How composition is related to natural population growth. Age composition of the population. See what “age structure of the population” is in other dictionaries

In general, more boys are born (approximately 106 boys per 100 girls), by the age of 25-30 the number of women and men is comparable (many representatives of the stronger sex die due to accidents, alcohol abuse, etc.), at older ages women predominate (in they have a longer life expectancy).

Typical for Russia modern type population reproduction: low fertility and mortality rates, low natural increase, relatively high life expectancy, a small proportion of children in the population structure. For traditional type population reproduction is characterized by high rates of birth rate, natural increase, high share children in the population structure. Below are examples of a sex and age pyramid of the traditional type of population reproduction (India) and modern (Italy). Italy has similar demographic indicators to Russia (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Sex and age pyramids of India and Italy ()

According to the 2010 population census in Russia, 54% are women and 46% are men. The predominance of women in the population structure is associated with their longer life expectancy, specific work, genetics, and lifestyle.

An important indicator characterizing the population is the indicator average duration life. Russians have a low average life expectancy, about 70 years (for women - 73 years, for men - 65 years). For comparison, in Japan, Monaco, and Switzerland, people live on average 90 years.

An important task of the state and the entire society is to reduce infant mortality and preserving the lives of children (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Perinatal center in Khabarovsk ()

Factors influencing life expectancy:

  1. Lifestyle
  2. Environmental factor
  3. Heredity
  4. Quality of service medical care and other services to the population

In fact, everything that surrounds us can affect a person’s life expectancy: work, availability of free time, mental state, climate, self-education, family, etc. Unfortunately, unlike developed countries, residents of Russia have less developed traditions of a healthy lifestyle and careful attitude towards their health (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Healthy image life()

In general, in most regions of Russia, women predominate in the population structure (especially in the European part of Russia). IN percentage There are more men in the eastern and northern regions of Russia. This is due to the fact that the conditions there are very difficult, and work requires male strength and endurance. The northern regions are areas of new development, and men go there to work.

To determine the age composition, the population is divided into three parts:

  1. Children and adolescents under 16 years of age (younger than working age) - 16%
  2. Working age population (from 16 to 59 years inclusive for men and from 16 to 54 years inclusive for women) - 62%
  3. Population over working age (over 60 years for men and over 55 years for women) - 22%

Rice. 5. How the age composition of the Russian population is changing ()

Rice. 6. Ratio of pensioners and able-bodied citizens ()



  1. Geography of Russia: Textbook. for 8-9 grades. general education institutions / Ed. A.I. Alekseeva: In 2 books. Book 1: Nature and population. 8th grade - 4th ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2009. - 320 p.
  2. Geography of Russia. Nature. 8th grade: textbook. for general education institutions/ I.I. Barinova. - M.: Bustard; Moscow textbooks, 2011. - 303 p.
  3. Geography. 8th grade: atlas. - 4th ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, DIK, 2013. - 48 p.
  4. Geography. Russia. Nature and population. 8th grade: atlas - 7th ed., revision. - M.: Bustard; Publishing house DIK, 2010 - 56 p.

Encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books and statistical collections

  1. Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia / A.P. Gorkin - M.: Rosman-Press, 2006. - 624 p.

Literature for preparing for the State Exam and the Unified State Exam

  1. Thematic control. Geography. Nature of Russia. 8th grade: tutorial. - Moscow: Intellect-Center, 2010. - 144 p.
  2. Tests on Russian geography: grades 8-9: textbooks, ed. V.P. Dronov “Geography of Russia. 8-9 grades: textbook. for general education institutions”/ V.I. Evdokimov. - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2009. - 109 p.
  3. Getting ready for the GIA. Geography. 8th grade. Final testing in exam format./auth.-comp. T.V. Abramova. - Yaroslavl: Development Academy LLC, 2011. - 64 p.
  4. Tests. Geography. 6-10 grades: Educational and methodological manual / A.A. Letyagin. - M.: LLC "Agency "KRPA "Olympus": "Astrel", "AST", 2001. - 284 p.
  1. Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements ().
  2. Russian Geographical Society ().
  3. ().
  4. Wikipedia ().
  5. Wikipedia ().
  6. federal Service state statistics ().
  7. Demoscope Weekly ().


Paragraph 45, 46.

  1. Tell us about the age composition of the Russian population.

Age composition- one of the most important characteristics of the population, is of significant interest from demographic, social and economic points of view. It is used to calculate the available and

The projected number of economically active population, labor resources, pensioners, preschoolers, schoolchildren. It is of particular importance now that specialists different countries increasingly concerned about the aging of the nation. This process is becoming global, gradually covering more and more countries.

When considering the age composition of the population, three main age groups are usually distinguished: younger (children from birth to 14 years), middle (from 14 to 59 years) and older (elderly) - 60 years or more. This section is the basis for assessing the biological “youth” or “old age” of a society. At the same time, some sources use a different gradation of the population of the middle and older age groups - 15-64 and 65 years and older. For this reason, we will have to use data consistent with both approaches.

