69 "Calculations for social insurance and security"


Account 71 "Settlements with accountable persons"


Account 73 "Settlements with personnel for other operations"


Account 75 "Settlements with the founders"


Account 76 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors"


Account 79 "Intra-economic settlements"


Score 84" retained earnings (uncovered loss)"


Account 90 "Sales"


Account 91 "Other income and expenses"


Account 99 "Profit and loss"


Funds active accounts

In the process of activity in the organization there is a large number of business transactions that change the balances of funds and their sources in the balance sheet. It is impossible to draw up a new balance sheet after each operation, therefore, all business transactions are first reflected in the accounting accounts, since the balance sheet is drawn up on the 1st day of the month (quarter, year), it is impossible to use it to monitor daily changes in the composition of property, liabilities enterprises, sources of their formation. For current accounting and control, a system of accounting accounts is used.

An accounting account is a method of current grouping and accounting, control of assets, liabilities, and business transactions that are homogeneous in terms of economic content.

Accounting for funds and sources on the accounts of accounting is carried out continuously and consistently. Each accounting account has its own number and name, shows which means and processes are reflected in this account. The account is opened for each type of economic assets, their sources. In each separate account, the initial state of the object being recorded and its changes (transactions) are recorded, and therefore, at any time, a new state of the object can be determined.

In my own way appearance the account is a table consisting of two parts: left - debit, right - credit. At the beginning of the table, the name and code of the account are written. In the accounts of accounting, information can be reflected both in quantitative and in value terms.

To open an account, you must write down the amount from the balance sheet (under the relevant item), which is called the balance or balance. Distinguish between the balance at the beginning and the balance at the end of the reporting period.

During the month, the account records the amounts of business transactions, which are calculated at the end of the month and are called turnover. The debit turnover and the credit turnover are distinguished and the final balance is displayed, which is used when compiling the balance sheet at the beginning of the next period.

Active bank accounts

Active operations of commercial banks are operations that reflect the placement of the bank's own and borrowed funds in order to generate income.

Accordingly, Assets can be defined as bank investments that bring him income.

Active operations of banks are recorded on active balance sheet accounts. The balance on a particular active bank account shows the amount of funds invested by the bank in this particular asset.

Active accounts always have a debit (negative) balance (balance). Increasing balance by active account means an expense transaction. A decrease in the active account balance means credit transaction.

For example:

A loan was issued in the amount of 50,000 rubles. Account balance 455 = -50,000 rubles.
Part of the loan of 10,000 rubles has been repaid. Account balance 455 = -40,000 rubles.

Main active operations commercial banks:

1. Loan operations - operations to provide the borrower with funds on the principles of urgency, repayment and payment.

Other types of loans are:

Accounting for bills;
Placement of funds in interbank loans and deposits;
Assignment of claims;
Purchase and sale transactions with deferred payment, etc.
2. Cash transactions- cash transactions.
3. Stock transactions - transactions with securities on organized and unorganized securities markets.
4. Commission transactions - transactions carried out on behalf of, on behalf of and at the expense of clients. For example, buying and selling foreign exchange, precious metals, trust operations, etc. Such transactions generate commission income for the bank.
5. Investment operations - investment of funds by the bank in shares and securities non-bank structures.

Bank assets are divided into income-producing and non-income-producing. Non-income-generating assets, for example, include cash on hand at the bank, bank investments in fixed assets, etc.

Assets are also divided by the level of liquidity:

Highly liquid assets are assets that the bank can sell instantly (cash desk, correspondent account).

Assets current liquidity– assets placed for up to 30 days. Those. the bank can sell such assets only after the expiration of this period.

Long-term liquidity assets are assets placed for more than 30 days.

Illiquid assets are assets that are impossible or very difficult to sell.

Provisions for possible losses are created on the bank's assets in accordance with the procedure established by the Bank of Russia.

