Tourism at the present stage and its prospects. The concepts of "culture" and "cultural tourism" at the present stage of development of the tourism industry. Number of participants and number of completed

Mukhametova Elmira Mansurovna

2nd year master student, Department of Social Sciences and Technologies, MarSTU,

G. Yoshkar-Ola

E-mail:Darling006@ mail. en

Vasina Svetlana Mikhailovna

scientific supervisor, Ph.D. history Sciences, Associate Professor, MarSTU, Moscow Yoshkar-Ola

The cultural component is the main part of such a phenomenon as tourism. People have been traveling for what we now call cultural reasons since Roman times. However, earlier they were not perceived as a separate group of tourists. Visiting historical sites, learning about cultural milestones, participating in special events, themed festivals or visiting museums are all part of the overall tourism activity. Indeed every journey includes a cultural element. By its very nature, the art of travel transports tourists temporarily from their own culture and place of residence to different cultural settings, or to a nearby town or village on the other side of the world. But cultural tourism offers more for the tourist and the community. Today, probably the term "cultural tourism" has displaced the term "ecotourism" due to its expansion and ambiguity.

In modern literature, the cultural meaning of tourism is considered as a form of personality development. Tourism expands the boundaries of human knowledge, contributes to the ethno-cultural self-identification of a person, the disclosure of one's own, including latent needs, develops and transforms the socio-cultural sphere of human activity. Knowledge of the traditions and customs of the peoples that now exist and have disappeared from the face of the earth speaks of the high intellectual development of man and can only cause admiration and respect. The ability to transfer this knowledge from generation to generation will help preserve the uniqueness and originality of the cultural heritage of peoples, which will always be of spiritual value to the whole society as a whole.

Cultural tourism is associated with the spiritual side of human existence. Visiting various places, comprehending something new, a person passes everything through himself, and these memories already become his personal property, which allows him to expand the horizons of his worldview.

Today, the cultural face of the world is changing before our eyes. The importance of culture, its role in the life of man and society is growing. Culture is an effective factor in the formation of a new human civilization and planetary thinking. It strengthens relations of mutual understanding and harmony between peoples, being “the fundamental basis of the process of development, preservation, strengthening of the independence, sovereignty and identity of the people. The identity of the paths of the historical evolution of culture and tourism predetermined the commonality of new methods of approach to their further development. In most countries of the world, there is a process of democratization of culture and tourism, which are an integral part of society. Self-awareness and knowledge of the surrounding world, personal development and achievement of goals are unthinkable without acquiring knowledge in the field of culture.

Culture is “a human creation and must be maintained in the same way that people maintain their lives. Culture is an important cementing and, at the same time, separating beginning of society, a means of interconnection and internal differentiation of the people.

The ambiguity of the very original term "culture" implies not one, but many definitions of this basic concept, each of which not only has its adherents, but also all the rights to exist as a scientific definition.

Culture differs in its constituent parts, types, directions, forms of manifestation, carriers, etc. There is a large number of definitions of this concept as a whole and for various components. Culture is a historically defined level of development of society, the creative forces and abilities of a person, expressed in the types and forms of organization of life and activities of people, in their relationships, as well as in the material and spiritual values ​​\u200b\u200bcreated by them. This is a general, philosophical definition of culture. In addition to it, there are several more definitions of the concept of "culture", each of them in its own way has a refraction in tourism and is important for the development of the tourist business.

The term "culture" is used to characterize both certain historical eras (ancient culture) of specific countries, states, societies, tribes, peoples (Mayan culture), nationalities and nations, as well as specific areas of human activity or his life. In other words, culture can be singled out: artistic; recreation; treatment; education; entertainment; behavior (communication); professional; religious.

The word "culture" in Latin means "processing, cultivation, improvement, education, upbringing." Culture characterizes both the degree of development of a particular sphere of human life, and the person himself.

According to the Brockhaus dictionary, the word "culture" in the social sciences and, especially, in history is used in a double sense. First, by culture is meant the degree of education among peoples or classes of society, as opposed to uncultured peoples or classes; in the same sense, expressions such as man of culture, cultural habit, etc. Another, broader word usage gives culture the meaning of everyday life or internal state having nothing to do with the level of education of the people. An example is the primitive culture, which includes a whole era and various peoples, but we have no right to call them uncultured. Speaking of cultural history, they mean culture in the sense of everyday life in general. In this regard, cultures are divided into material (housing, clothing, tools, weapons, jewelry, etc.), spiritual (language, customs and mores, beliefs, knowledge, literature, etc.) and social (state and social forms , laws, etc.); but if we talk about culture in a narrower sense, not having in mind a specific culture, then the word "culture" means spiritual culture. The use of the term has come to us from German scientific literature; the French and the English, instead of the word culture, use the word civilization.

A number of authors consider culture as a spiritual activity of mankind. For example, Erasov B. S. writes that “culture is a spiritual component of human activity, as an integral part and conditions of the entire system of activity, providing various aspects of human life. This means that culture is "omnipresent", but at the same time, in each specific type of activity, it represents its own spiritual side. Thus, myths, religions, art, ideology, science, politics, etc. are components of culture and ensure the spiritual production and dissemination of cultural norms, values, their meanings and knowledge.

A. P. Durovich gives the following definition of culture - this is a specific way of organizing and developing society, which is expressed in the products of creativity, spiritual values, in the totality of people's relations to nature, to each other and to themselves. Culture affects the consumer by defining the boundaries of his individual behavior and influence on various social institutions (family, means mass media, education system, etc.).