The age structure of the world's population depends on the following factors: fertility, mortality, life expectancy. If we are talking about a specific country or territory, then the influence of historical events (primarily related to military operations), demographic policy and migration is added to them. In turn, many factors depend on the age composition demographic indicators, first birth rate and death rate. Thus, with an increase in the proportion of the population in the older age group, the first indicator decreases and the second increases.

In 2005, the population of the youngest age group in the world was 27.8%, the middle age group (aged 15-64 years) - 64.9%, the oldest age group 65 years and older - 7.3% (in 2008 - 27 , 3, 65.1 and 7.6%, respectively). However, there are significant differences between countries depending on the level of development. In developed countries, the population of the younger age group was 17%, middle - 63%, older - 20%, in less developed countries - 32, 60 and 8%, respectively, and in the least developed - 43, 52 and 5%. Noteworthy is the significant gap in the share of the younger and older age groups between the first and two other groups. In more developed countries, a unique and highly symbolic demographic revolution took place in 1998 - the share of the population in the older age group exceeded the share of the population under the age of 14. According to forecasts, in 2050 a similar revolution will take place all over the world - 21.1% of the elderly versus 21% of children.

So, we can distinguish two main types of age structure of the population: the first characterizes more developed countries, as well as a number of countries in Asia and Latin America(primarily new industrial), the second - the majority of representatives of the second and third groups (the majority of developing). More developed countries have “survived” a demographic explosion, and its “echoes” are clearly visible in the age structure. Precisely because population explosion, which took place in the 50-60s, more than 60% of the population of these countries are people aged 15 to 60 years. This group of countries is characterized by: a reduced proportion of children, in some countries reaching record lows, and large percentage old people. The obvious predominance attracts attention European countries, and a large number of post-socialist states, which are characterized by extremely low birth rates.

Developing, different a large percentage population childhood(from a third and above) and a small proportion of elderly people. All these figures are easy to explain: in countries of this type there is a high birth rate, a large natural increase, and life expectancy is negligible. Moreover, high indicators of the share of the population in the younger age group and low indicators in the older age group characterize the poor countries of the world. Let's illustrate this with a table. All states presented in the table belong to the group of least developed countries in the world, except for Yemen and Afghanistan, this is Africa.

As the demographic transition phases progress and life expectancy increases, the situation in developing countries, will change: the proportion of children will decrease, the part of the middle-aged and then elderly population will increase. These “transformations” will affect not only the age structure, but also the social and economic situation. It is known that the rapid increase in population in developing countries does not have the positive potential that was noted in developed countries; on the contrary, most often it negatively affects the economy backward countries. This increases the burden on arable land, exacerbates the food problem, raises the question of creating new jobs and increasing access to educational institutions (57 million boys and 96 million girls in developing countries aged 15-24 cannot read or write). In addition, the rate of population aging in developing countries is expected to be higher than in developed ones.

In general, the world is growing up, or rather, its population is growing up. In the mid-1970s, the median age of the world population was 22.9 years; today it is 27.6 years (27 years for men and 28.2 for women). By 2050, the global median age is expected to exceed 36 years, with the proportion of the population in the older age group increasing sharply.

“Growing up” does not occur in all countries at the same time, but gradually: in many developing countries, while “childhood and youth” predominate, this is especially typical for the least developed countries, the population of developed and post-socialist countries looks like “adults,” one might say “mature.” countries In the future, the world will begin to age; the proportion of older people grew throughout the second half of the 20th century. Today, the world's elderly population is growing by 2% annually, which is significantly higher than the rate of increase in the population as a whole. This trend is expected to not only continue, but also intensify in the coming decades. Thus, the growth rate of the population aged 60 years and older in 2025-2030 will reach 2.8% per year. This is facilitated not only by a decrease in the birth rate, but also by an increase in average life expectancy; this figure for the world as a whole increased from 46 years in 1950-1955 to 65 years in 2003, and in developed countries the average life expectancy is 76 years, in less developed countries - 63 years, and in the least developed countries - 50 years (in the least developed countries, life expectancy is one third shorter than the life expectancy of representatives of the “golden billion”).

The age structure of the population will soon become unfavorable

The main reason for the decline in Russia's population since 1993 is its natural decline, i.e. the excess of deaths over the number of births. It was first registered in 1992, and by the beginning of 2012, the total natural decline for the entire period amounted to 13.4 million people, including 13.2 million since 1993, when the population was at its maximum.

In the past, natural growth has always played the role of the main component that ensured population growth in Russia; since the mid-1970s, migration growth has also made a certain contribution to this growth due to the positive balance of migration between Russia and the republics of the former USSR.