Debit and credit of active account

In the accounting department of any enterprise, a system of accounts is used to record financial and business transactions. Each of them is designed to reflect a separate group of transactions on the debit or credit side. Familiarity with the structure and meaning of an accounting account allows you to clarify what a debit is and its postings for an accountant. We will also consider the concept of a loan and the transactions reflected on it.

The concept and structure of accounting accounts

Any operating commercial enterprise participates in the accounting of ongoing financial transactions. For achievement main goal activities of an economic entity (making a profit), materials are purchased, the process of production and sale of products is carried out, settlements are made with personnel and accounting authorities. To reflect these transactions by groups, a system of accounting accounts is used. Their structure implies the definition of the meaning of some thematic terms. Since the account has two sides, it is necessary to clarify what debit and credit are in accounting. You also need to get acquainted with such values ​​as balance and turnover.

The debit of the account fixes the property of the enterprise, and the credit - the sources of their formation. Balance means the balance of funds or liabilities, and turnover means the value of business transactions over a period of time.

Depending on whether accounting is kept for turnover or non-current property organization or its source, there are several types of accounts:

1. Active.
2. Passive.
3. Active-passive.

Each of these three types of accounts has its own structure scheme. Let's consider them. If the account is active, then its opening and closing balances will be debit. Using information about what a debit is, you can deduce the value of active accounts. They are intended to reflect transactions related to property and its movement. The receipt of funds is reflected in the debit turnover, and the use - credit. Similarly, for passive accounts, both balances will be reflected in the loan. They are used to account for the sources of the appearance of property. Credit turnovers in such accounts report an increase in capital, and debit turnovers indicate its decrease. Active-passive accounts register balances and turnovers on both sides.

What are debit and credit accounts? We have already determined this earlier. It remains to take out the value of debtors (debtors of the organization) and creditors (those to whom the enterprise is indebted).

Double entry as a method of accounting in accounting

The double-entry method is designed to reflect the accountant's financial transactions in parallel in several places. The amount indicated in the debit of one account is transferred to the credit associated with it, according to the characteristics of the transaction. In other words, there is duplication. Double entry once again explains what debit and credit are for accounting for financial transactions.

The specificity of this method is closely related to the meaning of the following concepts:

1. Correspondence of accounts, that is, the mutual connection between them.
2. Posting, that is, a visual aid of the corresponding accounts.

General and detailed accounting. Depending on the details of the accounts, they are divided into three groups:

1. Synthetic (generalized).
2. Analytical (detailed).
3. Sub-accounts (interim).

Depending on the use of accounts in accounting, it is similarly divided into two types:

1. Synthetic is a generalized accounting of operations. It is carried out on the basis of synthetic accounts.
2. Analytical - a thorough accounting of transactions that are divided into groups. Conducted on the basis of

There is a main principle of general and detailed accounting, which consists in the equality of balances and turnovers on analytical accounts and a synthetic account opened for it.

Documenting accounting entries

What is debit and credit in a transaction? Now we need to consider this concept. As already mentioned, posting in accounting means text. It indicates the debit account and the corresponding credit account or vice versa. Postings are divided into simple, affecting only two accounts, and complex, reflecting several accounts related to the transaction.

accounting entries documented in the form of records. These can be magazines - warrants or memorial warrants. Also, most often, for their visual reflection, they use balance sheets, which are of great importance for the preparation of financial statements.

Data in the statement is entered in the form of debit and credit entries. By the end of the month, the balance is displayed. In total, for the entire reporting period, these data are transferred to the balance sheet. This accounting procedure allows us to understand what debit and credit are in the balance sheet. Accordingly, thanks to documented postings, the meaning of the active and passive side of the concept under consideration is formed.

Accounting accounts are a whole way of being able to keep records. Without them, it would be impossible to reflect financial and business transactions by subdividing them into groups. Thus, we examined what a debit in accounting is, a credit and their meaning.