As V. A. Kvartalnov points out, at the conference in Mexico City (1981) two definitions of culture were proclaimed. The first definition is of a general nature, based on cultural anthropology and including everything that man has created in addition to nature: social thought, economic activity, production, consumption, literature and art, lifestyle and human dignity. The second definition is of a specialized nature, built on the "culture of culture", i.e. on the moral, spiritual, intellectual and artistic aspects of human life.

"Culture is a necessary condition for the existence of any society and therefore can be considered as a common property." "Culture is a special sphere and form of activity, which has its own content and structure, and at the same time affects other spheres of being." Culture helps to create a separate society with its own laws and structure, which makes it subsequently unique.

The Encyclopedia of Cultural Studies provides the following definition of culture: “it is a set of artificial orders and objects created by people in addition to natural, memorized forms of human behavior and activities, acquired knowledge, images of self-knowledge and symbolic designations of the world around.

Many researchers, for example, F. Kotler, B. I. Kononenko, A. I. Arnoldov and others, note that culture is dynamic: it changes, adapts. The general state of culture depends on the state of society, the health of the social organism. Its difficulties and difficulties are a direct consequence of the problems that have arisen in society. "Culture sensitively captures the smallest fluctuations occurring in social structures, not to mention the deep and large-scale changes taking place in society." Culture and society are so interconnected that if society perishes, it will be the turn of culture. The task of humanity at this stage is to make every effort to recreate the lost cultural heritage of the disappeared peoples. IN this case a person will be able to “break” the line between society and culture, leaving behind memory and evidence of existence.

According to M. B. Birzhakov, culture is a historically defined level of development of society and man, expressed in the types and forms of organization of life and activities of people, as well as in the material and spiritual values ​​​​created by them. The concept of culture is used to characterize the material and spiritual level of development of certain historical eras, socio-economic formations, specific societies, peoples and nations (for example, ancient culture, Mayan culture), as well as specific areas of activity or life (work culture, artistic culture, culture life). In a narrower sense, the term Culture refers only to the sphere of people's spiritual life.

F. Kotler considers culture from the standpoint of consumer behavior: "Culture is the main force that predetermines desires and all human behavior." A. P. Durovich also noted: “The processes taking place in the field of culture are the deepest cause of human desires. Cultural factors largely determine the behavior of consumers representing different countries.”

It is also possible to characterize the concept of "culture" from the position of ethnographers. Ethnographers, whose views were formed under the influence of positivism or neo-positivism, understand culture as a set of customs, habits, social institutions inseparable from the life of society and specific social groups. Culture, in their opinion, must necessarily be something concrete, observable, material-behavioral or mental. With this understanding, it is possible to attribute to culture what was created by man, but this may not always meet his interests and desires. Often this is just a vital necessity which later became a great discovery. The loss of knowledge of this can lead to a deterioration in the living conditions of modern society.

Thus, the following definition can be given as succinctly as possible: culture is a specific way of organizing and developing human life, represented in the products of material and spiritual labor, in the system of social norms and institutions, in spiritual values, in the totality of people's relations to nature, to each other and to ourselves.

For a long time, such a type of tourism as cultural, or educational, stood out and became independent. Its basis is the historical and cultural potential of the country, which includes the entire socio-cultural environment with traditions and customs, features of everyday life and economic activity, that is, a combination of objects of material and spiritual culture. The term “cultural tourism”, which came from the English-language literature, became firmly established in the tourism sector at the end of the 20th century.

Cultural tourism is the most popular and mass type of tourism, covering all aspects of travel, through which a person learns about the life, culture, customs of another nation. Tourism is thus an important means of creating cultural links and international cooperation.

A. S. Cusco points out: “Cognitive tourism covers a visit to historical, cultural or geographical attractions. Tourists traveling for educational purposes are most often interested in social and economic relations countries they visit. In his opinion, cultural tourism is tourism for acquaintance and knowledge of the cultural heritage of various countries and peoples.

There is another definition of cultural tourism. “Cultural tourism is a form of interaction, cultural exchange, which involves purposeful immersion in the cultural environment in order to master it. At the heart of cultural tourism is the need to get acquainted with the culture of both one's own people and the peoples of other countries. Traveling acts in this case as a means of familiarizing people with universal human values ​​through their own inner experience, through individual emotional experiences. They make it possible to perceive the cultural picture of the world in the unity of feeling and thought. Therefore, a feature of cultural tourism is the formation of a holistic view of history and culture, contributing to the development of dialogue and interrelationships between cultures.”

According to A. V. Darinsky and A. B. Kosolapova, the main form of cultural and educational tourism is an excursion. A. B. Kosolapova gives the following definition: “Cultural tourism is a sphere tourism activities based mainly on heritage resources, national traditions, arts and culture with the active use of modern communication systems and high-tech hospitality infrastructure. Acquaintance of tourists with cultural heritage occurs mainly during excursions, among which pedestrian and bus tours predominate. Also the author separate view highlights reunion tourism (visiting friends and relatives) and nostalgic tourism. They are based on the personal need of people to visit those places that play a big role in the biography of a person and his family. For example, it is necessary to create a geological tree.