However, in the second half of the 1980s, natural population growth declined rapidly, came to naught by the early 1990s, and was replaced by natural decline in 1992, while the positive balance of migration increased significantly. The reduction in the population in 1993-2011 by 5.5 million people with a natural decline of 13.2 million means that by 58% (by 7.7 million people) this decline was compensated by migration growth. As a rule, this compensation was only partial; the exceptions, as mentioned, were only 1994, 2009 and 2011, when migration growth exceeded natural population decline (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Components of population growth (decrease) in Russia in 1960-2011, thousand people

Although the sharp decline in natural population growth occurred only at the end of the 1980s, it did not come as a surprise, since it was programmed by processes that had been going on for a long time. Soviet-era forecasts predicted the emergence of a natural population decline in Russia in beginning of XXI century, in fact it happened 10 years earlier, in the early 1990s, which can be explained both by the influence of the socio-economic crisis of those years and by the excessive optimism of Soviet forecasts. In any case, the natural population decline in Russia is not an accident; it is due to the population reproduction regime with low mortality and birth rates that developed in Russia already in the 1960s. If for some time natural growth still remained relatively high, it was mainly due to the peculiarities of the age structure of the population, in which a certain potential had been “accumulated” demographic growth. But as this potential was exhausted, the ratio of the number of births and deaths became less and less favorable, which ultimately led to the emergence of the “Russian cross” - the fertility and mortality curves intersected, the number of deaths exceeded the number of births (Fig. 3).

Figure 3. “Russian cross”. Number of births and deaths in Russia, 1960-2011, thousand

As follows from the graph in Fig. 3, natural population decline in last years is declining, and this reduction is sometimes viewed as a long-term trend and interpreted as an achievement of the country’s socio-demographic policy. As the Minister of Labor and social protection population of the Russian Federation Maxim Topilin, “in recent years, as a result of measures taken by the Government of the Russian Federation to stimulate the birth rate and reduce mortality, we have established a good balance between these indicators.” He said that “in 2012, for the first time since the beginning of recorded history, natural population growth may be recorded in Russia.”

Unfortunately, the government's ability to influence natural growth is limited, and the reduction in natural decline is most likely temporary.

In fact, natural population growth (decrease) depends on three factors: fertility, mortality and age structure of the population. If the first two factors can indeed be somehow influenced with the help of certain policy measures (although this is also very difficult), then the third factor is practically not amenable to any influence. The current age structure of the Russian population, and to a large extent its age structure for the coming decades, has already taken shape; it is impossible to significantly change it.

Since the formation of the modern age composition of the population of Russia in the past occurred under the influence of a number of perturbation factors, the Russian age pyramid is greatly deformed, as a result of which the dynamics of various sex and age groups has an irregular, wave-like character, “profitable” waves from demographic and socio-economic points of view are replaced by “unprofitable” ones.

In the “zero” years, despite the continued decline in population, changes in the age and sex composition passed through a “profitable” phase, the country received a kind of “demographic dividend”; during this period, two demographically advantageous structural shifts coincided.

The first of these was due to an increase in the number of births in the 80s, which explains the increase in the number of women of reproductive age in the 90s. The number of women aged 15 to 50 rose from 36.3 million in 1992 to 40 million in 2002-2003, after which it fell slightly, still remaining very high, higher than ever in past. If we take a narrower range of ages that make the main contribution to fertility, then the number of women in the most important reproductive ages from 18 to 35 years old between 1999 and 2009 increased by more than 2 million, which could not but contribute to the increase in the number births observed after 1999. But now the growth in the number of this group of women as a whole has already stopped and, according to the forecast of Rosstat, we are expecting a huge drop - by 4.7 million people by 2020 and by more than 7 million by 2025. The dynamics of the number of women in aged 25-34 years - this age group is becoming increasingly important due to the ongoing shift in births to later ages. However, its numbers will also fall quickly, although for now it is still increasing, which slightly delays the decline in the number of births (Fig. 4).

Figure 4. Number of women aged 18-24 and 25-34 years – actual and according to Rosstat forecast, million

The second shift was due to the fact that, starting in 2001, small generations born in 1941 and subsequent war years passed the 60-year mark, as a result of which the number of people aged 60 years and older between 2001 and 2006 decreased by 10% (Fig. 5). And this, in turn, slowed down the growth in the number of deaths, since the bulk of deaths always occur among older people. But this period is over, and now the number of elderly people and their share in the population will increase rapidly and will very soon reach values ​​unprecedented for Russia. Accordingly, the number of deaths will also increase, even if age-specific mortality rates decrease, although there are no grounds for high expectations yet. But even if such a decline occurs, it will mainly affect not older age groups.

Figure 5. Number (million people) and share (%) of people aged 60 years and older – actual and according to the average version of the Rosstat forecast

In conditions where the number of births is decreasing and the number of deaths is increasing, it is impossible for these numbers to converge. On the contrary, they will diverge, thereby again increasing the solution of the “Russian cross” that had been reduced.

Nevertheless, often officials, interpreting the reduction in natural decline arising from the characteristics of the age structure of the population as a successful result of the demographic policy pursued in the country, view it as a stable positive trend that will soon lead to a return from negative population growth to zero, or even positive. How likely is such a development of events?

“Unfavorable” changes in the already established age structure cannot be reversed; it is known for certain that soon enough the effect of favorable factors of this structure will be replaced by the effect of its unfavorable factors, as a result of which the natural decline in the population of Russia at the beginning of the next decade may exceed 500 thousand people per year and will continue to increase . Only radical positive changes in fertility and mortality can prevent this.