Main active accounts

The main active accounts are:

01 Fixed assets;
04 Intangible assets;
10 Materials;
20 Main production;
43 Finished products;
50 Checkout;
51 Settlement accounts;
52 Currency accounts;
58 Financial investments;

Active accounts have the following features:

The opening balance is always debit and shows the availability of funds at the beginning of the reporting period;
debit turnovers reflect the receipt of funds;
loan turnover reflects a decrease in funds;
the ending balance is always debit and shows the balance of funds at the end of the reporting period;
active accounts reflect the presence and movement of economic assets and property of the enterprise.

Example of an active account

At the beginning of the month, various materials worth 22,000 rubles were in the warehouse of the enterprise.

During the month, the following business transactions related to the movement of materials are reflected:

Exercise. Issue an active account 10 "Materials", calculate the turnover on debit, credit and balance at the end of the month.

In the debit of account 10 "Materials" we enter the cost of materials at the beginning of the month (Sn). Next, we post into debit and credit operations related to the movement of materials. We write down the operation number and the amount in the debit of account 10, if the operation reflects the receipt of materials, or in the credit of the account, if the operation involves the disposal of materials. Then we calculate the debit turnover as the sum of all operations on the receipt of materials and the credit turnover as the sum of operations associated with the disposal of materials. Next, we calculate the closing balance.

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Active-passive accounts- accounts that reflect both the property of the organization (as on active accounts) and the sources of its formation (as on passive accounts).

Active-passive account scheme

The active-passive account scheme is as follows:

Opening balance - availability accounts receivable At the beginning of the reporting period

Opening balance - availability accounts payable At the beginning of the reporting period

Debit turnover: increase in receivables; reduction of accounts payable

Loan turnover: increase in accounts payable; reduction of accounts receivable

Final balance - the presence of receivables of the enterprise at the end of the reporting period (when he, the enterprise, is due)

Final balance - the presence of accounts payable to the enterprise at the end of the reporting period (when it, the enterprise, must)

Types of active-passive accounts

There are two types of active-passive accounts:

    Active-passive account: details for an accountant

    • Fundamentals of classification of accounting accounts

      There are basic active, passive and active-passive accounts. Main active accounts are used for ... and settlements with creditors. The main active-passive accounts are designed to account for settlements with ...

Accounts and double entry

Main questions:

1. The concept of accounting accounts.

2. The structure of accounts, the order of entries on the accounts.

3. Accounts active and passive, determination of the final balance in active and passive accounts.

4. Double entry, its essence and control value.

5. Correspondence of accounts, accounting entries.

6. Accounts of synthetic and analytical accounting, the relationship between them

7. Turnover statements for the accounts of synthetic and analytical accounting.

The concept of accounting accounts

In the balance sheet, in a generalized form, information is presented on the composition and sources of formation of economic assets of the enterprise for reporting date. Meanwhile, to manage the financial economic activity An enterprise needs information not only about the state of economic assets and their sources, but also about their movement, about the content of the economic processes themselves. For the current (daily) accounting is the system of accounting accounts.

accounting accounts- a method of grouping, systematization, secondary registration and accumulation of information about the state and movement of economically homogeneous types of economic assets, sources of their formation and economic processes.

Each economically homogeneous type of economic assets (for example, fixed assets, intangible assets, cash, etc.), the type of sources of formation of economic assets (for example, authorized capital, reserve capital, settlements with suppliers and contractors, etc.), and also the type of business processes (for example, the sale of products, works, services, etc. ) a separate accounting account is opened. Accounting for funds and sources in the accounts is carried out continuously and consistently. Each account has its own number and name, showing which means and processes are reflected in this account.

The structure of accounts, the order of entries on the accounts.

Schematically, the account can be represented as a two-sided table, the left side of which is a debit, and the right side is a credit.

Debit account Credit

The terms "debit" and "credit" and a two-sided table should be taken as a generally accepted form of recording business transactions, which makes it possible to ensure the visibility and convenience of accounting for the financial and economic activities of an enterprise.

Each account has a name.

Account name- this is the name of the object of economic assets, the source of their formation or the economic process, information about which is reflected in the account.