Other authors agree with the opinion of A. V. Darinsky and A. B. Kosolapova, for example, A. P. Durovich, N. A. Sedova and others. As N. A. Sedova writes: “The main forms of organizing cultural and educational tourism as a type of activity are excursions and other cultural events (visiting museums, exhibitions, theaters, concerts, creative meetings, national holidays and rituals) aimed at meeting the needs of most tourists. Indeed, when the journey is not filled with excursions and other cultural events, then it becomes just a trip with a return to the same place. It is thanks to these events that cultural and educational tourism has a formative effect on the personality, enriches it with new knowledge and impressions.

According to M. A. Izotova and Yu. A. Matyukhina, excursions are priority educational forms due to the fact that the objects of perception are originals, whether they are monuments of architecture, archeology, history or natural objects. And all of them, bearing in themselves a cognitive principle, are a reflection of the processes of development of nature and civilization, of a particular era. When a tourist sees the original, this phenomenon is priceless in itself, and if it is accompanied by "live pictures", then this is truly a whole work of art. Here, the excursion acts as a kind of performance, where the tourists try on the main role and control the process of cognition themselves, only sometimes with the help of the tips of the guide or guide.

According to Sushchinskaya M. D. “cultural tourism is the movement of individuals outside their permanent place of residence, motivated in whole or in part by the interest in visiting cultural attractions, including cultural events, museums and historical sites, art galleries, musical and drama theaters, concert venues and traditional pastimes local population reflecting the historical heritage, contemporary artistic creativity and performing arts, traditional values, activities and daily lifestyle of residents, in order to obtain new information, experience and impressions to meet their cultural needs”.

Thus, there are different concepts about the categories, "culture" and "cultural tourism". The complexity of defining the basic concepts related to cultural tourism is due to the fact that experts from different disciplines are engaged in the study of this issue: economists, geographers, historians and linguists, etc. However, it should be noted that the statement that cultural tourism is a form of tourism may seem obvious and even act as a tautology. But it is important to understand that tourism is a noun and cultural is an adjective that defines it. Therefore, cultural tourism should be perceived as a type of tourism, and not a form of cultural heritage management.


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Graduate work *

2 760 rub.


aim thesis is a comprehensive analysis and study of problems and development prospects international tourism on present stage. ...

Introduction 3
Chapter 1. Theoretical basis international tourism 8
1.1. Essence and definition of international tourism 8
1.2. The specifics and composition of the tourism industry 12
1.3. Economics and organization of international tourism 19
Chapter 2. Analysis of the state and trends in the development of international tourism at the present stage 36
2.1. Assessment of trends in the development of international tourism at the present stage 36
2.2. Problems of development of international tourism at the present stage 46
2.3. International tourism and environmental management problems 53
Chapter 3. Analysis of problems and ways of development of international tourism in the Russian Federation 56
3.1. Problems of development of international tourism in Russia at the present stage 56
3.2. Prospects for the development of international tourism in Russia 64
Conclusion 71
List of used literature.79


The relevance of the research topic lies in the fact that in the conditions of the modern world economy, which is being formed under the influence of the processes of globalization of economic, political, cultural and social spaces, international tourism is one of the most highly profitable (3rd place after the fuel and energy and military-industrial complexes) and dynamically developing industries. According to the World Tourism Organization, more than 250 million people are employed in the tourism sector in the world, that is, every tenth worker. It accounts for 7% of total investment, 11% of global consumer spending, 5% of all tax revenues, 1/3 of world trade in services. Money invested in tourism turns around faster than in other industries. This leads to a multiplier effect, that is, it encourages other sectors of the national economy to develop. In many countries, international tourism plays a significant role in the formation of the population, gross domestic product, employment is a source of foreign exchange earnings, in activating the factor of the foreign trade balance and in.............

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    The snobbery of "professionals" has always amused me. The desire to maintain their "Ilitarity" of any social. groups through aggression (snobbery is one of the types of aggression) only says that there is no ground for "Ilitarity". Systematic education is not so many years old in the world. Moreover, it is rapidly becoming obsolete in its traditional form.

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    Here it is important to note one important thing. People began to (finally) shift their attention from the idea of ​​"extensive professional training", as was the case in the scoop, to the idea of ​​" professional competencies". This led to the fact that representatives of education began to howl that the Soviet paradigm is so cool, and all sorts of garbage is being imposed on us from the West. One of the elements of Western culture is continuous lifelong education. It is impossible if you spend years of consistent education on each stage of education. Hence the “fragmentation.” In fact, non-fragmentary education does not exist simply because people's memory is not absolute.

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    4.3. Tourism at the present stage and its prospects

    Currently, tourism is a powerful global industry, accounting for up to 10% of the world gross product, where huge masses of employees, fixed assets of production are involved, large capitals are involved. It can be said that tourism is also a serious global policy.

    With the development of both post-industrial and new industrial countries, an increasing number of the population of our planet is involved in the tourism industry. Behind last years there is a constant steady trend of growth in the number of tourists annually by an average of 4%, even financial crisis in Asia, 1998 did not lead to a significant deformation of these processes. World tourism revenues in 1997 amounted, according to the WTO, to 448 billion US dollars, which is 7.9% more than in the previous year.

    The WTO predicts that by 2010 the total number of tourist trips will be 937 million, and the income from this business will increase to 1.1 trillion. USD .

    Tourism, which represents a subject-subject relationship, is a tertiary market of services, and it is not surprising that its greatest development is in post-industrial countries. Income from tourism is presented in Table. 4.3.