It is not surprising, therefore, that the focus is on the extent to which these processes are amenable to targeted influence by society, what efforts can and should be made by the government or other public institutions to change the situation, and how effective such efforts can be. To one degree or another, these issues have been raised in Russia over the past two decades, various government documents have been adopted more than once, and quite loud statements have been made, including about the success of certain political measures. Our task includes not so much an analysis of various kinds of decisions, statements and measures, but an assessment of the results achieved, the course of demographic processes, both dependent and independent of political efforts.

Age is the period from a person’s birth to one or another moment in his life.

It is most important to divide people by age into three categories:

1. Under 16 years old - 22.4%

2. 16-65 (able-bodied) – 64.6%

3. More than 65 years (above working age) - 13%. According to territorial differences, the youngest (in terms of population composition) is the Far East, the oldest is the Central Black Earth region.

The age structure of the population plays an important role in demographic processes, influencing the value of all demographic indicators. Thus, with a relatively high percentage of youth in the population, there will be high level marriage and birth rates and low level mortality (since, quite naturally, young people get sick less often and die even less often). In turn, demographic processes have a strong impact on the age structure of the population.

Age structure plays an active role not only in demographic, but in all social processes. Age is associated with psychology, emotionality, and to some extent, the human mind. Rebellions and revolutions occur more often in societies with a young age structure. On the contrary, aging societies, with a high proportion of elderly people, are subject to dogmatism and stagnation.

Information about the age of individual groups of people at the time of observation allows us to build the age structure of the population.

To construct the age structure of the population, one-year and five-year age intervals are usually used. Much less often, the age structure is built on ten-year age intervals.

The five-year age structure is built according to the following age groups: 0 years, 1-4 years, 5-9 years, 10-14 years,..., 35-39 years, ..., 80-84 years, ..., 100 years and older.

This is the so-called standard age grouping, which is used in international demostatistical practice (in particular, in UN publications) and which should be followed by everyone who uses age as an independent or dependent variable. This is necessary to ensure comparability of results across studies.

The general trend of changes in the age structure of the population as the birth rate decreases and average life expectancy increases, naturally, is the trend of an increase in the proportion of older people, i.e. process of demographic aging of the population.

Under aging population, or demographic aging, refers to the increase in the proportion of elderly and old people in the population.

There are two types of population aging:

· aging from below, which is the result of declining birth rates.

· aging from above, which is the result of an increase in the average duration future life, reducing mortality in older ages in conditions of low fertility.

Every society develops a fairly stable age structure of the population. According to the predominance of certain ages in it, the population is characterized as “young”, “mature” or “aging” (types of age structures according to F. Burgdörfer), see Figure 1:

a) young (growing) population reflects a large proportion of children and a small proportion of elderly, which creates conditions for population growth - a progressive type of age structure;

b) mature (stationary) population- with a predominance of adult generations and a moderate proportion of other ages. This type shows relative stability, stability of the population, the possibility of replacing outgoing generations with younger ones. This composition of the population supports its achieved size - a stationary type of age structure of the population;

c) aging (declining) population- with an increased proportion of older people compared to children's generations - a regressive type of age structure of the population. This indicates a possible decline in the number of people, in which younger generations do not make up for the number of those leaving.

a B C)

Population aging has adverse economic and social consequences. Firstly, the proportion of old-age pensioners is increasing. On pension funds an excessive burden of expenses for paying pensions falls, because the proportion of the working-age population making contributions to these funds is decreasing.

Secondly, the increase in the proportion of older people poses a challenge for society to organize care for them, especially since the proportion of people over 80 years of age is growing faster than the proportion of older people in general. The process of “aging of the elderly” is especially significant for government agencies, developing social policy, services designed to help helpless elderly people.

Thirdly, medical care for the elderly, the need for which naturally increases as we age. Medical service requires additional funds, expansion of the network of medical and gerontological institutions, and a qualitative restructuring of the health care system.

Fourthly, employment of the elderly population, providing work for the “young elderly” who want to work (the “young elderly” usually include people under 70-75 years of age). This is a difficult problem because there are not enough jobs.

In accordance with three types of age structure, population reproduction modes can be distinguished:

· expanded reproduction - in each next generation there are more people than in the previous one: the population is growing rapidly (typical of most modern developing countries of the world);

· simple reproduction - in subsequent generations there are approximately the same number of people as in previous ones; the population size, as a rule, remains almost unchanged (typical of some developing and developed countries);

· narrowed reproduction - there are fewer people in subsequent generations than in previous ones; The population is declining (typical for most developed European countries, including Russia).

When compared with other countries with low birth rates, it turns out that Russia's population is not the oldest. In 1990, it ranked 25th among such countries (the position was more dramatic in Japan, Italy, and Germany). This is not surprising, since Russia, firstly, is at that stage of the aging process when the proportion of the middle-aged population practically does not change and aging occurs due to a decrease in the proportion of children, and secondly, due to low life expectancy, not all people live to old age.

Currently, the share of people aged 65 years and older in the Russian population is 13%. According to the UN scale, a population is considered old if the proportion of a given age exceeds 7%.

The process of demographic aging of the population is much more typical for women, who make up more than two-thirds (68.7%) of Russians.