Recording on the accounts begins with an indication of the initial (incoming) balance of economic assets or their sources. Then the accounts reflect the amount of transactions that cause changes in the initial balances. The value of business transactions that increase the account balance is recorded on the side of the account on which the opening balance is located. Entries that reduce the account are on the side opposite the opening balance.

At the end of the reporting period, both the total amount of the increase in the account for the reporting period is determined (all entries reflected on the corresponding side of the account are summed up) and the total amount of decrease in the account for the reporting period (all entries reflected on the corresponding side of the account are summed up). This amount of transactions on each side of the account is called turnover.

Depending on the name of the side of the account for which transactions are summarized, they distinguish debit turnover(or debit turnover) and credit turnover(loan turnover). When calculating turnover, the value of the opening account balance is not included. All entries that increase the account balance are recorded on the opening balance side, all entries that decrease the account balance are- on the opposite side without any arithmetic signs.

Active and passive accounts, order of entries and determination of the closing balance in active and passive accounts.


In accordance with the division of the balance sheet into assets and liabilities, there are active and passive accounting accounts, as well as active-passive

Active Accounts- these are accounts designed to record the status and movement of economically homogeneous types of economic assets by composition (assets). "Fixed Assets", "Intangible Assets", "Materials", "Cash Desk", "Settlement Account" and other accounts opened to account for economic assets by composition.

In an active account, the balance is always written to the debit of the account. All entries that increase the balance of the account are written to the debit of the account, and decreasing - to the credit. ending balance for the active account is calculated by the formula:

Ending balance (always debit) = Opening balance + Debit turnover - Credit turnover.

Active account scheme

Debit Credit
Balance (balance) of economic assets at the beginning of the month reduction of economic
Business transactions that cause increase(+) economic assets in the reporting month
The amount of business transactions will be debit turnover from couple for the reporting month loan turnover accounts for the reporting month
The balance at the end of the month is equal to the balance at the beginning of the month + debit turnover - credit turnover

Passive Accounts- these are accounts designed to record the state and movement of economically homogeneous types of sources of economic assets (liabilities). "Authorized capital", " Extra capital”, “Reserve capital”, “Deferred income”

In a passive account, the balance is always recorded in the credit of the account. All entries that increase the account are recorded in the credit of the account, reducing - in the debit. The closing balance of the passive account is calculated by the formula:

Final balance (always credit) = Initial balance + Credit turnover - Debit turnover.

Passive account scheme

Debit Credit
Business transactions that cause decrease(-) sources of economic funds The balance (balance) of sources of economic funds for
Business transactions that cause magnification (+) business assets in the reporting month
The amount of business transactions will be debit turnover invoices for the reporting month The amount of business transactions will be loan turnover accounts for the reporting month
The balance at the end of the month is equal to the balance at the beginning of the month + credit turnover - debit turnover


In order to determine the active or passive account used to account for a particular object of economic assets, one should be well versed in the classification of economic assets by composition and functional role in the production process and sources of education and purpose.

Active-passive accounts can, as a rule, be distinguished by their names: most of these accounts begin with the word "settlements" (settlements with the budget, settlements with personnel, etc.). These accounts simultaneously reflect both economic assets and their sources.

Active-passive accounts serve:

To reflect the amounts of credit (debts in favor of counterparties) and debit (debts in favor of the enterprise) debts;

to reflect amounts financial results activities of the enterprise - profits and / or losses.

Entries on active-passive accounts begin with an indication of the initial balances (balance) of economic assets on a debit and sources of economic assets on a loan. Then the accounts reflect the amount of transactions that cause changes in the initial balances (balance). Debit entries can have different meanings: an increase in funds, a decrease in the source. The entry on the credit of the account has a different meaning: an increase in the source, a decrease in funds.

If by active-passive account there is no opening balance, then the closing balance is determined by comparing monthly turnovers and is reflected on the side of the account where the turnover is greater. It should be noted that the detailed balance in active-passive accounts in in the usual way impossible to deduce. It is determined according to analytical accounting.