    Table 4.3.

    A country Income, mln. Share in the global tourism market, %
    1990 1996 1997 1997
    USA 43007 69908 75056 16,74
    Germany 144288 17567 18989 8,09
    Italy 20016 30018 30000 6,99
    Spain 188593 27414 28147 6,28
    France 20184 28357 27947 6,23
    Great Britain 14940 19296 19875 4,43
    Austria 13417 13990 12393 2,76
    China 2218 10200 12074 2,69
    Hong Kong 5032 10836 9635 2,15


    A large army of specialists working in various areas, which is the essence of the infrastructure and tourism industry. Currently, every 15th person on Earth is somehow connected with the tourism industry. Thus, tourism provides the creation of a large number of jobs. This is one of the most positive factors that give a positive effect to society from this type of activity.

    The level of development of the tourism industry in post-industrial countries can be judged by the following facts. In the United States, there are twice as many tourists per inhabitant as there are Russians, but at approximately equal prices (!) for tourist services, the profitability of this industry in the United States is five times higher than in Russia.

    To implement the idea of ​​attracting tourist flows both the tourist resources themselves, the possibilities of being in demand and their potential, as well as the features and potential of the objects of the tourism industry are studied and evaluated in a multidimensional and thorough manner.

    According to the WTO, over the past decades there has been a constant increase in international tourism. In general, the development of tourism at the turn of the millennium can be called sustainable, despite the crisis, both regional and global.

    Dynamics of tourism development by regions in the second half of the 1990s shown in table. 4.4.

    Table 4.4.

    Region Tourist arrivals, million people Tourism receipts, mln.
    1996 1997 1996 1997
    Total in the world 594,1 616,6 435 448,3
    Europe 350,2 362,9 221,1 225,5
    America 116,5 122,8 112,7 119,2
    East Asia and the Pacific 87,5 88,3 81,2 82,1
    Africa 21,5 23,1 8,3 8,7
    Near East 14 15 7,7 8,5
    South Asia 4,3 4,5 3,8 4,1


    From the above data, it is clearly seen that Europe is the leading region in terms of the number of tourist visits. It is here that a huge number of cultural and historical monuments are concentrated, and in addition, the entertainment and service industry is located on high level. The tourism infrastructure is so well developed that tourists with absolutely various requests can get the tourism product they need. Along with fashionable resorts, special routes have been developed for young people and low-income tourists. According to 1999 data, although Europe retains its leadership in the number of visits, the growth rate here is extremely low - 1%.

    As for America, the information is given in an undivided form, i.e. cumulatively in the USA, Canada, Mexico, where the development of tourism has reached very high levels, and other countries Latin America, where tourism is in its infancy or is practically not developed at all, as, for example, in Guatemala.

    East Asia and the Pacific basin cultivate not only inbound tourism, a large place here belongs to pilgrimage tourism, including domestic tourism. hong kong like free economic zone attracted many business tourists. China, which has begun economic reforms, is becoming more and more attractive to discerning Western tourists due to the improvement in the quality of service and the reconstruction of many historical and cultural monuments, as well as the positive policy of the state regarding tourism. In China, mainly inbound tourism is developing. Only 0.5% of Chinese citizens go abroad every year.

    In Japan at the turn of the 1980-1990s. the state policy regarding tourism was revised and a course was taken for accelerated development inbound tourism In terms of total tourism spending (US$ 37,977 million was spent in 1997), Japan by the end of the 1990s. second only to the United States and Germany.

    Africa attracts tourists primarily with its national parks. The largest African national parks are the Kenyan - Tsavo ( Tsavo) and Tanzanian - Serengeti ( Serengeti). The largest are the parks of Zaire: Salonga ( Salonga), Zambia - Kafu ( Kafue) and others. There are national parks in Zimbabwe, Uganda, the Central African Republic, Mali and Botswana. The governments of African countries are spending significant funds on the creation of national parks and reserves, which are a kind of museums of wildlife. As a rule, no more than a third of the territories of the parks are open to visitors, while the rest are closed in order to preserve the pristine nature. Tourists can observe the life of animals such as elephants, rhinos, hippos, lions, etc. from specially equipped sites in their natural environment.

    Safaris are becoming more and more popular. By purchasing a license, you can take part in hunting in specially designated areas.

    There is a huge flow of tourists from all over the world heading to Egypt to get in touch with the monuments of the most ancient civilization on our planet. In Africa as a whole, the growth rate for 1999 was 9%.

    The Middle East attracts tourists, primarily as the largest pilgrimage center in the world, being the birthplace of two world religions - Christianity and Islam, despite the political instability caused by the Arab-Israeli conflict. This was clearly manifested just in 1999, when this region of the world experienced the most high percent growth of tourist visits - 17.5%, associated with the celebration of the 2000th anniversary of the birth of Christ.

    When assessing the tourism potential, in addition to economic, it is important to take into account geographic, climatic and demographic factors. This is important when planning regional and sub-regional tourism. Moreover, inter-regional competition has become more and more tough in recent years.

    Represent a period high technology tourism industry, the development of large transport corporations, hotel chains and catering in countries with a favorable environment for tourism development 1990s. The last factor should include a stable internal and foreign policy, sustainable economic potential, sufficient level of culture and social support citizens. A significant positive impact on the growth of international tourist exchanges was the development of transport, increasing its comfort at affordable prices, and in addition, the development of communication and information.