The average age of the country's residents is 38.9 years (in 2009 - 38.8 years), men - 36.2 years (36.1), women - 41.2 years (41.1). The average age of the population is over 40 years old in 28 regions Russian Federation, it is highest in the regions of the European part of Russia: in Tula, Ryazan, Tambov, Voronezh, Pskov, Tver, Penza, etc. St. Petersburg and Moscow – 42.2 – 41.1 years.

Every fifth resident of Russia (30.7 million people as of January 1, 2010) is of retirement age. The number of children and adolescents under 16 years of age is 7.9 million people, or 25.6% less than those over working age. The preponderance of older people occurs in 62 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the largest: in Tula region and St. Petersburg - 2 times, Ryazan and Voronezh regions - 1.9 times, Tambov, Leningrad, Ivanovo, Penza, Pskov, Yaroslavl regions, Moscow - 1.8 times.

The population aged 0-15 years has been declining for 18 years (1990-2007). In 2008, due to an increase in the number of births, the number of this age group increased slightly - by 44 thousand, or 0.2%, in 2009 - by 313 thousand or 1.4%.

Lowest proportion of children aged 0-15 years in total number population is observed in Moscow and St. Petersburg - 13.0-12.9% (in Russia as a whole - 16.1%).

The working age population, compared to the beginning of 2009, decreased by 0.9 million or 1.0% (in 2008 by 0.4 million or 0.5%) and by the beginning of 2010 amounted to 88.4 million people. The dependency ratio increased to 606 people per 1000 working-age population (in 2009 – 590, respectively), incl. load of children – 259 (253), and people of retirement age – 347 (337).

Sex composition of the population

The gender composition of the population is also of great importance, since data on the ratio of men and women in general and at different ages are important for analyzing the process of population reproduction. The main reasons that determine the sex ratio in the world are: the excess of the male population over the female population at birth (by 5-6%), and in old age there is a preponderance of women, but by the age of 18-20 the sex ratio levels out.

The gender structure of the population is influenced by three main factors:

1) sex ratio among newborns (biological constant);

2) sex differences in mortality;

3) gender differences in the intensity of population migration.

On average, more boys are born than girls, and the sex ratio among newborns is stable: 105 -106 boys per 100 girls. According to physiologists, the male body in infancy is less resilient and more boys die in the early stages of life. Further, the mortality rate changes: in developed countries, the mortality rate of men is higher due to injuries and occupational diseases, as well as alcoholism and smoking; In developing countries, female mortality is often higher as a result of early marriage, frequent childbirth, hard work, poor nutrition and unequal social status.

The reasons for the difference in the average life expectancy of men and women are identified (in Russia, women now live, on average, almost 20 years longer than men):

· the influence of wars, which primarily claim the lives of men (this mainly explains the existing gender imbalance in our country);

· migrations in which mainly men take part;

· the nature of the economy, which places different demands on male and female labor. In general, the number of men in the world now exceeds the number of women by 20-30 million. But the sex ratio among the dead changed. If in 1989 there were 1077 deceased women per 1000 deceased men, then in 2002 - 866 and in 2003 - 859. In other words, the share of women among the deceased decreased from 51-52% to 46%.

The preponderance of the number of women over the number of men develops in middle ages as a result of different rates of extinction of the female and male populations (for certain territories, migration processes may also have a certain significance) and increases during the transition to older age groups. In the post-war years, the “female predominance” was already noted in young groups - starting from 25-29 years old, and in the ages of 35 years and older it became especially obvious. In subsequent years, gender disproportion increasingly shifted to older age groups. The results of the 2002 census show that the gender imbalance has become younger again. The biologically predetermined excess of the male population over the female population has already been exhausted in the group of 25-29 years. At the age of 30 years and older, there are more and more women compared to their male counterparts - due to the higher mortality of the latter. Compared to the male population, among the female population there is a higher proportion of older people and a lower proportion of younger ones. Median age In 2002, women in Russia were 39.8 years old, and men were 34.1 years old. The ratio of women to men varies markedly by region of Russia. According to current accounting data at the beginning of 2004, in 44 regions of the Russian Federation the ratio of men to women corresponded to the national average or exceeded it, and in some quite significantly. In the Vladimir, Ivanovo, Nizhny Novgorod, Novgorod, Smolensk, Tver, Tula and Yaroslavl regions, as well as in St. Petersburg, there were from 1,205 to 1,238 women per 1,000 men. But in other regions, the female predominance was not so significant, and in three regions - the Kamchatka region, Chukotka and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, men predominated (926-996 women per 1000 men), and in three more - Koryak, Nenets and Evenki the number of men equaled the number of women. Regions with a younger population are characterized by less gender disproportion, which naturally follows from the nature of gender asymmetry in the Russian age-sex pyramid. Accordingly, the gap in the average age of living men and women is significantly smaller where the gender disproportion is smaller. This gap is maximum in the Central and Northwestern federal districts, minimum in the Far Eastern. During the intercensus period, the number of men per 1000 women decreased noticeably in the North and East of the country, i.e. in those regions where, during the 1989 census, it was noticeably higher than in other regions of Russia. Apparently, this is due to the outflow of working-age men from these areas, who were previously attracted to these areas more profitable terms works that subsequently changed during the transition to market economy. At the same time, in 18 federal subjects there was a noticeable increase in the number of men per 1,000 women. Among them are Moscow, Komi-Permyatsky autonomous region, Republic of Adygea, North Ossetia. ). Over the past 50 years, their number in Russia, despite some fluctuations, has generally been growing, and now it is greater than ever. The share of women of reproductive age varies quite widely across Russian regions - from 21.1% in the Tula and Ryazan regions, to 27.2% in the Yamalo-Nenets okrug, and 27.4% in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. The differences between federal districts are much smaller. Maximum - 24.1% falls on the Ural and Siberian federal districts, minimum - 23.3 - for the Central District.