There is a close relationship between accounts and balance sheets. relationship:

Active accounts match the asset balance; passive accounts - liabilities of the balance sheet.

Separate names of balance sheet items correspond to the names of accounts.

The balances of economic assets and sources of their formation are shown on the accounts on the same side as in the balance sheet.

The sums of balances on all active accounts are equal to the total of the balance sheet asset, and on all passive accounts - to the total of the balance sheet liabilities.

The balance sheet is drawn up on the basis of the data of accounting accounts, and accounts are opened on the basis of the balance sheet data.


Generate a turnover sheet for synthetic accounting accounts. It should contain a column with the name of the account and three pairs of columns for calculating the debit and credit for initial balance, turnover for the period and the final balance. Based on the data from the previous reporting period, enter the debit and credit figures for the opening balance.

Determine the turnover for the reporting period. To do this, on the basis of accounting data, indicate the debit and credit amounts for each account. Check that the amounts match primary documentation. Otherwise, the mistakes made may lead to inaccuracies when leaving the annual balance sheet.

Analyze the nature of the account for which you want to determine the closing balance. They are divided into active, passive and active-passive. This must be done because the procedure for calculating the balance at the end of the reporting period is different for them.

Calculate the ending balance of active accounts. Receipts to these accounts are recorded as debits, and withdrawals as credits. When calculating the balance at the end of the month, it is necessary to add debit turnovers to debit initial balances and subtract credit turnovers. As a result, the debit bed balance on the active account will be obtained.

Calculate the closing balance of passive accounts. The reflection of receipts and disposals on them is reflected in the credit and debit, respectively. In this regard, at the end of the reporting period, a credit closing balance is calculated, which is equal to the sum of the credit opening balance and credit turnovers minus debit turnovers.

Determine the ending balance for active-passive accounts that have both a credit and a debit side. To do this, you first need to sum the debit opening balances and turnovers and subtract credit indicators from them. If the resulting value is greater than zero, then it refers to the debit of the closing balance, and if less, then to the credit without a minus.


  • count on accounts

The beautiful Italian word "balance" is the balance formed on the account. You can define a debit or credit balance. It depends on which side of the account is larger. However, this concept is used not only in accounting, but also when working on commodity exchanges, analysis of the country's balance of trade or balance of payments.


The work of an accountant is a scrupulous accounting of cash flow in the enterprise. Accuracy plays a very important role in it, since even one penny can lead to a serious discrepancy. Accounting records are kept continuously financial operations are recorded using the double entry method in the form of postings to accounts.

An accounting account is an accounting position for each homogeneous group of funds and their sources. Separate two sides of the account: debit and credit. Hence the double entry, which, showing the movement of funds on both sides, does not change overall balance.

To determine the balance, you need to subtract the amount of the other side of the account from the sum of the entries on one side of the account. Thus, the difference between the incoming amounts and expenses is shown. If the debit exceeds the credit, then the balance is called debit. If the credit is greater than the debit - credit. If the balance is zero, then the account is closed.

Active-passive accounting accounts keep records of settlements with various organizations or individuals, i.e., accounting for receivables and payables.

If an enterprise uses attracted or borrowed funds, then it has accounts payable to other organizations or individuals who are creditors of this enterprise.

If the company owes other organizations or individuals, then these debtors are called debtors, and their debt to the company is receivable.

Debtors owe the company, and creditors owe the company itself. The word "debit" is derived from the Latin debet, which means "should", and "credit" is derived from the Latin word credo, which means "I believe."

Active-passive account scheme:

The main active-passive accounts include:

71 - "Settlements with accountable persons";
75 - "Settlements with the founders";
76 - "Settlements with different debtors and creditors";
99 - "Profit and Loss".

On account 71, settlements are made with accountable persons. Accountable persons are employees of the enterprise to whom money is issued from the cash desk for travel expenses or economic needs, i.e. for the purchase of goods on small amounts. After the employee has spent the money received, he must report, i.e. provide invoices for the purchase of goods, railway or air tickets, hotel bills, etc. All this is approved in the advance report, which is submitted accountable person. These costs are usually written off as production costs.