    At the end of the XX century. tourism has become globally international. The process of its increasing internationalization is influenced by such interdependent factors as the further expansion of its geography, on the one hand, and the need to invest in the tourism business in international market for its profitability, on the other. The cruise business is an illustration of this. The geography of cruise tours is constantly expanding, it should be noted that cruise tours are developed in the waters of all oceans, a number of large seas, not to mention round-the-world cruises - these are the maximum travels, or vacations of a lifetime, for those who have the appropriate income and time. (The price of a three-month cruise ranges from 25,000 to 125,000 US dollars.) To stay in this type of business, the company must be international, have a material base in many regions. Major cruise tour operators R&O And Royal Caribbean are such companies, the latter even owns an island in the Caribbean that is used for cruise stops.

    The transition of mankind according to the Gregorian calendar in the III millennium 1 served as a powerful impetus to the intensification of tourism. And although the new millennium came in 2001, the most powerful celebrations of its celebration were held in 2000. Therefore, many had a “traveler's syndrome”. People sought to visit many centers where all kinds of events related to the advent of the new century were held. The number 2000 was fascinating.

    The greatest revival in the tourist business was observed in late 1999 - early 2000, when Christians celebrated Christmas. At that time, a visit to the Holy Land acquired a special meaning. All the top officials of the Christian denominations gathered during the Christmas week in Israel, visiting Nazareth, Bethlehem, Jerusalem and other memorable places where the most revered Christian shrines are located.

    A large number of representatives of Christian denominations arrived with pilgrimage purposes. On January 7, 2000, 2 a joint service was held by all the higher hierarchs of the Orthodox Churches. The organization of anniversary celebrations was accompanied by a large number of various kinds of entertainment events that attracted a huge number of tourists. Suffice it to say that many heads of state and heads of government visited Israel at that time. Among these tourists was the Yeltsin couple.

    For Catholics, the Christmas holiday occupies a central place among the most important church holidays 3 . Since the celebration events were planned for a long time: it was expected that at least 30 million pilgrims and tourists would visit Rome, and accordingly the Vatican, huge money was allocated to prepare for this event. total amount amounted to more than 30 billion dollars. Of course, the lion's share of these funds went to the restoration and preparation of religious sites for the festival. But at the same time, considerable sums were spent on improving the infrastructure not only in Rome and the Vatican, but in Italy as a whole, on improving the hotel business and catering facilities. As a result, Rome has become an even more attractive tourist destination.

    The celebration of the turn of the millennium attracted not only Christians, but the majority of the world's population. All more or less spectacular events, ranging from major sports and variety to carnivals and processions, bore the imprint of this date. Even in purely scientific institutions, such as the Greenwich Observatory, located near London, pre-holiday excitement reigned. After all, it is here that the so-called zero meridian passes, i.e. it is from here that the calculation of the first moments of the new century and millennium begins.

    To attract tourists, a huge scoreboard with a clock was installed in the large hall of the observatory, counting down the time down to fractions of a second. It became a favorite tourist attraction: everyone could find out exactly how many days, hours, minutes and seconds were left in the passing millennium (century, year). And the live broadcast of the film companies of the moment when the clock showed 0 h, 0 min and 0 s brought colossal sums to the observatory.

    In Paris, a similar huge scoreboard (weighing 50 tons) was also installed on the Eiffel Tower, which was illuminated by 1000 spotlights at night. The French government has announced an extensive program of celebrations dedicated to this round date. Parades, all kinds of concerts and festivals, anniversary meetings, lotteries and exhibitions were timed to coincide with it.

    World Exhibition opens in Hannover, Germany EXPO-2000. At least 20 million guests arrived at it.

    But at this stage, all types of tourism are developing in the world. So, for example, the Moominworld park in Finland, located 30 km from Turku and 180 km from Helsinki, can be attributed to children's tourism. This park, or, as it is also called, the Moomin Valley, is located on an island that can be reached by boat. It was created on the basis of the ancient buildings of the monastery of the XV century. The creation of this grandiose children's attraction is based on the fairy tales of the writer Tove Jansson "The Adventures of the Moomins", translated into dozens of languages ​​of the world, including Russian.

    The park has a fairy forest and a sea dragon, a labyrinth and houses of the heroes of fairy tales - Moomins and Hemules. There are costumed performances for children. A pirate castle was built on a nearby island. Every year this attraction, which has been operating since 1993 in May-September, is visited by about 250,000 tourists, more than 30% from abroad.

    The first children's theme park - Disneyland - was built in 1954 in Anaheim (California, USA) as a huge toy city with a lot of rides and entertainment shows. By 1971, about 100 million people had visited Disneyland. 26 hotels were built to accommodate tourists in California. Based on this tremendous success, another Disneyland was built in Orlando (Florida). In 1983, a similar children's park was also opened in Tokyo, and in 1992, EuroDisney was built near Paris.

    In Russia, there are no Disneylands, as in the USA and Japan, EuroDisney, as in France, Port Aventura, as in Spain, and in general, children's entertainment tourism has received insufficient attention.

    To "curious", or unusual, tourism can be attributed, for example, travel in order to achieve records. There are many of them in the Guinness Book of Records. So, J. Rosdile set as his goal to visit the largest number of countries and stamp the border checkpoints of all countries of the world. He crossed the borders of 215 states and traveled 2,627,766 km. Treasure hunting also belongs to this type of tourism.