Employment of the population of the Russian Federation

The problems of labor and labor relations have always been accompanied by the equally important problem of employment.

Employment is the most important part of the economic element of management, complex in content and structure economic category. Employment is the activity of the working population associated with the satisfaction of their personal and public needs and, as a rule, bringing him income.

The content of the term “employment” includes both the need of people for various types socially useful activities, and the degree of satisfaction of this need. Consequently, the problems of employment do not coincide with the problems of unemployment, since it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of employment of various socio-demographic groups of the population, the motivation of workers, changes in the structure of labor resources and other factors. The goal of ensuring full and productive employment is to achieve increased labor efficiency, create an employment structure in accordance with the needs, improve industry and regional structure production, taking into account socio-demographic factors.

The following are considered employed:

1. employed;

2. temporarily absent due to disability, vacation, advanced training, suspension of production;

3. self-sufficient workers;

4. appointed or approved for a paid position;

5. serving in the armed forces;

6. able-bodied citizens studying in schools and others educational institutions, including students in the direction of the employment service.

The practical need for population accounting necessitates the identification of types of employment. Thus, a distinction is made between full, productive and freely chosen employment.

Full employment- this is the provision of professional work that brings income to the individual and a decent existence for him and his family.

Full employment is a goal to strive for. It is achieved when there is an appropriate level of development of productive forces and the demand for labor coincides with its supply.

The main meaning of productive employment comes down to the following. Not any work can be considered socially acceptable, but only one that meets two essential requirements. First, employment must bring workers income that provides living conditions worthy of a person. Secondly, productive employment is contrasted with formal employment. A special case of the latter is the maintenance of redundant workers or the creation of formal jobs to avoid unemployment - state policy should help ensure that the work of each person is economically feasible and maximally productive for society.

Freely chosen employment presupposes the right to control one’s own ability to work ( labor force) belongs exclusively to its owner, i.e. to the employee himself. This principle guarantees the right of every worker to choose between employment and non-employment.

The above types of employment reflect the state of quantitative and qualitative balancing between the population’s need for work and jobs, which creates favorable conditions for the socio-economic progress of society.

Employment of the population can be considered effective if it provides a decent income, health, personal development, and an increase in the educational and professional level for each member of society based on the growth of social labor productivity.

The combination of full and effective employment presupposes the freedom of workers and employers, the abolition of strict state regulation in the field of labor relations, flexibility of labor in forms of employment, organization of the labor process, and the elimination of outdated prohibitions in labor activity. On the other hand, market relations in the sphere of labor presuppose the right of employers to decide for themselves the question of the quantity and quality of the labor force used and to fire workers who are unnecessary from the point of view of production.

Employment problems

The problem of employment is the problem of involving people in labor activity and the degree to which their labor needs are satisfied by jobs. It is impossible to achieve a situation where the entire working-age population is employed. After all, some enter the workforce, others leave it, others are fired or quit, others are looking for work, i.e. There is a normal movement of labor, some of which remain unemployed for some period of time.

One of the types of structuring of the labor market is its division according to demographic and professional characteristics.

There are:

· Youth labor market- The situation developing on the Russian youth labor market in recent years is quite tense and is characterized by deteriorating trends. The scale of registered and hidden unemployment among young people is growing, and its duration is increasing. The struggle for the survival of Russian enterprises leads to tougher conditions for young people to enter the labor market. Meanwhile, the opportunities of young people are already limited due to their lower competitiveness compared to other categories of the population.

Labor market for people of pre-retirement age and pensioners. It is characterized by low labor productivity, low economic activity, and the absence or limited opportunities for retraining.

Women's labor market. Its peculiarity is the possible long breaks in work associated with the birth and raising of children, and a decrease in professional abilities for the same reason.


In conclusion, the following conclusions can be drawn:

· age structure has a natural influence on natural movement population, which is expressed by fertility and mortality indicators. The higher the proportion of young people in the population, the higher the overall fertility rates calculated for the entire population of the territory. The higher the proportion of older people, the higher the overall mortality rate. Age is the most important characteristic of any demographic events, determining the frequency (intensity) of their occurrence.

· the decline in the birth rate is becoming extremely dangerous for Russia. Firstly, the internal potential of demographic reproduction has been exhausted. Indeed, to replace generations of parents, a birth rate is needed, measured by the total fertility rate, equal to, according to at least, 2.1, but today it is only 1.2. Secondly, the population and workforce are aging, people's health is declining, and the one-child family is becoming dominant.