Let's look at examples of how accounting is kept on active-passive accounts.

Example: Keeping records of settlements with accountable persons.

At the beginning of the month, the accountable person Petrov A.S. has a debt to the enterprise of 500 rubles. (accounts receivable).

During the month, the following business transactions related to accountable persons were reflected:

Exercise. Issue an active-passive account 71 “Settlements with accountable persons”, calculate turnover and balance.

In order to determine the final balance on an active-passive account, you need to calculate all the debit amounts, including the opening balance, in the same way you should calculate the final amount on the loan. The final balance on the active-passive account will be where the amount is greater, and will be equal to the difference between the debit and credit amounts.

Account 71 "Settlements with accountable persons"

Regarding account 99, which was previously considered passive, the following should be said: all enterprises operate with the main goal of making a profit, but if for some reason they incur losses, then in this case account 99 becomes active-passive. Consider, for example, how accounting is kept on account 99 “Profit and Loss”.

Example: Profit and loss accounting. At the beginning of the month, the company has a loss of 4000 rubles.

During the month, the following business transactions are reflected:

Task: Draw up an active-passive account 99 "Profit and Loss", calculate the turnover and balance.

Account 99 "Profit and loss"

Table of passive accounts

02 Depreciation of fixed assets
05 Depreciation of intangible assets
42 Trade margin
63 Provisions for doubtful debts
66 Settlements on short-term credits and loans
67 Settlements on long-term loans and borrowings
70 Settlements with personnel for wages
80 Authorized capital
82 Reserve capital
83 Additional capital
86 Targeted funding
96 Reserves upcoming expenses
98 Deferred income

Active - passive accounts

These are accounts that can have a balance, either in debit or credit, depending on the current result. economic results during the reporting period.

And some of these accounts may have an expanded balance, i.e. debit and credit at the same time. In this case, the debit balance is shown in the asset balance, and the credit balance is shown in the liability balance.

These are the accounts:

40 Product launch
60 Settlements with suppliers and contractors (the debit balance happens in the case of an advance payment to the supplier)
62 Settlements with suppliers and customers (a credit balance happens when the buyer has transferred us an advance)
68 Calculations for taxes and fees
69 Settlements with funds social insurance and ensure
71 Settlements with accountable persons
73 Settlements with personnel for other transactions
75 Settlements with founders
76 Settlements with different debtors and creditors
84 Retained earnings (uncovered loss) credit balance reflects the profit of previous years, debit balance - loss of previous years
90 Sales
91 Other income and expenses
99 Profit and loss (loan income current year, on debit - loss of the current year).

Passive account credit

Passive account (name of accounting object):

Thus, the passive account, which takes into account the sources of property formation, reflects: on the credit side of the account - balances at the beginning and end of operations and business transactions that cause an increase in balances; on the debit side of the account, only business transactions that cause a decrease in balances are shown.

Using the previously given notation, to determine the balance of the passive account at the end of the reporting period, we will draw up the following formula:

Sk \u003d Sn + Ok - Od

In passive accounts, the increase in the sources of formation of economic assets is shown on the right side, and the balance can only be credit.

When recording business transactions in passive accounts, there can be only two situations:

Situation one: the amount of the initial balance and the amount of turnover on the credit of the account must be greater than the amount shown on the debit of the account. In this case, we have a balance at the end of business transactions, which is determined by the above formula.
Situation two: the amount of the initial balance and the amount of turnover on the credit of the account are equal to the amount shown on the debit of the account. In this case, there will be no balance at the end of the reporting period.

Balances on active accounts, which reflect the property of the organization, and on passive accounts, which show the sources of formation of this property, are then linked and, accordingly, are reflected in the asset and liability balance.

But there are also active-passive accounts, which have signs of both active and passive accounts. In such accounts, the balance can be both debit and credit, or both debit and credit (the so-called "detailed balance").