    You can find other manifestations of "unusual" tourism. For ten years now, in the Swedish town of Jukkasjärvi, a hotel with 37 rooms has been built from snow and ice every winter. The material allows her to stand for no more than five months. During the season, at least 6,000 guests spend the night in this hotel, which is very popular, and ten times more come to see the rooms and spend several hours in them, or even get married or even baptized in the ice chapel available at the hotel.

    The palace is extremely beautiful. Cylindrical columns supporting the ceiling are either completely transparent, or made of blue-greenish ice with a mass of bubbles inside. There are ice figures in the niches. Ice blocks with thin carvings are inserted into the windows, scattering light. In the bar you can drink drinks from ice glasses, stools are also made of ice and covered with deer skins. Each room, which is unique in its interior decoration, also has reindeer skins on the beds, and those who stay overnight sleep in sleeping bags. The temperature in all rooms is around -6°C. Near the hotel there is an ice stadium where meetings of hockey teams and performances of ballet on ice are held. This Swedish tourist attraction is located at the latitude of our Monchegorsk, 200 km north of the Arctic Circle.

    Recall that the first Ice House in history was built in Russia during the time of Anna Ioannovna (1730-1740) for the amusing wedding of her jester.

    A visit to Antarctica, and in recent years it has been visited annually by 10-15 thousand people, can hardly be attributed to an "ordinary" tour. This is not a cheap pleasure. Each tour to the sixth continent costs between 9,000 and 16,000 US dollars. But these trips are becoming so popular that Australia is currently considering turning its three research bases in Antarctica into tourist destinations. Russia, UK and New Zealand have already opened their bases there for tourists arriving by sea.

    But, perhaps, so far the most unusual tour of our days has been a space trip made by an American citizen who got into low Earth orbit precisely as a tourist. The space journey, which lasted a week, began on April 28, 2001. Dennis Tito, a 60-year-old American citizen, having paid $20 million 4 for the opportunity to get into near-Earth orbit, was enlisted as a “systems operator” on the Soyuz TM-32 spacecraft. In a pre-launch interview, he said he believes his “flight will only strengthen Russian-American relations. I can help communication between our countries. And first of all in the organization of commercial flights into space for individuals.

    It is symbolic that the first launch in the new century and millennium from the Baikonur Cosmodrome took place with a tourist on board. After the flight, the first space traveler enthusiastically declared: "The happiest days of my life have passed in space."

    Currently, states in their activities in the field of tourism are guided by the following main international agreements on tourism: Manila (1980) and The Hague (1989), as well as the recommendations of the Osaka Ministerial Conference on Tourism (1994). Of course, accepted regional laws And regulations. The most important of them include the Schengen agreements on a single visa area, documents on contracts for tourist services, adopted and signed in 1995.

    But integration processes affect not only Europe. For example, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC) created in the early 1990s. working group for tourism.

    In October 1999, the WTO General Assembly approved the "Global Code of Ethics for Tourism", which made recommendations to "encourage an introduction to all educational programs special course on the value of tourism exchange, its economic, social and cultural benefits, as well as the potential risks associated with tourism and travel”.

    The Code is advisory in nature. It consists of 10 articles relating to various aspects of tourism activities, and is intended not only for tourism business professionals, but also for state structures, the media and, of course, the tourists themselves.

    Created on the basis of the previously existing (since 1985) code of ethics, it also included a number of provisions from other previously published international tourism documents and declarations. The Code specifically emphasizes the prohibition of sexual exploitation of children and minors.

    This document noted that the priority tasks of tourism development are that it should contribute to the economic, social and cultural prosperity of the local population.

    But at the same time, the development of the tourism industry should not adversely affect the state of environment and not lead to standardization and leveling of crops.

    Even in the Manila Declaration (1980) it was drawn Special attention not only on the political and social, but cultural and educational role of tourism, which included all the movements of people, regardless of motivation. At a conference in Acapulco a year later, two varieties of culture were already indicated: cultural anthropology, i.e. everything that was created by man in addition to nature, and the “culture of cultures”, i.e. moral, spiritual, intellectual and artistic aspects of human life.

    And if the WTO advocates the unification of tourism activities, then this in no way can be considered as a "standardization of cultures." While adopting recommendations on the issue of cultural tourism, the WTO has always paid and continues to pay special attention to the UNESCO conventions and recommendations on the protection of cultural heritage.

    In Russia, the legal basis for tourism is Civil Code Russian Federation. It regulates the system of tourism business, law enforcement and contractual relations in the field of tourism, as well as ensures and protects the economic and personal rights of citizens.

    In 1996, the Law of the Russian Federation "On the basics of tourism activities in the Russian Federation" was adopted. This law defines the principles public policy aimed at establishing legal framework single tourist market in the Russian Federation, and regulates relations arising from the exercise of the rights of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreigners and stateless persons to rest, freedom of movement and other rights when traveling. In addition, this Law determines the procedure for the rational use of tourism resources in Russia.

    The Law lists and discloses the basic concepts related to tourism activities. The main principles and goals of Russian tourism are indicated, which include:

    - “Ensuring the right of citizens to rest, freedom of movement and other rights when traveling;
    - environmental protection;
    - creation of conditions for activities aimed at the upbringing, education and improvement of tourists;
    - the development of the tourism industry, which provides for the needs of citizens when traveling, the creation of new jobs, an increase in the income of the state and citizens of the Russian Federation, the development of international contacts, the preservation of tourist display objects, the rational use of natural and cultural heritage.