· In addition, population aging plays an important role, which has adverse economic and social consequences. There is an increase in the proportion of age pensioners. Pension funds bear an exorbitant burden of expenses for paying pensions, because the proportion of the working population making contributions to these funds is declining. Secondly, the increase in the proportion of older people poses a challenge for society to organize care for them, especially since the proportion of people over 80 years of age is growing faster than the proportion of older people in general. Thirdly, medical care for the elderly, the need for which naturally increases as we age. Medical care requires additional funds, expansion of the network of medical and gerontological institutions, and a qualitative restructuring of the health care system.

· despite government policy to encourage motherhood, population decline continues.


I Regulatory acts:

1. Constitution of the Russian Federation

2. Message from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation dated April 25, 2005.

3. The federal law dated December 29, 2006 N 256-FZ “On additional measures state support families with children"

5. Project “Strategies for socio-economic development of Perm until 2030”

II Educational literature:

6. Butov V.I., Ignatov V.G. Demography. - M., 2003.-, .Social atlas Russian regions/ Thematic reviews, 2007 - .

7. Vishnevsky A. G. Sickle and ruble. Conservative modernization in the USSR. M.: OGI, 1998-.

8. Data from the Ministry of Health and social development 2009 - .

9. “Demographic studies” No. 1, 2005. - .

10. Women and men of Russia 2010 // Rosstat - , , .

11. Domestic notes No. 23, 2005. - .

12. Regional Studies / Ed. A. A. Morozova. M.: 2004., p. 23-25 ​​- .

13. Russian newspaper 2010 - .

14. Information on the number of registered births, deaths, marriages and divorces for January-May 2010 // Rosstat - .

15. Starovoitova L.I., Zolotareva T.F. Employment and its regulation: Proc. aid for students Higher textbook establishments. – M.: Academy, 2003 – p.

16. Total fertility rate // Rosstat -, .

17. Statistics: course of lectures / Ed. V. G. Ionina. M.: 2002. - .

18. Khalturina D. A., Korotaev A. V. (Ed.). Alcohol disaster and potential public policy in overcoming alcoholic excess mortality in Russia. Moscow: URSS, 2008. - .

19. Khalturina D.A., Korotaev A.V. Russian cross: Factors, mechanisms and ways to overcome demographic crisis in Russia. Moscow: URSS, 2006., pp. 33-35.- .

Annex 1

The birth rate is as follows:

· 1980 - 15.9 per 1000 people

· 1990 - 13.4 per 1000 people

· 1995 - 9.3 per 1000 people

· 1996 - 8.9 per 1000 people

· 1997 - 8.6 per 1000 people

· 1998 - 8.8 per 1000 people

· 1999 - 8.3 per 1000 people

· 2000 - 8.7 per 1000 people

· 2001 - 9.0 per 1000 people

· 2002 - 9.7 per 1000 people

· 2003 - 10.2 per 1000 people

· 2004 - 10.4 per 1000 people

· 2005 - 10.2 per 1000 people

· 2006 - 10.4 per 1000 people

· 2007 - 11.3 per 1000 people

· 2008 - 12.1 per 1000 people

· 2009 - 12.4 per 1000 people

· 2010 - 12.4 per 1000 people (January-June)

Rosstat data 2010

Appendix 2

Population change in 2009

Number of subjects in group Subjects of the Russian Federation included in the group
1 Number of subjects of the Russian Federation in which the population has decreased
including due to:
natural decline and migration outflow of the population Republics of Karelia, Komi, Mari El, Mordovia; Altai, Perm and Primorsky territories; Amur, Arkhangelsk, Volgograd, Kirov, Kostroma, Kurgan, Magadan, Murmansk, Omsk, Pskov, Sakhalin, Ulyanovsk regions; Jewish Autonomous Region.
excess of natural loss over migration increase Chuvash Republic; Khabarovsk region; Bryansk, Vladimir, Vologda, Voronezh, Ivanovo, Kaluga, Kemerovo, Kursk, Leningrad, Lipetsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Novgorod, Orel, Penza, Rostov, Ryazan, Samara, Saratov, Sverdlovsk, Smolensk, Tambov, Tver, Tula, Chelyabinsk and Yaroslavl regions ;
excess of migration outflow over natural increase Republics of Kalmykia, Karachay-Cherkess, Sakha (Yakutia), North Ossetia - Alania and Udmurtia; Transbaikal and Kamchatka region; Irkutsk region; Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
2 Number of subjects of the Russian Federation in which the population has increased
including due to: Dldtlob
natural and migration growth Republics of Bashkortostan, Ingushetia and Khakassia; Krasnoyarsk region; Astrakhan, Tomsk and Tyumen region; Nenets and Khanty-Mansiysk - Yugra autonomous okrugs
excess of natural growth over migration outflow Republics of Altai, Buryatia, Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkarian, Tyva and Chechen; Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
excess of migration increase over natural loss Republics of Adygea and Tatarstan; Krasnodar and Stavropol region; Belgorod, Kaliningrad, Moscow, Novosibirsk and Orenburg regions; Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Appendix 3

Population growth and reproduction are determined by the ratio between the numbers of births and deaths or between the birth and death rates.