For example, for the account “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”, the debit balance shows the amount of receivables and is reflected in the asset balance. The credit balance on this account shows the amount of accounts payable and is reflected in the liabilities side of the balance sheet.

It is impossible to determine the detailed balance in active-passive accounts in the usual way; this requires analytical accounting data. Analytical accounting provides information on the status of settlements with each debtor (for example, with a buyer) and with each creditor (for example, a supplier of an organization in debt of materials), i.e., the balance is displayed for each buyer and supplier separately, and then the total amount of the receivable and accounts payable.

Based on the foregoing, the order of entries in the accounts is as follows:

Accounts are opened at the beginning of the year (period);
during the year (period) accounts are opened as needed;
at the beginning of the year (period), according to the balance sheet, the initial balances (balance) are recorded;
during the reporting period (month), business transactions are reflected in the accounts;
at the end of the reporting period (month), turnovers are calculated on the accounts and final balances (balances) are displayed;
at the end of the reporting period (month), on the basis of data on the final balances (balances) of the accounts, a balance sheet is drawn up.

Passive bank accounts

Passive balance sheet accounts reflect: bank funds, funds of organizations and individuals, deposits, funds in settlements, bank profit, accounts payable, other liabilities and borrowed funds. An increase in a passive account is reflected in a credit, and a decrease in a debit.

Funds in passive accounts are the bank's resources for lending and financing the organization, and debt in active accounts shows the use of these resources.

Off-balance accounts according to economic content are also divided, like balance ones, into active and passive. Operations are reflected in accounting using the double entry method: active accounts correspond with account 99999, passive accounts correspond with account 99998, while accounts 99998 and 99999 are maintained only in the currency of the Russian Federation - in rubles.

Based on Chart of Accounts commercial banks constitute a balance. Balance is the main form financial reporting, but directly Balance sheet is a report on financial condition bank, which displays its assets, liabilities and equity in monetary terms on a given date. The balance sheet is the main tool for studying the activities of the bank.

Accounts of the nomenclature of the bank's balance sheet are divided into balance and off-balance. Balance accounts are active and passive. They are grouped into sections according to their economic content. One section can contain active and passive accounts.

Active balance accounts take into account: cash in the bank's cash departments, short-term and long-term loans, costs for capital investments, receivables, other assets and diverted funds. On active accounts, an increase is reflected in the debit, and a decrease in the credit.

Debit of passive account

Depending on the type of object of observation, the accounts are divided into active and passive. Active accounts reflect the property of the enterprise, and passive accounts reflect the obligations of the organization (methods of forming this property). For example, the accounts “Fixed assets”, “Cashier”, “Materials” can be attributed to active accounts, and to passive accounts “Settlements with personnel for remuneration”, “Authorized capital”, “Reserve capital”, etc. Recording on the accounts begins reflection of the opening balance (opening balance). On active accounts, this balance is recorded as a debit, and on passive accounts, as a credit.

Then all transactions leading to a change in the balance are recorded on the accounts. Operations that increase the remainder are written on the side of the remainder, while decreasing operations are written on the opposite side. That is, on active accounts, an increase is reflected in debit, a decrease in credit. On passive accounts, on the contrary, an increase is reflected in a loan, a decrease in a debit. If we add up the sums of all transactions recorded on the sides of the account, we get turnovers. The total amount recorded on the debit of the account is called the debit turnover, on the credit of the account - credit. When calculating turnovers, the initial balance is not taken into account. The final balance (end balance) of an account is determined by adding to the initial balance the turnover on the same side of the account on which the initial balance is located, and subtracting the turnover on the opposite side. For example, when determining the final balance on an active account, you need to add the initial balance to the debit turnover and subtract the credit turnover. The final balance (may not be) is recorded on the same side of the account as the initial one. If there was no initial balance, then the balance at the end of the reporting period is found by subtracting the smaller one from the larger turnover. The balance is recorded on the side of the account on which the amount of the larger turnover was reflected.