    Wherein priority areas state regulation tourism activities are “support and development of domestic, inbound, social and amateur tourism”.

    The Law sets out the rights and obligations of a tourist. In Art. 6, which lists the rights of a tourist, it is emphasized that “a tourist has the right to the necessary and reliable information about the rules for entering the country (place) of temporary stay and staying there, about the customs of the local population, about religious rites, shrines, monuments of nature, history, culture and other objects of tourist display, which are under special protection, the state of the natural environment. For its part, the tourist is obliged to "observe the legislation of the country (place) of temporary residence, respect its social structure, customs, traditions, religious beliefs." The Law highlights the features of the formation, movement and sale of a tourist product, draws attention to the associations of tour operators and travel agents.

    The Law states that the state recognizes tourism as one of the priority sectors of the Russian economy. This document names the foundations of international cooperation in the field of tourism, which not only do not contradict, but are based on and supplement the fundamental Treaties adopted by major international forums.

    The State Duma considered a number of other important draft laws regulating tourism activities - on social tourism, on timeshare and others. A number of federal laws contain regulations governing special issues of tourism activities, such as taxation or consumer rights. The regulatory framework has been significantly expanded by various Regulations and Rules - on certification of tourist services, on licensing of tourist activities; acts regulating accounting, tourism insurance, etc.

    For the purposes of international tourism, they are accepted as federal laws, and normative acts that define tourist formalities when crossing the border, fiscal and sanitary norms and rules.

    Moscow is not only the capital of the Russian Federation, it rightfully ranks first among the tourist centers of our state. In October 1993, the Decree of the Government of Moscow "On measures to develop tourism in Moscow" was issued. The conceptual program for the development of tourism was named "priority for the socio-economic development of Moscow", which once again confirms the importance of the tourism industry for the economy.

    In the Concept for the development of international tourism in Moscow until 2005, adopted as Apps #1 to the above Decree of the Government of Moscow, attention is drawn to the high stable rates in terms of the number of tourist arrivals, averaging 5.1% per annum, which also gave a 14% increase in foreign exchange earnings.

    The importance of tourism as a source of foreign exchange earnings, providing employment for the population, expanding interpersonal contacts is constantly increasing. In 1991, according to estimates, the country's total income from international tourism amounted to about 7% of total world exports and 30% of world exports of services. According to WTO experts, tourism was expected to become the world's leading export industry by the year 2000. By 2005, if the average growth rates established over the past twenty years continue, the number of international tourists will reach 900 million people. The main factors influencing the development of travel demand will be: scientific and technical progress, improving the quality of life and increasing the length of free time.

    In the USSR, inbound tourism in the period from 1970 to 1991. in terms of the number of arrivals, it developed at a higher rate than in the whole world. Its average annual growth rate was 5.8%. For 20 years the number of foreign tourists in the USSR has more than tripled. But at the same time, the rate of foreign exchange earnings was lower than the global one - 13.6% per year.

    An analysis of foreign tourism for the above period shows that for 1985-1989. the total volume of tourism increased by the same amount as for the entire period from 1970 to 1985. At the same time, the peak occurred in 1989, when the number of foreign tourists arriving amounted to 7.8 million people. But then a recession sets in due to instability, both economic and political, as well as social tensions. Foreign tourists who visited the USSR in 1991 can be divided into a number of categories based on the purpose of the trip.

    At the same time, the share of business tourists tends to increase, and organized (through travel agencies) - to reduce.

    Moscow, being the main transport hub of Russia, is also the main business, financial, cultural and transit center of the Russian Federation. It receives about 80% of all tourists in Russia. With 4.8 million foreign tourists in 1991, the city received an income of about 1.1 billion US dollars.

    But, as noted in the Concept, there were a number of factors hindering the development of tourism in Moscow:

    Underdeveloped tourism infrastructure (lack of restaurants, cafes, variety shows, casinos, etc., bad roads, etc.);
    - Insufficient number of hotel beds and discrepancy between their structure of demand;
    - the absence in recent years of a comprehensive advertising and information program to create the image of Moscow in the world as a tourist center, which, as a rule, is financed by the city or country;
    - an undeveloped system of tourism management in the country as a whole and in the city;
    - lack of legislation on tourism;
    - absence integrated program development of tourism in the city.

    As for outbound tourism, after the abolition in 1988 of state budgetary financing of tourism in the USSR, there was a sharp, almost two-fold increase in trips abroad. Then the rates became more stable and moderate, not exceeding 20% ​​per year. According to the State Statistics Committee, outbound tourism was characterized by:

    The expenses of Soviet citizens in 1991 reached 2.1 billion US dollars. But the following factors negatively affected the development of outbound tourism:

    Lack of necessary currency and legal conditions;
    - absence legal regulation between the client and the travel agency;
    - imperfection of licensing activities in the field of tourism;
    - not an established system of tourism management.

    Thus, to the features and problems of development modern tourism the following should be attributed to Russia and Moscow:

    The beginning of the transition to new market relations, which have not yet fully developed, while the old planned management has been liquidated, and its legal and organizational structures have ceased to function. Under these conditions, there is no doubt that the need state control development of tourism activities, coordination of tourism activities, creation of favorable conditions for its further development;
    - no system general information and tourism statistics;
    - unfavorable situation for new investment in hotel construction (due to uncertain ownership relationships, lack of state guarantees for foreign investment and etc.);
    - the deterioration of public safety, which can ruin the tourist reputation of the country, whose restoration will require a lot of effort and time.