There are certain similarities and interactions between population growth and reproduction. But there is also a difference between these concepts. Thus, the population may continue to grow for a long time, while its reproduction has already become narrowed, i.e. each subsequent generation is numerically smaller than the previous one. This is explained by the fact that the age structure of the population carries with it some potential for demographic growth. In addition, population growth is also associated with migration processes. Under the regime of expanded population reproduction, its number may decrease. This is possible when the share of the reproductive part of the population becomes sufficiently small in comparison with the share of the elderly part. In this case, the high birth rate will not be able to compensate for the significant number of deaths. This is also explained by the population growth potential, which is characteristic of the age structure of the population, but, naturally, with a negative value.

Population growth or its increase (which is actually the same thing) is characterized by total rate of natural increase, which is the ratio of natural population growth to its average (average annual) size.

The main disadvantage of this coefficient is the dependence of its value and dynamics on the characteristics of the age structure of the population and its changes. Thus, with a younger age structure, even with a moderate birth rate, a relatively high number of births will be observed due to the large number and proportion of young married couples in the total population and at the same time a relatively lower number of deaths. As a result, the difference between the number of births and deaths will be correspondingly larger, i.e. natural increase and natural increase rate.

With the aging of the age structure of the population, the number of deaths will increase even if the mortality rate remains unchanged in each age group and ultimately natural population growth and the rate of natural increase will decline. This trend is typical for economically developed countries with low birth rates, as well as for Russia.

To improve the quality of measuring the level of population dynamics, indicators of population reproduction are used, which do not depend on the structure of the population and, above all, on the age and sex structure. This gross and net population reproduction rates, and true rate of natural increase.

Unlike the natural increase rate, these indicators characterize the change in population not over a year, but over a period of time during which the parent generation is replaced by the generation of their children. Due to the fact that generation replacement is characterized by the ratio of birth rates and death rates, and mortality rates differ significantly between men and women, population reproduction rates are calculated separately for each sex and most often for women. At the same time, external migration of the population is not taken into account.

Gross ratio population reproduction is defined as the total fertility rate, but only girls are taken into account in the calculations, since the total fertility rate is multiplied by the share of girls among newborns. Thus, the gross population reproduction rate shows the number of girls that an average woman gives birth to in her entire life. In this case, a condition is set that none of the girls and their daughters die before the end of the reproductive period (up to 50 years). Because of this, this coefficient is very rarely used in practical work. An important place in the practice of calculations is occupied by net population reproduction rate, or net replacement rate.

Net replacement rate The female population is calculated as the sum of the products of age-specific fertility rates by the corresponding number of living women from mortality tables for the same period, multiplied by the share of girls among those born in those years for which the coefficient is calculated. It shows how many, on average, girls born to the same woman over a lifetime would survive to the age of their mother at their birth if the birth and mortality rates for that period were maintained at each age. This coefficient characterizes the degree of replacement of a generation of women by their daughters with long-term preservation existing levels fertility and mortality. As a result, the net population replacement rate is a generalized characteristic of the level of fertility and mortality existing in a given period.

The net reproduction rate of the population, which, as noted, characterizes the replacement of the generation of mothers with the generation of their daughters, is quite often interpreted as an indicator of the replacement of generations in the entire population as a whole (men and women).

If this coefficient is equal to 1.0, then this means that the ratio of the birth rate and death rate ensures simple reproduction of the population over periods of time equal to the average age of mothers at the birth of daughters. Moreover, this average age varies slightly in direct proportion to the height of the birth rate within the range between 25 and 30 years. If the net coefficient is more or less than 1.0, then this means, respectively, expanded population reproduction, when the generation of children is numerically larger than the parent’s, or narrowed population reproduction, when the generation of children, taking into account their survival to the average age of their parents, is numerically smaller than the parent’s.

In addition, they often use an indicator called “ life generation length” (the average age of mothers at the birth of daughters) and is defined as the arithmetic mean of the average ages for each five-year age interval, weighted by the proportion of newborn girls surviving to the age of their mothers at the time of their birth.

Thus, the net population reproduction rate makes it possible to assess the state of the existing population reproduction regime from the perspective of its probable further development, characterizes not the current demographic situation, but its ultimate state in some future, provided that this reproduction regime does not change.

Based on the considered coefficients, it is possible to determine true rate of natural increase. It characterizes population growth for each year and, like the net coefficient, does not depend on the age structure of the population. The true rate of natural population growth is approximately determined by the formula proposed by the American demographer E. Cole in 1955. This is the quotient of the net population reproduction rate divided by the length of the female generation (the average age of the mother at the birth of daughters).

Among demographers, the question of the role of fertility and mortality in the reproduction of the Russian population is being discussed. Calculations carried out (Borisov V.A., 2001) for the period 1986-1996. showed that the net reproduction rate of the Russian population decreased by a total of 41.9%, including by 41.4% due to a decrease in the birth rate and only 0.5% due to an increase in mortality. As a result, we can state with complete confidence that the most important and determining factor on which the demographic future of the country depends is the birth rate.