Scheme of the structure of active and passive accounts:

In addition to accounts for accounting for the organization's property (active) and the sources of its formation (passive), there are also accounts in accounting that simultaneously reflect both property and the sources of its formation. Such accounts are called active-passive, which are intended mainly for settlements with different debtors and creditors.

Depending on the state of these calculations, there can be three cases:

Either other enterprises owe our company, i.е. are our debtors - in this case, the balance on such accounts will be debit, will be reflected in the asset balance, the account itself will accordingly be active;
or our enterprise is a debtor of some other enterprise, which will be our creditor - in this case, the balance will be credit, it will be reflected in the liability of the balance sheet, the account itself will accordingly act as a passive one;
however, in practice, the following situation is most often encountered, when other economic bodies owe our company, and our company is a debtor of any economic bodies - in this case, the balance will be both debit and credit (detailed balance), will be reflected in both the asset and the liability of the balance .

In order to determine the closing balance of an active-passive account, the following rule is used: the monthly turnover on the side of the account where the opening balance is reflected is added to the opening balance, and the monthly turnover on the opposite side of the account is subtracted. The positive difference will be the final balance, which will be reflected on the same side of the account as the initial one; and a negative difference - that the balance will move to the opposite side of the account in relation to the initial one. If there is no opening balance on the active-passive account, then the closing balance is determined by comparing monthly turnovers and is reflected on the side of the account where the turnover is greater.

There are two types of active-passive accounts: with one-sided balance (either with debit or credit) and with expanded (both debit and credit at the same time). For example, if the debit turnover on the Profit and Loss account exceeds the credit turnover, then the final balance will be recorded on the debit of the account (this means that the company in this reporting period took a loss). If, on the contrary, the expenses of the enterprise were less than its income (profit received), then on the Profit and Loss account the credit turnover will be greater than the debit one and, accordingly, the final balance on this account will be reflected in the loan (profit is a source of property formation and is reflected in liabilities). balance). From this we can conclude that the Profit and Loss account is active-passive with a one-sided balance.

An example of an active-passive account with a detailed balance is the account “Settlements with different debtors and creditors”. The debit balance of this account reflects receivables, the credit balance reflects accounts payable. Debit entries can have different meanings - either an increase in receivables or a decrease in accounts payable. The loan reflects either an increase in accounts payable or a decrease in receivables. The structure of an active-passive account with a detailed balance can be presented in the table.

For the accounting material assets use an account of a different form, in which, in addition to monetary meters, natural indicators are entered. This form is used mainly in analytical accounts.

Analytical - accounts that are used for a detailed description of the object of observation. They are opened in the development of each synthetic account.

Active-passive account structure:

Accounts on which the property of the organization, its obligations and business processes reflected in a generalized form, are called synthetic. For example, these are the accounts “Fixed Assets”, “Payments”, etc. Accounting carried out on synthetic accounts is called synthetic. It is conducted only in monetary terms. For the operational management of economic activity, as well as control over the safety of property, generalizing data obtained using synthetic accounting is not enough. For example, in addition to information about total amount fixed assets, you must have information about each item of fixed assets separately (building, equipment, machinery, etc.); To have full view about settlements with personnel for remuneration, you need to know the details of settlements with each employee individually (Petrov, Sidorov, etc.). To obtain detailed, dissected, analytical data on accounting objects, analytical accounts are used. Accounts that reflect detailed data for each separate species property, liabilities of organizations and processes are called analytical. Accounting carried out on analytical accounts is also called analytical.

Analytical accounts are opened in addition to synthetic ones in order to detail them and obtain private indicators for each individual type of property, source of property formation, business transaction. For example, to synthetic account"Materials" analytical accounts "Gasoline", "Diesel oil", etc. can be opened. In this case, analytical accounts will show the movement of each material separately. Obviously, the following conditions will be satisfied in this case. The sums of debit and credit turnovers of analytical accounts will be respectively equal to the debit and credit turnovers of the synthetic account that combines them. The sum of the initial balances of analytical accounts will be equal to the initial balance of the synthetic account that combines them. The same can be said about closing balances.