    But with all the unfavorable conditions that existed in Russia in the early 90s, the following trends in the development of inbound tourism to Russia and Moscow were traced.

    Firstly, this is a large potential demand for trips to the Russian Federation, and, consequently, to Moscow as the capital. And since tourism is of decisive importance in shaping the image of the country, in those conditions it was necessary more than ever to maintain interest in the country and strive to create a favorable image of Russia and Moscow.

    Secondly, it was obvious that individual, business, congress and specialized tourism is growing at a faster pace, so it was necessary to pay maximum attention to these categories of tourists.

    Third, it was necessary to take into account changes in the age component of tourists. In conditions of political and economic instability, the safety factor during travel is decisive for older tourists. Therefore, for a certain period of time, mainly middle-aged people and young people will prevail among tourists.

    Fourth, your further development will receive a process of polarization of demand. On the one hand, the demand for expensive tours will grow, and on the other hand, cheap tours will become more and more popular.

    Fifth, tougher competition at all levels of the tourism business will have to follow the path of a radical improvement in the quality of services provided and the use of a flexible pricing mechanism.

    The Russian Federation is part of a single world tourism space. Therefore, the processes taking place in the world tourist market found an adequate embodiment in our state. In Russia, as elsewhere, great attention was paid to the anniversary celebrations dedicated to the 2000th anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ. Pilgrimage tourism has greatly intensified. The Moscow government even considered it possible to issue loans to pilgrims for the opportunity to visit the Holy Land, with their further repayment within three years. Agreements were reached with leading transport companies to provide significant discounts to pilgrims during their trips to holy places. An agreement was reached on the coordination of pilgrimage tourism both on the part of the church and on the part of government organizations and services.

    In Russia, the concept of developing religious tourism in the Yaroslavl region, in particular in the city of Uglich, arose.

    Despite the economic instability in the Russian Federation, resort tourism also finds its further development. In 1995, the Law of the Russian Federation "On natural healing resources, health-improving areas and resorts" was adopted. The National Resort Association (NCA), created in our country, now unites over 1,500 resort organizations. Among them: the health resorts of the Medical Center of the UD of the President of the Russian Federation, Profkurort, Agrokurort, Roskurort, Moskurort, Association of Resorts of the North-West, Sochi Resort Association, Tatarstankurort, etc.

    What are the forecasts for the development of tourism in Moscow until 2005?

    In 1991 average income from one foreign citizen with a 7-day tour amounted to 430 US dollars. Therefore, it was predicted that by 2005 the income from foreign tourism in the Russian Federation as a whole would amount to 4250 million US dollars, and in Moscow - 2385 million US dollars in 1991 prices.

    As for trips of Russian citizens abroad, by 2005 their number should increase to 15.9 million, which will be 10% of the population of the Russian Federation predicted by the USSR Goskomstat (in the United States in 1991, the number of citizens who went abroad amounted to 16% of the total). of the population, while in the CIS the same indicator was only 3.8%). But the number of foreign trips of Muscovites should be 2.5 million by 2005, or about 25% of the population of the capital (the number of foreign trips of residents of European capitals: Paris, London, Brussels, Copenhagen and others is from 40 to 60% of the inhabitants).

    But in order to achieve such indicators, a special strategy for the development of tourism in Moscow was developed, according to which the predicted flow of tourists needed to be provided with sufficient material, technical and labor resources: a hotel base, catering establishments, vehicles, leisure and entertainment enterprises, sports facilities, trade enterprises, exhibition areas and facilities for conferences, congresses, symposiums, high quality food products. In addition, a highly developed urban infrastructure is needed, public utilities, airports, roads, parks, museums, buildings, theaters, etc.

    Of no small importance for the reception of foreign tourists is the training of personnel at a level corresponding to city standards, the organization of advertising and propaganda of the city as a tourist center, ensuring the reliable safety of tourists and legal regulation in the field of tourism, as well as the development of medium and small tourist and hotel enterprises.

    According to preliminary forecasts, the following types of tourism should receive the greatest development before 2005:

    Business, including congress and intensive tourism;
    - cultural and cognitive;
    - by interests (visiting theaters, museums, art festivals, sporting events);
    - religious.

    At the same time, congress tourism was named one of the most promising and highly profitable segments of the market. About 20% of business people in the world travel to participate in various congresses and conferences. In Moscow, for these purposes, it is necessary to build at least one congress center. For example, there are about a dozen convention centers in Singapore and Barcelona, ​​five in London, and so on.

    Based on the concept of development, it was supposed to reorganize tourism management, create a system government agencies various levels. International experience has shown the need to create a so-called tourism fund both within the city and across the country. The fund should be formed from taxes levied on enterprises engaged in tourism, as well as tax on accommodation and use for the development of the tourism industry. It is at the expense of the fund that the propaganda of the city and the creation of its image, the protection and protection of the environment and cultural and historical monuments should be financed; development of plans, projects and programs, organization of various competitions; training.

    So, the concept of tourism development provided for the development, reorganization and improvement of the main directions in this area. How is the implementation of its strategic directions going?

    Departure statistics in the 1990s is given in table. 4.5.
